Bonfire of the Goddesses
Jo so Happpyyyyyyy all done. I think I am too. Discharged from brain surgeon, so just seeing Mo every 6 months. PCP as needed which is allot less since I quit Aromasin.
Joan and VR, The Coumo Letter thing and criticism of the power companies. Was not directed at all the power companies. Say there are 10 power companies in the State of NewYork. 4 of 10 got the letter. Exact numbers and named companies are in the Sandy update re: COUMO and Power companies. The update identifies exactly who got the letter and who didn't.
At first I thought it was nasty too, but if only 4 of 10 got the letter and the threat of an investigation. Made me think that perhaps Coumo had some inside information that the ones that received the letter may have not been as prepared as they should have been. The investigation may show that they did have adequate planning, but the disaster overwhelmed their plan. But it may, also, show they weren't well prepared. If they weren't well prepared, then it's good to find it out. It's the management that should be responsible for planning. No one is blaming the line workers--they are great!.
I used to do disaster planning and it was amazing the things my hospital would not want to do when I made recommendations based on the best research at the time. It all depends at whose at the top approving decisions. Sad thing is, if someones plan is found wanting, I hope the disaster planner kept good records if they had recommended changes and the upper bosses denied them. The upper bosses will displace the blame to the disaster planner and say they were never advised to make the changes.
Crips, I had a national reputation and the last hospital refused to let me sit on the committee, go figuire. But I also, had a reputation for making sure things got changed, which can piss people off when it goes against the status quo.
VR so sorry about all the damage. Remember when I said, the walk around the house after the storm was humbling. On the one hand your happy that that's all there is, on the other hand it's frightening that that's all there was. AND when there is nothing, but your alive versus nothing and the people are missing. Whew the emotions are all over the place.
You did say allot of the things I edited out of one of my post storms posts. At the time of editing , it was still to close to the disaster, emotions were to raw to hear those words.
What will happen now are changes that will exceed the response that occured after ANDREW. Miamii-Dade county changed their codes to the strongest anywhere. They have updated them thereafter. In Florida, nothing has been the same since Andrew in 1992. Floyd gave everyone a kick in the pants. Then the four storms in 2004 changed the wardrobe so to speak.(trying not to mix metaphors).
It will take 1-2 years to rebuild. Nothing will be as it was before from Government down to the individual.
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Every time I go on fb all I see is Staten Island...yes they got hit hard but what about ten rest od us..NJ got hit just as hard along with LI,Brooklyn and queens.Most of Brooklyn especially near the water is gone...Queens and LI had massive damage..there are still 150thousand people without power....
Me I'm in pa just devastated...they were takin people out of my body bags...
I'm grateful that I'm alive unharmed.
I pray for the people that are not.
dear GOS what's happening here??
Kinda makes me wonder if 12/12/12 will be the end of the world.
Scary0 -
Granny - Did I read that right? People taken out of your apartment bldg in body bags? Did the poor things freeze to death? That is so very wrong. I don't think the utility company is working fast enough to get the damn heat back on. So glad you are in PA safe, sound and warm.
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Yes JO they were takin them out they told me.
Gonna call tomorrow cause I gotta go home for a few days to just checkon things and I'm comin right back to pa....0 -
Granny - That is so wrong. Isn't there a building manager or someone who cares enough to check on the residents? I can't believe it. So glad you are not there right now.
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Jo...there are too many heartbreaking stories... Lots of people simply chose not to leave... And some that did leave... Insisted on returning to uninhabitable homes... And when the SECOND storm hit, people still refused to leave because they feared looting. The NY Times wrote about a few people that lost their lives. I can only imagine how fearful it must have been for them during the last hour of their lives. I panicked when the storm drain in front of my home spewed a stream down my block, as the street behind mine became a river! Despite my attic fan blowing out of my roof and tree damage, I am fortunate. I met a woman in the market the day after Sandy and she hadn't been in contact with her husband since he evacuated her and their children while he went back for their dog!
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I posted this on the Catholic thread, added them by name to the novena
To all, mmm5 asked me about Glenda Moore on the intentions for the novena to Our Lady. Many have died and we have a general intention for all. The story of Glenda Moore hit me so deeply, I had to include her and her sons individually. So many here are Moms, I can't believe what Glenda is going throug. Here is her story.
Monday night as Sandy moved in on the coast. The storm surge preceded Sandy. Glenda Moore was home alone on Staten Island, with her babies Brandon 2 and Connor 4. Around 6pm, she decided to head for higher ground. She packed her babies in their car seats. She drove until the flood waters stopped her car. She took the babies from their carseats. Put one under each arm and tried to walk. A wave came that was so strong, that her babies were ripped from her arms. She never saw them again.
She went to one house, The people answered the door. She asked for help. The response was "We don't know you". They then shut the door in her face. Glenda then went to a second house. They didn't answer the door, just turned out the lights.
Glenda spent 12 hours outside that night. At 6 am, she was able to flag down a police car. A search ensued, both babies bodies were recovered.
The pain that Glenda must be feeling is, to me, beyond comprehension. Then add to that the inhumanity of the people, she sought help from is, also, beyond comprehesion.
I've added them specifically by name to the novena. How Glenda's heart and mind will heal? The babies taken so soon?
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Reminder Announcement for novena to OUR LADY of the MIRACULOUS MEDAL. Start Date: Wed NOV 14th-end date- Thurs. Nov 22nd which is Thanksgiving.
The novena is constructed already on the Catholic Archives page link below. As in the past all are welcome. All that were in the last novena to St perigrine will be moved forward. If you don't want to included in this novena ,please, PM me and I will remove your name.
The novena will also be added to the world wide Rosary thread.
The novena will only be on the archives thread, as it was too confusing updating both threads as people requested additions. Everyone will be notified by PM. If you know of someone that would like to be included , have them PM their intention
New info:A specific intention has been added for those hurt by Sandy. But if you would like to name someone in particular ,please PM.
New request: If anyone lives near the shrine in Philly,Penn. and would be willing to take the list that would be a blessing. PM
Link to archives thread
Link to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
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VR, I didn't realize you had to deal with such sorry to hear - must have been frightening for you. And the losses you described are heartbreaking. I am glad you understand why I don't feel that this is the time for negativity and accusations. Our power companies are privately run, and perhaps the governor could have asked instead "what is it that you need that would help speed this up?" or "how can we work together to improve communications during power outages?" or "what can we do as a municipality to modernize and upgrade our equipment?" or most important, "how can we efficiently coordinate family services such as food and warm housing?" Now LIPA is being sued for monetary losses by people who cannot run their businesses. And who knows what else....I heard the head of the company stepped down. Hey, it was a natural disaster predicted for many years. Second, why do we rely completely on the government? People have to figure things out for themselves sometimes. There are true hardships, and many community members who banded together to solve big problems. I just do not understand why some people think they are entitled to compensation when everybody is dealing with loss and inconvenience.
Sas, I totally agree that there was a lack of preparedness -- not sure how one prepares for this stuff -- but even the mayor of NYC failed to demand evacuations. People going on past experiences thought they could tough out the storm. I studied weather forecasting at Penn State including a course on hurricanes. The warnings were clear, and the forecasts correct. This was only a Cat 1 and downgraded before it came ashore. But it combined with other weather forces not to be ignored. And look what it did. The stories are heartbreaking.
OK - last thing...My house was not damaged; I lost power for a few days; it wasn't cold; I had a gas stove, kerosene heater, and running water, and was totally prepared with non-perishable food and water etc. etc. I had only inconvenience and no sense of fear. It was many days before I saw for myself what had happened. Maybe that is why my thinking may be biased toward moderation. Those who are still in the dark and cold tonight may just not know how they can go on.
End of rant...time for a little sleep to see if I can shake this new cold or whatever.Be safe and be grateful.
Joan0 -
Joan, dear, that was the most gentle rant , I have ever heard. LOL As far as the power companies, I'm guessing Cuomo has inside information. The ones his anger was directed at is probably justified. Cuomo is a seasoned politician.Hhe would only take this serious step of admonition of the companies in question, if he wasn't getting reports of screw ups.
All the items you mentioned should have been planned before the event. Irene was the warning. I can tell you those that take disaster planning serious are light years away from the standard in charge person. The mayor of NY is in the standard group which believes it won't happen. No other adjectives or adverbs. Then when the event is over the use the excuse "I never knew it could be that bad". Then they displce the blame. Hells Bells, I shoulda been mayor , I said evacuate on the 26th. That there would be flooding , loss of electricity, and shortage of supplies, and loss of communications. Sounds like I know allot. May be, but maybe it's paying attention(well learning). Those are the major problems of all coastal hurricanes and many disasters. Now the incharge people will be scrutinized for how they change the system>> preplan activity commonly known as mitigation, plan activation, plan alteration problem solving during event, plan recovery.
Evacuation orders will be looked at differently in the future. My heart bleeds for the Mom that lost her two babies. But why did she wait, when the saftey of her two chidren were in the balance. That question will hurt her everyday for the rest of her life. Had she left on Sunday?
Joan interesting you had a course at school, perhaps it ought to be part of the mandatory core curriculum of schools. At each level from grade school to graduate school. At each level expanded to appropriate level of teaching. BTW so glad you fared well
. Joan all of what you said I adressed above. Then during a disaster falls under what was planned and then problem solving the qlitches unforseen. With the massiveness of this storm interstate/intrastate cooperation will come to an all time high --if the incharge people allow it.
Chilling that Granny's apt. mates being taken out in body bags. Sure hope my words convinced you to evacuate Granny. If it wasn't my words Granny, what caused you to decide to flee and do it in time that you didn't get trapped trying to get out? The answer to that question is important b/c you made a different decision than your building mates. Your thinking could influence others in the future.
The cooperation of power companies across the USA as been a mammoth undertaking. Florida power teams left the state Saturday before the storm, First team just returned, and a second team is on the way. As far away as California, states are doing the same. bless them. What these people have planned for is responder fatigue, You rotate your people in and out too rest---prevents errors b/c of fatigue.
It's likely happening with EMS/fire/police personnel and no media has noticed or figured it wasn't media worthy. Possibly hospitals, but hospitals are wan't to be as prepared and make the ricporcal contracts for a myriad of things and recognition of credentials of responding personnell from outside their facilities.. There are non functioning hospitals---why. They didn't plan. Simple as that. They thought they did, but perhaps now they will get a real plan.
Heavy construction folks and clean up grews never get the kudos they deserve. They toil endlessly and are criticised to move faster--but safety first.
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Joan... The larger question that needs answering and truly requires a visionary leader is HOW DO WE FINANCE AND IMPROVE THE INFRASTRUCTURE OF THE TRI-STATE?
One of the reasons why Shorham never received it's license was due to a lack of a proper evacuation route. Recall one of master builder Robert Moses last project's that was left on the drawing board was for a bridge that connected Long Island with Connecticut. Furthermore, have you ever followed an evacuation route? Our major streets become flooded in an April shower. And, regarding Shorham, we need to have an enlightened discussion about the word "nuclear." Okay, I am biased. The DH is an electrical engineer and our younger son is an aerospace AND nuclear engineer. If someone is interested in the word "nuclear," then a great place to learn about it is found on M.I.T.'s Physics Department's website. I wish our so called leaders would begin educating the public about all things nuclear. Thankfully we STILL have people like my son who find working in nuclear a noble thing to do. We would not have NUCLEAR medical research if not for the handful of young people, like my son, who are ignoring the critics and choosing to devote their lives to this important field of engineering.
So Joan....Looking at the Tappan Zee Bridge replacement debacle.... I will measure Governor Cuomo's leadership. If a new bridge is begun during his administration, then maybe I might feel a little better about this area's future. However, since there's never been another person to fill Robert Moses shoes, I don't have much confidence that these unresolved issues will ever be resolved in my lifetime. Sadly, more lives are being put at risk and our economic well being is being jeopardized as our so called leaders posture...0 -
I did not believe my DD who lives in fla.i along with the rest of the people did not even think it would be half as bad as it niece who lives 4.5 miles away came to get me cause she did not want me to be alone.With me if it wasn't for a card game that We had there only God knows what would have happened.I laughed at my DD when she told me to evacuate.Itold her Togo watch tv and leave me alone.
we were really caught with our pants down.
Went from NJ cause eventually they did lose the power to Brooklyn where my son and a girlfriends live....and whenihad enuf of brooklyn disaster my GD brought me to pa...
And the power just cameon a few days ago inmy bldg.
Everything just fell into place ......
The word devastation is putting it mildly.
Andyes my DD lives infla where they know the real deal.
The luck of the draw!!!!!!!
150 thousand ppl are still with out power now.
Consider grannydukes blessed0 -
And the people inmy bldg.are quite family or family that don't give a shit.
Or just stubborn thinking cause we had a generator everything would be ok.
The generator only worked in the hallway and the community room.
Again thanks to my niece and her husband I wasn't alone.0 -
Granny, you have a great family. What a story. Are you going to remain in that building or move. OR is it too soon to tell?
Into the fire with Bladder stones and cystitis, I'm worn out running to the bathroom.
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Yes I do have wonderful family and friends.
Am I goin to Move???thats the million dollar question.
Didn't even go back yet.
I'm in pa with my GD and not doin any thinking right now.
Have this nasty cold and I gave it to everyone here.0 -
Granny get that cold checked to be safe. Starting to hear that lots of people are getting a bad one. Sounds like flu.
Bathroom break ERGHHHH The pains so bad I put a fentanyl patch on. That's my "it's crossed the line point" when I go for the fentanyl. Whew Stones into the fire again.
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Grannydikes its time to get your fanny to the doctor. I need you to get better. You fought this long enough on your own. Get on the phone and make the call now. Let's go!
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Gosh ladies! I usually swing by this thread for a laugh, but it sounds like its time to dole out virtual hugs!!
Grannydukes...I am grateful to your niece for being by your side. I hope things get back to normal soon for you.
Sas-schatzi...prayers for the pain. Ouch. Hoping its over soon.
Veggy....i know what you are going through with failed recon! I am on round 2 of tissue expanders, and am headed today to my PS since I just found a stupid little sore bumpy thing on the incision line. Hoping its just a stitch.
Into the fire with curveballs that life throws us!!!!0 -
Sassy, OMG, how can you deal with the discomfort and pain? I just got over UTI and realized I must have had it a long was soooo uncomfortble. got rid of the gall bladder in 2004. I don't know much about stones but I know they aren't good. Feel better...and yes, I followed all your posts about preparations and you were absolutely right. If only more had listened.
VR - Evacuation from L.I.? by boat, if there's gas....funny thing is L.I. is about 12 mi. from the CT nuclear plant. my DH had an office in the Shoreham plant - he would have been in charge of employee safety. we still have Lero hats from the evac drills. Now he works at BNL. Anyway, I took a recent course on radiation (before BC and rads) and learned about the new generation nuclear plants as well as very small community reactors. Glad your DS is contributing to the field.
When I drove to work Monday I passed trucks from Canada and Michigan and other states heading back toward NYC. Guess they'll be home for Tgiving...and rolling in overtime $$. But am grateful they came.
Things are pretty normal out my way...gas rules will end. Am still so tired from it all...slept 10+ hours last night.
Granny, where are you now?? So glad you have your family and they are very blessed to have you!
(((Veggy))) thinking of you every day.
So glad it's the week end....
Hugs - Joan0 -
Quiet here today....hope everybody's having a good week end.
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OK win....I was beta for one day and bam this morning I woke up sick again....8days is not fright and tomorrow my GD will take me to her dr....
Ill keepu all posted.
Grannydukes0 -
Joan thanks for the thoughts, It's easing up. There is some strange nerve involvement. I just said to some one tonight, working one another problem that I can give the nursing prospective and the patient prospective LOL. My PCP and I have about 75 years experience combined. We were looking at the nervous system chart, were able to find nerves that would allow transmission of pain to the arms. Weird wierd wheyhuey. Many moments using Lamaze breathing and control techniques. Actually used them with lots of patients for various reasons. Truly many applications.
Joan also looked at some of the old tapes I made when I was a disaster chairperson, There was stuff on them I'd forgotten. So, I learned stuff. The tapes were 25 and 27 years old. Age shock. But the "Tells" are still the same--Simon Baker in the mentalist(dreamy guy--love his eyes). Thanks for reviewing the stuff here That was nice
. Should likely pull everyone's stuff together and make a disaster thread that can be pulled up when needed. The Mods put together a nice page on what to do about taking a chemo treament protocol list with you and how to contact other centers to receive treatment if you can't get back to your chemo center. How many saw it though?
Vr or anyone else--Do ya'll need any particulars sent. Is mail getting through? You have three families in one household right?
Fire , we need fire, Burning Storms, and storm surge,loss of electricity. etc.
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Sheila... Hope you are feeling better! Life is slowly returning to normal. I am going away for the holidays. In addition to the DD being here with her beloved for several more weeks, my friend and her husband will be using my home while I am gone. Most of my friends and the DD's in-laws have new boilers up and running. Unfortunately my dear friend is not as fortunate. She needs way more work done in her home before it is habitable. Yesterday however, she did call to say she was excited! She got her Internet service running! Who needs mail when you have the Internet. Meanwhile, speaking of mail... she lost both her cars in the storm and there is a dearth of rental vehicles and vehicles to buy because so many people lost cars! She and her husband are sharing one car. On Friday she called me to ask if I would take her to the post office to buy stamps to pay bills and mail a package. Getting to her house is difficult now because one of the main streets to her house collapsed in the storm. I feel really bad for her because she needs to go back to the house many times a day, so I try to help her as much as I can. But stamps??!!! I told her a hundred times already that all of her bills should be set up automatically to be paid so she doesn't need stamps! Meanwhile, with all the rubble, you couldn't even find a mail box!
The things my friends and family need are qualified licensed electricians, plumbers, contractors....and patience. We have seen such suffering, but we have also seen so much hope. We will learn from this experience and become a stronger and better community! It will just take time...0 -
VR News we can all use. I'll start with the one I recognize the most, that i was most fearful that Greg would pass away and I wouldn't know. Online banking. Your friend isn't doing it b/c it intimidates her. If possible set it up for her With her. With her watching you do one biller, then have her do one. Stay right at her side giving input as much as possible. Then slowly let her do it without input. Once she can do several without a word from you she she has it as her own. Have her make a username and password card. Talk about who she might trust to do autodebit. I have Fpl,water, Homeowners and car. Now I can manipulate online banking with the best. But do remember one day crying in front of DS and greg, that they just didn't get it. The system terrified me. Now I'm a whiz.
Cars be careful, they might want to be getting rid of them b/c of flood damage. It is supposed to be declared, but to be sure have them have it inspected and a Carfax. Carfax may have not had time to catch up with all vehichles. To check you need make/model/year/ and VIN number. If it sounds to good ---it 's probably bad LOL
Electricians . plumbers, construction workers are coming and are there. Just not enough. How the government is interfacing on this I don't know. After Andrew , we would only hear if something went wrong i.e. price gouging. Roofing in 2004 was a problem b/c so many contractor roofs were failing on that one. 21% in our county. That's high, be careful.
The reciprocity of power company teams is the most well organized response and visible because the closer outside of disaster zone states are bringing there own vehichles. Whats different now is that there are so many states involved. The closer states that would have responded to you are having to fix there own states first. So, the initial outside responders from further out were spread pretty thin. Say you had 50 trucks from flroida spread that over 5 states. Those numbers don't look very high.
Bleach evrything that you can--mold is the enemy. The cold is a mixed blessing. It hurts the survivors, but keeps the mold/spore counts/ bug counts and vermin down. Random thought. I wonder how feral cat communities will be looked at in the future. Here in florida, they are a serious part of our created ecosystem of keeping the rat population down. There's whole stories about them, but I'll leave that be.
Back to bleach and washing, If you are going to a comtaminated area. Have an area preferably garage that you can strip standing over newspaper That is later rolled and bagged with disposable gloves. Clothes into washer Hot water double bleach, double wash double rinse---do the load twice. My dear SIL's parents place was devestated. She supervised the construction. Came home walked through there condo took her clothes of in the bedroom. Their condo assoc required a mettered assessment. There condo came up high. They had to get rid of everything . Even though nothing visible. They didn't tell me this until after the fact. After they said they couldn't figure out where it came from. When I said "you brought home everyday from your dads". Fireworks hit, until the inspector concurred. Wash garage floor with bleach and let it air dry. If you can get better info from a mold mitagation company or person designated by your disaster command. it would behoove you to do so.
Vr give us and idea what we can do? Is the red cross really supplying stuff? Are grocery shelves getting restocked? Water? sewage? What kind of presence is the army reserve having? What is the government supplying?
Blessings friends sheila
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Vr thanks on the stones. Each day is different and a bit better. If it was constantly like day one. Justifiably suicide would be okay LOL. In collecting when I was on the job , we called it gravel, really should be called shards of glass. NO laughs. But HOPE is on the horizon. sassy
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Sheila, wow, those tapes must be fun to watch. But it is true - things do not change much. I actually did catch the BCO advice about interrupted or displaced chemo patients. I never had thought of that...It must be quite stressful.
Granny, my recent upper respiratory thing lasted nearly 3 weeks. I was so sick of being pretty much better now.
Hugs & gnite all,
Joan0 -
Well I finally went to urgent care yesterday.....I have acute /chronic bronchitis along with slight antibiotics along with a breathing looks like ill be here and down for the count for a while..The good thing is after24 hrs I'm not contagious.just worried about the babies who went to the dr too...they don't have what I have...just a virus...
And the beat goes on....
Got up early to do the puffer so I can breakfast..I think it makes you hungry.maybe now ill gain a few
Ill be back!!!!!!!0 -
Happy Thanksgiving sistas
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Happy Thanksgiving to all, and rememberance of those who so recently suffered because of Sandy. May all those that survived feel the love of those around them. For those that have died, we remember them and pray for them to be at peace and that their families are strengthened to bear their sudden loss. Namaste sheila
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