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For Older People with Sense



  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Chrissy, I'm in the same situation as you. I have a bone scan in the morning. I've been having pain in my hips, more in the right than the left. I've had similar pain for many years and I think it's bursitis but it's been getting worse lately. Onc says probably bursitis or arthritis but wants to be sure. So I'll get the glow-in-the-dark injection at 10:00 then I get to wait 2 hours then get the scan. I think I'll have a late breakfast in the cafeteria while I wait.

    We'll be glowing together.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Leah, LOL.   I do the exact same thing!  get the glow in the dark and then head for the cafeteria to drown my sorrows in  food and coffee!  My appointment is for 8.20am so hopefully it will all be done by 11.30.  Oh yes, we will certainly 'glow together'!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    What a remarkable website where women from two different countries can compare notes on the same medical test on the same day.  I wish you both worry free results.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    All the best to both of you!  I wish you lovely thoughts and irrational peace.  And beautiful bones.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I LOVE watching my bones appear!!! I find it fascinating. Once I got to see my spine from INSIDE my body as I watched my own angiogram!!!! It all just blows my mind.

    I plan to get a bone scan every year until I die. To me, it's the fastest way to see if anything is moving in....

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Chrissy and Leah good luck to you.  Thinking about you here in Oregon!  Dragon

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Remember, Chrissy and Leah, we're all with you tomorrow, just basking in the glow and hoping for great results!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Leah my hips were hurting a lot until my Onc put me on a break from Anastrozole. The pain went away in a few days.  I never had hip pain before.    I hope your test is unremarkable and all is well. 

    You too Chrissie, no news.   

    Barbe, aren't scans a danger for us? My RadOnc doesn't like them.

    Hugs Ginger

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Sending good wishes to Leah and Chrissy on the scans today!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Leah and chrissy, thinking of you both today as you glo together ! Hoping for good results for you both. I am thouroughly S-I-C-K of doctors appointments and scabby results !

    This morning I go and get a ' do come and see me for a check-up for your teeth' from my dentist. 

    WHY can't we all be 21 again ?????


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Isabella, when is your surgery date? Surely you know by now??

    Gingerbrew, I don't get constant CTs and never had a PET. The only contrast dye I get is in the bone scan. I'd rather get treated right away if it shows up in my bones before they start breaking. 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352 date yet.

    The neurosurgeon is waiting on the go-ahead from the cardiologist. The cardiologist is willing to give the go ahead...BUT... he wants me off all heart meds for 2-3 weeks before doing the op.

    The cardiologist says I MUST stay on my beta I am letting them send one another a flurry of stupid posturing letters to see who is the biggest and the bestest...and in the meantime I sit here waiting for the fall out. Neurosurgeon says, and I saw him 2 weeks ago, it could be done 'within 2 months '

    You have a date for your op. haven't you? so has chrissy...but this IS UK...I often wonder how many actually GET to the top of the list, before whatever illness they have overwhelms them.

     I was looking at the AFib ablation ops....some patients are treated pretty quickly, some are still waiting over 2 years since being told they needed the op, so it seems to be the norm in all specialities over here.


  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Isabella, do stay on the beta blockers.  Also you can cut saturated fats and stay as relaxed as possible.  What kind of dogs are "tearaways?"

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Dragon...the number 1 tearaway is a very small Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. She was soooo tiny I just daren't sell her, she was like a piece of very fragile china when she was younger ! She should weigh in at 15lbs, but she's lucky if she's 8lbs. She is perfect but shrunk !! She is so very pretty...but..I hide her away when people come to buy puppies because the puppies they have come to look at look enormous against her, and they think the puppies are miles too big !! I call her Mouse, and she's just a pest, very rarely sits for long, always chasing thru' the house, arguing with dogs 3 times her size for possession of toys. Mouse is about 5 now.

    Number 2 tearaway is Ella Fitzgerald...a black and tan sausage dog....just full of hell fire, never grown up, and likes to be boss, and 2" from my feet all the time. She's a don't-quite--trust-her -with-the -other-dogs- type of dog! She will pick an argument with her shadow if she's that way out ! She HAS to be near me, she's sat here now on a cushion at my feet, and if I just get up and go for a drink she's with me. She must be about 9-10 now but still 'puppyish' She STILL digs holes in the garden, no idea why she does this, but all the sausages are this way given !!! Her and Mouse are a double act of escapology and trouble....and will boss the other dogs around if I don't stop them.


  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Isabella - Dachshunds were bred to dig!  That's the reason for the broad front paws and muscular shoulders and the narrow rear with smaller kicking feet.  They follow the badgers down the hole when they hunt.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Chrissy and Leah, have been thinking of you both glowing... and hope your docs get right back to you with news of "normal aging process", or something easy like that... Sorry you're achey enough to have to mention it to the docs and hoping you feel better today.  Just getting home always makes me feel better.

    Today I felt like the queen of time management - managed to see the gyn at 10, onc at 10:45, and rad onc at 11:30!  Three docs pretty much on time; I was in and out of town in 4 hours!!! - Town is an hour away (each way), and the gyn is in a different group on the other side of town!  I feel so lucky, maybe I should go buy a lottery ticket. 

    All clear, and I don't see the RO for a year - (UC Davis likes ROs to do long-term followup)... I still see the med onc every three months, but she did mention that I'll be moving to 6-month checkups soon.  I'm ok with that and I like her a lot.  Best news was she went to bat right away when I showed her my Medicare denial letter - for routine blood work she does each 6 months -- she took offense at Medicare and even though the front desk gals had said I must start with the group that drew blood (my PCP), the onc said baloney, that the two med groups work together all the time, and she would get the appeal process going.  So that's a big load off my mind. 

    People can gripe about US healthcare and compare it poorly to UK, but at least we get to see our docs & get our surgeries in a fairly timely manner. DH and I always paid privately for our insurance, and it's sure not cheap though.  In the long run, especially with my cancer tx, I know it more than paid for itself.    I sometimes read the London Telegraph, or the Sydney Herald just to see a different point of view from the US media machine...

    Isabella, I surely hope your docs get you squared away soon, and properly!!

    I love dachsunds, but they do like to dig... have you tried a sandbox, a place you can let or encourage them to dig?  If you lived in the US, I'd be begging DH for one of your spaniel puppies - they are just special...

    Barbe, please stay well so you can get your surgery next month.  

    3jays, am thinking of you, hoping new doc sorts you out.

    Marybe if you read this, please know you're always in my 'best wishes' thoughtbox.

    BarbA, it's Wednesday, and one day closer to the weekend.  You are one tough woman - sticking it out when you want to just tell 'em to stick it.  I hope a dream job falls in your lap.

    I lost a cousin last week - she was a few years older than me, and I will miss her.  Too far to go to the service...  My BFF's DH just got dx with multiple myeloma.

    The best words in a novel I just read:  "Fear is its own disease." 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Well girls, I back from the running around and seeing docs etc and the news is not what I hoped they say, NED has left the building!!!...................but I hope to get him back soon.  I have to see the BS tomorrow to get his verdict but reading the report myself leaves no doubt.  Not in the paces I would have tought though................head of the right humerus, top of the right femur, T5 and sternum...... seems it couldn't make up it mind and tried lots of places.   It will be off the Femara and onto the Aromasin for me and I'm hoping that the SE's are as kind to me as the ones I've had, or not had, from Femara.   Thankfully, it's small in each place so I'm not letting go of the string that tied me to NED as I hope to reel him in once again.

    These last two days are not ones that I really want to remember.  Yesterday was awful as well.  DD2 rang and we were chatting and she blurts out that she has a positive melanoma! and once she let the word out of her mouth I could hear the panic in her voice so I told her to get her a$$ and her path report over to her sisters so I could check them both out.  I am pleased to say, that it has been found very early and had not gone deeper that the skin itself and there is no lymphovascular involvement so once fully excised, she should have no problems but she will need check ups every 4 months for awhile.  She has an appointment for the excision next Monday.  Her percentage rate for a problem return is between 1 and 3% so that is a good thing.

    I am feeling exhausted but need to wait up until DD1 gets home from work so she can hear all the news.  I'm afraid when it comes to my BC she does not handle it well at all.  I fully expect her to have had a melt down at work as she rang me and insisted on the salient points, luckily the girls she works with are all great and will cover for her.

    Leah, I sure hope yours is a whole lot better than mine!

    Isabella I adore those little Spaniels!  They are just the sweetest but can be very mischievious!  I have always tried to pick the smallest of a litter, for some reason, they usually end up the most robust.  You little Mouse sounds truly adorable!

    Love n hugs all.  Chrissy

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Chrissy, sending lots of big hugs and hoping the Aromasin works -  are they thinking about chemo or is that totally out? Hopefully the stable boy will return quickly.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Alyson, I spoke to the doc yesterday about what treatment should it be a progression and he said Aromasin.  I think he wants to keep the chemo til much later if possible and that's just fine with me!  I didn't do well with chemo first time around so if it can be delayed for a while.............well, what can I say....  Anyway, I shall get his verdict tomorrow morning when I see him again to go over the

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh Chrissy, I am so sorry to hear about your progression. Here's hoping he next AI will kick it to the curb! And you poor DD! Oh how terrible to have that fear. Keep after her to be vigilant!

    Saying prayers for Leah's results.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Chrissy, this is definitely NOT what you wanted to hear! I'm so sorry about this. I hope the Aromasin gives you a good long run - first stop the stable, then we'll ride to Reggie's place and then a nice long stay with NED. How's that for an itinerary?

    I'll get my answers at the beginning of next week. I couldn't believe what happened when I went for my scan yesterday. I got there about 10 minutes early and gave the receptionist my paperwork. She said, "I'll tell them you're here" and 2 minutes later I was already called in and given the injection! I then went to the cafeteria to give myself time to glow, came back after 2 hours and was taken in IMMEDIATELY. I'm not sure if I'm over the shock of that yet.


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Chrissie, I like Leah's itinerary for you! I am sorry you have some progression.

    I go for my mammo in the morning. I get immediate read and info so I am very grateful for that. Then I see the Onco and she will likely put me back on Arimidex generic again. I want to try again but I am feeling so good intellectually, my brain is working, I am coherent! I was so foggy on Arimidex. 

    Barbe I think I understand what you are saying. I had asked my Rad Onc how I would know if I had mets and he said it would be a strong pain, unusual in its intensity. I didn't know bones breaking was a possiblity, I understand your concern.  I hope you have no signs of anything new. 

    BarbA my husband uses a Canon and likes it. I like it on Auto so I don't know the difference myself. Perhaps if you go to an old time Photograpy store you can spend some time with the cameras and make a more  informed decision.  

    Isabella I just love that you have many little companions in your kitchen. Right now our huge big poodle puppy and tiny mixed dog have huge fights. It is all posturing but they sound deadly.  The little one makes the most noise and sounds quite ferocious.

     Hugs Ginger

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Chrissy, your two days DID suck!!! Here's to two better ones coming up!!

    Ginger, I went to the Rocky Mountain School of Photography in Missoula, Montana and the first thing they said is "let your camera do what it does best. Keep is on auto focus!!" We are good at composition, the camera can't obviously, so our job is to compose. So auto is correct!! AF - auto focus.

    Now, there is a little dial you can turn to help your camera focus best. It has pictures on it like a flower (close-up), moutains (distance), a lady (portrait) etc. You set it on what you are about to shoot and the camera will make the important decisions on focus for you. Even if you forget to turn the dial, it will still do a good job, but it does enhance it when you remember. Have fun!!

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Aww Chrissy - I like Leah's itinerary for you.  Off to the stable, then a long time with NED. Here's to better days, and an easy time with the new AI.  Really glad you were there to read your DDs path report - and like Barb says, keep after her to be vigilant. How scarey.

    Leah I hope you have a lovely weekend, and plenty to keep you busy until your results are in.

    Ginger, good luck today, and here's hoping the return to Arimidex is an easy trip.  

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    As Barb says. Most of the time I let the camera lens work can actually hear it trying

    to get the best focus on where you are give it a little time...this is especially true

    of flowers..I like to stand back and use the zoom to zero in on the flower..but I wait until I know the camera likes it...

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I love these ads......NOT

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Chrissy.........I am so sorry, and lost for words..........I feel like you were one of the people who took me under your wing, when I was frantic nearly 1 year prayers are with you, and your a hell of a fighter, so I know "cancer is due for another "kick in the ass"...........hugs, and prayers.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Chrissy, so sorry to hear about NED's departure.  Also hope you're not having pain.

    Isabella, your little Mouse sounds great!  I love a little "tearaway" and had a Yorkshire terrier who would fit the description.  Even though only 6 pounds she dominated any dog she encountered.  Sausages are pretty dominant too, I guess.

    Praying for rain and maybe snow here--so far we've had too warm a winter with not enough rain.  Hope that doesn't mean it's going to rain all spring.


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Dragon, I had thought you folks had gotten "our" rain but guess it all went to Alaska!

    NorCal is soooo dry, it's a tinderbox and this is during our normal "rain forest" season when we should be knee deep in mud.  We are similar to So. Oregon - rainy winter & spring, dry summer & fall, but this year we are setting "dry" records - we're starting to pray for 40 days and 40 nights .