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So...whats for dinner?



  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,225

    Carole, I have made breadless Reubens which were good but I did use leftover brisket. I’m glad you escaped the hail.

    Eric, It must be good to settle in at home even if you need to do some work.

    Talk of taco salads inspired me to make a small one for lunch with the ground beef left over from last night.

    Dinner tonight was chicken and asparagus in a cream/white wine sauce.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,688

    I made the sushi rolls tonight and the first one fell apart but the 2nd was only minimally damaged. I’ll have to pack the rice better and refrigerate a bit longer but they were absolutely delicious, especially the Philly roll.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    Mae - that's gorgeous. I like Philly rolls and California rolls. Good to hear from you. Eric - glad you're back. Sorry to hear it sounds like another job is already waiting before you can take a week to do nothing. Carole - whew for the escape. Special - always glad when you chime in and your meals are usually adventurous. Maggie - we must have similar tastes - including white or cream or rosa sauce.

    I was going to make spaghetti & meatballs tonight to try new "flame broiled, Italian, pre-cooked" meatballs from HEB Didn't make it to Trader Joe's yet so I bought a small package of these to try - mixed beer & pork - with Rao's Marinara that I was going to turn into Rosa sauce. But it got too late so I had french toast.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,688

    Tonight was 1/2 a NY Strip, roasted gold potatoes and asparagus. Dessert was 2 squares of Ghirardelli dark chocolate.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,225

    Illimae, You’ll be a sushi expert in no time. Your dinner tonight looks so good; my DH would kill for those roasted potatoes.

    Minus, I hope you were able to try out those meatballs a day later.

    Dinner tonight was Angus strip steak, sauteed mushrooms and onion rings. It tasted good but did not look as professional as Illimae's, lol.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,075

    DH loves good onion rings with an emphasis on "good," as in made from scratch. He doesn't get them at home. Occasionally when we're eating out with another couple, he gets to indulge.

    We had hot dogs and the leftover mac and cheese last night. Tonight will be BLTs.

    I am cleaning the carpet in the 5th wheel today. Yuck.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,225

    I also dislike shampooing carpets.

    Dinner tonight was meatballs and spinach in a beef/onion sauce on Swabian noodles.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,379

    Sorry for being MIA. Got a surprise call that DH's youngest brother (80 YO) plans to fly in to Seattle and drive up to see us. We will love seeing him but I know the drill…I'll be doing the brunt of the cleaning/pickup and then cooking. Small price to pay to see family but it stresses me out, LOL.

    DH is having his scan on Monday, so that is unnerving.

    I've had hit or miss good meals….I've made some tofu meals, the goat meals, nachos and tonight, some sort of Indian meal.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,688

    Just me tonight, so it’s English muffin pizzas and a movie 😁

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,225

    Wally, It will be good to visit with your BIL but it does create extra work. Do you have things in the freezer you could use or easy fish recipes? I hope your DH’s scan is good.

    Illimae, Evenings when you only have to feed yourself can be a real treat.

    Dinner tonight was store made (not frozen) breaded haddock and fries for DH. I'm pickier than he is about fish and chips since living in the UK spoiled me. I had a salad with assorted veggies and chicken.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,075

    Last night's dinner tasted good even though it was thrown together. Boneless thighs breaded and browned in a skillet in EVOO. Ready made mashed potatoes heated in the microwave and a tossed salad. The mashed potatoes were delicious. Bob Evans brand.

    Tonight will probably be a ribeye steak cooked on the grill.

    Our hot weather has cooled and we have a week ahead with highs in low 70's. Yay!

    Maggie, I'm with you on house guests. I don't even welcome dinner guests anymore. I always prefer meeting another couple at a restaurant so neither woman has the burden of cooking and cleaning up afterwards. Plus there's no need for a clean house. LOL.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,379
    edited August 4

    Carole, good to know I am in good company. DH called him yesterday and he disclosed he has kidney disease (no idea how serious or what stage) but my whole menu ideas have to be revised. I told DH one of the nights, we will dine out. I've decided I don't need to be a hero and cook 3 meals a day like I did when we would have company in my 40s…for days.

    I threw together a vegetarian cauliflower-chickpea stew of sorts and was shocked how good it turned out. Leftovers tonight.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    Wally & Carole - count me as #3. I don't mind having a friend or two over for drinks & appetizers occasionally, but even that usually turns out to be not often and crackers & cheese or raw veggie platter. Wally - hope you can go out to eat more than once. In your pocket for your DH's scan Monday.

    Carole - I LOVE Bob Evans mashed potatoes. Rarely make from scratch anymore. I too am a fan of 'good' onion rings, which means not at home. I prefer the very thin variety.

    Mae - thanks for the tip. i do have leftover Rao's but the naan bread was off. You reminded me that I used to make English muffin pizzas all the time. And I have a 1/2 bag of Dole 'Sunflower Crunch' salad that will match up perfectly. Although I read on line today that bagged salads are more apt to carry impurities that cause stomach issues than a head of lettuce - for one person it's really the only way to get any variety and not end up throwing half of the fresh produce away.

    Maggie - the meat balls were delicious. Italian style, half pork & half beef, fully cooked. Directions said I could nuke 3 for one minute so I did that while the pasta was boiling and sauce was heating. I decided to just pick up & try one. It was so good I ate all three before the pasta & sauce were ready.

    Thinking of Special as the storm barrels forward. I know she's prepared, but it's always frightening each time to go thorough these.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,225

    I can’t have anyone unmasked in the house while I am there so that limits dining to the front porch or outside, both weather dependent. The upside is I can do housework at my own pace.

    Minus, It looks like those meatballs should become part of your meal rotation.

    Wally, I hope there are some easy to prepare meals your BIL can eat. May your DH’s scans be good.

    Carole, It’s great that your weather has cooled. It looks like ours won’t break until the end of the week.

    Dinner tonight was oven fried chicken, cauliflower and sautéed baby potatoes.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,075

    I knew it was Wally who lamented having houseguests but I addressed my comment to Maggie. Blame my age which gets a lot of blame.

    The grilled ribeye was good. We had the leftover mashed potatoes and a tossed salad as sides.

    We'll probably go to Clancy's tonight. Haven't been there in a while.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,379

    I'm too lazy to search the comments about the meatballs. Minus/Maggie, can you help me out (sorry).

    I don't mind houseguests so much as the prep to straighten up the house. I'm a lousy housekeeper and I should just let people realize it when they come, but I try hard when I know someone will enter my home, such as my skill set is.

    I think I've got the meals straightened out and hope it all works out. Worst case, we can dine out or shop or pick up something. Deep breath, deep breath. OY! Thank you for the well wishes for DHs scan. I think all of the small stuff, plus this, is just tasking me.

    I made an oatmeal carrot "cake" that isn't horrible but not like the website picture. Maybe my oat flakes were too thick or who knows. Still tasty.

    No idea what tonight will be….his scan takes 2-3 hours so not sure when we'll be home.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,115

    We lived in the Phoenix area for 33 years and only had house guests twice. Since we moved to Snowflake, it's about once every 2 months. I guess it helps us keep the house at least "kind of clean"….at least enough that it only takes about an hour to get things ready.

    The carrot cake made me smile. When DD was not yet in school, I decided she could read at a bakery counter. She was almost drooling as she was looking at the cakes behind the glass. When she got to the carrot cake, she said, "Eww" (like a WHO would do THAT to a cake) and quickly moved to the next cake on display.

    Wallycat…also wishing well for DH's scans and that the BIL visit goes well.

    'Mae..that looks good. Again, I wonder if you should be a magazine food photographer. :-)

    And I'll brag on Sharon a bit. She's lost 29 pounds.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    Eric - WOW…Sharon's weight loss is amazing. Please tell her we're clapping.

    Wally: the best I've found are Trader Joe's Flame Broiled Fully Cooked Italian Meatballs. They're in the freezer section so you just take out what you need for any given meal. I usually bought a package twice a year. Since I haven't made it across town to TJ's since the last storm, I found an acceptable house brand substitute at HEB. They are also Italian & fully cooked - half beef & half pork. I'm going to try them in a meatball sandwich in a week or two.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,225

    Wally, In one way it’s bad that I don’t get any visitors since that periodically motivated me to get more done around the house. I hope the scans didn’t take too long.

    Eric, Congratulations to Sharon! That's impressive.

    Carole, Enjoy the break from cooking.

    Dinner tonight was Minus’ spinach/mushroom sauce with baked salmon and a bit of oyster sauce. It was delicious.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,379

    Thanks Minus, and Eric, thanks for your good wishes. That story about her comment on the cake is precious. The scan was uneventful. I went shopping while he did that. First time filling the car with gas on my own in who knows…too long. Ugh. Now we wait.

    I think I will make pulled pork (home made spices/seasonings) so it can sit in the crockpot till he gets here when he gets here. I bought some mahi-mahi and hope to make a fish thai curry over basmati rice. Maybe one of the other days, we'll go out.

    Tonight was the worst meal ever. Can of Wolf's chili. If the can didn't say it was chili, I'd have thought it was red paste. AWFUL. I'm taking a d-limonene to protect my tummy. Did I say just plain awful?? ugh….I need more wine to kill that taste.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,679

    Can't wait until get some temporary housing to start cooking again. Anywho, my aunt is having us come to her house for a Welcome Home dinner tonight!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    Wally - laughing about your Wolf's chili experience. I haven't touched it in ages, but when my son was little & my ex-DH and I came home from work exhausted - we did sometimes eat Frito Pie with Wolf's & cheese. UGH

    I was just reading through the drinking thread and decided I need to make a Bloody Mary. I make them with V-8 and don't have them often, but at 100 degrees outside - I need something salty. So dinner will likely be the can of smoked Rainbow Trout that I've been saving. I bought some new crackers at Costco that I think will be perfect - Simple Mills Almond Flour crackers with fine ground sea salt. (P.S. - the crackers mean I was a good girl and took the huge bag of Ruffles back out of my basket even though it was on sale so they'd better be good)

    Hope Special and everyone else in Florida & up the East coast is safe.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,225

    Frito pie is still one of my son’s favorites but I make it with smashed pinto beans, ground beef and enchilada sauce instead of chili.

    m0mmy, It must be nice to be back among family.

    Dinner tonight was chicken and mushrooms in mustard tarragon sauce.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 925

    Last night was white chicken chili which instead of putting over tortilla chips or rice, we filled low carb wraps with it. Delicious actually.

    Tonight we went out for an Italian dinner. Tomorrow Debby will be arriving in earnest and we thought we'd best get a last meal out before possibly being home for many days. I spent the day finishing prep like moving all the porch cushions into the guest room. This sent the cats into a dither, hiding under them, knocking them over and such. Never a dull moment with these two. Here's the one with attitude.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    Reader - stay safe!!!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,679

    It was wonderful having a nice dinner with my aunt.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,115

    If Sharon's cat allergies weren't so severe, I'd absolutely adopt another cat.

    Wolf's brand chili…I suppose it's better than the generic versions of Zofran…but I'm not sure….. :-)

    It'll be good to hear from Special…or is she "elsewhere" besides Florida? And, Reader….stay safe and hopefully Debbie will pass uneventfully.

    Last evening, just south of Bakersfield, CA, the earth moved a bit. A 5.3 (estimated) magnitude earthquake. I grew up in Southern California and usually the "low 5" earthquakes were "no big deal". I hope this was the case this time as well.

    We spent most of yesterday DEEP cleaning the kitchen. I guess my college days are still with me. Even back then, the rest of the house could be "if it can't fall over on me, it's okay" but the kitchen had to be clean/spotless.

    Last night was Chicken Alfredo and tonight Sharon has her music jam session, so tonight it will likely be "bar food" and tomorrow we'll finish up the alfredo Friday we leave for "the valley" to help friends celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,225

    Reader, What a good looking kitty with cattitude! I hope the rain has not been too bad.

    Eric, When I worked in my college dining hall the health inspecors would show up randomly and swab all kinds of surfaces. I'm for a clean kitchen but I'm not sure mine would pass these days. Sounds like yours would.

    Dinner tonight was meatballs in Rao's on spaghetti.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,115

    Mickey (college beau) was a microbiology-premed major. One day, as a homework assignment, she brought swabs to my supposedly clean kitchen, swabbed the countertops and took them back to class.


    I updated my cleaning process a bit. :-)

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,075

    Dinner last night was pork chops and Bob Evans mac and cheese. Bob and I are becoming friends! LOL. I spread mayo on the pork chops after seasoning them and breaded them with Italian bread crumbs. Browned them in a skillet in olive oil. DH's favorite version of pork chops. A little container of apple sauce on the side.

    My kitchen in the camper or at home wouldn't pass the swab test.