OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790

    Hi are you feeling now?

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    I'll find out next week when I see the onc.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Almost there.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    Alysonakmostthere - you made me smile!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921

    Don't forget you have to lift it also (even without an overweight dashound).

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

    Alyson, hope you have a wonderful time. Wish you were coming to NC. Doesnt anybody ever come here? We have the mountains And the beach. I need some company....Puleeze!!!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Yes Veggy almost, packed and ready to go. Will be in your area from the 3rd September, so will be in touch, will PM you and Granny.

    It is going to be a very long day as we leave tonight, fly for 14hours and arrive in Vancouver 6 hours before we left, then still have 10 hours of Sunday. Figure that one out.

    Big big hugs and hoping to see some of you soon.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    Alyson-I have an 11:00 drs appt.on sept 3rd.

    Please let me no your details.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Have fun Aly!!!!!

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

    Hi Scottiee and K and everybody else. Just cause Alyson is on the move doesnt mean we have to let this thread sleep. Today was a beautiful day, didnt get out of the 70s. Got to sit on my porch with no fan....dh was in a pissy mood so hid from him all day ha-ha.. 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    Oh Mary,Mary..why don't u come too?

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790

    Hi Mary....does my heart good to hear you can sit out on your porch and enjoy now.

    I'm off to Ottawa for a few days to visit a friend and have lunch with some gals on my Canadian and Ottawa threads that I've never met.....should be fun.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

    I wish I could come,k. But Im planning a train trip to DC in Oct. maybe, how far is that from you? Scottiee you're just a traveller these days arent you? Hope you have a really good tome, and behave yorself, not too many shots this time-ha-ha.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790

    I'm gonna have my shots straight this time jello....ha ha ha

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    Mary,Mary...u no I just moved to shits creek

    Don't know where the hell I am and you want to no how far it is to DC

    Me thinks u betta ask veggy,maybe if she feels up to it we can make a trip.

    Just sayin!!!

    Scottiee...enjoy your vacation traveling sista..good for you.

    Gonna miss you.

    Eat,drink and be is too short.

    Xo K

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    5 hours with potty stops...265 miles.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi all from a tired kiwi in Vancouver

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921

    Hi Alyson. Hope you are able to rest a little before continuing.

  • Shira
    Shira Member Posts: 9

    I am newly diagnosed but wanted to jump in on this thread because I sure wish there was a cure for stupid!!!!  My husband gets all of his information from listening to crazy radio stations, never reads or researches, and thinks he's got everything figured out (and that everyone is out to get us!).  

    I waited to have my first mammogram until I was 49 (some of his thoughts sometimes effect me, but I research first, and planned on having one at 45, which he also thought was ridiculous because they're just trying to radiate all of us).  Well, unfortunately, cancer was detected, and I am now diagnosed with IDC, grade 1, 1.1 cm and have a Lumpectomy scheduled. 

    Well, my husband thought I was a fool for getting a needle biopsy, and he thinks I should do some juicing and get some cream like someone he knows did, skip the lumpectomy, and then the lump will come out through the skin like hers supposedly did.  But, did he ask her what kind of cancer she had so he could give me actual details, no!  Did he research about Lumpectomies, needle biopsies, anything, no!!!  He is just smarter than everyone else from listening to the radio and hearing third hand information from friends.

    Oh, to add to this, he thinks I should do everything naturally, but is he taking over any of the household things I do (plus I work full-time and he is home more than I am), like getting the kids ready to go back to school, so that I can research, eat healthy, and get ready for surgery, no!!!

    Anyway, thanks for listening, and I'd swear on here too if I was sure I wouldn't get kicked off this website, it's very helpful (swearing and this website, lol).

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    Hi Shira - welcome to the site.  You sound like you have your head on straight - bless your hubby for trying, but he needs to be gently aimed in a different direction.  Since my daughter had BC when she was 32, we were both a little more informed which was both better and harder in some instances.  She's now a 13-yr survivor and I'm a 2-yr.  I joined this group just a day after I was diagnosed and it has helped keep me as sane as possible.  Swearing is not only allowed, it is encouraged - we all need outlets....

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Shira........your diagnosis, your body, your going thru do what you think is best or you..........

    I had a lumpectomy for a diagnosis very similar to yours.....not sorry I did...first you have to love your surgeon................I had no problems......take one day at a time........get rid of the tumor first......then go to the next step..........for me the surgery was the easiest part.......sounds crazy, but it's me juicing, and creams do not cure cancer.............anyone who thinks they can be their own Doctor.......has a fool for a patient.......good luck.........swearing is encouraged here...........

  • Shira
    Shira Member Posts: 9

    Thank you mostly mom!  My brother was diagnosed with an aggresive rare type of cancer almost 5 years ago (and he is doing well), and at that time I researched and learned a lot too (which I agree is helpful and harder, so many different opinions!!!).  So my husband is coming at this from the little knowledge he has (thinks he has) from radio programs, and I am coming at it from learning as much as I can, plus it's my body, so for him to believe he knows more than the world is sooooo frustrating!

    I do wish he could be gently aimed in a different direction!  But unfortunately, he is like this about everything, so the best I can hope for is that he keeps his thoughts to himself, does not argue with my doctors, and that he drives me to appointments as needed regardless of his opinions (which so far he has done, but my mother is coming with me to the Lumpectomy instead just to be safe).  And yes, this group and all of the information on this site is great!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Shira, good luck, yeap, we have some hi class swearing around here...have you met Grannydukes yet?  

    Hey her swear!

    Glad your mom is going with you to the lumpie, the surgery is not bad but better to have her with you then your hubbie.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

    Hey Shira, welcome to our crazy little group. Swearing is permitted and so is husband bashing. I think we all have one of those know everythings in our family. I just let it go in 1 ear and out the other. You have many cures to choose from on this thread, they all work, as we are all still here, and full fo sh$% ourselvesWink

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646 said it......YOUR BODY......we have another thread on here called....STFU.....come on over and visit us there need to tell you what the letters mean........

    These are 2 excellent threads to show you how we really feel about the so called "KNOW IT ALL TYPES, AND THE WELL MEANING ASSHOLES WHO GIVE US THEIR ADVICE"

  • Shira
    Shira Member Posts: 9

    Thanks Ducky!  I am doing just that (getting rid of tumor first and then worrying about the next step afterwards).  I tried to explain to my husband that there is no way I would leave a 1.1 cm tumor in while I test out natural methods to see if they work as that just gives the tumor time to get bigger, and then I'd be looking at a different situation. 

    I will research more before the next steps, radiation and estrogen blocking medications, but for me, taking the lump out is an easy decision.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Shira - welcome to this crappy club - the people are great - the reason for being here is #$%^!!!

    There's always somebody who wants you to do it their way.  For me it was my daughter.  When I told her that i was continuing with my doctors and conventional medicine she apparently decided I was already dead, as she hasn't spoken to me since.  There's always something..  Just keep on keeping on - all the ladies here are really great support.

    Oh yeah - if you can get an oncotype test, that would be good, as it will give you a lot of information about what your next steps may need to be.  I managed to avoid both radiation and chemo.  With a lumpectomy, I don't think you can avoid radiation, but if you can manage to avoid the chemo....

  • Shira
    Shira Member Posts: 9

    Thanks again Ducky!  I will look for those threads, they sound perfect!   

    And thanks proudtospin, I am swearing in my head anyway!  But don't worry, my journey is just beginning so I am sure I will swear in print soon!

    Hi Mary, my husband has been like this for at least 10 years, and he was able to get his sister on board with his thinking and she's even worse, so I'm glad husband bashing is ok, and good to know everyone has people in their lives like this! (and as a side note, I had pretty strong beliefs about alternative medicine, but when my brother was diagnosed with a rare cancer, I read many books, researched, even called Mexico, but I never told him I was doing that, and I never found answers I was confident enough to share with him). 

  • Shira
    Shira Member Posts: 9

    Hi gardengumby, I am so sorry about your daughter, that must be so frustrating.  The docs said I won't need Chemo because of the grade and because it's estrogen + I believe (although I am guessing that could change if my lymph nodes are not clear), but they said I will need radiation and estrogen blocking medicine.  I asked about an Onco Test, and they said I won't need that, but so far I have only met with the surgeon and not the Oncologist so I will ask about the Onco Test again.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    :)  If they already say you don't need chemo, that's great.  Have they told you how much the cancer is ER+?