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OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • CrazyKitties
    CrazyKitties Member Posts: 58

    Lets start our own breast cancer awareness game on facebook. Post your age at diagnosis, stage, type, size, er-pr-her2-  etc. along with your chemo, length of treatments, side effects.

     49/1B/IDC/1.2cm/er+pr+/dbmx/tamoxifen/silicone implants.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    This may sound awful and I'm not suggesting we really do it. BUT what if all the people that died from BC were listed. That would really screw the pink. Seems to me someone suggested a t shirt that said something close to that. "Screw the pink, Find a Cure".

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893


    Fuzzy-----here's a recipe that will make your mouth tingle.


    1 bottle 16 oz's-----your choice orange marmalade, or pineapple perseveres, or apricot preserves.

    1 bottle apply jelly 16'oz's

    4-8 Oz's horseradish(not creamy type)----the more HR you add the hotter it gets.-first attempt use 5-6 Oz's

    1 tablespoon of fresh smashed peppercorns. irregularly smashed--or count 20

    Mix above in a bowl with a fork until blended, but doesn't make it liquid --if that makes sense.

    Make a funnel out of paper plate and pour back into jars. You will have and extra amount for a small container.

    Use:Take a half brick of philly cream cheese/neufachatal(sic). place in a pretty cereal bowlor equivalent. Place Jez over top generously. Scoop out a bit of cream cheese and jezebel unto favorite cracker------Ritz and Triscuit are my favorites. The cream cheese calms the horseradish. Sweet and hot and cheese HMMMMM good.

    I usually make it  before Thanksgiving and it lasts through all the holidays. Or I keep a jar and gift the other. Lasts for months in frig.

    Have used it as a baste for chicken, salmon, pork, ham-------apply shortly before end of cooking otherwise it just melts away----------very nice.

    If you google Jezebel there are variations of it on the web.

     I am so ready for another puff, maybe we can get one of Dyson's fan's --keep the air clean and our feathers won't get caught.    Cluck cluck cluck!!!!!!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    I PM'd Emily, but haven't her from her, Meece is here  Pm whomever you can think of.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Now where is that hen house I ben hearin about?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chabba and this Hen's illustrious name is???????????

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    I think it must be thge abominable snowman's grandson.  Wink
  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Oh good I thought you caught a pic of me in the morning---- whew

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    This is the best thread - especially when I start to feel too serious or miserable.  
    Heard on the radio today -  a Long Island hospital is having a survivor get together.  They are running a Victory Train from Penn Station to Pt. Jefferson NY.  Am wondering how they will decorate....
    >>>>sorry, folks, I'm sure I'm busy that day.<<<<
    Thanks for the smiles, and good wishes to all!
  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Joan welcome to the Mother Cluckers International. Our commentary on everything is with the spirit of rosana -rosana -dana. Puff with us anytime in the front or in the front back. Can't just have a back cuz then we couldn't see what were cluckin about. Do hope you meander from page one , but make sure you have your Bounty with you

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Yeeeaaaaah have to start from the beginning!!  You'll be hooked and cluckin' your beak off!!  You'll find me in the front back most of the time...with a few of the chickies and some freshly rolled asparagus....or mushrooms...or a cup of Emily's cure with mud inthe most interesting places...

    Yup, I think I'm going to go back to page one!!!  Welcome to the Hen House!!  Time to get your cluck on!!  Oh, and your tin hat...

    Puff Puff passing!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Fuzzy I have to make a new hat , mine got really ugly looking , so out it went. It was fun though when someone came in and they see this tinfoil hat sitting on top of the computer, without an explanation or diverging and an incomplete explanation.  I agree a trip back to page one with a few pages at a time is certainly good for the beaks and kegel's for strengthening.

     Veggy dear where are you YOOO HOOO. Can you hear me?

    Time to puff puff pass been up for two days I think now --lost track. Cluck cluck  Insomnia---- need to go roost.Cool

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980

    SAS and fuzzy,

    thanks for the welcome....i have clucking insomnia....i started out reading from pg 1 way back and laughed my clucker off at a time when i thought my world was ending.  ha ha, not so fast....i have some instruments of torture to experience first. Yell
    gotta find out about your hats.....

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Joan...I know exactly what you mean...this thread appeared while I was healing from surgery and I couldn't stop checkiing in and reading what was next!!  I still laugh at a lot of it - probably daily.  Great therapy!!

    I gotta know when you get to the "Cure Reciepe"...

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150


    I've been battling my own monster, depression. I'm tired of my battle scars and tired of looking like a battle field. I've been having my own pity party in the basement of the hen house. Did you know there are a lot of monsters down there? Yikes!

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    Monsters have been able to take the the form of man.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    Please don't feed the monsters nutritious food.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    They might turn into Mr. Bean.

    (What is he eating?)

  • bookart
    bookart Member Posts: 210

    Cousin Bertha!  Waah!

  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Member Posts: 412

    veggy, i hear ya! I have been down in the basement with ya as well. trying to get back to it!!

    soooo. a girl i work with designed t shirts with a pink ribbon, and 2 hammers criss crossed and it says "lets build a cure together" and everyone is buying the shirts.

    another girl made a sign, to state we should wear the shirts on 10/14 ( the day i was diagnosed last year) it really is nice. and i really appreciate it

    so yeah i'm into the pinktober thing. this year, i probably will get sick of it years from now, but for this year, i will let everyone rally around me, give me all the pinktober gifts, and stuff, and say thanks Tongue out

    but what i am really looking forward to is the evening news airing my story on tv. so people out there can realize cancer does not discriminate... it's not just for mothers and grandmas, it can happen to 29 year olds too!!

    i just hope and pray people do not come up to me telling me to do this, do that, eat this, don't eat that and all that cause that is what really really really pisses me off!!! 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Veggy, basement? We have a basement? Whats in the basement? You said monsters?  What kind of monsters? Did they hurt you? Can they get out of the basement? Meece where's Meece?Shouldn't security look into this? What do these monsters eat? They don't eat chicken --do they? Blockade, we need a blockade. Is that why our asparagus has been disappearing? Veggy --depressed in the basement---veggy don't go in the basement. Are they depression monsters? Depression monsters BRawgkkk> we need to know how to kill the depression monsters. Trouble in the Hen House. We have monsters in the basement. WE NEED CHICKEN LITTLE TO COME TO THE RESCUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    well done angel for spreading the word, i want to look at the postiive in the pink message to, glad you got such some supportive and creative workmates

  • dutchgirl6
    dutchgirl6 Member Posts: 322

    Yay hdangelbaby! I wish that I was in Idaho so that I could watch your story on the news. You go girl.

    I think that regardless of how one feels about pink, the important thing is to let people know that cancer does not discriminate based on age, gender, socioeconomic status, education level, whether you wear jeans or khakis.  It can effect anyone.

  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Member Posts: 412

    well dutchgirl6, if it airs online, on the news' website, i can give you all the address, and you can watch it online!!!

    i will find out if it will be available that wayLaughing

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    Go Angel_________Cool SAS
  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Member Posts: 412

    thanks sas!!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    Angel-------I thought I was Sas-sa -FrasCry
  • dutchgirl6
    dutchgirl6 Member Posts: 322
    That would be great, angel.
  • jazz3000
    jazz3000 Member Posts: 109

    Does this cure come in a pill form or is it an injectable you take yearly like a flu shot. I've heard there was a pandemic of this partiuclar diease but have never found a forum that actually had the cure. I was under the impression Congress was working on a Bill that would actually make "Stupid", illegal in America.  What a great Bill. There are however, concerns about just who is going to pay for all the Stupid Jails and more especially the Stupid Patrol needed to control this problem. I think we all agree we all pay enough in Stupid Taxes now.  And then what about the Support Groups needed to support and help cure the illness, and what about the Public Education necessary on how not to contaminate others with this diease?

    I had a friend recently tell me Lemon and Asparagus are not the answer. If I throw all the toxins including those chemicals the Doctors recommended out, and purchase these non toxic items she just luckily sales on a special auto ship deal,  I too could and would be free of Breast Cancer. Unlike just plain Lemon and Asparagus, I would also be the happy reciepient of cleaning products I can use throughout my home, (Once my breasts heal of course.)  It's good for killing Ants and Pests too. ( When I asked if it killed other living things why it wouldn't kill me?, she just said I was being Stupid, and of course not.)

    What a deal! My prob? I was apparently infected with the Stupid illness and listened to my Doctor and went ahead with the Mastechnomy before she showed up. It's always been my luck. 

    Does anyone know the name of a Doctor that can prescribe the medication for the cure?

  • dutchgirl6
    dutchgirl6 Member Posts: 322

    Doctor Bombay (from Bewitched).