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So...whats for dinner?



  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    We will have the leftover tofu stuff tonight.

    I remember my mom's Gołąbki (cabbage rolls) and miss them. That word translates as little pigeons, in case anyone wanted to know 😊

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Carole - I too like vinegar & brown sugar combo. Unfortunately Texas is big on smoked mesquite flavor.

    Goldie - my feeling exactly about cabbage rolls. Not enough cabbage. I'd love to see your recipe for the casserole if it's handy. And BTW - how are you feeling? If I remember, you're home through the weekend before the next chemo?

    Diner tonight was another favorite treat - pork sandwich on pumpernickel bread. Served with Kirkland Cote du Rhone Villages wine.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Minus, instead of wrapping the meat in cabbage leaves, you grate the cabbage, put it in a baking dish and top with your meat, however you make it. Yes, I have chemo on Monday.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    That version of cabbage rolls definitely sounds easier.

    I just rejected next week's Hungry Root meals and picked out two substitutes. I'm learning how to navigate the website and tailor the deliveries. This week's three meals are ALL chicken. I must not have looked closely. I'm a fan of chicken. DH not a big fan. Last night was Thai Coconut Chicken with Asparagus. He liked it. Since we didn't have an extra side I gave him about two-thirds of the contents of the skillet and he said it was enough food.

    Tonight we're having home-made chili. I soaked a lb. of pinto beans overnight and thawed a package of ground beef.

    The much talked about Costco has not shown any sign of being built.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    They (US Forest Service) are setting prescribed fires to reduce the fire danger next summer. I agree completely with this.

    The fires are about 45 miles/70km away, but the winds are carrying the smoke here. The neighbor's house, about 1/4 mile/400 meters distant, can not be seen because of the smoke.

    Tonight we are having hamburgers…they may even have a smoke flavor. :-)

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401
    edited November 2023

    I made a miso/mayo/garlic/cayenne paste and spread it over my pink salmon (from this year's fishing). Cooked to just before fully cooked through. Amazing. Sides: peas, corn, broccoli and bok choy. Leftovers tonight.

    We hope to make a costco run; DH is moving slow….

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Eric, my gosh, the smoke yesterday was horrible! So thick, it was blocking the sun! It's funny how so many of the newbies think it's a forest fire. But I guess, if I didn't know, I would be a bit concerned too.

    I made a what was called chicken pot pie soup, but too much work really. After cooking all the chicken, carrots, celery and potatoes, you have to pick out the potatoes (minus the carrots and celery) so you can mash them. I won't be making it again. I've ate it for 2 days, so I think I will freeze the rest. Potatoes don't freeze well, consistency changes, but maybe because they are mashed, it will be ok?

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    New Orleans is being plagued with smoke from a slowing burning marsh fire on private property. This same smoke added to the super fog that caused the awful pileup on Interstate 10 a couple of weeks ago with a number of deaths.

    Last night was one of the Hungry Root chicken dinners. Buns heated and split open, spread with cranberry sauce. The filling was small brie rounds and sliced chicken. I ate two buns because I was hungry and dh ate one without comment. I don't think he was impressed.

    I was in sick status yesterday after having both flu and Covid shots in my left arm on Thursday. The arm was very sore and I felt like I had a mild case of flu with achy muscles. Today I feel better.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    I'm behind getting vaccines….too many…

    I made black cod last night (costco had them and the price was the lowest I've ever seen for Sable fish!). Froze the other fillets. I will say, black cod is very oily and unctuous and with that can come fish odor. Having watched enough Japanese channels out here, instead of Sake, I used DH's languishing bottle of Moscato to splash over the fish. It made a nice glaze with very gentle, sweet undertones, but not cloying. 99% of the smell disappeared.

    Tonight, I am making lamb chops with a sweet potato colcannon riff (cabbage and mashed potatoes).

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Wallycat. Have you seen that Kentucky Fried Movie clip about room deodorizers? :-)

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401
    edited November 2023

    I have not. I have a DVR and tape most of the shows we watch so I can whip through any ads. Now I'll go google it.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Kentucky Fried Movie is a very raunchy/slapstick humor kind of move with a lot of short "sketches" that parody various movies and commercials. I think if you search for

    Kentucky Fried Movie Room Deodorizer

    you should find the clip. That was the first thing I thought of when you mentioned the black cod and fish odor. That clip is probably the "tamest" of the bunch in the movie, so the movie is not one to watch with the kids around.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    I'm not sure how to edit the above post…..

    "very raunchy" is probably not quite strong enough of a description.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    LOL. To edit, click on the 3 dots in the right hand corner.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Ahh. I see it on the "big" computer, but not on my "smart" phone.

    Oh, one other food thing. I got another batch of sourdough proofing in the oven.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Last night was a grilled ribeye, sliced and shared, and small boiled potatoes with butter and sour cream.

    Tonight will be take out pizza. I order and pay online and dh does the pickup part.

    "Oily and unctuous" doesn't get my taste buds excited. LOL. My dh drinks moscato, too. I'll tell him it's good for fish odor.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941

    We had a busy day so DH got the takeout pizza 🍕 he's had a hankering for. Really quite good, purchasedat a restaurant run and owned by a New Yorker who knows how to make pizza.

    We went to a Polish Festival on Saturday so if I have my say we are eating and cooking in most of the upcoming week 😕 All was delicious but I've lost some needed weight with the move and would like to keep it off.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Tonight was a big salad. DH is trying to eat mostly veggies, which is fine by me but I don’t have many options in mind for main dishes, just sides. I’ll see what he comes up with.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Hamburgers tonight.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited November 2023

    Well, we did go out tonight for a pretty healthy seafood dinner (at my request) contrary to my feelings yesterday.

    The good news is I half-made dinner for tomorrow night before running out of gas. (cooked the chicken). Other good news is I unpacked the next to the last set of boxes 📦 from the move. We're in the homestretch!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Way to go, Reader!!

    Dinner last night was Nathan's wieners cooked in leftover chili with sour cream and grated cheddar as condiments. Copious amounts of ketchup for dh. Side was a not so good bagged salad that came in the Hungry Root shipment. I added avocado.

    DH wanted the same Nathan's wieners that Sam's Club serves in the cafe section. I bought the extra size wieners that were BOGO and he was happy.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Leftover colcannon with scrambled eggs last tonight.

    Tonight, mac and cheese. DH is getting a tooth pulled. I weep for him and all the crap he's dealing with. My poor heart is tired of aching.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Wally - sorry about your DH's tooth. UGH.

    Lunch was Ruffles out of the bag. Dinner was wheat thins and what was left of the spinach/artichoke dip from Central Market. Too much to do this week.

    Tomorrow is the volunteer thank-you dinner our neighborhood is hosting for 37 volunteers. Prior to Covid we always had this in the private room of a restaurant like Olive Garden. I lost the 'vote' this year so the dinner will be at our outdoor pool pavilion. At least I convinced the officers that this was supposed to be a special thank you to the people who make the neighborhood work - so the lady who said she'd pick up some pizzas was voted down. Dinner will be catered by a local BBQ place. The only problem is - all we have is a covered patio and it's supposed to rain. Sigh. Hope the elaborate decorations that one neighbor has prepared don't blow away. I will be soooooo glad when this is over - because of course all the people who wanted to do this in the neighborhood did not volunteer to help in any way.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Dinner last night was grilled lamb chops and baked sweet potatoes. The lamp was New Zealand and it tasted sooo good.

    Minus, I hope rain doesn't ruin your party for the volunteers but also fervently hope we get some rain. We're lacking almost 30 inches of rain for the year. Hard to imagine drought in rainy south Louisiana but here we are.

    For the second week I deleted the entire Hungry Root order and shopped the meals to make my own order. I think I will cancel in the near future.

    Wally, I hope your dh gets some relief. Living with someone who is living with pain is awful for both people.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Last night's Hungry Root meal was good and easy to prepare. DH declared the salmon was the best he'd ever eaten. The two portions were topped with a delicious spinach artichoke creamy spread from a carton. One side was brown rice and quinoa mixture, which I liked. DH thought it was bland and sprinkled on some soy sauce. The other side was small broccoli spears tossed with oil and roasted.

    The bad news for me on the general subject of diet is that I'm not making any progress on losing weight. And Thanksgiving is upon us with a road trip and lapse in exercise at the gym. Not to mention holiday food.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    The dinner was a huge success in spite of the fact that we were all pretty well soaked coming & going and eating outside. 35 people showed up. Lyndon's BBQ was delicious. Oh well, the temperature stayed low 70's until we were done and no one melted

    Finally had the MRIs done today for a likely ruptured tendon in my right arm. It was a real job finding somewhere with an "open" MRI since these tests in the traditional 'tube' are done on the stomach in the "superman" position (arms out flying). That would not be easy for someone with reconstructed breasts. Afterwards I ate at the Avalon Diner - in business since 1938. Great place that still serves root beer floats and knows what a "malt" is - served in the metal milkshake shake container. Mae - maybe you've been there on Westheimer near Kirby? It's breakfast & lunch only. There's an actual lunch counter with round spinning stools (the kind we loved as kids) and old fashioned booths. The comment my ex-DH made was… "everyone in here is old". Well - there were a few people around 50 and that no longer counts as old to me.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited November 2023

    Minus your dinner sounds like it was great fun. And that restaurant...a sure blast from the past!

    Dinner here was baked crabby oysters, a salad, and some French fries. I'm soon starting a more restricted eating plan to jump start my weight loss again, so those fries held extra meaning. Hah!

    Also miss Chi Sandy's wonderful meal descriptions. I hope all went well with her Florida trip.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Tofu, spinach and sweet potato. Created it on the fly and we were both surprised how good it tasted. It was easy for DH to eat with the extraction.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Crabby oysters?

    Last night's Hungry Root meal was chicken fillet packets heated at 425 degrees. Chicken breast fillet topped with brie rounds and cranberry sauce. Side was sweet potatoes, halved and heated in butter in a skillet. Thumbs up but not rave review. How can any food topped with brie not be good? LOL. I snacked on one of the little rounds. The sweet potato preparation was my own variation.

    Wally, I hope the extraction brought some relief.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Reader - I second Carole "?". What are crabby oysters?

    I always forget about sweet potatoes. What else did you add with the butter Carole? Someone else was talking about cubed. My Dad liked "Princes" brand canned sweet potatoes occasionally, but he wanted a good, old, plain baked Russet with his meal. And sour cream never touched his lips. Different times for sure - meat & potatoes every night. Although sometimes the meat was served in very small portions, he wasn't partial to soups or stews. We only had ham hock & beans when he was out of town. Fortunately for my Mom's food budget he was away for work quite a bit. Then we could have waffles for dinner. Or just mac & cheese.