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So...whats for dinner?



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Fajitas for dinner at a local spot near our old house. Going to have a margarita too.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    😥 Hugs, Sandy.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941

    So very sorry Sandy. 😞

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Scans were good. Fish tacos for lunch to celebrate, no idea about dinner yet.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Yay on good scans!!!! Another yay for fish tacos.

    Dinner tonight will be chili mac. The chili is leftover. The pasta yet to be cooked.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Mae - HOORAY for the good news. That's the best kind of holiday present.

    My meal today was 1/2 a ham & Havarti sandwich on pumpernickel bread.

    I've been spacing out my gift pears. Some called Royal Rivera from Harry & David in Oregon and some Comice pears from Pitman Davis in the valley. It's the same pear and they are melt-in-your-mouth delicious. If you can find this pear, it's well worth the cost. "The Doyenne du Comice pear originated in France, where it was first grown at the Comice Horticole in Angers in the 1840s… Brought to the US in 1850 as a seedling".

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941

    With DH out of town, yesterday and today's meals were both turkey meatloaf and mashed potatoes (from Whole Foods) and cooked carrots. Lazy-easy, but good.

    Minus those pears sound delicious.

    Mae, so glad for the scan results. Celebrate for sure!

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Excellent news, Mae… :-)

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Illimae, YAY on stable scans!

    Sandy, the kindest last gesture that we offer our ailing/aging fur-babies…not easy.

    Yesterday and today, leftover rice with spam and broccoli.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Salad today with everything in the fridge - eggs, bacon, asparagus, black olives, fresh mushrooms, sunflower seeds, tomatoes, cabbage, red cabbage, carrots, etc. Served with HEB Ranch dressing.

    Tomorrow steak for lunch with my ex-DH and his wife. Just FYI - he & I were married 20 years. He has been married to current wife for 30 years. He's probably still one of my best friends. I mentioned to her that I wasn't bringing gifts to exchange this year. Hope she does likewise. I do send them some pears and she sends me chewy pralines. That's enough.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Ah, another spam eater!

    Dinner last night was the catered meal served at the woodworkers guild Christmas dinner, which was held at the Maritime Museum this year. We are very pleased at the change since the museum is a five minute drive for us. The food buffet was better with a different caterer. The two meats were ham and brisket. I bypassed the ham and enjoyed the brisket. Sides I chose were scalloped potatoes, mac and cheese and Caesar salad. The dessert was bread pudding and I actually liked it. Normally I'm not a fan.

    Dinner tonight will be salmon with a veggie, probably carrots, and a tossed salad. DH won't be thrilled over salmon but I like to have it occasionally.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    No dinner last night but I had a cheesesteak for a late lunch. Good thing I did too since a wheel bearing cracked on the little flatbed trailer we were towing, DH had to replace it at night in the cold in a Napa auto parts parking lot. We decided to get a room and continue home today. Meals will be fast food or truck stop snacks.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Good plan to get a room, Illimae.

    Dinner was salmon fillet topped with yogurt and dill mixture, baby carrots lightly candied with butter and little brown sugar, and tossed salad.

    Our pre-dinner cocktails were bloody mary made with clamato juice for dh and Prosecco and Chambord for me.

  • clars
    clars Member Posts: 46
    edited December 2023

    I’ve been pretty depressed recently so haven’t been eating well 😞 trying to get back on it tonight though, having salmon with pak choi, kale, and basmati rice. I might bottle your yoghurt and dill mixture idea, Carole!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Clars - sorry about the depression. Hope your doc has prescribed something to help.

    Carole - I agree - yogurt & dill. Maybe some onions? Both of your salmon meals sound delicious. Time for me to do some fish.

    Fridge cleaning today so the meal was really weird. A couple spoonfuls of deviled eggs, the 2" leftover fillet sliced thin & served cold as finger food, the last of the fresh raspberries in heavy cream. More leftovers tomorrow but that will be mostly veggies.

    Presents all wrapped but I still have to catch up with the mailman, the garbage man, the newspaper man. Wish I could get inspired to write cards, but it may not happen this year. Mercury Baroque concert tomorrow. Taking my hair dresser to lunch Sunday. Oncologist this week and I'm hoping to convince her I can switch to every other year since my 2 year breast ULS showed no new problems.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    I'm laughing about Minus' comment about fridge cleaning.

    We did that today, too. The two things of note that we got rid of were 1) liquid asparagus and 2) sour cream that had sprouted some fuzz that was a very nice shade of light blue.

    I still have no idea how we missed that stuff from last Friday's clean-out.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Last night's dinner was baby back ribs and baked sweet potatoes.

    Minus, I have been enjoying fresh raspberries and blueberries I buy at Sam's Club. A favorite lunch is cereal, either cheerios or Wheaties, topped with the berries.

    Tonight will probably be chicken breasts out of the freezer. Maybe our legacy dish, salsa chicken with black beans.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Goat ragu over penne. Enough for leftovers tonight and maybe some lunch meals. Bought a turkey breast (on sale at walmart) and hope to make the crockpot breast that turned out so beautifully last year. That will give us a lot of leftovers.

    Monday we head back to seattle—this time for DH's oral clinic visit, so he won't be radioactive. Maybe we'll have time for a nice meal out or something; possibly even stay overnight and not rush, now that our sweet little fur-boy is gone.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,730

    making lasagna for dinner.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Mmmm… lasagna 😀

    I made fish tacos (Cod) and they were good but the batter needed more salt and probably a darker, better beer.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Last night Sharon cooked fettuccine alfredo, which was VERY good. We have enough for two, maybe three, meals, which makes me happy. :-)

    Tonight I made pumpkin soup…to use up the last of the pumpkins before they started to remind us of the asparagus we put into the trash.

    A thick and hot soup, this time of year, is good too. It's been in the 50F/10C range during the day, but when the sun goes down, it quickly gets cold. By morning it's around 20F/-7C.

    I'm back to my hot coffee morning routine. I have 8-10 cups of coffee in the morning, while Sharon drinks hot chocolate. She hates coffee. I'm not sure how it is that a naval reserve officer and merchant marine officer doesn't like coffee, but…. :-)

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258

    Have been AWOL again - my BFF from California was here for a week, and as soon as she flew home I had another CT scan and some labs - still trying to figure out my situation. I am thinking I should have a routine ua done to make sure there is still blood - has prob resolved and I am doing all of this for nothing. Can't see the urologist until January. Anyway - I am back and all caught up.

    chisandy - so sorry to hear about Heidi, so hard to lose our beloved pets, but agree you did so much for her. She is peaceful now, I hope that you are too.

    illimae - yay for your good scans!

    eric - lol on the liquid asparagus and blue sour cream! I love coffee too, but have had to cut back to a more reasonable several cups - I can lose control easily, and overdrink it!

    I didn't do too much cooking while BFF was here - we went out a few times, but nothing was super memorable food-wise. We did have some great steaks cut from a standing rib roast - I realized the roasts were on sale at Publix, and found one big enough to cut into four generous steaks by the guy behind the meat counter. The roast was $36 and they will cut it gratis, but a single boneless ribeye was $25 - I was pretty pumped with that deal! I am going to do it again this week since standing rib roast is still on sale per the weekly ad, and my BIL is coming for dinner on the 20th. I think I will do a salad and twice baked potatoes, and a chocolate cake for dessert.

    auntie - I am staying tuned for the hopefully good news about the success of your ablation. I still have nagging pain, and the degeneration of discs was noted in the unrelated initial scan looking at the abdomen/pelvis.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Yum on all the food mentioned.

    The chicken salsa didn't disappoint. DH made a wonderful guacamole that went perfectly with the meal.

    I think tonight's dinner will be pork piccata made with a tenderloin.

    Wally, I hope you and your dh can enjoy this trip to Seattle. You both deserve some pleasure.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    After a long Bar Show rehearsal (I masked the whole time except when doing my solos), we had a party at the restaurant next door as a sendoff for our holiday rehearsal hiatus. Usual party finger foods: wings, celery, cheese curds, nuggets, chips, guac, salsa. Nibbled a bit and headed back to the parking garage. (Fortunately, it was raining too hard for the migrants in the shelter across the street—a former private club/luxury hotel—to be gathering on the corner, milling around and selling arepas; so I didn't have a crowd to navigate). Got home to discover Bob had gone out to Calo earlier (ate a salad) and brought back pizza bread and linguine with white clam sauce. Unfortunately, I finished a small bag of Garrett's caramel popcorn I'd bought the day before. (Nationally-renowned popcorn, with the main store located across from the Bar Assn.). Brunch this a.m. was veggie quiche, mesclun salad and a sausage. Bob brought it back from Beard & Belly across the street—he and the bartender were the only people wearing masks. I will be paying dearly for all those carbs.

    Bob wants to go out to the Palm tonight (he wants filet mignon, I prime rib). I will be masked except while actively eating & drinking. I figure if I catch COVID this week or even on Christmas (and either way, stay in for New Year's Eve), I will be safe by the time rehearsals re-start Jan. 4. (I think I'll bring a bunch of KN95s for cast members). The show is the 12th & 13th. (Can't do it on the 11th because that theater's where NPR tapes "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me"). Rehearsal attendance has been awful—thanks to business trips, family obligations, flu and now COVID. Director warned us that if we miss any rehearsals we're out of the show, and so is the entire scene in which we have solos. (Next year, when casting, they need to assign understudies/"swings").

    Tomorrow, I'm my HK's "plus-one" for a seniors' luncheon at Cinespace Studios (home of the Dick Wolf "One Chicago" shows) hosted by the city Treasurer. We'll all be masked, of course. Wish I could find a Christmas-themed KN95!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2023

    Also heading outside in a few, backache notwithstanding—scissors & ziplocs in hand—to harvest the remaining mint, Italian parsley, oregano, thyme & chives before they freeze overnight. The rosemary is so cold-hardy that some people decorate it as mini living Christmas trees.

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,896

    Last nights dinner was less than satisfactory - carry out fried chicken from a local place. It was greasy and not very crisp and a waste of calories.

    Today was spent baking the few cookies that I make this time of year -- a salted chocolate chunk made with brown butter and dark brown sugar and a choc chip variation called Sweet Dreams which is one of DH's faves. It certainly made the house smell good.

    Tomorrow is the second half of my ablation For some reason my doc does it in two visits. The procedure itself was a piece of cake with minimal discomfort. So far however I haven't noticed much effect. They did tell me it could take a couple of weeks to get the full effect. I guess it takes those nerves a while to die. I'll keep you posted Special.

    Tonight is a Spanish tortilla with a small green salad. DH will be peeling the potatoes as it's a job I detest. I bought a nice new non stick skillet that I'm anxious to try with this dish. Hopefully it will made the flipping less nerve wracking.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Nancy, is it ceramic or conventional nonstick? I've largely been disappointed with ceramic, because everything except fried eggs seems to stick (cooking fat notwithstanding) and it's a bear to clean them (have to use a plain or melamine sponge). All conventional advice for cooking in nonstick (heat empty on med.-high to med. heat, adding oil just before adding the food) doesn't apply: you have to heat them empty on med.-low, and not use EVOO for searing or sauteeing. EVOO apparently gums up ceramic nonstick as badly as cooking sprays do on conventional nonstick. I use my plain stainless skillets only for sauteeing veggies or to deliberately create a "fond" from pan-searing proteins that stick, in order to deglaze and make a pan sauce. I am leery of trying to do that in a ceramic pan.

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,896
    edited December 2023

    Sandy - mine is a Tramontina non stick and I love it. Things slide out smoothly and it practically cleans itself. First time trying it with the Spanish tortilla. I normally use an 8" cast iron pan for that.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    The Mercury Baroque concert was amazing. Afterwards we went to a new HUGE Spec's Liquor (gifts, deli, bakery, etc) that actually has a real live Sees candy department inside the store. Peanut Brittle was $38, as was the Victoria Toffee. My Christmas presents to me! As you might imagine, the dinner highlight was See's Peanut Brittle - after leftover asparagus sauteed with garlic & re-heated Brussels sprout w/faux Korean sauce

    Today I took my hairdresser to lunch and she chose PF Changs. Confirming again - it's just not that great. Egg Drop Soup was cold. I also had pork egg rolls that were just OK but no real flavor. And ordered a side veggie trying to find where I had the delicious Brussels sprouts. Nope - not here either.

    If I get hungry again, it will be egg salad & a Royal Rivera (Comice) pear.

    Nance - good luck with the continuing ablation tomorrow. Mae - hope you're safely home. Special - sorry you're still under the weather. Hope the docs come up with some answers.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401
    edited December 2023

    Last night was goat ragu (SO good) leftovers.

    Tonight, I am making turkey breast in the crockpot (yes, THAT recipe!). I hope it turns out as good as last year. I peeled and diced butternut squash, which is roasting in the oven and we'll have some microwaved broccoli. Leftover turkey can be turkey and cheese sandwiches on a Croissant (costco) to take with us.