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  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    cgesq Welcome to this board--u will find awesome intellient people here (nOt me) Bit it's a great roupr for information nd caring.

    Sol--TH KIDS TABLE LOL I', sorry but u must look so young they foregot

    Pbrain I csn not fathom that she called u'r MOTHER about this--Did u'r mom ground u.? Well we all hoping u next chemo is much easier on u.

    and sol maybe next time u can sit at the adult table--seriously I would feel so bad tho, I don't understand why.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    soltantio - 

    No, it's not possible that our posts crossed.  Other people commented on it and the tone didn't change.  He kind of prides himself on being an @ss but it's usually not directed toward me.  

    Anyway, it was a bit of a surprise but has been duly noted.  Ha ha... the Godfather was on last night and after reading his response I thought about these few lines from the movie: 

    "Fredo, you're nothing to me now. You're not a brother, you're not a friend. I don't want to know you or what you do. I don't want to see you at the hotels, I don't want you near my house. When you see our mother, I want to know a day in advance, so I won't be there. You understand?"



  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    I like Ashla's idea for Pbrains "friend" - where does she live?  My SIL's mom is kind of a grouch, always has been, she had a pee list, and it was a list of people she didn't like or was mad at and when she got up at night to pee she'd call and hang up when they answered - in the days before caller ID.  But if we all could turn off our caller or even not, and call her when we got up to pee or couldn't sleep or..... she'd never know what hit her Sealed

    I found that walking helped me too, even if it was just to the corner and back, just getting outside for some fresh air did wonders. If no one could walk with me, I'd take my phone in case I fell (because I did a lot of tripping) or just couldn't make it home.

    Sol - sometimes the kids table is just more fun anyway!!  Children can be a lot more entertaining than adults!

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    kayb - ((((hugs))))

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    kayb   ((((hugs))) from  me too

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    kayb - nothing easy about getting used to being on your own - a hug to you!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Kayb-you're right, that sucks. Don't shut out your friends though. I had a spur of the moment Fourth of July party, texted out a bunch of people. We had a very weird mix of married, newly single,, etc. with some people who knew no one at the party. I was a little worried, but it actually turned out to be a lot of fun.

    Cami...loved the comment about pbrains mom grounding her. Laughed out loud.

    Pbrain...I've been thinking about this and I think you can use it to your benefit. Play up the sick part to your boss, mom, etc. In fact, make it as bad as you possibly can...too weak, low counts, the whole shebang. Then, get an actual friend to organize a group to cook and maybe even come in to clean.'s a new idea.....lets start organizing cancer showers (albeit with cuter theme that it is too late for me to come up with now). The affected person is the guest of honor and guests can bring frozen foods, cash for cleaning, nice lotions, etc. or the host could work a sign up sheet for things like the dog walking, etc. might be a nice way to present some factual info on what they can expect from you, and make them feel helpful, in a fun way.

    On the dog there a kid in your neighborhood you can hire to walk your dogs?

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Oh....and keep your fingers crossed....I am having an ultrasound next Tuesay of my throat and thyroid. Under my jaw, on the left side, it has felt like something was there for a couple months. Not painful. Now, when I swallow it is sore. Just in one spot. It is weird. Pcp didn't feel a lump and neither did I, but he is also a very recent cancer survivor, so he is really attentive now.

    Of course, I have looked up all the different cancers of the area to see if my symptoms are there. It just doesn't go away for me.

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    fluff - keeping my fingers crossed, and said a prayer!

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Fluff, I'll keep my fingers crossed as well and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.  Over the past month I kept having a weird feeling under my jaw and I was worried it was the cancer (and very well could be - who knows) but I started taking Oil of Oregano and it eventually went away.  It started after I had been to the BS's office and a week later the nurse who always takes me back to be weighed, etc. said she had been coming down with something and it had been the day I was there the week before.  Then, I overheard her talking to someone else there who had been sick and I had been with her that day as well.  Anyway, the Oil of Oregano always helps me whenever I start to get either a weird throat sensation, an actual sore throat or a swollen gland feeling.  

    KayB - Sending hugs and positive feelings in your direction!  Holidays can be difficult but a separation/divorce can make them even harder...

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    While I don't know your personal circumtances, I am old enough to have seen many ,many friends and family in bad marriages. There are few situations that can make you feel more alone than actually being and STAYING in a bad marriage. It will take time to adjust to this.

    There was this great Valentines Card. The front had a picture of a guy with slicked back hair parted down the middle with a cowlick. He had on white patent loafers and plaid polyester pants held up to his chest by suspenders . He looked like Pee Wee Herman and was standing in front of the door peephole with a wilted bunch of flowers and a cheap..opened box of chocolates.

    Inside it read.." There are worse things than being alone on Valentines Day".

  • LindaKR

    Hello all,  Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving, and was able to enjoy dinner.  My taste buds are so off, when does the ability to taste normally come back, post chemo?  Glad I found this thread, it is so informative.  I have some questions about the Herceptin protocol.  I will be starting the 8 taxol treatments next week, I think some of them will be with herceptin.  My question is about the one year herceptin timeline.  At what intervals over the course of a year are the treatments given?  Some I see get one per week, some every three weeks.  Appreciate if you could clarify this for me.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Good morning waiting and welcome.

    I had TCH ...the t for Taxol... I had 6 TCH treatments at 3 week intervals and then had 11 more herceptin treatment for a total of 17 herceptin also every 3 weeks.

    That peculiar taste thing went away for me immediately post chemo . In fact I only experienced it maybe a week or so each 3 week cycle. No taste problems with herceptin only.

    There are others who had different treatment schedules who will step in I'm sure.

  • cgesq
    cgesq Member Posts: 183

    Waiting, I too am going to be starting herceptin only in January.  

    Currently, I get it once a week, (the standard 18 week TCH protocol) but after that, it will be once every three weeks, but it will be a larger dose.

  • bcbarbie10
    bcbarbie10 Member Posts: 148


    I initially got weekly herceptin at 2mg/kg body weight for 12 weeks, now im on the every three-week interval at 6mg/kg for 12 sessions. My tastebuds took a long time to return PFC (taxotere). Six weeks, i think.

    Camillegal, thanks for your wise words. Can only come from someone who's been there.

    Ashla, so true about the valentine's card!

    ((((Fluff and kayb))))

  • ConnieGreene
    ConnieGreene Member Posts: 13

    can I sneak in???? I was diagnosed on Sept 5th of this year....had a bilateral mastectomy with recon on October 23rd  with lymph node removal on the right side 2/20 positive and am triple positive...

    I have my first consult with the oncologist on Monday.

    I have no clue what I am in for....and what it really means to be triple positive..what impact does it have on treatment....why is it different that other diagnosis?

  • powermom
    powermom Member Posts: 66

    Welcome Connie.  We are almost in step with our diagnoses and surgery.  I was diagnosed on September 5, had bmx and tiissue expander surgery on October 18.  Hopefully I will start chemo within the next week or two - I had to have some "cleanup" surgery which set me back a couple of weeks.

    There are folks on here who are much better than I am at explaining the impact of triple positive; I am still trying to get a handle on that myself.  You will be able to get great informationand support on this board.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Welcome ConnieGreen...

    It means your cancer is "fueled" by the hormones estrogen and progesterone and a protein Her 2 which in our case "overexpresses" and causes the cancer cells to grow more rapidly. The type of cancer we have determines our treatments. THere are many basic links including's that explain  triple positive cancer. Here is one of many I found helpful. I suggest you read this first and then come back and the girls here can fill in the blanks.'s been a year and there are plenty of blanks left to fill me in!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Kaybe (((HUGS)))--I'm truly sorry u have to go thru ALL of this at one time. It's difficult when u'r first alone, but after a while u DO get used to it and u like it, I went thru all of this alone--and it never bothered me about being alone--but I was over all that and I was glad I could moan out loud..

    Connie I certainly can't tell all u'll be going hru all of us are so different with our side effects and sometimes the Drs. change what u'r doing because they don't like something. But most Drs. follow the same protocol for their reason for what u'll get. Now not everuone has all the side effect (SE0 all the time  But everything they do just tell the Dr. how u really feel after u leave and they can adjust if they need to or add something. The ONCS don't want u to feel alot so they'll give u as much help with meds as they can. and I hope this rocky road won't be so bad for u. Whatever it is, u'll see u'll get thru it and there are people here u can ask anything and they will know how u should handle it.

    Fluuf cancer shower hahahaha--what will be the giveaways the nipples on baby bottles? Actually not a bad idea, except we'd be going more often than u think. And  the gifts can be what they will need, Pepto, Immodium, stool softener--endless ideas..

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Welcome Conniegreen glad you found us!  From a treatment point of view triple positive early bc has the most treatments - chemotherapy, targeted immunotherapy (herceptin) and anti-estrogen (tamoxifen or an aromatase inhibitor like femara or arimidex).  The most often prescribed chemo+herceptin combinations are TCH (taxotere, carboplatin + herceptin) or AC-TH (adriamycin, cytoxan, taxol+herceptin).  The BCIRG006 study compared these two chemo treatments to AC-T without herceptin.  They published their results the new england journal of medicine last year if you are interested in that sort of study.   There are also some other chemo treatments.  I don't know if you are still having periods but chemo will most likely interfere with those which is actually good for us since the ovaries are a source of estrogen and estrogen fuels our type of cancer.

  • kimbythesea
    kimbythesea Member Posts: 24

    Dear PBrain,

    You GO Girl. I'm no housekeeper either. I'm a journalist. Hell, even my car is a mess. 

    I don't know if this has happened to the rest of you, but I got a lot of "anything I can do to help"s that were sincere.

    And others who just wanted a front row seat. 

    I'm with you. Sit me at the kids' table.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Sol, your mom is a winner! I bet she laud into them on the phone the next day! She just didn't want to make a scene.

    Pbrain, she told your mom? Is she still living? I would Rip a new one for some who complained about my daughters housekeeping while she is in the hospital! And. Is probably expect a visit from your mom, cause now she is extra worried. If your boss is an intelligent women, she is looking at the trouble maker more closely, once again, you were in the hospital, what were you supposed to do, get released to cleen it up and be subjected to the very thing that threatened your life, ie, germs when you are nuetropenic? Um yeah, make that wish for a mouse infestation change to a RAT infestation. much more appropiate. Ugh.

    Kb, fluff, you are both in my prayers. Sucks.

    Welcome Connie. Here's hoping your SEs are manageable. And I second, or these, or whatever! LOL, the need to let your onc know if trouble should happen, or if you even have questions.

    And, Cami, I second the opinion that you ARE smart! After all, you refer the ladies to these boards, proof enough for me! LOL

    Much love to all.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    kayb big cyber hugs coming from so sorry that you are dealing with this on top of everything else we have been through.  One thing that cancer has done is made us stronger, i hate the term fighter but yes that is what we are.  Time will heal these wounds aswell....

    fluff fingers crossed that all is ok

    welcome connie omaz and ashla have explained it perfectly....come back and ask any questions you have, there is a wealth of information here

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Trying to keep up and I only missed a little over a day.


    Sol- really, then the full to sit u at kids table humph!

    Pbrain- really some nerve she had. Sorry this happened to you. Obviously she lacks compassion, sans intelligence.

    Sorry if I have missed anyone. I had my 3 rd chemo yesterday. Bleh! First time I have had nausea this bad. On Phenerghan every 4 hrs. Had 3day IV Emmend, benedryl, dexamethasone, and Ativan premed yesterday. Went in a little anxious and nauseous and a little constipated, but not bad. Took my mag ox like last time. Basically did everything the same. Except had a extra liter fluids with treatment. Was up all night peeing, nauseous and soft stools. This afternoon, now diarrhea. Meh! Also, taking Ativan when can't stand it with just the Phenerghan. Going to back to bed soon. Due for my Nuelastra shot soon.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    MsTori - I was thinking about you earlier this morning.  Sending you a hug plus positive energy and prayers.  

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Also, welcome ConnieGreen.  

    You're in the right place (i.e. this thread/this board).  Probably not the place you ever envisioned yourself being (I know I didn't) but if you have to go through it - this is the way to do it:  surrounded by others who have either been through it or are going through it.  

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Breast cancer showers.  Just reading Camillegal's response to that concept (and chuckling).

    I'll add:

    Welcome to the "sisterhood," Peas be with you.

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Hugs to you kayb!  Super hugs.  You will find your way, I'm sure.  

    I found out today when I went out to lunch with some of my buddies that she told way more people than I realized and that this house was full of people I barely know cleaning up the disgustingness.

    I and my mother are so mad, there will be hell to pay.  Plus I'm thinking of talking to HR at my job.  These people were not supposed to be in here and even though it is clean, they were not welcome.  I'm peeved to the max!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    pbrain - Man, I am still speechless!!!!!

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Thanks Lee and Sol. My thoughts exactly Sol. It is supposed to get easier. I expected more fatigue, but not this nausea crap. I've always had a handle on it. My WBC ct was 3.86 this last time. My H/H is holding steady at 10. The fill in oncologist I saw, I wasn't to impressed with. I had no idea mine was taking day off. Maybe this nausea is a result of me sip eyeing her? Idk. She said that she was told by my MO day before to continue same tx. Meh! Thanks for the hugs. Just had more soup, Nuelastra shot, and Ativan and Phenerghan kicking in. Gonna watch TV and go to bed. Love to ya all.