Bonfire of the Goddesses



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,895
    edited May 2012

    Lynda-I think everyone's glad my glasses are back on, I was able to read some of the posts _OH MY. The only real blooper was when I wrote "rears instead of bears".  Actually, I totally agree on surgery altering my tinnutus. The music only occurred once and it "rebooted" the other side----I had a total of about 12 hours of blessed silence. Then it returned on the both>>then softer to absent on left>>> and much softer on right. Like a very calm summer night of crickets versus after a rain. If this musical ear/tinnitus can give me moments of silence --------i'll take it. But prefer better music. If you read the two links----it was a real learning scenario. I did finally think that the first sounds were like Glenn Miller drifting into Benny Goodman. I'm not as old as those bands, but watched the movies with Jimmy Stewart and Steve Allen. LOL's Granny and Ducky probably kicked up a few heals with them

    The WallStreet Journal coined a phrase for parents that manipulate things with school at any level, but it was applied first to parents that did it at the college level...."Helicopter parents"

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Posts: 3,696
    edited May 2012

    Sheila...Exactly how motivated do you think I am?????  Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Honestly, I am feeling a whole lot better.  I'm now back to taking my TWO walks a day. Three miles.  Today, though, I decided to increase my ibuprofen.  I'm taking 3 200 mg....twice a day.  That seems to keep the pain to a minimum.  I'm hoping that in a week or two, I can do my 3 mile a day walks WITHOUT any anti-inflammatories.  I really think I am feeling a lot better...because my bad foot ( that's the one that I didn't break) is feeling better.  I think that means that I'm not putting as much pressure and stress on it because the broken foot is healed enough.  I am doing stretching and massaging of my broken foot.  I'm also lubing it up.  Got an issue going on with my good elbow, the one that DIDN'T have surgery...I just love how life keeps throwing me these curve balls and I keep swinging.....Don't you love it???!!!

    You seem to be doing so well. What's your secret????!!!! Bless you!

    Ya know what's going into the fire today? STRIKE OUTS!!!!! We hit those curve balls out of the park!!!!! Ya know why???!!! Because WE are GODESSESS and WE BAT A THOUSAND! KEEP THOSE CURVE BALLS COMIN...........WE KNOW HOW TO HIT!!!!!!!!!!!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited May 2012

    Anyone hear from Sheila yet?

    VR- im good during the week in June.

    Joan-your story reminded me of my X see i was married to an idiot.My MIL knew it.He went to Catholic school.She knitted sweaters for the nuns to pass that worked but that was way back when.

    Why not a sleepover in NYC? im game but it has to be during the bus runs on a different crazy schedule on cool would that be!!!!

    Lauren----hope you can make it this time too!!!!

    huggggggggs everyon K

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,895
    edited May 2012

    Granny, I just referred to you in a post to special K. I think i will go get it and bring it here. I'd love to hear if you agree or disagree. Be back with edit

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited May 2012

    Ill be here waiting Sas.I hope you didnt tell her i come from brooklyn and they kill people there if you look at them

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,895
    edited May 2012

    Granny I checked three threads until I realized it was right here several posts ago----not with Special K but with Linda. Did you kick up your heals to Glenn Miller and Benny Goodman or were they before your time of kicking?

    Vr   the stretches are wonderful, as you well know you stress one part of the body there will be an opposite and equal reaction in another part of the body. Hmm seems that's one of Newton's Laws.  Every action has an opposite and equal reaction. Why are you alerady walking three miles a day on a newly healed fracture? Give it a bit of time to develop a really solid matrix? LOL's, you are Voracious in all that you do. You could cause stress in the good foot even though you don't think you are compensating. What's the elbow issue? The curves--yes--that's why I posted about the ear issue. Between the music and the article I found that led to the article about rebooting neurons with music. WOW, lowered noise>>blessing.

     What's my secret HMMM --Pretending

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,895
    edited May 2012

    Lordy, the tinnitus is down as soft as it could be.---------why no clue. Someone must be praying for me b/c there is no other change. To experience tinnutis turn on your car radio and change stations listen to the noise between stations. Find the most irritating noise and then , play with the volume up and down.  That's tinnitus.. To hear anything other than that static is a blessing , if it's tolerable. Sorry if my repeated missives regarding tinnitus are irritating. BUT this change is AMAZING since 1998----right at this moment all noise is gone again. Sure wish I new why.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,895
    edited May 2012

    VR----Journal of Hypertension August 2005-----article re: women who took Nsaids and Tylenol for prolonged periods of time became permanently hypertensive. Found the article in Feb 2006 when dx'd  with HTN. Drug of choice for sleeper was Tylenol for years. It was a meta-analysis study. They then did a similar meta-analysis study on men and found the same result . It was published in 2007 , forget what month..

    Ya'll have fun in New York City

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited May 2012

    Sas----- Glen Miller and Benny Goodman was before my time...My Mom used to listen to them on the radio.

    This dancin queen(past tense) was always into music that was not American(Spanish and Italian)

    Tito Puente and Celia Cruz were my heros.

    Im strollin down memory lane....thanks

    huggggggggs K

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,895
    edited May 2012

    Granny ---more tell us more and what songs we might recognise today?----course the only names I can remember were from the height of the Detroit period.-----duh can't come up with the producing company-----Bummer did all my dancing and loving to their music. Also went through many riots with them. I'm a Detroit City Gal. -----found it---Motown--------MY GUY, MY GUY...........

  • kingjr66
    kingjr66 Posts: 406
    edited May 2012

    Sas - getting back to you on my view of the tinnitus.  My tinnitus is from menieres and allergies. Allergies are the most common culprit of tinnitus and inner fluid build up.  I use Flonase for my allergies and this helps tremendously.  I have heard that people can develop this condition after having surgery.  Two theories, one, it comes from spinal anesthesia (injections to spine of local anaesthetic, or from the position of your neck to receive anesthesia.  The neck is flexed in a position impeding on the nerve pulses from the back of the neck and head through the connections to the brain-stem and cochlea which is in the ear.  Question, do you have TMJ?  The inner ear has 2 important muscles. These muscles share the same nerve when the jaw closing muscle is clenched, like grinding your teeth.  Ironically, I have TMJ too, but do not believe my ringing comes from that.  Though, I do have nerve tingling in my cheek and chin.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,895
    edited May 2012

    Kingj---I have severe TMJ caused by removal of 4 impacted wisdom teeth at 19 y/o. No one told me it would hurt---duh. I didn't move my jaw for a week --it froze. The stories of recovery are irrelavant to what you have identified. I woke up from brain surgery with a craving for chocolate---went to put a piece in my mouth---clunk---couldn't get mouth open------finally slid it around to the back.  Severe TMJ spasm after surgery---had great difficulty explaining that the only drug to break the spasm was Valium.   BUT------Several of the crainal nerves exit the spine and essentially coil at the back of the neck. I'd have to go to an anatomy book to see if the 7th nerve does. It's the auditory -vestibular(balance) nerve. Tinnitus as been whacko since surgery. Accepted it as --just another thing to deal with.  Kingj Amazing----you brought something to me that 40 years of acceptance of a problem , you may have changed the why.----how they handled my neck, agents used, whatever-----something changed. Who knows, I've had chiropractic since childhood. Tinnitus started during a cold virus in 1998.  But after the crunch wall fall of 2008 , I haven't had chiropractic. Something in my mind said do not do. My chiropracter last visit once I told him that and that last MRI showed stenosis of C3 to C4, He wouldn't touch my neck. -----I still can crack my neck without a problem.

    But what is it that has changed and why?

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited May 2012

    Sas----I too have severe surgeon wanted to operate tellin me it was sooo bad.I refused but on    my way home i met a wonderful lady who i worked with and told me she had the surgery and it did not work....she said go to your dr.and DEMAND valium...the first two drs said absolutely not.I went to my gastro(yeah gastro) who had an internist on his staff...they went into many medical books and after a long time I got it.I do not take any drugs except nexium and the valium...10mgs at night....IT WORKS.

    i can still remember that pain...and if i opened my mouth too wide i felt all kinds of cracking.

    not anymore..gotta be about 8 yrs ago that i got the valium.never had to increase the dose like people think.

    I dont know how easy it is to get now that they are watching the legal drugs.

    good luck.hugggggggggggs and good nite K

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,895
    edited May 2012

    Granny---I studied as a young nurse in the 70's having a neck that put me in traction  for three years, what drugs would release the causative spasms/sprains. That's when I learned about the origins of Valium. It was developed as a skelatal muscle relaxer. It was only found in post marketing that it had the anti-anxiety effect. It quickly became a drug of choice for anti-anxiety. Then became a drug of prescription abuse. Fell into disrepute for decades.  What was completely forgotten and ignored was it's skeletal muscle relaxant effect. It's only in the last ten years that understanding of the drug has caused it to be used again.   I worked with neurosurgeons an orthos that wrote this as a prn, but meant it to be given around the clock, but b/c the nurses didn't understand the function of the drug they didn't give it. It was written as  a PRN ( as necessary) The problem with that is --that it was left up to the nurse to detertmine when to give Valium P.O.  Well since  the youngers had no clue about the dual value of Valium, they wouldn't give it b/c it was written as a prn. It was written as a prn b/c then if the patient had a mental staus change they wouldn't be required to document why it was with held, the youger nurses didn't get that.  It was very frustrating to get the concept across to all on the surigal unit that Valium was not a Prn , but a scheduled drug, thatit was written as a PRN only b/c of mental status change-----drugs on as surigcal unit must be understood by a nurse when to give and not to give.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,895
    edited May 2012

    I want to throw into the hot fire is nurses that took no time to learn about the drugs that they were giving to patients. They cared not for drug interactions, they just opened the slot and gave it. Let them burn for their noncaring and stupidity.

  • kingjr66
    kingjr66 Posts: 406
    edited May 2012

    Sas - very interesting about the Valium.  I can see the relationship as a skeletal muscle relaxer and anti-anxiety going hand in hand.  I was given Flexeril for my tmj and that worked that a charm. 

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2012

    First for the fire this lovely Midwest morning here on Whip-poor-will Heaven

    ..........the BLUE RACER SNAKE that I just encountered at the field's edge.  FIVE FEET LONG and the fastest snake ever.  Me slow, stupid, dragging the fastest biggest dog after me on his leash bcz when he saw in front of us he was going, omg mama that is sooo coooolllll as it sped away from us.  We were running one way, well, me, dragging a 140# dog by the neck and thank god I had just put him on leash so he wouldn't run off in ecstatic celebration after he pooped....... and the blue racer headed into the woods we were walking along.  Tis' their way, to head for bushes and trees, they are climbers too.  Though not poisonous, they are aggressive and fast and if they bite they twist thwir head to rip skin!  Well, I have had my excitement for the day.  Everytime we go into flight or fight our immune system takes a dip for 45 minutes or so and mine hit bottom just now.  But it is pretty, hmmmm.


  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2012

    I did post this on OMG, They found a cure for stupid..... and a short short version on here.  So here is the dialogue SAS mentioned, and like I said, not the nurse on fire, just attitude about fat in general and the ignorance of why a person would lose weight besides eating different and moving more.

    Post by me on other thread....

    Around me they are dropping like flies, chewed up with the bitter relish of telling people what you think they need to understand.

    I am speaking of the stupid people who are messing with my state of calm. It is fleeting, this calm. I try to have a nice morning, a nice meal, a nice whatever and along comes (edited to rephrase.... someone I need to educate).

    Here is the OMG you just made my day conversation at the GP office, between me and the intake nurse.

    "How are you doing? Any concerns, symptoms?"

    "I feel nausea, my appetite is off but I make myself eat. I am always tired and cold. There are growths in my breast. I break down easily for little provocation. And I am very irritable."

    "But this is good," she said, "you lost 17 pounds."

    "That is not good. I have cancer. There is nothing good about losing weight like that when you have cancer. I am doing nothing different with my food, just don't want it but I am eating as much as before."

    "Maybe you are getting more exercise."

    "You are insinuating I was not doing anything before this? And when I am so tired, I am not getting more exercise. Though I did manage to pack an entire house so it could be moved."

    "Well there you go, you are moving around more. You must feel better, having lost weight."

    "You need to stop. Just because I am fat, you propose that since I lost weight it is better for me, cancer or not. And that all I do is sit around."

    "That is not what I intended to mean."

    "But it is definitely what I am hearing, not once but three times now."

    BTW, my BP was UP!!!!!! and now she gets out the cuff after taking my pulse which was 75, usually 60. I said, "No, you are not taking my blood pressure now, I am upset, you can take it before I leave."

    "But I have to."


    "But I have to take it. It's going to be all right."

    I got up and moved to the chair at wall. "No. Did I mention I am irritable."

    "You did."

    "Well, now you get it. Make sure it is in the notes. I want you to know that before the cancer it took me months literally months to lose five pounds because of the hypothyroid. And now, I am down 17 pounds without even trying, while being too tired to take a long hike, sometimes not even a walk. Do you realize the cancer cells are using my energy and calories? That fat women waste away to nothing from treatments, cancer and food challenges during the illness and often all fat women hear from people is how good they look now that they are thinner. While some of them are literally dying. But now they are not fat so they are looking so much better, must be feeling so much better too, being less fat and all. But you are right, with these 17 pounds off, I move more freely. But the cost could be my life. While you are insinuating I did nothing in my life to exercise when I am an avid gardener, swimming laps each day, hiking, caring for our property and animals, and I was not a binge eater at all. (My GP) said she knew no one who wanted to be thin more than I do, who tried as much as I do."

    We had some calmer exchanges, she left, I cried. Hubby kept his mouth shut. Good man.

    My GP came in in a few, found me at the wall instead of the exam chair.

    "I am really touchy today," I said. And started to cry again.

    GP said, "I heard, but you have a lot on your plate now. My nurse is crying too."

    "I didn't mean to make her cry," I said. So I sent her a hug through the GP.

    I told my GP, "How ironic.... I never thought I would be crying because I lost weight." We both laughed.

    End repost that Sheila mentioned above......

    So onto the fire, the attitude and ignorance.  I am meeting a lot of this these days, not knowing what to do with the treatment I receive that is offending me or derogatory to me in some way.  I am trying not to bitch too much, but this one really got me.  Though the restaurant deal was by far worse and I have not shared it yet.  That one had me wanting to drive into a brick wall and get it over with - just kidding, well, yes, kidding, I sometimes have just had it, this has been one of those weeks.

  • veggy
    veggy Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2012

    I want to throw someone in the fire who insists that I am so brave. I am not brave. I don't like the alternative. I am so sick and tired of being in pain. This time the cancer hurts. I just want to get this over with. I am so fed up with this pain that I can't cry most of the time. I tried doing a few yard sales today and I was in a lot of pain. i came home and took a prescription pain pil. I want to fall asleep but I don't want to.

    So, in goes the people who insist that I am brave. Just leave me alone.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited May 2012

    veggy - We all get sick and tired of people telling us how "brave" we are.  You are right , we are not brave.  We are fighting like hell to avoid the alternative.  I am so sorry you are in so much pain.  Hope the pain pills help.  Sending gentle hugs

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited May 2012

    People say the dumbest shit.....sometime i really think they just dont know what to say.I have lots of friends who take me aside (when im with others) and look in my eyes and ask me how do you really fee?you look great.I know they dont know what to say.I see it in their eyes.

    Sas-I dont understand your abbrev. of the tryin to understand but DUUUH....

    I just found a message from one of my oldest friends husband.She was 20 yrs.bc its in her brain and she is not doin good.Please say a prayer for my friend Sally my olders DDs Godmother.

    Im so sick of hearing bad news.

    Veggy!!!!!!gonna leave you alone.just sayin a prayer.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited May 2012

    Nancy - The stupid drain is coming out on Monday afternoon.  It will be 4 1/2 weeks - I so am ready.  I have missed my comfy bed.  Sleeping in the recliner really sucks.  I most likely won't do that for a very long time.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited May 2012
    Nancy - It has really sucked sleeping in the recliner.  Little did I know weeks ago that if I had slept in a more upright position this stupid drain may have come out sooner.  My overnight level would not come down.  I have been at that magic number of 30 ccs for 2 days now.  PS said he would pull it at 30 but preferred 20.  Fat chance of that happening.  I would like to be able to enjoy the Memorial Day long weekend.  We don't get too many holidays off from work and I don't want to have to sit at home with a drain.
  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Posts: 1,713
    edited May 2012

    Veggy, hope the pain pill works.  If I were brave, I wouldn't be where I am right now - I chose treatment options based on fear, not on what was in my heart.  Now dealing with the fallout, still don't feel brave, but am working on courage. I don't think they are the same thing. Courage to get through each day, sometimes an hour at a time.

    DianeEssa, that snake is BEAUTIFUL!!! But quite an exciting day!

    Jo, hope you are feeling OK tonight.

    Let's all take those pain pills as needed and feel better.

    Am getting ready to toss my yard care guy onto the fire.  3-4 weeks ago he told me he needed more work, had lots of time, so I asked him to create a new planting bed, move a few small bushes, and mulch everything.  He said he could do it, so then I started planning what plants to put where.  I still don't have the planting bed, finally got DH to help me today with the heavy stuff I can't do, and finally got my tomatoes in - not where I had planned, but at least they are in the ground.  Should have been transplanted 2-3 weeks ago, but this yard care guy is the most undependable help I have ever had.  The thing is, he is cheap and he does VERY GOOD work WHEN he gets around to it, but I am truly frustrated.  So into the fire he goes - trying to get DH to be the bad guy on this one and probably fire him soon.  But then I have to find someone else.  Ugh. 

    Also tossing in the miserable periph. neuropathy which has flared up BIG TIME with the small amount of work I did today, and I wore good gloves the entire time.  Fingers very clumsy tonight, have had to re-type about half the words here, and fingers throbbing, so I guess that means I should shut up and stop typing!

    Hugs to all.

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2012

    All this internet business work I never get to bcz of my memory and lame brain and bcz it is always somethinng else like recovery..... and here is another reason why....

    The spammer phisher freak who hacked into and used one of my business emails to send out thousands and thousands of emails with some weird message about things that are highly suspicious.  My entire business was shut down for five days before I knew.  just thought my cancer memory was the reason I could not log in.  Damn it.  I have my business on autopilot, make some change on sales.  But cannot get my memory and focus together enough to do what I used to.  And then I had to go in and deal w the tech and they wanted me to go in my site and clean it up or it would be $100 an hour for their techs to do so.  NO, that is my cancer treatment.  So the guy was going to do it with me, but then I said, You know, I am not that attached to THAT site anyway, so we can delete it.  And so I did, took me awhile to figure it out again but I did it.  All that work gone, a month of work gone.  And the freak who used my email will never get caught or pay for it.  Just me.  This happens to me two more times the tech shared that the govt will shut down MY business all the way for good until I have a court hearing to prove it was not me.  Well that will never happen bcz I have to pay for my treatment choices out of pocket.  So now, I don't feel like it and don't know how but I have to go into all my websites that were on autopilot and delete my email and put in a phone number instead so this cannot happen to me again, or I will lose my business I worked 25 yrs to build. And now people will call instead of email and I don't want to talk to anyone.  Perhaps I can figure out how to do this w a form instead so no one ever sees my email. 

    THE FREAK - INTO THE FIRE.  And I seldom throw in real people. Yell

    ETA that I did learn from this havoc what is most important to me and the longing that I am missing out on in life, my stories.  See the link on Spiritual Journey Into Breast Cancer.

  • kingjr66
    kingjr66 Posts: 406
    edited May 2012

    Linda - I'm a Linda too.  I have been been wearing a silver bracelet that says courage and other sayings of encouragement ever since I found out about my cancer.  I also gave bracelets to my mother and sister and my nieces.  Each has it's own saying and they have been wearing theirs as a reminder from me that they need to screen.  I was also given a Willow carving that is for courage from a co-worker and she told me that I showed incredible strenghth throughout this ordeal.  I just kept on going and did not let it get me down (at least not at work).  I think I am now showing the signs of deep fatigue even though I am 1 month post rads. 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited May 2012

    Linda---im sorry to tell you this but the fatigue can last up to a year and even more.

    Im 1 1/2 yrs.done with rads and i still get that fatigue...not that often but it does come and go.

    rest up when you feel fatigued.your body is talkin to you AND drink lots of water and eat lots of protein.

    It does get will get betta...just hang in there.

    Rads are not the walk in the park people make you think it is.

    be kind to yourself.huggggggggs K

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited May 2012

    Want to throw in my last surgical drain from recon surgery.  Had this last one for almost 5 weeks.  My skin is a bit irritated but that will go away soon.  

  • barbiecorn
    barbiecorn Posts: 86
    edited May 2012

    Can I toss my boss in the fire today.  Really got on my nerves.  Well, maybe I won't.  Still need my job.  (((hugs)))

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited May 2012

    barbiecorn - Since this is a virtual fire you can throw in your boss and still keep your job.