So...whats for dinner?



  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409

    I am home and AC #4 is history!!!  But get I've been getting my Neulasta shot at the Dana Farber infusion center/clinic.  Due to an insurance policy decision, the Neulasta will be shipped to my house tomorrow and a Home Health Aide will be dispatched to my home to administer the shot. I could probably do it myself, but my chemo nurse got this all arranged so I'm going to go with it.

    I think we are having pork chops tonight for supper.  At least there is a package of 2 staring at us from the fridge.  We'll see what DH feels like cooking!

    And I can't thank all of you enough for rooting me on!  You all inspire me each and every day! 



  • tougherthanithought
    tougherthanithought Member Posts: 270

    Congrats Michelle on the completion of AC!!!!

    I have a few nurses in the family, so I would have the neulasta sent to my house and my MIL or SIL would stick me at home!  It made it easier than having to drive to the onc's office.

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409

    My best friend is a nursing professor at Northeastern in Boston, so she offered to do it when I first started treatment.  But my onc's office is less than 20 minutes from my house, she's almost an hour away.  The onc's office makes so much more sense.  This is all about a silly insurance billing code.  So dumb!  With any luck, this is the only time it will be an issue. 


  • Lena
    Lena Member Posts: 132

    Chicken, beans and rice tonight. :-) Unless my Pack Rat takes me out (he knows rads exhaustion just kicked in)...but I don't know which would be more tiring -- staying home but having to cook (and therefore wash dishes later) or going out and having to pass for human.

    Think I'll cook, so chicken, beans and rice. It's easy, and I don't have to try to be human.

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409

    Lena - The answer is curbside takeout!!!  Find one of the many chain restaurants that have their menus online, pick out your faves, pick up the phone and make the call, then dispatch DH to pick up the goods.  A restaurant worker will bring it right to the car.  You don't have to worry about what you look like.  Now granted, all this assumes that you live in an area where this is offered.  Carrabba's, Olive Garden, Outback, Chili's...all these and more offer this service.  When I am really sick, nothing fits the bill like Carrabba's Sicilian Chicken Soup.  And their dipping oil and bread are delish! 


  • Laurie08
    Laurie08 Member Posts: 2,047

    Michelle- YAY!  So happy for you that you are done with A/C!!  I'm dong a happy dance for you!

    Last night was baked stuffed haddock and scallops, steamers, couscous and green beans from the garden.  Tonight I am trying the zucchini and burger recipe from camping.  Fingers crossed it tastes as good when I make it!

  • Lena
    Lena Member Posts: 132

    Interesting idea kind of, thanks Michelle, but I don't really like chain restaurant food. I was at a few occasionally and with one exception (the Olive Garden) I didn't think the food was all that good (and the closest Olive Garden to here is in Keene, which is an hour away from me). I made the chicken, beans and rice last night, it was easy and we enjoyed it. Dunno what I'm having tonight though; I'm not hungry so can't decide yet. LOL

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409

    Thanks, Laurie!  And I am feeling good nausea-wise, but I think if I closed my eyes I would  Had to tussle with the insurance company this morning to get my Neulasta shot at the DF clinic, but I won that battle and got my shot around 1:00.  Yeahhh!!! 

    We are having ziti with meat sauce and caesar salad for supper tonight.  I made the sauce on Tuesday and it smelled so good.  DH isn't feeling great, not sure what's going on, but he has swollen neck glands and he says he feels like his throat is closing up.  I made him call a doctor (we don't have PCP's just yet) and he has an appointment for tomorrow at 1:30.  I think I'll fix dinner tonight, just in case he's got something contagious.  It's probably not, but I don't want to take a chance.  My white cells were just barely in the zone to get treatment yesterday.  Good thing I'm feeling ok!

    Laurie - last night's supper sounds yummy.  That seems like a whole lot of seafood, your kids must love it all.  And fresh green beans...mmmmm!!!

    We haven't heard from Debbie for a day or two, she must have been busy celebrating DH's birthday! 


  • Laurie08
    Laurie08 Member Posts: 2,047

    Michelle- I think there is a summer cold going around.  I woke up Sunday with my tonsils in my mouth,

    Ziti sounds yummy for achy, sore, head ache.  But I took lots of vitamin C and I am doing much much better.  I hope your husband feels better quickly!

    The boys love steamers and since we have been having fish every Wednesday they are getting better at eating it.  Last night my oldest kept popping scallops in his mouth to avoid the green beans, lol!  After he ate all his scallops he cheered "yay!  2 cookies!"  I reminded him he still had three green beans, poor thing put all three in his mouth and chewed as fast as he could- I gave him a half scoop of ice cream to go with his 1 cookie ;)

    Ziti- sounds yummy!

  • tougherthanithought
    tougherthanithought Member Posts: 270

    I made dinner early tonight, because the kids were "starving", so I made tilapia with garlic, cumin, paprika, salt & pepper sauted in a little olive oil and finished with fresh lime, steamed broccoli, and egg noodles.  Of course the kids devoured the noodles, but with a little urging, they both ate the fish AND the broccoli.  Score one for Mom!  Since they ate everything on their plates, they are allowed to have a few marshmellows laterSmile

    This is great, husband's plate is in the fridge, the dishes are already cleaned up, so it looks like I have a few free hours tonight!  It's beautiful outside right now, so I think I'll sneak a quick swim in the pool while the kids are watching tv!

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409

    Score one for Sherill!!!

  • tougherthanithought
    tougherthanithought Member Posts: 270
  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462

    LOL Laurie,

    I forgot about your fish-tastic Wednesdays!!

    I must say, from the sounds of things you have done really well (much better than I did) in exposing your kids to lots of different foods!! They may not love it all but, they seem to have a real liking for a variety of foods that I wouldn't have thought kids would like!!

    I can remember my kids with peas.... They would put a couple in their mouth and try to chew and swallow them without them hitting their tongue....

    They are much better about things now but, it was tough going for awhile!

  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Member Posts: 2,935

    Michelle- I have been on the go the last couple of days, thanks for asking about me! :) Glad you got your last chemo! (yippe) Hope your SE are mild. I cant belive your insurance did that with you having to have your shot at home, dosnt make sense to me. But at least you dont have to travel to do that.

    Sorry your DH is sick, Hopefull its just a cold, i was sick last week with a bad cold, and laurie saying her Dh was sick must be going around, nothing worse than a summer cold.

    Sherrill- Isnt it funny how kids dont like broccoli when they are younger, i know i didnt my mom always tryed to find ways to hide it in our food LOL! Now i love it, and cant get enough!

    Laurie- Thats funny! Your such a good blackmailer LOL!

    Seaside- It seems we are learing together, didnt know you could grow it here, wonder why it is so expensive then? HMMM!

    Last nights party for my DH was fun for HIM!  Had a party for him at the country club golf course, never seen such serious shots being drank in my liffe and boy were they all crazy! HA- I only drank i shot, they were setting up (BJ's) mine was bannana liquor with baileys and kulua with whipped cream, it was so good and did drink it lady like LOL!  Your suppose to pick the glass up with your mouth and drink it down in one shot and everyone was trying to get me to do it that way, i told them if i was out with a bunch of my girlfriends in a differnt place maybe but not here in my DH place of work with all his buddie LOL! I knew i would have to drive him home so drank tea the rest of the night, I dont think i ever saw him that wasted ever, im sure he is not feeling good today!

    So we get home and i tryed to get my DH to eat some of the left over chx i made a couple days ago, in a garlic wine sauce, and he said it was boring, Im like Boring, really? He has never complained about my food before, LOL! He said it was good but boring, i said why because it didnt have a cream sauce all over it he said no, because you didnt make my chicken and dumpling for my bd like you do every year ( his mom did on every occasion for him until she passed away) I felt so bad, i cant believe i forgot to make that for him, so im making a quick version of it today, and putting the rest of the BORING chx in there with it LOL! 

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462

    Hurray Sherrill!!

    Both on the kiddos eating their whole dinner AND getting a bit of time to swim!!


    Glad to hear you are hanging in there!! It is natural that you would be feeling a bit (or even a LOT) tired... Rest when you can!

    Hopefully, your husband doesn't have anything contagious and that he feels better soon!


    Where are you? Hope all is well!!!


    Glad to hear from you again.... Sorry to hear that rads is running you thru the ringer! I know I did great for the first 3 weeks and then it was like I just hit a wall!! The fatigue was tremendous.... Try to take it easy when you can (I know, sometimes easier said than done)....

    How is your skin holding up? Sending very gentle hugs your way!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462

    Debbie! We must have been posting at the same time!
    Edited to add: I don't typically do shots but, I must say... The WORST hang-over I have ever had was after my brother's 40th birthday! I got talked into shot after shot. They weren't straight liquor so the were tasty but VERY sneaky!! I spent most of the next day trying to hold my face onto my skull!! That was 5 years ago and I have not forgotten that lesson!

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409

    Debbie - sounds like a good time at the b'day party!  Re chemo, I do still have 4 Taxols to go, so I'm halfway there.  And I went to the clinic for the shot.  It's less than 20 minutes away, so no big deal. That was the end result after the insurance company failed to tell CureScript that they could ship the Neulasta last night.  It was a stupid mess, hopefully I won't need it while on Taxol.  At least, that's what the MO is saying. 


  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462


    I felt I truly had to comment on something you posted.....

    You said... "And I can't thank all of you enough for rooting me on!  You all inspire me each and every day! "

    I would be remiss if I didn't say what an inspiration YOU have been to ME!

    Your fierceness and determination in dealing with the cards you have been dealt and your ability to see the bright-side when things dont't go exactly as planned are just remarkable!! Couple that with your love for your family (which rings through loud and clear) and your refusal to let your treatments interfere with your plans and you are truely a force to be reckoned with!!

    I hope that if I am ever faced with similar circumstances, that I could be half the woman you have been!

    Thanks for being you!

  • Laurie08
    Laurie08 Member Posts: 2,047

    Seaside- here here!  For your kudos to Michelle!  Very well said!!

    Sherrill-I give you a standing ovation for dinner and a swim, I am a bit jealous!

    Debbie- I am glad you had a great time celebrating, shots always lead to something funny, I am glad you all had fun.  We can never have enough fun.

    Dinner was good, kids ate it and liked it a lot, so did we, super easy and different. 

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409


    Believe it or not, 30 years in corporate America, and ten years as a manager prepared me for this.  I always felt my job was first, to develop my people; and two, to remove obstacles so that my team could be successful.  The "Taurus" in me has come in real handy!!!


  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Member Posts: 2,935

    Seaside- Years ago i drank way to many tequila shots and was sick for days now i cant stand even the smell of it. LOL! 

    Michelle- Oh wow i didnt realize you still had to do the taxol Hope you wont need the shot with this Tx!  Glad you got the ins thing all worked out. I agree with everything Seaside said about you, you truely are an inspiration/Innocent

    We are suppose to meet friends for dinner tomorrw, our friends, friends are coming and i was told i had to come meet them because im always the life of the party!  I guess im kind of fun to hang out with LOL!, but im so tired and worn out LOL!  This  will be 3 times this week i have to keep reminding myself im no young chic anymore,Kiss

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409

    OK Debbie, get some sleep so you can be ready to party hearty!!!  We just need more time to restore our juices, right?

  • carberry
    carberry Member Posts: 997

    Debbie   I think we would be great party buddies, ha ha  before this ca crap hit me!  We did the japanese restaurant and they pour saki from a squirt bottle (like for ketchup) straight into your mouth and count as they pour to see how much you can drink, all the men did this, and my DH was trying to get me to do it, and I was like "no way".  Maybe in my earlier days. We are taking the boat to the other end of the lake tomorrow ( about a 3 hr boat ride) and spend the night, they are having an italian festival. We do this every yr. and the food is awesome.

    Michelle, about the neulasta shot....when i was due for mine, the onc dept was in another town, they alternate towns, and they wanted me to drive an hour to get it, and i just said give it to me to take home and I would have one of the nurses that i work with give it to me, and they said they could not do that due to the expense of the drug, so I always either got the drug early or a day late. The physician i work with even said she would take responsibility and give it to me, but they still said no.

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466

    dinner was icky last nite.. i am in my low appetite phase.. sauteed oriental veggies, noodles and grilled pork chops.. my fam loved it.

    I am going to take a shower now.. I hope there is some shampoo.  my 11 year old daughter goes thru prodects like crazy.. I am trying to tell her how she is killing the fish in the ocean but i don't think she buys it... she likes to shower in the parents shower because the boys mess up the kids' shower.

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409

    Apple - that's funny!  It's been a long time since I had to worry about daughters stealing my!  Sorry to hear you are in the low appetite phase - hope that passes soon!  It's been so hot out your way that it's a wonder anyone wants to eat anything other than ice cream!

    Carberry - the "firedrills" around these Neulasta shots are ridiculous!  I hope I don't need another one any time soon!


  • Laurie08
    Laurie08 Member Posts: 2,047

    carberry- The boat ride and Italian food festival sounds awesome!  Have fun and eat a little extra for me!

    apple- lol at your daughter using all the shampoo!  When I was young it was the conditioner I used too much of and it drove my mother nuts.  Not to mention that by the time I hit about 14 I liked to borrow her clothes.  I would go in her closet and take a sweater/shirt whatever and she would go to get dressed and want to wear the same thing but couldn't find it in her closet.  She would come to my room and see me wearing it and make me give it back. lol....I hadn't thought about that stuff in ages :) 

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466

    my daughter ... she has special soap for her face, 3 different kinds of shampoo (plus my green Pert which actually makes my hair look awesome).. her 10 conditioners for every type of style.. shaving utensils and foam, deodorants and  brushes.. all slowly migrating to our shower.

    My husband bless his heart had on VO 5 bottle of shampoo and no deodorant..Yell

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Carberry and Debbie, you both sound like so much fun to party with.  I wish we could get all the ladies on this thread together and have a fun night out.  That would be awesome. 

    Michelle, glad you got AC finished.  I was also AC to Taxol.  Then I had an allergy to the taxol and had to switch to Taxotere.  I had the neulasta with the AC, but the onc said I didn't need that for the Taxol.  However I needed it for the Taxotere.  Finally done with all of it as of 10 days ago.  That is funny about the Neulasta shots.  I never went into the cancer center for them.  They actually sent them overnight UPS to me in a refrigerated package to have for the day after.  It came through my prescription plan.  I don't think it had anything to do with my medical plan.  The prescription deductible was $75 for it.  I don't know if I would have had to pay anything if I would have gotten it at the cancer center.  It might have cost me an extra $300 doing it this way.  Only just wondered about that just now.  Oh, well, I'm just glad that part is over.  Good luck with the taxol Michelle.  I think most people find it easier than AC.

    Apple, I have a 13 y.o. daughter.  She sounds a lot like your 11 y.o.  She is crazy with the shampoo/conditioner/soap.  She has to have liquid soap to use on her spongie in the shower. She has so many kinds that she picks from.  I wish she would just use one up at a time, but she seems to have to vary it.  She just said to me today all her soaps are summer scents and she needs to get fall/winter ones soon.  I said I didn't know soaps were for either summer or winter, and she looked at me like I was from Mars.  She wanted to try a new shampoo, and she was out so she asked me to buy her some Bed Head shampoo and conditioner when I was going to the store.  I was at the store with my DH and we were getting ready to go in line and I said we have to get shampoo for Robyn, but I can't remember what kind she wanted.  My DH said just look for the most expensive one.  LOL  He was right, and we found it. 

    Going to try making some eggplant parm for dinner tonight.  Never made it before.  Hope it comes out okay.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Trying to decide where to go for dinner tomorrow. August 6 is our anniversary and this year feels special since it is our 45th.  The place I had wanted to go burned to the ground recently.  At least I've got it narrowed down to two, one small and cosy and one with a great view.  Probably won't decide until we are in the car, lol.

  • Laurie08
    Laurie08 Member Posts: 2,047

    Kay- a tip for your eggplant parm- chill it for an hour in the fridge after you egg it and bread it, then fry it.  For some reason it helps to keep the crumbs from falling off and makes it nice and crisp.  One night my DH was running late getting home from work and called to let me know.  I had already breaded the eggplant and put it in the fridge to wait for him- it came out better than it ever had and I now do it every time.

    Good luck, hope it turns out great!