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For Older People with Sense



  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104

    Leah, good luck on the MRI.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hope every one has a happy mother's day. Having family around for lunch so had better get a move on.

    Big hugs.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Leah good luck on the MRI.   No SNB would be nice.


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Leah, glad the mammo and US were clear and here's hoping you get the same result with the MRI.

    Two other women and I made 240 cream cheese/pineapple party sandwiches today at church for a birthday party tomorrow.  A church member is turning 100 years old and her birthday is on Mother's Day so her family's throwing a big reception.  The church ladies (which cracks me up--remember the Church Lady on Saturday Night Live?)  are making the food.  I'm not going tomorrow since I want to see my children on Mother's Day, so at least I've done my bit for it.

    Sas, I'm so glad you can wear your glasses again!

    Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi all!

    Leah what wonderful news with al your scans!  Sure hope the MRI follows suit so you can have the Mx.  I'm keeping everything crossed that the outcome it all good.

    Sas, Yay! on being ableto waer your glasses again!  I'll bet that feels no more squinting at the screen trying to read.

    Kathy those cream cheese and pinapple sandwiches sound really good!  I'll have to try that combination.  Enjoy your day with your children tomorrow! 

    Alyson, Happy Mothers Day to you!  Hope you enjoyed your lunch with the family and I hope you got

    3jays love the little cute! Thanks for that lovely! 

    Lisa have you managed to get your android doing what it's supposed to with the new format?  I've changed my browser to Chrome as even updating my IE still didn't get thing working properly on my laptop.  Chrome seems to let it run the way it's supposed to with no gliches.

    Hi ya Ladie and Susgal!  Not sure if you have joined us before or not but if not welcome to a great group of women.  Jump in anytime the mood takes you and I'm sure you will get to know us in no time at all!

    I have had a wonderful weekend (it is late Sunday afternoon here).  DD1 and the boys came up yesterday and stayed overnight.  We went to the Italian restaurant for dinner and had a wonderful meal!  There was so much food that we bought what was not eaten home and we have enough for dinner tonight!  We were celebrating both Mothers Day and DD1's Birthday which is tomorrow.  After a late start this morning I made strawberry pancakes with maple syrup and cream for breakfast then got the fire going in the lounge where we sat and chatted and laughed until it was time for them to leave and head back to the city.  I love having them come to stay and the house seems very quiet and empty when they leave.  The boys are growing so much and keep surprising me as they are turning into young men at aged 16 and 14. The conversations are really something to listen to.  Well DH has just got home so I guess I should go and make us a coffee.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Mothers Day!!!

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful moms out there!  No cooking for me today...yea!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Happy mother's day to all !! sheila

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Today is my 9 yr anniversary....unbelievable.

    Nine years ago I was a quivvering wreck, convinced I wouldn't make Christmas.

    Nine years ago I was just about to set of to hospital for my BMX, panic stricken, and tearful.

    Now I bobble along living with Arimidex .


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Isabella, congratulations!  Your bobbie-ing along and the pictures you draw with your words make all our lives better!


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    That's great Isabella...congratulations on 9 years!  You give us all hope for a future.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Isabella, Wow, 9 years.   Congratulations!  The way you work and manage your farm amazes and inspires me and your descriptions of your life there fascinate me.  I hope this summer blesses you with much joy and that any crisis that comes your way will be easily resolved.

    Will your traveling friends return this summer?  If so, you know we will enjoy hearing about them again. 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,927

    Congratulations Isabella. That's really something to celebrate.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Congrats Isabella!!!  9 years is wonderful!  Here's hoping there are many more good years to come.  Keep enjoying your life and keep including us in your adventures as you make our lives a little better each day as we visualise your words of your daily life!  We love that you share with us.

    Well had my INR done again this morning and to my horror I am 4.3!  I have not changed the amount of coumadin but my system seems to not want to stabilise......ugh!!!!   No more for me for a couple of days so the level can drop again and then start back at a lower dose.  This is sort of like playing snakes and ladders with all the ups and downs but none of the fun!

    Hope you are all enjoying your Mothers Day!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    LeaH; I'm so sorry for the pain you must feel with your mom.. glad we remindeed you to call, though im sure you do, anyway.. and i hope the mri is good, so it will be smooth sailing for you.. im so glad they agreed to the prophy masectomy!!! am praying for you, round the world , for blessings...

      I sabella 9 years!!!a great accomplishment, and you're still working HARD on that farm!!did you get the "sprucing up" done in the kennel still raining???

     chrissy, it is amazing that your GS have grown, just since i've known you.. hope you all had a good mothers' day. it was quiet here.. but, its a synthyroid night.. the prednisone makes me jumpy, so glad it IS quiet.........3jays

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    I shall kick my heels up (ROTFLMAO) HaHa, with you Isabella, I celebrate 17 yrs tomorrow.

    I just wanted to get my four teenagers up to adulthood back they are parents too......I guess I got what I asked for.

     ............DH's mother passed away 16 yrs ago today....I can't believe how fast that time has passed.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Sheila congrats of your 17years!!!!  Wow!!!   Inspirational!   Time sure does fly by......turn around and the weeks are gone and the next thing you know it's a new year!   Watching our children grow and get to adulthood gives us all a sense of achievement and then to watch grandchildren grow...........well that gives us a sense of being

    3jays I had a wonderful Mother's Day, thank you.  Quiet is good! was on prednisone for the drug allergy and I'm so glad I wasn't on it for long............that drug is    n a s t y! 

    Have a good one all!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Congrats Isabella and Shelia. Happy days to you both!!!!

    I remember a time when I thought if I can just make it to when my kids are both over 18, and lo and behold that has happened. It is funny how life can seem so slow and so fast at the same time. Slow looking forward and fast while looking back.

    My Mother's day was perfect. Both my kids are home right now and if I keep my nose out of their arguments, I am fine. LOL We went to church, went for a walk on the beach, sat beside the water in the sun, came home and made dinner together, ate and I left the room while they argued about who would wash the dishes. It felt like old times when they were teenagers.

    My son has started back at his summer job at the shipyard today. He does so much better when his time is structured. So the house is quiet right now since my daughter is still sleeping. LOL

    Leah, hoping the MRI is as clear as other scans. My mother had some sort of dementia at the end of her life. She thought my son was in Israel instead of Iraq, but every so often the fog would clear for her and she could see us. I am thankful for those days now. I miss her so much, even tho she was gone long before she actually passed. It must be hard to be so far away from family.

    3jays ((((hugs)))) 

    Chrissy, what an up and down roller coaster for you with your levels. I hope they level out soon!!!!!

    I feel like I am walking thru molasses most days now. I am not sure if it is the arimidex or post rads fatigue still or the breathing issue. Sigh! I am thinking of taking the summer off from work, because I just cannot see my being able to deal with customers and my quality of work would be so poor. It is not fair to people to be so vague about when I will reopen, they need to be able to plan how to get their work done somewhere else. A friend says to just make up my mind and stick to that decision. LOL I wouldn't be asking her advice if it was that easy for me.

    Has anyone here worked with a health coach? My health insurance co. has had a RN call me to help me. I am not sure how she will help but she wanted premission to speak with my PCP. She said I need to see a pulomnary specialist so hopefully she can falicitate that process. But because she is from the insurance co. makes me think she is looking out for their interests. We shall see, I'll take any help I can get!!

    hope everyone's day is wonderful


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Isabella, congrats on 9 years! And Shiela, your 17 years is inspirational! Congrats and best wishes to you both for many more good years ahead.  -- For all of us.

    Leah, good luck with the MRI!

    Sixteen for me since my first dx - and upcoming 2nd dx IDC, 2-year mammo this week has me trying to keep busy and my mind otherwise occupied.  I've had the same (beloved) BS the entire time, and she sees updated family photos - all the things I've had life for - over these years. Adding gkids, a foster daughter....From 7 year old GD, to now 4 yr old GGD....all the kids growing up, all that good-life stuff.  I think the BS appreciates the gesture.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Lost_Creek, I'm sure she does appreciate it! You're showing her what she helped to give you.

    Isabella, congratulations on 9 years. And Sheila - 17! Is that from your original dx or from Stage IV? I love to read about Stage IV ladies having many long years - it gives me hope that I can be one of them.


  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104

    Isabella, congrats on the nine years!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Isabella and Shiela congrats on your anniversaries. I will be two years this month and still feel afraid too often. I want that to pass so I have more of my life without fear.  

     The weather here has been exceptional. DD DSIL and DGD came over yesterday. DD made tuna casarole for me. I had actually been joking when my husband asked what I wanted to eat for mothers day. I said tuna casarole and he told DD. I have never had such a gourmet casarole before. She made a rich white sauce, used guirre (sp) cheese along with tuna in olive oil. It was amazing. we even have left overs that need to be eaten in very small portions. DSIL put up my window boxes. Flowers aren't in yet but just the woindow boxes look nice.

    Laters Ginger

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    glad ya'll had good mothers days.. and @isabellaand @sheila so many years!!!that's amazing.. i have three, and all i wanted was to live long enough to meet my grandaughter, who's two now!!!life is good, even when its' bad...

      went to the onco, who i adore, today.. she was twisted, 'cause i cancelled thelast 3 appts. she wouldn't update my rx for le stuff, if i didn't go in!

      she said to me: whats going on with your thyroid?? she was so sure i had cancer, and thats' why i wasn't worrying about bc!!!!well, i live so poorly these days, in bed so much, i guess im not so worried, after all. it almost would be a relief somedays.. then, i see something, or someone, who reminds me its still too good to be alive right now........

      im just amazed, you ladies all have made it so long, with nothing in the hiorizon.. not like the early  days, when i thought id be dead in 6 months..

      now, i've had to do a dnr, since the choking incident, and i just pray that's NOT how i go out.. it was way  scarey!!!now, everyday is a gift. they tell me it could be tommorrow, next month, or 10 years.. i think we all living on borrowed time. i just wish i could enjoy it more!!!

      so, i take the synthyroid, which is still making me SO sick, and hope it'll get the thyroid back to the point it was after chemo...i felt     SO good , then.....

      hope your'e all enjoying the hot weather (except chrissy and the few over there...)  3jays

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    3jaysmom...are you sure it's the synthroid that is making you sick? I have thyroid disease and have had two active stuff (not cancer tho) and have been on synthroid for 30 years...if anything, it makes me feel better. Have you had recent HDL/LDL blood tests? I know the dosages have to be changed often. Sure hope you are feeling better. You are dealing with so much.

    Has your thyroid been biopsied? It is no big deal...I have had several done.

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    No Leah, no such luck, but I did get 13.5 yrs first time around.....thought I'd beaten it hands down.  My M.I.Law was dxed with Lung Cancer which had metastised to her lower spine in Dec '95....was told she could make six months, but only got five.  Before and after she died they never found the actual lung cancer in her body......just the mets! Imagine how I felt after that, when the Dr told me I had mets to my skull, spine, ribs, hips, arm and legs!!

    I sometimes think that, judging by the surprised looks on their faces, people I know, think I am a malingerer/hypochondriac type, but I'm not going to pop off just to prove them wrong.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    sheila: im so sorry for the mets.. i didn't know; guess i haven't been reading so carefully..

      my onco got on me yesterday, and yes, she was right, i have let my ckups slide.. i shouldn't be too arrogant, either.

      yes, its the synthyroid that i'm allergic to...

      1st , it has acai in it, which im very allergic to, but 2 and most imp.. my body is in war mode, with the ms. it has attacked the thyroid, and rejects anything that LOOKS like it, also.. thats why its such a dreaded disease.. it turns your immune system against tself..

      for that very reason, it is a bear to treat!!  I WISH i could take the synthyroid, or others, like everyone else. i have to "trick" my body into accepting even the little bit i take........thanks for asking, though......3jays

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906 I'm sorry to hear that....must be terrible...damned if ya do...damned if ya don't!

  • kfs616
    kfs616 Member Posts: 4

    Hi All!! My name is Kai and I will be 55 in June. I am new to this site. I was diagnosed in April with stage 0 non- invasive ductal carcinoma. Had a lumpectomy yesterday. The procedure went well. I feel great today. I start radiation therapy about a month from now and will also have to take Aromasin for 5 years. I am not too worried but more anxious about the radiation therapy and taking Aromasin, especially after reading about all the side effects that can occur. I won't know how it will affect me till I actually go through radiation and start taking the Aromasin. My family and friends keep saying, you'll be okay, don't worry, but they are not going through this, I am. I am so happy I found this site. I have learned so much and it's nice to hear from people who are actually going through it. I do, however, dread taking the Aromasin and wish I wouldn't have to, but I guess there's no way around it. Just wanted to say hi to all of you and Thank You for your comments, information and your feelings on this site. It really helps!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi KFS616

    I take aromasin and have very low side effects from it. Initially I took Arimidex and had severe side effects. The Dr took me off for some weeks and then started me back, but on Aromasin, and I have done very well.

    Remember you will do all of this one day at a time, one treatment at a time. The Drs have vast experience in how to treat our side effects and the ladies and experts on this site are endlessly helpful. 



  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Ginger, I start Aromasin tomorrow, and that is very reassuring to hear.  

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    welcome Kai: there's others, if that one doesn't work, and some ladies have no se's at all.. ya won't know till you try them.. @gingerbrew: good luck, as you start the aromisin.. praying for no se's for both of you....3jays