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For Older People with Sense



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Girls!  Welcome Kai!  Where you are are is truly frightening but there are loads of ladies here that have been through all and are very willing to share their experiences with anyone who asks.  Your rads are not difficult as long as you remember to moisturise extremely well after each treatment and at least three or four times before you next treatment.  During the treatment itself, you don't feel anything and it is done so quickly that you think is that it?......believe me that few seconds packs a mighty punch!  With your meds, yes some women do get nasty side effects ........ but not everyone and if you do, there are other meds of the same family that you can change to.  I take Femara (another in the same family) and I have virtually no SE's but I started on Arimidex (the other in the same family) and had all the SE's that was possible to get.  You don't know how your body ius going to react until you try them.

    3jays good to hear from you girl!  Hope you are managing to put one foot in front of the other for a long time yet.

    Nancy so glad you have your kids at home with you but it's not so good if they don't act like the adults they are.   It sounds like they are teenagers!  Hope you manage to find some peace and quiet even if it's when you walk the

    Lulu sure hope you do well with the Aromasin but the same thing goes for you too, you can always change iuf it gives you too much grief.  Here's hoping that you breeze through.

    Well winter has arrived!  top temp for the last three days has been 13 degrees!......Brrrr....the fire has been going everyday, all day!  I think the Anaemia and all the crapola of the coumadin is finally catching up with me.  I slept most of the day today and feel like I could go back to bed and sleep some more.  My last INR was 4.3 so I have had no coumadin for three dsays now and will get tested once more in the morning.  Here's hoping the damn thing has dropped down to an acceptable level.  I just feel that I will be fighting this crap until I see the specialist at the end of the month.  I really hope that the clot is gone and I won't have to worry about it any more.

    Hope all are having a great day!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Chrissy, thanks.  I'm going to be taking Aromasin with Afinitor, along with Xgeva.  WHEW.  I'm a little skeeeered, to be honest... but onward we go.

    So sorry about your clot issues.  I have a genetic blood disorder which can cause clotting, so I've been around that barn a time or two.  (I've even had my blood clot up in the tube during a blood draw, which is just pretty ridiculous.) Hope the blasted thing is dissolving post-haste for you!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Good Morning! It is a very rainy day here, but the silly squirrel is still trying to eat out of the bird feeder by hanging upside down. For Mother's day my DD is filling my window boxes with herbs for me. we went to the garden store on Monday to pick out plants and as she was planting yesterday she noticed I picked up green pepper plants instead of basil. I think I am doing ok and then I realize I am still in a fog. 

    welcome Kai, I have recently gone through 6.5 weeks of rads. So ask any questions you like, I will answer as to my experience. This treatment stuff is different for us all, tho, so try to go into it with an open mind. Are you close to your treatment facility? I had a lot of travel time that made it more difficult. Moisturizing is the key, and stretching and exercising afterward. I started OT when I was 1/2 thru and that felt so healing. I just started taking Arimidex last week and will see how it progresses. I feel like I am walking thru molasses.

    Chrissy, "be gone clot, be gone!!!!!!!" 

    I am a bit disappointed, the hospital called yesterday and my appt with pulmonary dr isn't until June 27th. It sounds so far away, but I know it will be here before I realise it. I'll just keep on keeping on.

    Thinking of you all! wishing you sunny days and brighter outlooks.

    The sun is trying to peak out behind the clouds now. Just saw a pair of Baltimore Orioles, just beautiful orange and black birds. If I was like Lisa I would have my camera ready and take a pic. Alas you have to take my word for it. 


  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    maca...I hope you don't mind me asking...I see you have an appt. with a pulmonary dr. Did you have PE during treatment?

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    mac: so good to hear from you.. i wish the pulmonary dr. was sooner.. is it close..much travel to see him?

      i so get homesick when i read your posts.. good memories, a life time ago!!!my mom always had the orioles at their place. she was able to get hummingbirds, though, something i can't do.. they have tons at butterfly world, 1/2 hr away, so i know its possible, but can't seem to draw them out.not even using my moms "special nectar" that she used to make, and the feeder.. darn!!!

      you're right though, June 27 isn't sooo far away.. your'e in my prayers, as all "my ladies" here, are..

      good luck to everyoone with their txs .......3jays

  • kfs616
    kfs616 Member Posts: 4

    Thanks All for the warm welcome!! I am new to all of this, so I will be learning along the way. That's why it's so important to me to hear all your experiences and what you all go through each step of the way too. I am lucky for so many reasons, mine was caught very early, I don't have kids to take care of, they are all in their 20's and I am not working at this time, so I won't have to worry about scheduling my radiation therapy around a work schedule. I will only have to drive 15 minutes to get to where I will be having my therapy, so that's a blessing. My heart goes out to the women who are working, have kids, grandkids to care for and those who have to drive long distances to go for their therapy. Since I haven't started radiation or hormone therapy yet I have nothing to compare it to what you all are going through now. The great thing about women is that we can talk about everything and anything and that is what helps us get through when times are good or bad. In reference to chrissyb, about radiation therapy, you said, You don't feel anything and it's done so quickly and you say to yourself, "that's it"???? I had to laugh because that sounded like the first time I had sex, lol!! I said to myself, that's it?? Anyway, thanks girls for your input, thoughts and encouragement! Kai

  • FilterLady
    FilterLady Member Posts: 74

    Kai:  I am ROFL at the reference to the first time you had sex!!!!!!!

    I had 35 radiation treatments and it really was more of an inconvenience to have to go everyday (I live about 15 minutes away too) to the cancer center.  I am on Letrozole (generic for Femara) and don't have many SE's.

    I have been so richly blessed and thank God everyday that I've had so many family and friends lifting me up in feet have barely touched the ground!

    You'll do just great and after your treatments are done you'll be back to your "new normal".

    Take care!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Kai you have me rolling on the floor laught my head off (ROTFLMHO) at your first time for sex comment.  Thank goodness DH wasn't home when I read it as he always asks what I'm laughing at and most times I tell him but I don't think I would let that out to

    Lulu I have been reading about the Afinitor with the Aromasin trestment and it seems there are some really good results coming from it.  Xgeva is another good kick ass treatment also so it looks like you are hitting it with all guns blazing!  I had the genetic testing done for the clotting as well and it has been found that I am factor 5.  Those results were back before I left hospital but there was still one to come and I shall get those results when I see the specialist at the end of the month.  I'm told that I will have to be way more careful for future surgeries etc...........just one more thing to add to the list of

    Nancy your window boxes sound like they will be wonderful once they start to produce your herbs.  There is nothing like a lovely fresh salad with home grown herbs added to it...yummm.  June 27th will be here before you know it as the weeks are just flying by.  Sure hope you get some answers when you see him.

    3jays how you doing today?  sure hope you are on the least a little.

    Well I went down to get the INR done and I have dropped a bit but after three days it is still over the desired level at 3.2 so no meds again tonight and perhaps tomorrow and another test on Saturday.........ho humm....this is getting rather boring and a pain in the *ss.  I will be so glad when the ultra sound is done in a couple of weeks and I can find out if the clot is gone so I can leave all this crap behind me.  Enough!  I say, Enough!

    Have a great day all!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Welcome, Kai!  Loved your comment about comparing first sex to what Chrissy said about rads--is that all there is!! LOL, you already fit right in here, girl!  My 6+ weeks of rads weren't that bad at all, just be sure to heed all the advice about moisturizing.  I was given this greasy ointment called Aquaphor, which stains your clothes.  One of the nurses told me I would do just as well with Eucerin  lotion, so that's what I used, right after each session and a few more times during the day.  There was a bit of fatigue toward the end, but it improved quickly.  I compared it to a sunburn where the sun had never shone before.

    Re the AI's, I've taken arimidex for the past 17 months and am considering switching to another because of some joint stiffness, especially when rising from a sitting position.  Still, just thinking about it for now.

    Chrissy, I'm so sorry you're still having issues with clotting and I hope your levels are improved tomorrow.  This has gone on long enough and I'm sure you're sick and tired of it!  

    Nancy and 3jays, I don't think I've ever seen a Baltimore oriole around here, sure of it actually.  We get occasional hummingbirds, and do keep the nectar for them, but we mainly get sparrows, blue jays, and tufted titmouse.  (Tufted titmice?  I've no idea.)

    Lulu, good luck with the aromasin.  I saw above that it's agreeable with Ginger, so hopefully it will be for you too. 

    3jays, I'm always happy to see your posts!

    And Nancy, June 27 isn't far away at all, but I do wish it could be sooner for you.  

    Hugs to you all,


  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Kai, welcome! I know the stress of "not knowing" is difficult, but things will get on an even keel soon and you'll feel a lot more calm. I hope you heal quickly from your surgery.

    As far as your comment about "that's it???????", I'll just say, if you took a poll of the women here and asked which they'd prefer, rads or sex, well, I doubt if rads would get too many votes.


  • bubbe
    bubbe Member Posts: 26

    Hi Kai,

    The other ladies are speaking the truth. I found the hardest part of radiation getting on and off the table. It is fast, painless and if you have any SE's it might be feeling tired. I was able to go to work right after the treatment, but I went to bed earlier than usual at night. I've been on Aromasin for almost two months. I have some side effects, but I reduced them by taking the pill before bed. That way, I am on the end of the SE's by the time I get to work. Hopefully you will be doing your treatments with as little discomfort as possible. And welcome to this site!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I wanted to add one thing about Aromasin SE's.  If you are going to have hot flashes I think you will have them with any of the AI's. They are all shutting down your ability to produce Estrogen and thus the hot flashes. If you get hot flashes get a remote control fan, or three like I did. :)


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hello everyone! We managed to drop a

    3 lb weight on my little toe today at PT. so now I am hobbling around. I told the tech that is one way to get me to stop thinking about my shoulder. All I can do is laugh.

    Schatzi, no I did not have a PE during tx. I have developed a bad cough and wheeze, I can't seem to get rid of it. So onto a specialist up in boston.


    I know everyone is trying to be encouraging, but when you feel overwhelmed or like you are not "breezing" through this journey, please let us know.

    I have to admit that aquaphor is still my friend since rads. I bought all cotton Tshirts and committed them to the cause, I let them get grease soaked and when I would put one on, it was heaven because it soothed my skin. I still use the aquaphor every day just not as thickly. It does wonders for my hands, too.

    I have to go now my DD is going thru my jewelry once again. If I don't keep an eye on her it will make it into her suitcase and take off for CO with her. LOL


  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Chrissy, just curious -- is your other blood test for MTHFR?

    That's what I have. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Lulu I'm not sure what the other one is for as the doc never gave me a name but he said he doubted that it would be positive for whatever he was looking for.  I just know that the factor 5 makes me 5 times more likely to throw a clot and better than the other one necause  he said that makes a persom 300 times more likely to throw a that the one you have?  If so...WOW!  I can so understand you getting a clot in the vein for a blood draw.

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    maca....thanks for answering...the reason I asked was I had the cough and wheezing as well during chemo PLUS severe loss of breath. MO ordered a lung CT scan and found PE. After 6 months of self injected blood thinners, it is fine now. I don't know of any others that had this and I just wondered. The Hematologist was certain it was chemo related.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Chrissy - I am homozygous for the gene polymorphism called MTHFR, which means I have a double-case of it-- one copy of the gene from each parent.  So yes, I really have to watch out for clots (I've had a few, including one on the base of the brain at 17 that landed me in the hospital) and I have to take specially-formulated supplements to keep it under control.  Even with that, my homocysteine levels are always too high because of it, like sometimes even double what they should be.  

    As if breast cancer wasn't enough of a pain in the patooty, right?  :-/ 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Lulu I hear you on that one.....for sure!  

    I am having enough problems with the factor 5 so I cannot imagine the problems you would have to face on a daily basis with the MTHFR.  It must be an absolute nightmare when it comes to any sort of surgery!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    schatzi, I have SOB also, it got very bad during rads. I joke that I can't walk and talk at the same time. I have been treated with antibiotics, inhalers and prednesone. We have done a Chest xray, a CT scan and an ultrasound on my arm. So I am frustrated that we can't figure out what is causing it. It is making me take the time to heal, by not having enough energy to work or do much of anything. Oh well, as Chrissy says it is what it is! I get to hang out with you guys more.

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    maca...well that sux....good to have you here more tho.

    Was the CT scan on your lungs? I dunno if I am fatigued or just lazy now that I am all done rads. I am milking it for all it's worth. DH does all the grocery shopping and I am not about to take that over. He loves it and it is one job that I absolutely hate...that includes shopping in general. I dunno where I went wrong cause my 2 DDs LOVE any kind of shopping :(

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    schatzi - I'm with on shopping.  My problem is my DH hates it at least as much as I do!

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    chabba....well I guess you have no way out unless you have take out   LOL

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    And in this little town - under 5,000 - take outs are limited.  Oh you can take home left overs from most restaurants but actual take outs, not many.  You can get fish & chips, hamburgers, tacos, pizza, Chinese, and subway sandwiches.  And at the Senior Center where all ages are welcome, you can take out from the buffet lunch 6 days a week (menu varies) or Sunday breakfast which is cooked to order.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Chabba, I with you and the small town town has a population of 1500 so take away is extremely limited.  We have an Italian restaurant open up and it is wonderful!  The food is lovely and fresh and oh so tasty!  DH and I have taken the children and grands there a few times now when they have come to stay as it is soooo good and the atmosphere is just like being in your own family kitchen.

    I dislike shopping as well that's why I only do a huge shop about everysix to eight weeks when I'm down in the city because it's cheaper than here.  I only top up on the fresh fruit and veg once a week locally.

    As for clothes shopping, well I only get what I need at any given time and have a tendancy to wear them for have never been a follower of fashion just a follower of comfort and my usual garb in winter is a nice warm pair of fleecy lined trousers, a turtle neck skivvy (shirt) and depending just how cold it it, either a cardigan or a pullover.  My feet are always covered with my Ugh boots as they are warm not just for the feet but for the ankles as well and they are oh so comfortable!!!  And then there are days like this when I'm still sitting around in my PJ's and dressing that's truly comfortable.......hahahaha!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    mac: i hope they can get to the source of it all, soon.

      so, got a call from the onco's office yesterday.. scared the bejeesus out of me.. my liver enzymes are  slightly raised.. of course, right away you go to mets... but, after speaking with her today, we figured, when the gp took me off of plavix, when the hypo started, i got my bad migraines back: hence,  lots of aspirin..

      well, it works as bad as acetophin (sp) on the liver.. i didn't know, thats' it < im sure..

      what im hoping, is that i get back on plavix, headaches stop, AND fatigue gets better..

      what i want to know... why didn't any dr out of the 3 hundred (it seems) i see didn't figure out to ask me, when i 1st got so tired???

      fingers crossed, it'll be that easy, ladies.. it certainly will help the hypo, for sure, if i can get my energy up..

      so, that's whats happenning here...

      chrissy, i can't believe we're rpasting here, and you're cold.. seems so wrong, on so many levels!lol 3jays

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    thanks everyone for the support. I really try to look on the bright side most of the time and get in lots of MH appts.

    3jays hope the change in meds works for you! it would be about time, eh?

    So about the Orioles (birds not baseball team) I thought they were migatory here, but they are pulling apart a natural plant pot on my deck like they are setting up  a nest. I usually only see them a fews weeks at a time in spring and fall, but maybe they will be here for the summer. They like the hummer nectar and I put out sliced oranges in my suet feeders. If my roses would ever bloom (whole 'nother story about deer) I would have time to stop and smell them, but as it is I can watch the birds for many minutes a day.

    I thought I had lots more to say, but since it is the beginning of a page I can't go back and see how to reply and can't remember a darn thing from yesterday. 

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    mac, We live in a community with lots of deer and roses seem to be their favorite snack.  We have a couple of roses that are rather neglected--I have an infamous gangrene thumb--but the deer leave them alone and they are beautiful.  We have a male dog that marks them every day.  Nearby is a columnular cedar which the dog ignores and the deer have striped as high as they can reach.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Is that photo of the train ride from Durango Co to Silverthorne?  It looks like the one I was on.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    We have two small rose bushes planted behind big rhododendron. In 2010 the deer did come eat the roses, boldly they are right in ftom of the living room window. Last year they didn't come and the roses, all five or so blooms lived their lives unmolested by deer.   This year the roses aren't in bloom yet but I am hopeful.