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  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Har!  Thanks Lago!!!!

  • melster
    melster Member Posts: 46

    Forever, yes, it worked really well. And I am in the States and there are not a lot of us on this protocol. It is MD Anderson protocol and I'm in Texas, so my MO put me on it. My tumor just dissapeared. Truly miraculous. Honestly, I think the Taxol and Herceptin did it and then the FEC just pushed it to the ground. :)

    Good luck, PM me if you ever need to. I am happy to help!

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Vent time! I hate cancer. The holidays, and cancer. Everyone singing and smiling and cancer! Meh!

    I anticipated the same SE as last 2 treatments. And completely different. This time nausea. I'm taking my antinausea meds around the clock. I pray this goes away soon. I know I'm halfway there. But 3 more to go. Thanks for listening. I'm on all the best anti nausea meds too. Emmend, Phenerghan, Ativan. Can't take Zofran becuase headache.

    Oh, and one minute cold, the next hot.

    Vent over. Thanks all.

    Pbrain- head up, walk in and showem who's boss. Shame on them.

  • kimbythesea
    kimbythesea Member Posts: 24

    @Pbrain: You're definitely not the one who should be ashamed. 

    That meddling big-mouthed beoyotch is the one who should hang her head. 

  • kimbythesea
    kimbythesea Member Posts: 24

    @Lago. Thank you for saying what you did. You're right. I'll drive myself crazy if I look back. There are so many unknowns about this. I had a team of experts trained at UCLA, so I need to let go and trust this. 

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Kim, you were treated at UCLA? I didn't realize that. That's Slamon Country. I would definitely let it go and have trust (to use your words). If I didn't hate traffic as much as I do I definitely would have done everything at UCLA.

    As an aside, I'm sitting outside at the gym chuckling at "beyotch" --auto correct doesn't like that word but I do!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    I'm back from vacation....and it is official.  I gained 3 REAL  But it was worth every bite!

    Tomorrow I start the long road of losing it.  Why can I gain 3 pounds in 7 days, but can't lose the same even if I fast for two of them?!?  lol

    Oh well.  This will be a good little experiment to see if I am able to lose it by getting back on track with clean eating and exercise.

    Anyway, (I know that is just sooo interesting....not) I have read pretty much all the pages I missed, but there is just way to much to respond too, and most of it was already addressed.

    Hope you each had as lovely a Thanksgiving as you were able.


  • bren58
    bren58 Member Posts: 688

    MsTori - (((hugs))) to you. I am so sorry you are feeling so crappy. I do hope the nausea subsides soon.

  • bren58
    bren58 Member Posts: 688

    TonLee - Welcome Back from vacation! I hope you had a fabulous time!

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Thanks Bren. I haven't had it this bad on my first two treatments. Before I could handle it. I pray this passes soon. That and the big D are the worst!

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    I don't know about the rest of you, but my side effects were different each time, I'd have several that were consistant each treatment, then I'd have 2 or 3 different ones, like I only had the terrible heart burn, intestinal issues once, I had the mouth sores one time.  I just decided to treat each time as new and deal with the SE's that occurred instead of planning for them, and they didn't come - Kiss

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Nicky 5 kids under 10 God bless u gitl--u have alot on u'r plate and I wish everything goes as easy as possible for u.

    In fact I wish it would for everyone, but I know it's not, u'r nausea sounds awful and of course joint pain and fatigue--all hese SE are dreadful especially if u have kids to care for --I lived alone at the time and my kids cared for me Karma --and those drsins are awful--the onky thing that has changed is u can tske a shower or maybe a bath now--I was told I couldn't--I had mine in for almost 3 months,??? I do remember my onc havin a fit cuz I needed to resume chemo and my surgeon wouldn't release me cuz he said I was the most stubborn patient he ever had.  Not cuz I kept moving around I rested all rhe time , I just couldn't heal I guess, I think it was chemo before surgery and my body didn't like that and zi saw the surgeon 2x a week and I told him he was falling in love with me that's why he didn't wsnt to release me-Of course then I'd sine the song--he couldn't wait to get rid of me, but haha he couldn't Well my point was I was not allowed to take a shower of bsth at all. Do u have any idea how disgusting thst was. OMH I bought all the stuff for bath that u use-It was awful to me.LOL

    Pbrain Please Please don't go there feeling embarrased--u have nothing to be embarrased about---I know I'm different but I would go ther with a box of candy and thank everyone who helped and tell them Ohhh I spent most of the time throwing up so all I saw was the toilet, and I was so weak and u all know I ended up in the hospital--I hope none of u ever experience this, I never thought this was going to be so bad..

    AND that's all but that's me I handle thins very diferently than most people--The best revenge is act like mothing bothered u about this, and u really don't give a shit.But whatever u want to do, just do it, if it makes u feel beter ood for u. U'r the one that got hurt so do what feels right for u. Good Luck.

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    camillegal - what a great way to handle it!!! You are so sweet!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Pbrain-my only chemo was 12 weeks of taxol, once a week. SE minimal, comparatively speaking. I was tired a lot. Didn't have too much neuropathy, hands and feet were always freezing. Husband put hot water bottles in the bed for me. Worked better than heating pad. Fingers were tingly. ice your fingers and toes!

    I'mon the southside of Indy and if you want to meet, let me know! I am not cleaning your house tho. Don't like cleaning my own.

    Btw...I tried that cleaning for a reason for a long time. Got accepted and then repeatedly told they were booked.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Pbrain, I like Cami way of handling. But I think you do need to talk to stupid beyotch and tell her that she was one of the few you trusted in your house. And now that she let so many people in, WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE, you can't trust anyone. Hold your head high. Anyone who makes a comment , just tell them, thank, they just signed up for round two, and give them a date and tell them thanks, its good not to have to worry cleaning when you are so sick and have to he hospitalized. Then tell them thank god the LAB report came (mention a day after they had cleaned everything) back negative for MRSA, or perhaps flesh eating bacteria, and say well, you KNOW how contagious it is...... LOL

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Wow, kayb, that's amazing about the FEC.  I'm going to have to google that acronym to read up on it although I saw earlier in the thread that it's the protocol being used by MD Anderson.  Also, I hope you're feeling better tonight (another hug just in case). 

    Nickythebean - Good luck with everything.  You're amazing - five kids under that age of ten and everything you're going through...also, you had that tumor that was getting "holey" thanks to one of your chemo treatments.  That was a pretty amazing chemo story - one that I've shared more than once since reading it. 

    PBrain - good luck tomorrow.  Wishing you brighter days ahead - and soon!

    MsTori - sorry to hear this one's hitting you so hard Frown.  I hope you're feeling better by tomorrow.

    soltantio -  I don't think the oil of oregano would be very good mixed in with anything else.  It's pretty intense stuff.  Quite bitter.

    TonLee - welcome back from vacation.  I bet you drop those pounds in no time.  Probably a pound of it will be gone by tomorrow morning. 


    I hope everyone has a good week - and hope everyone feels better with each and every passing day - both mentally and physically...there's a lot hanging over our heads with cancer plus with all the other stuff going on this time of year as well.  

    I have an echocardiogram tomorrow as well as a bone density test and an EKG.  I've only ever had one echocardiogram so I'm wondering how this is going to go so close on the heels of surgery (2.5 weeks or so out).  We went to the gym today and I walked a mile but not sure how I'll do running on a treadmill.  

    I'm still sporting two drains (of course).  I have a feeling I may have them both in until December 10.  They aren't all that bad I guess - and my husband seems to love emptying them, LOL!  I don't know if he loves it but I do think he likes keeping track of everything - he has it all on a spreadsheet and the people at the doctor's office say they've never had anyone bring all the information in on a spreadsheet before.  First-born overachievers R us...


  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    nicky and forever i had a complete response - zero cancer at surgery with FEC-T aswell - so thats 3 of us, that stuff works!

    mstori i almost didn't do my last taxotere because i was so sick...but im so glad i did.  It will be over and then chemo will be a distant memory.  You will get through it, hang in there!!!

    lee my hubby had spreadsheets/charts for my meds during chemo and then my drainage schedule after surgery aswell, nurse was so impressed when she came to the house -gotta love these guys!

  • kimbythesea
    kimbythesea Member Posts: 24

    LeeA...not at UCLA, but in Ventura, and my onc was trained there. She is in regular contact with them, so I feel pretty good about her. 

    She trained in Slamon Country. 

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    KimbytheSea - then it's virtually the same thing.  Thank goodness you were a stage 1 and were able to forego chemo.  

    When the radiologist first delivered the bad news she told me that I could have a lumpectomy and then worry about it every six months or have a mastectomy and never have to worry about it again, no chemo/no radiation, no recurrence . . . ha ha ha.  HA HA HA HA HA.  Yeah but no. 

    I was such a cancer virgin that day...

    She had the biopsy report sitting in front of her - grade 3 tumor - yet she passed along that line of sh*t.  

    During the first meeting with the breast surgeon he looked at me like I was a toad or something when I said "I want to have a BMX so I don't have to worry about it ever again - and don't have to have chemo or radiation." 

    His words:  you will have to have chemo no matter what.


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Soltantio even with BMX there is breast tissue left. They can't possibly get all the tissue but less tissue means a greater reduced risk of a new breast cancer forming.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good Morning every one.

    Sol and Lago that I know LOL

    wel I get my skan and bloodwork today--I like the way when they call and ask u are u afraid of closed places? Of course I said now my dream to to be locked in a bos for at least an hr with no sound of a human voice. Of course I don't like it. Sorry but that bothers me, so what does that mean nothing. There still going to do whatever they do--And I don't think this is the tube onebut the 2 hrs of wsiting cracks me up. Sorry I'm so down today--but this whole Dr. thing I didn't do for 6 months and then everything stsrted all over sgain with tests and hospital and agin that's all I do and I'm tired of it. I'm sick most of the time and some of my thins are mysteries to them and they see it personally, well Ijust can't wait to get home. I know I'm a baby but hell this cancer stuff sucks.

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    I love you guys, I really do.  I'm here at work, head held high.  The lovely coworker who started this whole thing looked at me kind of sheepishly.  Somewhere inside that judgemental 1952 housewife is a heart, I guess, but I'm not about to go looking for it.

    My Mom flew home from Cleveland yesterday.   She was out there visiting my sister and her family for Thanksgiving.  She told me she sat next to an angel on the plane who was heading to Philadelphia for treatment of Stage IV breast cancer.  She said they held hands when the plane landed.  This woman made my mother feel so much better about her daughter and this roller coaster.  There are angels everywhere, we just have to look!

    Feel better Ms. Tori, I totally understand what you are going through and I'm praying and rooting for you to get through this!!  :-)

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    "There are angels everywhere, we just have to look!" (PBrain)


    I have never seen more evidence of this in own life as I have since being diagnosed with breast cancer.

    Glad you're holding your head up, PBrain.  There's no reason why you shouldn't.  You're a survivor!  Everything else is just superfluous at this point.  The housework, the 1950s Mrs. Clean, the opinions of your co-workers, etc.  All that falls away in the face of what's real - which is you and your fight against that little enemy that decided to take up residence in your body.  

    As the male nurse told me last week:  This, all of this, is just a bump in the road!

    Continue to keep a positive attitude!

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Big hugs, prayers and positive thoughts for you, camillegal...

    You've been through so much.

    p.s. You're no baby in my book!  Every time I read your posts I think "wow, she is really made of some tough stuff!"  

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    lago and soltantio - 

    Exactly.  They can never get every breast cell off of our bodies which is why the radiologist's words seem so vacuous in retrospect.

    Maybe she just wanted to get me out of there for fear I'd go postal or something - although I was quite calm.  Calmer than I had been months. 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Pbrain I still think you should get some fake dog poop and put it on your desk… actually get ab out a 1/2 a dozen fake dog poops and put it all around your work space

  • IsThisForReal
    IsThisForReal Member Posts: 154

    ^I'll second that^  Embarassed  Surprised  Wink  Laughing

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    It would certainly be an ice breaker Laughing

  • IsThisForReal
    IsThisForReal Member Posts: 154

    It sure would.  I'd love to see the looks on their'd be priceless!  Tongue Out

    Pbrain - I love the way you're handling yourself at work!  Kudos to you.  Some people are just totally unbelieveable and really don't have a clue.  Keep your head up, you're doing great.  Oh, and btw, I love this..."There are angels everywhere, we just have to look!" (PBrain)

  • kimbythesea
    kimbythesea Member Posts: 24

    Pbrain, if you need extra dog poop, I have four dogs who are just as peeved at your co worker as we are. Just let us know and we'll get one of those "if it fits, it ships" boxes..