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OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • sandymess
    sandymess Member Posts: 86
  • sandymess
    sandymess Member Posts: 86

    Look what I found! Sunning himself in the back of the henhouse!!

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    LOL Sandy - gotta make sure my twins don't try to come to the Cinco de Mayo party - they won't be 21 til Saturday. 

    My son said to me "Mom, I want to know how I suddenly become mature enough to drink in 2 days but am not today".  My daughter, on the other hand, told me she gave up alcohol for the past month so that it will be "new" when she celebrates on Saturday.

    Oh well, either way, let's party on without them Laughing

  • MJLToday
    MJLToday Member Posts: 42

    Hadley your coworker sounds like a drama queen.  I would just disengage.  It sounds like it's all about her.

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    Thanks for the laughs ladies! I don't really know what Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of but count me in..*L*

    Hdangel...sorry about your tooth issues, I can sympathize. I had a back tooth pulled two days before chemo round 2. I bet I was in the dentist chair less than 5 minutes. So glad to have it out after all the pain it caused. No eardrum issues though, that doesn't sound pleasant.When do you get yours pulled?

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    HDangelbaby wrote: Funny thing is, i have had surgery, chemo and getting ready for radiation and i am TERRIFIED of the dentist!

    how is that possible???

    My take: It's simple, you learnt about dentists in grade school you were small and they were big and scary, maybe even your parents let you expect to be scared, and you still are. Whereas you have dealt with BC and all the associated nasties reluctantly but quite competently, functioning as an adult. Despite chemobrain.

    Using this model, you can overcome by putting on your Big girl pants (made of geuine cluckers' tinfoil) and engaging a "forwardly mobile eardrum specialist" who works through the intra-oral approach (S/He is probably registered with the states dental council...but WTC, If you can think straight while doing the fast-spin routine inside a scanner you can certainly get your head round this one!) 

    Now i have a stupid clucking joke to cheer you up, I hope it doesn't hurt too much when you laugh. Clever hen takes wiseguy frog out for a walk. No, i have no idea why. Maybe she thinks he might be an enchanted prince. Anyway. They enter this lovely peaceful building on the High Street, dedicated by  the great benefactor Mr Carnegie. Ms Cluck shows her friend around all the shelves; "Booorrrk, Boorrk, Booork..." to which the wiseguy frog replies, "Reddit, reddit, reddit...."

  • thegood5
    thegood5 Member Posts: 284
    Dentist Pictures, Images and Photoshdangel...
  • thegood5
    thegood5 Member Posts: 284
    dentist care Pictures, Images and Photos" hope you didn't make your appt. here....
  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    *L* thgood5...looks like you get more than dental care there from the pose of those two...too funny...

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    Surprised  My mouth-care-man always sits above/behind my head, i guess he has been kicked once too often. Not by me, of course..... Had to laugh, i have been seen twice since the mastectomy and only after the second time i got a form to fill, Have you had any change to your health, surgeries etc, if so please write it all in this tiny box, well i had just been sitting there 15 minutes with a LE sleeve and they never even asked..!! Overspecialised, over-polite or what?
  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Member Posts: 412

    hahaha!! thanks so much!! the joke was funny!

    and i think you are right about the fear of dentists. i had bad baby teeth as a child and always had abcesses and teeth being pulled. so i think that is where my fear generates.

    i'm calling monday to make an appt. honest reason? my dentist won't touch wisdom teeth, so i need to find an oral surgeon. got one in mind just trying to get through this relay for life fundraiser i am a part of and have too much goin on the next 3 days, i committed to it like a month ago.

    plus i'm on antibiotics. can't have it pulled till i have been on them at least a few days to a week!

  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Member Posts: 412

    percocets help too... lol!!

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177

    My great uncle celebrates Cinco de Mayo, he moved from Argentina to the Bronx in New York about 50 years ago. I found a bit more about it:

    celebrates the victory of the french milita over the mexican army at the battle of puebla on 5-may-1862. Puebla is the  mexican capital state city, Festival is celebrated mostly in Puebla state and elsewhere in Mexico and in US cities with high mexican/hispanic population. more info here:

  • sandymess
    sandymess Member Posts: 86
  • radiant
    radiant Member Posts: 24

    lago - loved the lawrence welk chicken dance! that was great.

     - Kim

  • Lowrider54
    Lowrider54 Member Posts: 333

    Oh and by the way...hdangelbaby - you always have the option of 'accidently' biting down when he has his hand in your mouth - not to make a real joke of it but you could always say oops, your jaw spasmed...(seriously, I am glad they were able to get that under control...Hugs)

    Thanks hymil...I have always celebrated with Margarita's but never really knew the history - wow, we even get an education in the HenHouse now...I am wayyyyy impressed! 

    This a a mightly smart group of hens....and to think, it started with a cure for stupid...bwaaaakkk

  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Member Posts: 412

    love the cartoon! lol!!! that would be my luck!

    and yeah, if i feel any pain, i am clamping down on his hand

    i may ask for sedation..... maybe

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    We should definitely pay attention to the calendar- "Just as it's five o'clock some where". There is something we could celebrate. This weekends booked though. 2$ on Pants on fire.

    Happy Cinco de Mayo to all my relatives in Mexico, And all over USA. I'm from an Irish catholic family----I had 89-------- first cousins aunts and uncles, with a priest , a nun, and a bachelor( this does not include spouses). Is that Irish or what. My cousin marries a Mexican National ---he called our family the rabbit family in a good way lol.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Angel hope you feel better baby----I totally agree about the fear from childhoodand beyondddd.I had four wisdom teeth pulled at one time -------they gave me no clue it would hurt. I ate percocet like candy and ended up with a frozen jaw akin to the frozen shoulder of LND. When I went back for post op check one week later ---he says open your mouth-------i say i can't--------he puts in two fingers and rips open my mouth. I saw stars. Then it went into spasm.   I was a nurse aide. Each morning I'd start with tongue depressors1 through 10 on an angle. Prying my mouth open. Had to keep the pry in all the time--otherwise I'd have to start at 1 again. So, envision me walking around with these tongue depressors hanging out of my mouth for weeks. Taking care of people.


  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Member Posts: 412

    sas!! i am getting a visual.....

    i asked around and i think i found an oral surgeon i will call on monday ( he worked on a few people at my work, and they loved him) and the more i think about it, IF they come out easily, i may ask for sedation, IF they are impacted or going to be a tough surgery i will get put under

    what i'm wondering now is, should i have the rotted one and the one below it pulled or have all 4 done at the same time.

    i hate this..... god i really hate anything to do with my mouth!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Angel------no ------where are you with chemo---------if your immune status is low you shouldn't do anything until all your numbers are right and cleared by onc. pm  me so we can go over strategy

    Love you babe  namaste sas

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288 oral surgeon wouldn't pull my tooth until I had blood work done because I was on chemo ..are you still doing chemo? I think they only do urgent teeth while on chemo because of the potential for infection/problems after the tooth is out. Otherwise they wait until you are done with chemo.

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177

    infection in bone after extraction of abcess tooth - so called "dry socket" - was the worst pain I ever had, it went on for  two weeks of antibiotics, lost track how much painkillers i was on and that is dangerous. Get the infection dealt with first, and wishing you all the very best of luck.

  • GirlFriday
    GirlFriday Member Posts: 203

    The only thing I do at the dentist without Nitrous is a cleaning!  I know it's probably not good for me, but Nitrous is the most wonderfully pleasant buzz you will ever experience in you life.  And there's no hangover.  It probably kills brain cells, but WTC, I have cancer, I don't care if I end up stupid too!  Cluck, Cluck Cluck!

    Oh and I got dry sockets after all four wisdom teeth here extracted...they usually occur on the bottom jaw, and it's because the blood doesn't clot and begin to heal over the bone...I think...anyway they packed them with clove oil gauze, and my pain went to manageable, and they healed. 

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285

    hi everyone, had all my teeth pulled 5 weeks ago, two weeks before my first chemo.  Infection was so bad they wouldn't do chemo until i had it done.Had gas and air couldn't afford to be put to sleep. Yes, it did hurt but the painkillers kept on top of it. 

    Best thing i ever did.  Having impressions done tomorrow and new teeth a week after.  No more infections, loose teeth or ugly smile.  best wishes.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    OK hens and chicks, tomorrow is Derby Day, and we need a party to celebrate.

    Hats, we need more hats.

    Low, if you get a covert ops chance, I hear Kentucky has very green aspergrass. (also, I think your TMCI business card should include "Official Asparagus Tester" or somesuch.)

    I am making a chocolate pecan Derby Day pie. I need many eggs for the pie.

    Somebody, please make me laugh...

    clucking right along...

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    Oh I luv all the cartoons LOLOL. We are going camping and I saved coming to this thread last so I'd think about it instead of some other ruckus going on. Happy Cluckin Mother's Day to all the cluckin Moms. Happy Cinco de Mayo also !!! HUgs, Mazy

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 183
  • sandymess
    sandymess Member Posts: 86

    Ooh, that's lovely, mindovermatter! I just can't decide which of these I like best: