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So...whats for dinner?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2023

    Electrician came out and declared that the outside garage light wasn't the problem. He was able to run a line to restore power to the garage, and will run a dedicated circuit for the door opener later this week. Turns out the pipe he installed 3 yrs ago is wide enough for that and even a 240V line for a charger.

    Feeling a bit better—my temp is down into low(ish)-grade fever territory. Appetite returning, but not capacity. Bob brought home fries and spanakopita from the gyros joint around the corner—but unlike pre-flu, I was satisfied with just biting off the crispy ends of about 5 or 6 fries and 1/3 of the spanakopita. I wonder if this is sorta what Ozempic feels like (turning off the food cravings) only without the GI upset.

    Today was my Hooked on Fish order (Loch Duart salmon, Icelandic cod, pickled herring, tuna in olive oil & lemon, and "Rancho Gordo" beans—gigante and French-cloned white beans for cassoulet); normally I'd have picked it up between 3-5pm so that it wouldn't be forfeited to a food bank. But I called the owner and she delivered it on her route, bless her. Tomorrow night, Bob thinks it'll be safe to eat what I cook (gonna use gloves), so I wil pan-sear salmon, heat some crawfish mac & cheese (with truffle) and asparagus. But I'm gonna continue re-feeding at breakfast: will make some steel-cut oats with maple syrup. Comfort food. Once I get my normal appetite back (and the "food noise" returns to my brain) it'll be back to the diet.

    Since we're not going out for Thanksgiving (still contagious for the rest of the week), it'll come to us: either Popeye's Cajun turkey (assuming we don't have to buy a full one), or a couple of takeout dinners from the Fireside.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941

    Glad you are feeling a bit better Sandy. Nothing like being sick on a holiday.

    I make pumpkin pies today. It is going to pour rain all day so perhaps a simple pasta and salad dinner will be in order although I'll add some protein if we have any.

    Have a happy holiday tomorrow whatever you all end up doing 😊🌨🍲🍕

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    After my successful "practice" making a pumpkin pie, I'm baking "the real one". I'm debating what else to make ahead of time for tomorrow.

    I've got the table set. It's slightly crowded, but okay. We are going to use an early 1900s folding table/desk, with a tablecloth, as a "sideboard". Unlike my parents formal dinners, we won't be in white-tie/mess dress/evening gown, and we won't have staff serving the guests. :-)

    Chi, I hope you feel better soon.

    If I were around Chicago, I'd come over and have a look at the electrical issues. At work, I was given all the weird, strange, and unusual issues to fix after everyone else had given up and….it always got fixed. It sometimes took a while, but it always got fixed. :-)

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,730

    My Grams family famous cranberry-Apple relish and the pumpkin pie are done.

    No clue what is for dinner!

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    I think I'm going to make some naan bread today and, tomorrow, warm it up in the microwave oven.

    I sure do miss the 2nd oven!!!!!!!!!!

    Also, later tonight I'm going to get some potato-leek soup started. It's a slow cooker recipe that takes 12 to ???? hours to be ready to serve. I think that will make a nice first course instead of a salad. The salad is not going to happen as it looks like the salad stuff at the store had been picked over. What was left was the limp-brown-"what is that?" :-|

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,730

    Happy Thanksgiving all anddon’t forget to “Gooble til you Wobble”

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401
    edited November 2023

    May we all have grateful/thankful moments through the year(s).

    Black cod tonight editing to add, I made a miso compound butter with Japanese spice blend (hot pepper) and it turned out superbly!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    The electrician says that when he removed the switchplate on the garage wall, he noticed one wire slightly askew. So he "re-terminated" it, et voilà: let there be light…and a functioning door opener. He says that at our leisure he can come out and run a dedicated circuit to the opener. Not just that: in 2020, when he installed the conduit for the revised circuit to the garage, he "future-proofed" it: used a wide enough pipe to run a 240V line for an EV charger should we want one!

    Dinner last night was the broccoli-cheddar soup Bob brought home Tues. night. It was better than I thought it'd have been and was easy on my stomach.

    Had a rough couple of days with Heidi—she didn't tolerate the suggested increased dose of methimazole well and wouldn't eat or drink at all from Tues till late last night. Natch, the vet's office is closed for the weekend, and the only way to communicate with the (one remaining) vet is via voicemail to the office's landline or the office's e-mail—hoping it gets forwarded to her. She was at her worst yesterday after I gave her the methimazole at noon, and I decided to go ahead and give her Mirataz (appetite stimulant/anti-nauseant). She began drinking again but still spurned even her favorite food. I called the emergency vet last night, and she said to give the Mirataz time to kick in but hold off the methimazole (which does reduce appetite, increase lethargy and can cause vomiting). By bedtime she was lapping away at her fountain, and this morning there were only crumbs in her dish. She is again begging for food every 5 hrs. or so, and eating most of it w/in a couple of hours. Called the emergency vet again, who said to keep her off the methimazole but give her another hit of Mirataz to keep her appetite up—we will bring her there tomorrow, as we're sure her regular vet won't be at the office.

    My fever seems to have broken: last Tylenols were 10 hours ago and my temp is normal. Crud seems to be loosening. Bob went to Fireside and picked up two turkey dinners (no pumpkin pie, alas, but that's fine). After being able to have a small breakfast (egg, toast, coffee), I was finally able to eat dinner at 7:30. I ate about 1/3 of my dinner box, but given the Fireside's massive portions, that was actually a normal prudent plate for me. Turkey was a tad dry, even the dark meat with gravy, but it was the thought & tradition that counts…not to mention the calories.

    Oh, and after Heidi finished her afternoon crumbs and evening dinner wet food she begged for seconds—so I minced some plain white turkey meat and she ate at least half of it.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,730

    Got a stuffed pork roast in the slow cooker. Gonna pair it with homemade applesauce.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    My thanksgiving leftovers sandwich was awesome, probably having another one for dinner.

    Turkey bone broth is going. I’ll be using some for soup, turkey a la king and whatever else comes to mind.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Leftover miso compounded butter black cod.

    Sandy, my heart goes out to Heidi and you….such a tough road with an elderly, ailing feline. I miss my little guy(s) every day.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Thanks to everyone for sharing your food - traditional and not. We had delicious prime rib French Dip sandwiches. The beef was over 1" high and 'melt in your mouth' delicious. Served with their excellent skinny fries. My beverage of choice was two classes of 1000 Stories Zinfandel. We passed on dessert, so I have yet to get my once a year slice of pumpkin pie.

    Got home in time to speak with my brother who happened to be in CA visiting his new granddaughter (Special K- Thousand Oaks); and my son who was just home in Marin, CA from Seoul, Korea and preparing to spend the day ripping out his kitchen floor; and my ex-DH who celebrated his 30th anniversary with his present wife this week. I'll celebrate the holidays with them at a local steak house in two weeks.

    A friend brought me a large container of homemade soup today so no cooking the second day in a row.

    Thanks to all of you who have continued posting what you're cooking on this thread. I miss those who are no longer here, but am grateful for each of you.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    The turkey broth is in some canning jars and I'm letting the fat come to the surface so that I can "de-fat" it. Tomorrow I'm hoping I have time to can (jar) it.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Minus, you are such a sweetheart.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Mac n' cheese tonight.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Vet & I agreed that comfort and enjoyment are paramount for Heidi. The methimazole (thyroid suppressant) was making her miserable (the half-dose was losing its effectiveness, but she couldn't tolerate the full dose—nausea, inappetance, irritated ear skin leading to scratching). She's going to keep losing weight, anyway, so she may as well eat what she likes as often as she wants. So we took her off the methimazole and are giving her the Mirataz whenever her appetite starts to flag. Gave it to her Thurs. & yesterday but she's nicely peckish today. I don't mind feeding her on demand, as long as she's eating, drinking and wants to snuggle.

    Yesterday we had turkey dinner leftovers (and so did Heidi—sprinkled minced turkey breast over her wet food). Dessert was sugar-free chocolate pudding, but later at night I began having cravings for biscotti & chocolates—only I realized that giving in did not satisfy me, so I'm going to refrain from it (keeping my hands & mouth busy some other way while watching TV).

    This morning, a 2-egg Boursin omelet with the shaved nubbin of white truffle. Dinner was bone broth with dill & parsley, plus a couple of slices of hi-fiber lo-carb buttered toast. (Bob had the rest of the crawfish mac & cheese, Chunky Soup and a salad). The smoked turkey drumsticks will be Monday (when he will be down on the S. Side, where Just Turkey is located . I did buy a small pumpkin pie, though. Bob thinks he'll have it with coffee for breakfast tomorrow (seems he may not be working tomorrow). So I'll have to resist. A half-glass of Beauj. Nouveau will have to do for dessert.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941

    Made pumpkin pies and cranberry sauce ( in the mini crockpot). Came out pretty well considering I had a mini-catastrophe while making the pies.

    Finished pouring the pumpkin mixture into the crusts, admiring my success with my mom's crust recipe this year; turned around to see the eggs sitting on the counter in a bowl! Repouring, remixing and getting the filling back in the pie shells felt like putting toothpaste back in the tube. I said to DH "Now I know why my mom cried at least once most holidays." One distraction and things start falling apart. (Mine was DH coming into the kitchen and saying "I'll be out of your way in a minute I'm just getting..." while he starts reaching around me and getting lunch. He'll believe me now when I ask him to wait just a few minutes!

    Goods news: taste was not affected and no husband's were harmed the making of the pies!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Great story Reader - except when your living in the middle of it. Glad to hear DH wasn't harmed, but he was taking quite a chance.

    Eric - how did the Naan turn out? I can imagine how much you miss that 2nd oven.

    Ended up eating a can of smoked oysters yesterday - so today was the leftover French Dip. Microwaved a package of Bob Evans mashed cauliflower - roasted with garlic & herbs. It was pretty good.

    My SEES candy came. Victoria Toffee and Peanut Brittle. My goal is to save it for Christmas - actually not open it now. We'll see. And a T-shirt I ordered as a gift for myself also arrived. It says "BOOKS - the original hand held device".

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,730

    Dinner last night was a healthy pizza with hubby and a couple of friends at a pizza joint owned by the niece of our friends. The owner was so nice and even allowed my hubby to bring in a cake as our friends told their niece that the cake was for my birthday yesterday.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    The "sort of naan" bread turned out well. The onion I used had much more juice than normal, so I needed an entire extra cup of flour…but with eight people at the table, the extra bread was a good thing.

    It was a mostly successful process getting everything cooked and kept warm.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Happy Birthday, mommyof3. So glad you came back!

    See's candy story. I was checking out at Belk's on Monday when I spotted a display of See's candy at one end of the counter! It was 25 per cent off with use of a Belk's card. I did not buy any.

    Mae, I will be interested in how you like the new stove.

    We had good luck in weather conditions on our trip to and from Lafayette, Indiana. In the past we've usually had some rain and wind on at least one day. The gathering at a niece's house was enjoyable. Three of her four children were present. It's so nice to be around young educated people optimistic about their future.

    The meal was the usual and, as usual, was fairly good. One amusing thing, for us. Some years ago dh's sister (our hostess's mother) introduced oyster dressing, which subsequently became a Thanksgiving must have dish. Often we brought the fresh oysters when we travelled up for the holiday. Often I did a lot of chopping prep for the dish. DH and I never divulged that this oyster dressing was not similar to the New Orleans oyster dressing, which is a well-seasoned bread dressing with the addition of oysters.

    This year Justin, our great nephew, made the dish and it was the best version I have tasted. He used the Pacific coast oysters, but it doesn't matter since the oysters add some flavor but mostly moisture.

    One medium sized turkey was deep fried but not injected with peppery liquid like Louisiana fried turkeys. Another medium sized turkey was slathered with herb butter and cooked in a smoker on the patio. Our host hacked up the turkeys, having never researched carving a turkey. I kept quiet watching him. A turkey needs all the help it can get in being palatable and these two turkeys didn't get that help. LOL. I ate a couple of small pieces of dark meat and later chewed on a wing I found discarded. There was also a whole leg that didn't get sliced.

    SpecialK, that French Silk pie made me drool for a slice. I didn't eat any dessert since the offerings were pumpkin pie and apple pie. Neither one tempted me. The whipped cream looked good.

    Tonight's dinner will probably be lamb chops and creamed spinach. Maybe a salad.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    I missed that m0m. Happy birthday!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Carole, I’m still learning it but no problems so far. I’d never imagined myself with an electric stove but this induction is different. It’s still odd that the burners aren’t hot to touch and DH leaves things on top that would otherwise melt. I keep removing them, then remember it’s safe but remove them anyway, old habits. The oven works normally and has and air fry setting, we’ll try that soon. Our gas stove in Houston came with the house and was at least 25 years old, this new one is very advanced.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,730

    ty guys!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    m0mmy - sorry, I missed it too. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

    Carole - glad your trip was successful in spite of the butchered turkeys.

    Eric - if the "sort of Naan" does not require kneading, I'd like the recipe. No kneading happening here with what probably is NOT a ruptured tendon but still painful since last June. Of course that means I'm not making my Mom's orange rolls either.

    Supper was homemade vegetable soup from a friend, the rest of the salad bag with tomatoes & black olives added, wheat Club crackers, and a lovely Bordeaux wine - Chateau deLuc Cotes-de-Bourg. I'm still looking for a good Miso salad dressing if anyone has a recipe. I searched around earlier this year and found OKA's, but it's not really to my taste.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Taking a turkey break and having little pizzas using premade crusts I picked up from the store recently (extra cheese, pepperoni and onion).

    minus, I received and open my See’s on Friday. I cut the pieces in half, to see what’s inside and to get twice as many, not really but my bites are smaller after the post brain surgery issue from a few years ago. I only eat a few, so it lasts longer too.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401
    edited November 2023

    I'm drooling as I read all of this. Oyster anything I would love, love, love. I may give up raw after getting ill on them 3 times in my life and I weep when I think about that.

    Minus, here is my favorite miso dressing recipe…I found this when low fat was the rage; now I would happily use all oil:

    Miso Dressing:
    3 TBS. white miso
    2 cloves garlic
    2 Tbs. cider vinegar or red wine vinegar
    1-1/2 Tbs. Oriental (toasted) sesame oil
    3/4 cup olive oil
    1/3 cup + 1 Tbs. Water (now that I am not fat-phobic, I would use more oil and much less water)

    Blend miso, garlic, vinegar
    while machine is running, pour in oil. When emulsified, pour in water till consistency of mayo.
    (I've also just dumped everything into a blender and whirrled it around a while...close enough when I'm craving it )

    Illimae, when we moved from WI, which had natural gas available, I wanted a "professional" cooktop. Fast forward…propane is all that is available here, so we replaced the cooktop in the house we bought (gave up building as DH took too many years to make up his mind and we sold the lot) and I put in an induction. My only regret was that I had $$$$$ of tri-ply All-clad but not the stainless that was magnetic. Shipped it all to a friend and stuck with all the Le Crueset that I have. It is as responsive as gas but safer, as you point out…When I make messy food, I have a silicone sheet (like for lining a jelly roll pan) I put under so I can just pick it up and wash it in the sink. Nothing ever gets burned on, which is great, because my last stove looked like a disaster.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Mae - My Mother took the cake. Bless her heart since she's been gone 20 years. But she used to push in the bottom of each individual Sees candy to see if she wanted that kind, and if not - she put it back in the box.

    Thanks Wally. Since I like mine creamy, what do you think about 1/2 oil & 1/2 sour cream or mayo?

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Once again dh did a great job grilling the lamb chops. I also enjoyed the creamed spinach made with frozen chopped spinach.

    Today is Monday so we'll go with tradition and cook a pot of red beans with smoked ham hocks.