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So...whats for dinner?



  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Minus, I think mayo would work well. I've made a mayo/miso "paste" to coat fish and it is always tasty.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    I'd love to be eco-conscious and get an induction range, but my 5-burner pro-style range is barely 12 years old and works like a charm. I have a freestanding induction burner, but I ran out of counter space and haven't used it in years (except as a "coaster" beneath a breadbox, which is also long-defunct).

    Leftovers all weekend. Bob brought an "entree + 2 sides" meatloaf meal, plus a couple slices of London broil and a shrimp ring from Whole Foods. I've been basically nibbling. He went to Just Turkey on the way home from work today, and brought a couple of smoked turkey legs, turkey chili, greens, fries and a slice of sweet potato pie. I did have the whole slice, and I think I'll be paying for it for awhile. Heidi is barely eating again, so I will have to dose her on Mirataz again in the morning. HK won't be back till Wed. (had expected her today), and I hope Heidi hangs in there long enough for them to see each other.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Sandy, you have so many take out food options when you don't feel up to eating out. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't use that five burner stove at all.

    DH cooked the 1 pound package of Camellia red beans yesterday with two large ham hocks. We both enjoyed a bowl of beans and brown rice last night, doused with Louisiana hot sauce. The side was a small pan of Jiffy cornbread. DH is a fan of Jiffy and keeps us well supplied. It's easy to make and I have the perfect little pan. I eat a slice or two with no complaints even though I prefer a cornbread made from scratch.

    Now we have a lot of leftover beans. I heard recently that Camellia is making a package of dry beans for two people.

    DH has a woodworkers guild meeting tonight so we'll have leftovers for an earlier dinner than usual.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258

    mommy - happy belated birthday!

    I have been nurse mom since last Wednesday - things have been going well. DD struggled to eat as the packing up her nose created a bit of a vacuum so everything she ate and drank felt like it was going up her nose. As she came out of anesthesia she had some incidents of not breathing enough - pretty normal - but general anesthesia leaves her very slowly, so I moved DH into a guest room and put DD in my bed with me so I could listen to her breathing during the night. The whole experience for her was tough since you have to breathe 100% through your mouth - but at 8am this morning she had her appointment to remove the packing. She can now breathe through her nose - yay! She had a hard time with the appointment - it is a LOT of packing, and she got dizzy and nauseous after the removal. She is sleeping now. I am taking her home this evening and her boyfriend will be off from late tonight through the next few days and can watch her and help out. He has been great - spending a lot of time with her here on his off days and after work. He has been very sweet to her, even when she was a bit crabby. She has an adjustable bed at home that will be easier for her to sleep at an incline - I have wedge pillows and a comfy bed, but it is always easier to sleep in your own bed. DH is coming home early today so I can go to my semi-annual derm appt. Hopefully there will be no biopsies this time - that would be excellent, but since I can't really see my back, no guarantees…

    My BFF is coming in a week and we will go and do some fun things and eat in a few restaurants. DH and I have an anniversary while she is here, our 40th! I think we will go out to either a fancy lunch on the water to beat the weekend crowds, or wait to celebrate until one of the weeknights while she is here.

    I have been mostly cooking easy things since I have not had a lot of time to devote to cooking, and one night we did get some Publix fried chicken - it is very good and that way I don't make a mess frying chicken in my own kitchen. Last night I did make a pasta dish with andouille sausage sliced and crisped in a pan, broccoli, cajun seasoning, heavy cream, parm, and cooked fusilli. we also had some frozen lasagna one night and I have leftover marinara from that, so tonight will be pappardelle with meat sauce and a salad. I made garlic knots last night and have half of them left.

    Has anyone grown a new little head of romaine from cutting the upper 3/4 off a head of romaine and then putting the end in a little bowl of water? It is so surprising how fast it grows! I now have a small lettuce farm on my kitchen counter, lol! I did it initially to see if it would work after reading about it, now I can't stop.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    SpecialK, so glad your daughter's surgery went well and she is on the mend. I'll have to try growing the romaine just for the fun of it.

    Well, now I have avocado guilt after reading an article in the NYT about avocado growers in Mexico cutting down forests to produce avocados to satisfy the American appetite for them. Apparently the gangs are involved and growers are even cutting down forests on private land without permission. If the owner objects, the gangs deal with him. To make things worse, avocado trees require a massive amount of water. And I just bought a bag of 5 avocados from Sam's Club. 😕

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    OH NO on the avocados!!! Almonds are the same but I am allergic to them…sigh. Our planet, I weep.

    I made shrimp balls (like meat balls but with shrimp) and basmati rice cooked in chicken broth and butter. YUM. Side was broccoli. Leftovers tonight.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258

    Here is a photo of my lettuce farm:

    Bummer on the avocado situation… how crazy is it that there is gang activity in Mexico around avocados?

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Special - I too will have to try the Romaine on the cupboard. Don't let your BFF get on the plane with out packing you some SEES candy.

    Mexican food for late lunch with 4 friends today. Company was great. Margaritas were good. Food was totally forgettable. Then two of us stopped to vote in the 'run off' elections and went to the library. I'm so glad I re-activated my card a couple of weeks ago.

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,896

    Well Thanksgiving and "after Thanksgiving" have come and gone, if not the leftovers. My 14 pound spatchcocked turkey was perfect and I still have a couple of meals left in it - probably a pot pie and possibly tetrazzini. But tonight is plain old spaghetti with ground beef and Raos At least the pies are gone.

    Tomorrow is the excursion to "The Hill" so I may pick up some dinner worthy options. For sure some cheeses and olives as well as cannelloni and manicotti plus fresh Italian Bakery bread.

    Special - love the garden! I don't buy romaine but I do get little gem I wonder if that would work, Can't wait to try it! Hope your DD continues to improve.

    Sandy, I'm sorry your kitty is in such sad shape It is heart wrenching for sure Hugs to you.

    Sigh, now I have to quit avocados . . .

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Tonight was turkey a la king over drop biscuits, one of my favs. Dessert was a See’s dark chocolate molasses chip and 1/2 of the one with rum, cherries and walnuts inside, another fav. DH has dinner duty tomorrow.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941

    Yum on the dinners shared and shown. Without some of your varied ideas I would do the same things a lot or go out - too often for me and it becomes a weight gain situation.

    Tonight was a large salad with lots of goodies in it like red onion and tomato, cucumber dill dressing and Costco rotisserie chicken enchilada cassarole. Oh and See's chocolate later on. I'm now a believer thanks to you all. 😊

    Will definitely try the lettuce garden!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Nance - great to hear from you.

    Sorry - I'll have to figure out something else to give up besides avocados. Maybe my car? I believe in the reason, but I only eat one or two a month. Oh, oh, oh … that sounds like a whiny privilege excuse, and ignoring an important issue. Can I give up Almonds?

    Reader - glad you had some SEES candy.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    I'll probably endure the guilt and keep eating avocados.

    I made a batch of chicken salad yesterday with a Sam's Club rotisserie chicken ($4.99) and have to retract my statement that chicken salad with a home baked chicken is better. I definitely like the texture of chicken chopped in the food processor. No change of preference on that. And lots of celery and mayo. DH can enhance his portions as he likes, with chopped onion and curry powder.

    More reading about food. Sweet potatoes are getting a big thumbs up. Now let's hope the growers aren't destroying the planet.

    Last night's dinner was same song, second verse. Warmed up beans and rice and cornbread. It was good the second time. Tonight will be pork roast and the much-recommended sweet potatoes, which we eat quite regularly because we like them.

    I cancelled the Hungry Root, a process that took quite a while convincing the company that I really wanted to cancel. It was fun for a while but now I'm on my own. I can always start again if the whim to reactivate hits. I know I can expect multiple offers in emails and texts.

    Nance, I am envious of your access to Hill shopping. Do you occasionally eat at one of the restaurants?

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,896
    edited November 2023

    Carole, we will definitely have lunch there. Some of our favorites (Charlie Gittos, Cunettos) are sadly not open for lunch but others like Zia's and Favazza's are.. We are likely to end up at Favazza's where we will overeat and dinner will end up being half of a grilled cheese sandwich. We don't eat dinner there usually because it's a distance from us and unless we're going with friends, we're not usually inclined to drive that far for dinner We do eat at one of Charlie Gittos other locations close to us

    You have me craving red beans and rice

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    The avocado situation was featured on a Netflix series called Rotten (I think), other episodes included wine and several more. I saw something about fish too, I ended up realizing that you can’t eat anything that isn’t touched by misery, crime or corruption.

    Dinner will probably be hot dogs or pigs in a blanket.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    The pork roast smelled wonderful as it cooked in the oven. It also tasted very good. My small baked sweet potato was sweeter than usual. Today I will make gravy with the drippings in the roaster. At least half the roast is left over for another or other meals.

    Tonight's dinner will be a Hungry Root hamburger. And a salad with my own ingredients.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Chi….pets and ear scratches to Heidi. Hugs to you.

    I think we're just about done with the Thanksgiving leftovers. We have some leek-potato soup and, that's about it.

    As for the bread. It does need a little bit of kneading—just enough to get everything is well "mixed"

    It's not really "naan", but that was the title atop the scrap of paper containing the recipe.

    1 envelope of yeast.
    1-1/2 cup of lukewarm water.
    4 cups all purpose flour.
    1 tbsp sugar.
    1/2 cup of grated onion.
    2 tsp salt.
    dried rosemary.
    melted butter.

    Add sugar and yeast to lukewarm water, and stir to dissolve the sugar and yeast. Add, flour, salt and onion. Knead dough until it's smooth. You may need to add more flour if the onions are "juicy" so that the dough is easy to handle.

    Put dough into an oiled bowl, cover the bowl and let it rise until doubled.

    After the dough has doubled, knead dough a couple of times and then spread into a lightly oiled (or buttered) cookie sheet so that the dough is about 1 inch thick. Sprinkle with dried rosemary and a very tiny amount of salt. Bake at 400F degrees for 10 to 15 minutes. Brush bread with butter and bake 10 more minutes.

    It's best when it's hot, but is okay cold…..a microwave oven does a nice job of reheating the (if any) leftover bread.

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,896

    Yesterday's Hill excursion was big fun. We loaded up at the Italian grocer with all kinds of goodies. We went to the best (imo) Italian bakery where I bought two pounds of Christmas cookies, two chocolate chip cannoli, a couple of tiny chocolate macaroons and of course a couple of my favorite -- cuccidati. We had lunch at Favazza's. DH had baked mostaccioli and I had linguini pescatore, which was heavy on the shrimp, moderate with clams and very light on the crab. I get this dish at every Italian restaurant where I know they can and lately it's been the same at all of them. The price of crab must be prohibitive. Leftovers were today's lunch and last night's dinner, predictably, was half a turkey sandwich for me and a grilled cheese for DH.

    Tonight is bratwurst from the Italian grocery (house made) with baked beans and potato salad as sides.

    Sandy, I hope your absence doesn't mean you're in mourning 😔

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Thanks Eric.

    Nance - wow - what fun. I admit I had to look up some of the names, particularly cuccidati.

    Carol - I need to make another trip to our Central Market. They have delicious organic sweet potatoes.

    Today's meal was a grilled cheese sandwich - Cottage bread with Swiss & Colby Jack. And a Royal Rivera pear from Harry & David. I ordered some for myself this year, but I still think the Comice pears from Pitman & Davis in the valley are better. I sent the Comice pears for gifts again this year and that's what I usually order for myself. Oh well…

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Leftover salmon burger and I added some roasted potatoes plus the leftover cooked cabbage.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941

    An interesting chicken thighs recipe tonight from the "More with Less" cookbook, Mennonite Central Committee's cookbook. Focus is on healthful dishes that are easier on the planet.

    The dish was pan seared chicken thighs on a bed of rice, onion, celery and a can of tomatoes with a little extra water. Salt and pepper. It called for sage sprinkled on top which I never keep so I used Fines Herbes. In the oven for 1 hour.

    We liked it and it made enough to freeze half for a second meal. It's on the make-again list. Served with a side salad.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Last night was one of the two Hungry Root meals that came in this week's box. A beef cheddar burger on thin warmed buns with a hickory sweet barbecue sauce. The burger and bun were very good. The side was a romaine salad with tomato, kalamata olives, blue cheese and a whole avocado, all from my own grocery supply. Guilt, guilt.

    Tonight will be Pontchartrain Poboy shrimp poboys at a friend's house.

    Nance, crab meat is like seafood gold or diamonds. It's very expensive. I still buy it occasionally for crab cakes at $20 for 8 oz. That's the lump crab meat. The crab meat from the legs, which some people prefer, is a little cheaper.

    Reader, we like chicken thighs better than the breasts. Was the rice uncooked when you assembled the dish for the oven?

    I hope Sandy hasn't had another accident.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941

    Carole, yes the rice was uncooked. Made it really easy to make. I can DM you the actual recipe if you'd like.

    I've been tempted to try those meal kits but DH palate is pretty finicky. I fear more waste than usual or me eating some things for days..

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    DH and I both enjoyed the shrimp poboy last night.

    Tonight will be the final (for now) Hungry Root meal, chicken tacos. DH will like the fresh salsa which includes raw onions. He will get all of it. LOL.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Yesterday, scrambled eggs with the leftover sides (cooked cabbage and roasted potatoes).

    Still have enough sides so I'm thawing one of the Pink salmon I caught this summer for tonight. I'm going to marinate a slab o cross rib chuck overnight and toss it in the crockpot and hope it makes good shredded Italian beef (easier for DH to chew). I am sad to admit I did not know the difference between a chuck pot roast and a chuck cross rib roast.


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Delicious tuna steak and mixed veggies tonight.

    Heading back to Houston for scans in a week, so I’ll try to use up anything that would go bad in our absence.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Mae - that looks delicious - as your meals always do.

    My meal was last minute. Sauteed onion with some shrimp I defrosted. I had planned several interesting things for the shrimp, but ended up just dumping the above on a 90 second package of Brown rice with Quinoa.

    Almost finished with my goal to get the presents wrapped and in the mail by Monday. Well actually UPS, but still… 99.9% of my family has always lived in another state, if not actually clear across the country, or across an ocean. One package goes to Panama and even a B-day card takes 3 weeks to get there. One more family's gifts to wrap & pack for shipping and that's done.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Tonight was Kevin’s Thai Coconut Chicken (chicken and snap peas added) over riced cauliflower. We really enjoy this sauce, lots of flavor but not painfully spicy.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    The pork roast in gravy was delicious again last night. The sweet potato halves heated up in a skillet with melted butter were also sweet and tasty. Instead of brown rice I cooked quinoa in the little rice cooker. DH and I both are eating small portions, no seconds, so more leftovers.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    LOVE tuna steak!

    I made a chuck roast in the crockpot. A tad dry but very tender. I'll dice up the rest and make chili with it for tonight.