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So...whats for dinner?



  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,297

    Dinner tonight was another large green salad. Had to eat before the lettuce "melted". Served with HEB original Ranch dressing. So tomorrow might be french toast or naan pizza with Raos sauce. Or then again - I have a bag of spinach in the fridge that isn't getting any younger - so maybe fried rice with spinach? Or a spinach mushroom omelette? Sigh…

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 938

    I feel like I'm running out of ideas these days. Macaroni and cheese with tomatoes one night; tonight I pulled ground turkey, rice and cheese stuffed peppers from the freezer with what was left of a French boule I grabbed as I was making my way out of Walmart. Not where I expected to find decent French bread. But it was.

    Dh has been feeling a bit punk so made this graham cracker, pineapple pudding pie he likes so we had that while binging a Harlan Coben series on Netflix.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    Last night was a hot dog and Bush beans. Couldn't be easier and tasted good. Even the beans which aren't a favorite of mine.

    Tonight we're meeting another couple at the Mexican restaurant in Dorset. The top shelf margarita there is the best I've ever tasted. Probably the priciest, too. I will probably try their fish tacos.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,297

    Reader - I do like Harlen Coben books.

    Carole - I'm not a great fan of canned beans anymore either, but I do get Bush bean when I buy. In my pantry for hurricane emergencies is always a can of good, old "Beenie Weenies".

    7:30 so too late for a meal. Maybe a couple of slices of French Toast?

    Eric, Special, Nance - hope you are all OK.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,283

    Carole, Enjoy your margarita and whatever you decide to eat.

    Minus, Spanokopita (Greek spinach pie) or spanakorizo (Greek rice and spinach) are two things I make to use up spinach that is approaching its expiration date.

    Reader, The heat seems to sap enthusiasm for cooking. Good French bread from Walmart is a pleasant surprise.

    Today the weather cooperated and we were finally able to attend an outdoor lunchtime concert (a string quartet) in a town 45 min away. I was starting to feel that this summer was going to be no better than winter for doing things. We then continued across the state for DH’s cataract follow up. He’s going to need a revision surgery in a couple of months. It was a long day but I’m happy I got to do something out of the ordinary.

    Dinner tonight was hotdogs since we got home late.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,131

    Tomorrow, I head home 60 hour work weeks, plus paid travel time, so it's been busy.

    Most nights have been: Hamburger, baked a microwave iven baked potato and a microwave oven "cooked" corn on the cob and some fruit.

    The quantities of food I bought were perfect for lunch & dinner as I will run out of everything tonight.

    I did get to see older "test daughter" and family. :-) They live about 15 miles from where I'm staying.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    My margarita last night was as good as anticipated. I had fish tacos. The fish was cod and was quite good. The Canadian walleye is much too expensive for the fish component. MN walleye cannot be sold commercially.

    The summer heat has reached us.

    Very low on dinner ideas.

    Glad you're going home, Eric. I know you are glad, too.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    Hi all - have been busy, just catching up on posts here!

    I have had a plethora of doctor appts, with some results that are spawning more appts. I had a colonoscopy (rather, was supposed to have one…) on the Monday after my late Saturday return from Canada/Upstate NY. Did the prep - unpleasant, but better than my last one seven years ago. The doc was running late so I was in the pre-procedure area for quite a while. Finally got started, but woke up to find they could not do the exam because of all the twists and turns! Now I have to have a colonography - a virtual colonoscopy done with imaging. So, have to do the dreaded prep again, and this exam is done awake, which should be interesting. This was not a screening exam, it was supposed to be diagnostic with biopsies due to some ongoing GI issues. Not sure what the plan will be going forward… Also, slipped, but did not fall, in a boat on the lake while in NY, so I needed a hand x-ray. Nothing broken, but the left (thank goodness, not my right) hand hyperextended as I was trying not to fall, so it has three sprained fingers. After two tries at urgent care (x-ray tech called in sick on visit one, visit two had a two hour wait…) I called my primary care and got an x-ray order and got that done in 15 mins. I took my wedding ring off due to swelling, and just put it back on yesterday - three weeks later. My hand still hurts but thankfully it is no longer multiple colors. Also, had my initial consult with a cardiologist. Both my oncologist and primary care encouraged this visit, and this is a cardiologist who sub-specializes in oncology patients - had chemo/Herceptin, have a heart murmur, and I am turning 68 - I have never had a cardiac workup. So far, I've had an EKG, looked fine. Lipid panel indicates my cholesterol, which was borderline too high, is now officially too high. A1c is at the edge of pre-diabetic. Cardiac CT imaging shows some areas of concern, but nothing glaring. Still to come is an echocardiogram and a stress test. Fun times!

    On the dinner front, I did make a baked pasta with rigatoni, marinara, little meatballs, and fresh mozzarella. Served with butter lettuce salad, creamy Italian dressing, and homemade croutons. That was good for two dinners and I froze the remainder into two single meal containers. DH has gotten in the habit of eating a late lunch, which messes with my dinner plans, lol! Tonight I am planning taco salad, which will be nice because it is really hot and humid here, and he is spending the day paddle boarding.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    We made a shopping trip to Bemidji today to buy dh new shorts, a size smaller. The smarty-pants has lost 10 lbs, showing me up. After the buying spree, we had lunch at a place I've been hearing about, Minnesota Nice Cafe. DH had breakfast food and I had a Reuben burger. It was very good and, thanks to dh's good example, I ate only half and brought half home. But I shared his pancake that came with his order.

    If we're hungry enough for dinner, I will make BLTs. We have leftover tomatoes and tomorrow is farmers market. I'll be buying more tomatoes.

    SpecialK, sorry about your accident and injured hand. You have been through a lot for a young person and 68 is young. Good luck with the cardiac workup. I hope you find out you're healthy.

    I'm almost dreading tomorrow at the market because it's supposed to be really hot. The south wind is doing a number on our nice MN weather.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,283

    Special, Two colonoscopy preps so close together is the pits. I woke up halfway through my last exam and got a tour of my colon. It was amazingly beautiful with pinks, blues and purples (veins and arteries I imagine.) I hope they figure out a way to get biopsies; maybe the colonography will show relevant areas that can be reached. I hope the rest of your cardiology tests go well. I have to push my DH to eat lunch early enough so it doesn't interfere with dinner. Enjoy the taco salad.

    Eric, Planning your meals so that you had no food left is quite an accomplishment. It must feel good to be heading home.

    Carole, I had never heard of a Reuben burger but I bet I'd enjoy it since I like Reuben sandwiches.

    DH had an appointment at the big hospital a long drive north of us so on the way home we stopped for a late lunch at a restaurant that has good fish and chips as well as outdoor seating. He had the fish and I had a Cobb salad which was also good. It was nice to eat a meal served to me by somebody else. I hope this tolerable weather stays for a while longer.

    Dinner tonight was leftovers from lunch.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,131

    been typing on a phone….

    It wasn't too bad getting the quantities right..and if I was in a"need more" situation, it was a 5 minute walk to the grocery store.

    53 minutes until I ride to the airport. :-)

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,283

    Eric, I hope you are home by now and resting up.

    Dinner tonight was a takeoff on chicken cordon bleu cooked in a skillet.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,399

    Safe journey home, Eric.

    Special, so sorry to hear about medical crap. One prep is enough…..been there.

    I made my goat pieces (chops and tenderloin) in my new air fryer and the chops were perfect. I made french fries in the air fryer 2 days ago and it was mediocre; reheated yesterday for leftovers and even worse.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 938

    Wallycat I just got an air fryer so am interested to hear your results. I have not used mine yet. I'll let you know when I do.

    Leftover thai food ( shrimp and chicken) fried rice and leftover pudding pie. The heat wave exited so we ate on the porch. Breezy, cool and delightful.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    I had a Minus style meal last night. Two slices of sour dough bread, each one spread with mayo and topped with slices of tomato. Bread and tomatoes from the farmers market. DH had warmed up leftovers and a plate with tomatoes, cucumbers, and sweet onion from the market. He said the onion is the sweetest he has ever eaten and he had eaten his weight in sweet onion.

    I thawed a rack of baby back ribs overnight to cook for dinner tonight.

    We had gentle rain overnight and it's dark outside this morning with occasional light rain. We had to use a/c last night and the forecast for the coming week is for hot and humid. Still not as bad as home.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,283
    edited July 29

    Wally and Reader, I’ll be interested to hear your opinions on air fryers since I’m still on the fence about getting one.

    Dinner tonight was pistachio encrusted baked salmon.

  • doodler
    doodler Member Posts: 81

    I'm in the middle of moving this week… into an apartment with an elevator. I decided to celebrate with a small steak and some chopped cherry tomatoes and rice.

    @reader425 I am constantly recommending Julia Pacheco's YouTube channel… she's amazing.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,283

    Doodler, The elevator should make your life easier. Definitely worth the work of a move.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,707

    Dinner tonight was leftover ribs and potato salad that DH made for his buddies last night. He volunteered to make chicken paprikash with nokadli tomorrow, which is helpful as chemo fatigue has been increasing lately.

    I got a sushi bazooka that I’ve been wanting to try out, so California and Philly rolls are happening in a few days.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,297

    Went to a celebration of life this afternoon for my next door neighbor of 43+ years. His husband organized a marvelous send off. There was a taco truck and 3 kinds of slushys (lime, mango & raspberry) with vodka available if you wanted to make it alcoholic. Four people spoke - which was just enough to represent the 70 year arc of his life. His son (40) who he raised by himself from age 2 because the Mother decamped with her rich boss, gave a lovely tribute.

    I'm older than many of you, so this was particularly meaningful. The program printed his favorite song (Simon & Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water) and also the Irish Blessing, since his parents were a devout, rigid Irish Catholic family.

    "May the road rise with you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and the rains fall soft upon your fields; and until we meet again, may God keep you in the hollow of his hand."

    Rain, rain, rain all week long. Not really complaining with the drought conditions everywhere, but - enough already.

    My alternate son (sort of like Eric's "extra" daughter) is coming to town this week for a funeral of a friend of his. He has been living in the mountains above Panama City for at least 5 years so I don't see him often.

    Sorry to not answer everyone but I am reading.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    I cooked the baby back ribs in the slow cooker with barbecue sauce. DH finished them on the grill. The only side was boiled new potatoes with butter.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,297

    Used the spinach by sauteing some garlic in butter, adding a leftover cream sauce with white wine, adding spinach to wilt, adding mushrooms and finally adding some canned salmon (because I had to throw away the salmon steaks after our last power outage.) Would have been much better served over salmon steaks or poached breast of chicken - but it wasn't bad. And I got some protein.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,283

    Minus, The spinach sounds delicious.

    Dinner tonight was leftover salmon with cauliflower.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,297

    Thanks Maggie - It was good but like I said, it would have been even better served over a salmon steak. Maybe I'll make it to Costco this week?

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    Dinner was mac and cheese and tossed salad with mayo dressing.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    I finally made the taco salad, a day later than planned. It was yummy.

    On the next night I also pulled leftover au gratin potatoes from the freezer and 1/3 of a large meatloaf I made before the Canada trip. I pan cooked some zucchini and called it good.

    In an effort to use food in the fridge and an adaptation for DH's late dining situation I pressed the easy button. I had made Greek orzo salad for DD and her friend when they came over mid-day on Friday (DD is working split from home several days a week and several in the showroom due to her ongoing issues with her fall in the boat - ortho has not cleared her for driving yet. DH has been driving her to work, and then walking on the beach or paddle boarding nearby until it is time to come home again.) I had a bunch of thinly sliced roast beef as well. Three ciabatta rolls hanging out in the freezer. DH won't eat any of the ingredients in the orzo salad, except the orzo, lol! So, I had that with some sliced fruit the last two nights, and he had roast beef sandwiches on the ciabatta with sweet potato tortilla chips. Everyone was happy, and we dined while watching the Olympics.

    I am now out of ciabatta and roast beef, so I need a plan for tonight! I have a lot of chicken in the freezer since we purchased three cut up whole chickens from a friend who raises them. Should prob get some of that out and cook it for dinner. Maybe wild rice and roasted carrots will round that meal out. Or some salad since I have butter lettuce and two tiny avocados that need to be used.

    minus - the celebration of life sounds lovely, but they are always sad even if the person has lived an interesting, rewarding, and long life. The refreshments sound great though! I played Bridge Over Troubled Water countless times on my bedroom record player, I still have the vinyl. I always found it surprising that I had been to more funerals than my parents, but my military experience played a large part in that, unfortunately. I have always loved the Irish blessing, even more now that Ancestry has refined just how Irish I actually am. DH and I are considering a heritage trip to Ireland, Scotland, and GB. We both have a considerable percentage of ancestry from those places, I have some French, German and Swiss, and he has a large percentage of eastern European countries as well from his dad's Polish side. Also, I am over the rain - I think it has rained every day since I got back from Canada, and certainly rained while I was gone. For that matter it rained in both Canada and upstate NY while I was there. We had a very dry spring and early summer so we need it - plus it saves on lawn watering - but, sheesh!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    SpecialK, your meals are as appealing as always.

    Tonight I'm planning to try making breadless Reubens with sauerkraut and deli corn beef and thousand island dressing. I have leftover mac and cheese and plenty of salad makings.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,283

    Special, Very creative planning to prepare something for everyone whatever they like and whenever they eat. DH used to ride his horse daily right after work and wouldn't get home to eat until around 9:00. Everything I cooked had to do well reheated in the microwave or on the stovetop prior to buying one.

    Carole, Mac and cheese instead of bread with Reubens sounds like a tastier choice of starch to me.

    Dinner tonight was peppers stuffed with ground beef mixed with salsa, taco seasoning and rice.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,131

    I'm finally getting "re-settled, laundry done and un-jet lagged". The airline to get from Phoenix to Show Low…so far it's 1 out of 4 flying with the rest being a 4 hour van shuttle ride. And, as soon as I got home, my other intermittent government job needed attention. At least the two agencies coordinate well enough that they don't simultaneously want me.

    So, now I need to read up on what has been going on. I did some reading while I was back east but after 10 hour days/6 days a week working in a warehouse with indoor conditions in the 90F degrees and 80% humidity range, I didn't read much. :-)

    The breadless Ruben sounds interesting. Sharon's WW plan somewhat discourages bread. We have homemade sauerkraut and thousand island dressing in the refrigerator, so all it would take is the corned beef.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    The Reuben experiment was something of a dud. The corned beef was on the leathery side after I heated it with the sauerkraut. I bought a corned beef brisket today to cook at a later date.

    Tonight's menu is taco salad minus the shell. I do have corn chips as a substitute. I bought some medium deli salsa for me. DH has his favorite Newman mild salsa.

    We were fortunate this afternoon to escape the hail and high winds in a storm system moving through. We got strong gusts but not as strong as described by the local weather channel. The owners called and invited us to come to their house if we wished but we stayed in our camper.

    I'll be glad to hear from Sandy. And Nance.