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So...whats for dinner?



  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,380

    Hanging in there with the failed pump. Hope we are on the list when they get in on Monday. I don't know many places that use a/c. We went grocery shopping and walking the cheese/egg/dairy aisle was slightly cool. No a/c requirements here for decades, so mitsubishi units are occasionally starting to pop up. I've been cutting my own hair in the summer since no place is guaranteed to have a/c out here. Sigh. As much as I detest midwest summers, at least they have real a/c and EVERYWHERE. Agree…why oh why do things break when you can least afford it to happen.

    I made potato salad to cool for tomorrow. May make it sort of Nicoise style with tuna and green beans.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,680

    It was good

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,380

    Power outage from 7-9pm last night so no fans. UGH….

    Still planning the fake nicoise for tonight.

    All those in the Beryl hurricane path, stay safe!

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,229

    Wally, With a power outage for a couple of hours and no AC the niciose variation of the potato salad sounds good. I hope you land at the top of the heat pump repair list for tomorrow.

    In Boston but at over 90* eating outside in the sun at a good restaurant didn’t seem like a smart idea. We did takeout from Whole Foods. I had chicken tikka masala and cantaloupe while DH had lasagna and apple pie. It was okay, better and cheaper than the local pub food.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,380

    We hit 89. I'm over summer. Forever. And ever. And ever.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    My meal was meal (at noon) was at a local BBQ place. Ex-DH drove up & treated since he wanted to make sure I had everything in order for the storm. Well, yes - but nice that he cared. Meal was pulled pork with Carolina BBQ sauce, coleslaw & mac & cheese. This restaurant is one of my favorites since it's more vinegar based & not heavy smoked mesquite.

    Supper was chocolate covered pretzels and a couple of Triscuits in ranch dip. Accompanied by two gin & tonics with lime. Hopefully an early bed time since Center Point Energy made an automated call last night after midnight to make sure I knew there was a storm on the way. Who calls after midnight if it's not life or death? I was really pissed since I couldn't go back to sleep until 4am. Think I'll turn the ringers off on the phone tonight.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    Wally - maybe we can meet in Northern Canada or Alaska for dinner?

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,462
    edited July 8

    Stay safe, @minustwo !

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,245

    minus - was just reading about Beryl and thinking of you - stay safe!

    The soccer tournament is in the books - my friend and her team came away with a bronze medal. Should have been a silver but there was a scoring controversy and they ended up out of the final. It is hot here and both players and fans struggled. Tomorrow we leave for Toronto, but we have sure enjoyed Guelph. Cute town, well run tournament, great ice cream, our Airbnb is superb, nice grocery stores, flowers everywhere. Dinners have consisted been mostly at home - we had pesto marinated chicken, Parisienne potatoes, and yellow zucchini one night, some takeout bowls, had a dinner out at a Mexican restaurant with all the soccer teams, and for the last two nights a spinach, bechamel, and ragu lasagna with a side salad of kale, cabbage, pepitas, and dried cranberries. I have been drinking Tetley Orange Pekoe tea, love it, have to get some from Amazon when I get home.

    Going to Toronto tomorrow - will try to check in later, probably from NY.

    wally - hope your AC gets up and running asap. Sheesh!

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,115

    Next Sunday, I'll be heading off to Maryland to work in the warehouse to do routine quarterly equipment checks on what would get sent out to a disaster.

    Minus…hopefully it's a wind/rain event with no other issues.

    Any news on the A/C, Wally? You should consider moving to Greer, AZ…..Current temps are 80F and 53F at night. :-) The only thing is that in the winter, it's not unusual for snowplows to get stuck.

    Enjoy the Toronto trip, Special…certainly less heat/humidity than Florida.

    Dinner last night was grilled chicken and macaroni salad. The night before was grilled chicken, brats (bratwurst, not spoiled kids), 'burgers and corn, when we had six people over for "4th of July" on Saturday.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,229

    Minus, I agree with you on the bbq sauce. In Alabama it was clear and vinegar based (no tomato); sometimes there was a white sauce which had mayo added to it. I hope you’re keeping dry.

    Eric, When you are in Maryland have a crab cake for me.

    Special, It sounds like you had some great meals in Guelph. I was surprised how humid the summers were in Ontario. It must have been the moisture off the lakes.

    Wally, I hope your heat pump is working now.

    The heat changed our dinner plans again. We ended out with takeout from the hospital cafe. My dinner was turkey and DH had cod. Maybe eating outside at a good restaurant will work out next time.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,075

    We drove the golf cart to Clancy's last night for dinner. DH had the meatloaf special and I had a Reuben sandwich with coleslaw side. Both sandwich and coleslaw were very good but my wedding ring is tight this morning.

    I thawed a pork roast overnight and plan to cook it in the slow cooker for dinner tonight. It's actually half of a larger pork roast. I have chopped green onions in the freezer for the green onion component of the stuffing.

    Minus, hope everything is ok with you. I saw pictures on Yahoo of some of the damage Beryl caused in east Texas.

    Wally, hope your a/c is repaired.

    This morning it's 64 degrees and sunny and is supposed to heat up into the 80's.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,115

    Uggh.. I just got the airline ticket information from the government travel folks. I need to be to the airport around 4am on 'Sunday morning. It's a 4 hour drive there.

    Borrowing from the movie Young Frankenstein…"it could be worse. How? It could be raining." :-)

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,380

    Eric, et. al, thank you for your concerns. My heatpump/ac was fixed last night. Temporary duct tape till they can order the part. You can't make this up. Of course, the heat dome has broken and temps are dropping but I'm just happy I survived. I'm not good with warm. Eric, we are usually in the low-mid 70s in the summer and barely 50 in the night, so this friday-monday stretch was "unusual," except we seem to be getting them more often. BUT….my ears perked up when you said snow and lots of it….Maybe Arizona is my new home?! How is the water situation there? Mosquitoes? I'll have to google the area.

    Made one of the coho fillets I caught last year with broccoli and the last of the potato salad I made a day or so ago.

    Safe travels to all doing so. Eric, good luck with the wake-up call. LOL on that line, it could be raining, LOL.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,115

    One night's snowfall. That is a full sized state highway department snow blower "plow".

    The vehicle in the foreground is a Snowcat, with a backhoe attachment, going in to dig the plow out of the snow.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,229

    Carole, I love Reuben sandwiches.

    Eric, The time of your flight makes it worse than a red-eye. I’d call it a black-eye flight.

    Wally, Duct tape to the rescue! I’m glad they are ordering a replacement part.

    Dinner tonight was beef, mushrooms and red bell pepper in Alfredo sauce over pasta.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,380

    Eric, that picture is breathtaking. I'd sell anything I could to have that right now…well…every day.

    Maggie, yes, glad the part is on order but not happy they will bill us twice for the privilege.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,115

    What's more fun………..The main route to Phoenix has a fire burning nearby the highway. Tomorrow, a Type 1 incident management team (Type 1 teams are reserved for the most complicated incidents) will take over the management of the fire fighting efforts, so this fire is expected to be "uh-oh".

    The secondary route has road closures due to blasting operations related to replacing a bridge, so traffic is being rerouted around the site via a road…..that is currently closed due to fires.

    The third route just reopened after the fire moved far enough away from the roadway.

    The 4th route is an extra 6 hours drive time…but there's a fire along that route as well.

    I got some "on my own" tickets to fly to Phoenix from Show Low and I'll spend the night at a friend's house. The plane holds four passengers, the pilot and the co-pilot. The last time I "flew", about 15 minutes after the plane was to take off, the gate crew showed up and told us the flight was canceled. They got a bus from Phoenix to take us to the Phoenix airport. wait 4 hours for the bus, then ride for 4 hours…but there are the potential road closures.

    Hopefully I won't have yet another 'war story'. :-)

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,075

    Eric, your situation reminds me of the old New England joke about directions that ends with "You can't get there from here."

    Glad your a/c is working, Wally. Your normal temperatures would suit me. It got up to low 80's yesterday afternoon. Then a pop up shower with huge rain drops cooled things down. We were comfortable sleeping with fans. This morning it's in the 60's.

    Hoping to hear from Minus. She may well be without power. The resort owners' son lives in Spring, TX, near Houston and his power is off.

    The pork roast and boiled new potatoes were good last night. I will make gravy with the drippings and there is enough for another meal or two.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,380

    I may make scrambled eggs and something for tonight. No idea and no ambition.

    It is finally cooling here. Seattle hit 97 yesterday…even Poulsbo got into the 90s. Stubborn heat dome but it will be done (for now) as of tonight. If I could have 30-50 daily, I'd be happy. Occasional sub-zeros would suit me. Much over 60 and I wilt.

    Eric, that ordeal sounds …well, like an ordeal. Best to you on your travels.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,115

    …anxiously awaiting news from Minus….

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,229

    Eric, Your flight keeps getting more and more complicated. It reminds me of a company directed move when I, 2 kids and 3 cats flew from OK to CT toward the end of May. We had to get to the airport by private plane and the cats couldn't fly commercially if the temperature was too high. We finally made it on the third try. Watching the cat carriers as well as several dog carriers come out on the luggage conveyer belt was a bit of a surprise since all the animals acted like they did this frequently.

    Wally, Sorry about the double billing. If you had known you could have called McGyver for the duct tape fix. Easy prep sounds like the best meal idea in the heat.

    I hope Minus is OK and her solar adapters are helping with power outages.

    Carole, You have lucked out having just about the only temperate weather in the lower 48 and the cooking options that brings.

    Dinner tonight was oven fried chicken, cauliflower and mashed potato.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hello all. I'm not very good at checking in. Ive been living my life, and watching my sons life fade.

    But, my son passed away yesterday. His cancer just couldn't be brought under control. His wife, 2 of our kids, and my husband and myself were with him. Our 3rd child had seeen him on Sunday, and had just taken his medicine, which puts him out for a couple hours, so we told him not to come. Cancer sucks.

    I'm sorry I don't have happy news, maybe later I'll fill everyone in on goid news.

    I hope everyone here is living the goid life.


  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,229

    moonflwr912, I’m so sorry to hear of your son’s passing. Condolences to you and the rest of your family.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,115

    Hugs, Moon.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,680

    hugs to you and yours Moon

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,462

    @moonflwr912, we're so, so sorry to hear this. Condolences to you and your family during this difficult time.

    The Mods

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,380

    Moonflwr912, that is very sad, indeed. I'm so very sorry for the loss in your family. Cancer sucks…indeed!!

    Minus, thinking about you and hopeful all those in the wake of the storm are OK.

    I'm making peanut noodles tonight.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,075

    Hugs, Moon. I'm so sorry for your loss. Please try to check in a little more often.

    Inspired by Maggie's many and varied meals with chicken, I made chicken alfredo last night, using a large boneless chicken breast, a bottled alfredo sauce and linguine. I bought a less expensive sauce than Raos and it was good but I think I'll buy the Raos as a pantry replacement.

    I'm thinking tonight's dinner will be a frozen pizza and side salads.

    Our weather has heated up. I turned on the a/c yesterday afternoon but we turned it off when we went to bed and slept comfortably with fans. Will probably follow the same pattern this afternoon.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,229
    edited July 12

    Carole, Rao’s is worth the extra cost. I have some Rao’s pizza sauce which I’ll have to try sometime.

    Dinner tonight was baked salmon with Chinese five spice and asparagus.