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So...whats for dinner?



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Minus, yes, I get chemo locally, lol, only 3 hours one way. It’s not too bad though, we’re still finishing the cabin and always need something from the big city.

    Tonight was hot dogs. DH wants to eat lower carb and more veg, which I great but he’ll have to do more meal planning and cooking as I’m trying to break my habit of doing everything myself.

    Might snow on Monday and I am not ready for temps in the 30’s, arggg

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    OMG Mae - snow? Not surprising since we might have high 30's here. Weird since it was 90 yesterday.

    Eric - thanks for the onion warning. Looks like Texas may have dodged the bullet.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Local and 3 hours. I like that.

    What part of NM are you located? Snowflake on Monday is "supposed" to have lows around 19F or 28F, depending on the forecast, but there isn't "supposed" to be any snow here.

    Speaking of Snowflake, AZ…has anyone heard from Goldie?

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Eric, I'm concerned about Goldie. She hasn't posted on the Drinking thread for several days. Recently she had bad health news and is undergoing a change in her treatment.

    I won't have to worry about the onion recall. LOL. The products are sliced onions, from what I've read. Never on my grocery list. I buy onions in the produce department.

    Last night's Hungry Root dinner was quick to prepare and got a big thumbs up. The only hitch was warming up the rice and lentil mixture in a skillet and then using the same skillet to warm up the chicken shwarma. The rice cooled a bit and we both like hot food. Next time I would use a large skillet and do both tasks at the same time. The dish called for thinly sliced small cucumbers, also provided. Then a dribble of vegan Caesar dressing over the whole. The rice and lentil mixture was delicious. The chicken was tasty, too.

    There was one mistake in the shipment or I assume it was a mistake. Two bags of little potatoes, one fingerling and the other an assortment. Only one recipe called for potatoes.

    One plus for these meals so far is the portion size. Enough food but not too much.

    Yesterday afternoon my younger sister brought eggplants that were given to her. Today I'll be busy making eggplant lasagna.

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,896

    So far your Hungry Root meals sound really good Carole. I will check them out.

    i never buy already cut up produce. They scare me. I don't even like salad bars. I'm quite paranoid about food borne illness.

    One of the things I have made recently was eggplant parm - the result of finding a really beautiful eggplant at the grocery store. I forgot how much I liked it - way more than its chicken counterpart. Even DH went back for seconds. I baked them for the first time and like that method a lot.

    It's quite chilly here too for the next few days so it's fire roasted tomato vegetable soup tonight with cheddar bay biscuits from a box mix

    DH has come down with something resembling a head cold He's testing for Covid right now I'm hoping for the head cold

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Sharon made, and canned/jarred, some southwest vegetable soup awhile back. I think there are around 10 pints left. For a cold and windy day, this sounds good for either lunch or dinner.

    I hope the new treatment works for Goldie.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    I'm envious for all of you getting snow so early. Wish I were there. At least we hit 30 this morning, so that was nice to go out in and feed the birds.

    Frozen pizza tonight.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Eric, I’m in west Texas about 3 hours SE of El Paso (nearest place to go for chemo) but I’m at 7,000 ft, so we get cooler weather and all seasons, unlike Houston and Southern California where I lived previously.

    Tonight will be spaghetti and meatballs. DH is off submitting a pot for our community spaghetti sauce contest but held some back for dinner. He didn’t want to be present for the community dinner, not sure if he’s avoiding the other residents or the judging part.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2023

    Lori (Goldie) posted on the Drinking thread that she's still in the hospital, with kidney drain tubes as well as her stents—mets to the abdomen caused a temp. bowel blockage but that's been resolved; the G & NG tubes were removed and she's eating again. They expect to discharge her in a day or two, and she'll resume chemo to "keep the lid on the simmering pot," so to speak (per a stage IV friend of mine from our college days).The prognosis is weeks to months, but she has beaten some incredible odds for a long time—she's pulling for "months & months." And so are we.

    This a.m. had to go down into the Loop for Bar Show solo auditions—I detest auditions (especially in the morning, sans coffee) because I never do sound like I can really sing when the pressure is off and the rehearsal/performance endorphins kick in. Spurned my usual coffee because of fear of traffic…I don't need to spell it out. Anyway, afterwards I threw myself a pity-party and bought a small bag of Garrett caramel corn (there's a shop across from the Bar Assn.) and a Boston Cream from Dunkin—when I got home I found they'd given me two. So a donut & some caramel corn were my brunch. (The auditions were not for specific solos in the audition excerpts—they just wanted an idea of our ranges & timbres for casting the show. After 21 years I think they've got a pretty good Idea of what I can do, but it's always worth a try).

    For dinner we went to Cafe Touche in Edison Park (NW outskirts of the city—popular with CFD & CPD first responders because it's as semi-suburban as you can get yet still be w/in technical city limits). We started (after an insanely tempting hot baguette) with French onion soup, then split a house salad. Bob had boeuf Bourguinon over egg noodles; I had trout meuniere amandine over a raft of green beans & julienne carrots. Lots of leftovers.

    Last week was summer (80 two days ago). Near-winter this weekend and all week long (except for the 3 days I'll be in FL with my sis visiting our 94 yr-old cousin to reminisce and record the memories for him). He's still pretty sharp, enough to know to prepare for fading memories in the not-too-distant future.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    No snow envy here but looking forward to cooling temperatures this coming week.

    The eggplant lasagna was wonderful. The home grown eggplants were good quality. Side was a salad with favorite ingredients.

    Enough leftover lasagna for another meal but tonight will be the final Hungry Root meal of the week.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    For Goldie…I'm pulling for years.

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,896
    edited October 2023

    No snow envy here either. But it is a cold and rainy day that calls for comfort food. So chicken and dumplings it is. DH tested negative so we're "feeding a cold" - no fever to starve thankfully.

    Sandy - what a sweet thing to do for your cousin.

    Hugs going out to Goldie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Chicken and dumplings envy. May be on the menu next week. DH will be beyond pleased.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    I have got some chicken SLOWLY cooking in the dutch oven. Later, I'll cook some rice and make some sort of sauce for it. I don't know if it will be BBQ sauce or some sort of lemon, caper, sauce.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Today's meal was tuna salad & crackers with cole slaw made with oil & vinegar & garlic salt. 89 today & expecting 40 tomorrow night. I hauled all my plumarias in pots into the shed. I know it's too early, but they are too heavy to move once the rain starts & it gets cold.

    Finished the last of the Sees English Toffee I've been hoarding since last Christmas. I waited too long since it was a little stale, but still… Sees is always good. Hope my son sends me Sees Peanut Brittle this year. My friend make homemade, but it's not what I grew up with.

    Nance - hooray DH was negative.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    I got lazy and just used bottled BBQ sauce. It turned out well and there are quite a few left-overs.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Bob got off work early and brought home miso soup for us, sushi for himself and sashimi for me.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Sandy, thanks for updating on me! And thanks to everyone for your support.

    Minus, I had some tuna crackers yesterday too, just not with cole slaw, but instead some of my zucchini relish I had canned. Will probably have more again today.

    Eric, I make my own BBQ sauce and of course it's always more than I need, so I put it in half pint jars and into the freezer! I love lemon caper sauce!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Goldie - so sorry for all your 'bags'. Now that you're home for a week, hope you can get some good sleeps. Holding you in my thoughts.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Today I will be doing prep for chicken and dumplings tonight. The biggest job is making the flat dumplings and having them ready to drop into the home-made chicken broth. I thawed out chicken thighs for the chicken in the dish. Easier to deal with than a whole chicken.

    Now Goldie and Minus have made me want some tuna and crackers! Goldie, I was not aware of zucchini relish. You are in my thoughts, too. I'm glad you're home.

    Nance, could you describe your eggplant parm?

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,896

    Carole- here's the recipe

    I didn't make my own bread crumbs and of course used Raos. It was delish.

    welcome home Goldie. Zucchini relish sounds like something I would like.

    DH has very thoughtfully given me his cold so food is not on my radar at the moment.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Goldie, I'm glad to hear to you're home.

    What's your recipe for the BBQ sauce? I'm presuming the zucchini relish is water bath canned??????

    Auntie, I seem to do the same for Sharon when I "come home" with a cold. Feel better soon…..

    The temperature was around 18F this morning. So, I guess fall has fallen by the wayside.

  • clars
    clars Member Posts: 46

    I’m having radiotherapy at the moment and it’s kicking my ass. All my appointments are late in the day, and they are always behind schedule, so I’m not home until 19:30/20:00. My poor other half has had to do 100% of the cooking this whole time.

    But my angel mother in law today dropped off the most delicious meal! Hungarian lamb soup. With sour cream and dill. So good!

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Everyone's food sounds so wonderful…

    Goldie, hope you continue to feel better. I echo Eric's thoughts…years and years.

    I made a riff of Paneer Bhurji from Bon Apetit using tofu. Better than I thought it would be and super easy. Served it with sweet potato. Naan or rice would have worked better but I have the sweet potatoes left over.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Eric - OMG - 18 degrees??? I thought it was bad here at high 30s. I've been using Bibigo Korean BBQ sauce & marinade. Multipurpose marinade for proteins & vegetables.

    Clars - sorry about the radiation. hang in there.

    Auntie - sorry you were gifted the cold. UGH

    Finally got my Covid shot yesterday. Since I have lympnadema, my arms are "no sticks/no pricks". My PCP still doesn't have the vaccine and I've researched 23 different places trying to get the shot in my thigh instead of my arm. There was a female temp pharmacist at my Kroger yesterday morning. She called her boss. Both of them understand what a mastectomy is - so it was approved for her to give me the shot in my thigh instead of my arm.

    Since it's cold, I turned on the oven. The first time in several months. Dinner was roasted pork tenderloin marinated with Bronco Bob's Apricot Chipotle sauce. Cross between spicy & sweet. Served with Brussels sprouts & brown rice.

    I'm not answering my door this Halloween. It used to be fun with all the little kids in the neighborhood. Now adults drop off car loads of kids from somewhere - lots of teens. So my porch light is off. I took candy to the police station for their "trunk or treat" celebration.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941

    Started out planning Galumpkie (sp) ground beef cabbage rolls for a special dinner; mid-afternoon I felt a weather- related ( cold front) migraine starting. Rather than taking meds I went to bed and conked out for an hour. So I asked my Polish hub if he'd mind Sloppy Joe's instead. So we had that on toast with a side of frozen broccoli. Much easier and quicker and the nap did the trick, this time.

    Having lunch tomorrow with my SIL. A perk of moving closer to family, which I'm grateful for. 🎃

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Path of least resistance tonight: ordered out for pizza & salad. Between dealing with Heidi's extreme finickiness (and having to administer an appetite stimulant), packing, printing boarding passes (making sure mine said "TSA Pre") and dealing with the trick-or-treaters in the snow, I was not about to get creative & cook, nor stick to "dead animals & leaves."

    Won't worry about diet the next couple of days: seeing our 94 yr old cousin & his daughter, to reminisce and record. Talked to him today, and he sounds great. (Younger than we do).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Reader, I love cabbage rolls, but when made traditionally, there is not enough cabbage to my liking. So I found a recipe that does it like a casserole, with grated cabbage on the bottom, topped with the meat sauce.

    Minus, our spring and fall temps, you never know what it might it do!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    I've been thinking about cabbage rolls lately so will probably be making them in the near future.

    Thanks for the recipes, Nance and Goldie. I have made barbecue sauce, mostly when I didn't have any bottled sauce on hand. It usually turned out good. Now I'm really liking the Walmart brand original, which is one of the lowest priced on the shelf. It came to my attention when it rated high in a tasting test of supermarket barbecue sauces. I like the balance of vinegar and brown sugar.

    DH and I pigged out on the chicken and dumplings which I call Death by Carbs. Not to mention fat from butter and cream.

    The Hungry Root box is supposed to arrive today.