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For Older People with Sense



  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Leah, im glad your family is here.. do they live in israel, or is this a visit? for how long? ENJOY every minute... we'll be here, when its' quiter, waiting to hear all about it!     Hi everyone. tired tonight, don't mean to ignore anyone.. im just OVERTAKEN by the thought of the gypsy wedding!!! Isabella..white jacket, or Fuschia with the pink skirt? have you decided yet? what is the fascinator you made like?3jays

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352 I am , up early this morning...can't sleep at all. I've been up since 7am, which for me is a miracle.

    I've been up mainly to see my Yorkie. She is still hanging on, still recognises me, but I have her under sort of sedation, as she was getting so restless, making howling noises, and flopping around in her bed. As my G/son said yesterday 'Is she tripping Grandma ? ' I just had to laugh, because ,yes, I suppose she is 'tripping'  She is a lot quieter in herself, and loves a massage....but I don't think she will last more than another 2 days. She is a very tough old bird ! I hope someone has me tripping when I get to that stage. These dogs break my heart, over and over again.

    3jays, have a go at Camilla as much as you want...we all do. She is a hate figure. Charles tries to bring her to the fore, but no-one really wants to know her, because of the way she treated our lovely Diana. Camilla and Charles were to blame for the way Diana was sidelined, then divorced. If she'd not got divorced she would never have been cavorting around Europe with some stupid man, and never been killed. There is a lot of press coverage now saying how much she was missed at the wedding, and how much we all wished Camilla had been sat at the back of the church.( I wished she'd not even been in the church !!)  She has even got herself right up there on the official wedding photos, looking like the bridegrooms mother...what cheek she has. To me she was the 'spectre at the feast.' 

    I'm off to get myself some fruit for my breakfast...on a slimming kick...but it won't last !


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    oh, Isabella!! i just had a belly laugh at the Camille thing! i really dilike her, for ALL of it, and have NO NONE NADA respect for Prince Charles.. an evil man!

       we had our "monarchy" here with the Kennedeys. i loved JFK; and thats' saying a lot, im from Massachusetts, and they hate ALL the Kennedys there! he also would sniff up any skirt around, its' a family trait. of course, all the $$ came from running booze. they're NOT a very moral family, but very charismatic. their women are all martyrs..grrrrr  so, we have it, here, also.

       one good thing, well, two; came from Dianas marriage. prince william and Price Harry. they certainly would not have come from Camilla...

      they are such loving sons, even to their father. i agree. they should have left Camilla out, and invited Fergie.. what did you think of HER girls   arrrggghh  the outfit..purple was it on one.. and WHAT was the beige hat on the other? the outfit was wonderful but really... Joan Rivers (here in us) said she looked like she was going to have a blast at the reception at night, cause she wore her IUD to the wedding... hahaha      3jays

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    just lost a post about the royal family and now keep having to check things as DH is checking on the ages to the Kents and Glouchesters??

    Isabella hope you have your fascinator (sp) ready for the gypst wedding. Weren't they incredible, really what were some people thinking. Eugenie and Beatrice weren't the worst, what about Zara Philips with the satelitte dish on her head and Tara Palmer Tomkinson in the blue creation. Can't wait to hear about the wedding on Tuesday.

    I am watching Time Team at present. Love watching archeological things and enjoy the historical aspect.

    Hope the slimming is working, after this weekend I have to be good this week. Must think about bed.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh Isabella, I was howling at your description of Anne's dress. It did look like curtains but then, she has never been a fashion paragon. And Beatrice and Eugenie's hats???? Some of the hats were so ridiculous, I was LMAO.

    This looks like a flying saucer landed on her head.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    I like the IUD reference - I was wondering what Eugenie's hat reminded me of... on her head no less.

    The hats cracked me up -- like Alyson, many of them reminded me of satellite dishes.

    How can you keep a straight face and aplomb while wearing such ridiculous creations?  What fun!

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108

    The worst thing about the hats would be sitting behind the person wearing one of those flying saucers. At least if you were behind Eugenie you could peek through the loops and swirls. How do the men tolerate it? Can you imagine wearing a hat like one of those to an event here... someone would insist you remove it! I actually love hats but most of these were too over the top. 

    BTW, Alyson... are hats as de rigueur in Australia? 

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    hi all- somehow missed the link to this forum and just found it again-it is amazing how seeing Camilla at the wedding spot I saw made me crazy mad...not sure why I had such a strong reaction but I wanted to kick her in the *ss. A few days ago I saw a picture of her with Diana from years ago near the time of the wedding to Charles and it made me so sad-the sneaky wonk...ack, I said I did not care about the wedding but I guess I do care about the people involved more than I knew....hope all are well and enjoying a beautiful Sunday....

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Just had to bury my Yorkie at lunchtime, she died about 11am. I have to get the burying done almost straight away or I can't bring myself to do it without floods of tears. The ground was SOOO hard,(we need rain badly) so I had to bury her in a flower bed where the going was soft ! I just HOPE I can remember where next year, if I need to put any plants in ! I am left with a mess right in the middle of my lawn now where I managed to strip off the turf, but couldn't get any deeper at all. The turf will now just die, unless I water it, and I shalln't remember to do that at all !!

    I had to take myself out straight away to get away from the house for a bit....just as I was going out of the door, going goodness knows where, DH rang me....would I ferry him to the hospital to see a friend of his who was very ill ? I have a parking permit, he hasn't, and parking is crazy, IF you can get any at all. So I thought I could have a ride to the hospital to take my mind off the dog just dying. I grabbed a book, and my specs, and went and picked up DH. I shoved him out at the hospital, and settled down with my book, and within 15 mins he was back. 'Franks dead' he told me What? I said 'what do you mean'. Turns out DH had just got to the hospital ward, went in to see his friend Frank, and there Frank was, mouth open, stone cold dead !! The nurse was called, and said 'NO, he isn't' and tried to shake Frank awake, but Frank WAS dead !! She tried to say she had been there with him '2/3 minutes ago'  but DH had been there 10 mins at least., this is the standard of our nursing.  Franks family had asked to be called if the end was in sight, but weren't, so they are all up in arms...OMG what a world. Frank had had a stroke 3 weeks ago, and the hospital had withdrawn 'all sustainance' 6 days ago. Words fail me !!!

    'They say things come in 3s' said DH....First the dog, now Frank, and I said quick as I could 'well, you'd better watch yourself with me then, I am in no mood to be nice to anyone today !!! I carried on for a country drive for about an hour, was a nice day, nothing else to do, and DH actually treated me to lunch....well, he THOUGHT, as he had a driver he could go in the pub, plonk me down with my meal, and proceed to drink to his hearts content. I did feel sorry for the shock he had just had, but after he had downed 2 drinks I got up, and was ready for off. NOT staying in the pub all day watching DH get slowly drunk !! Been there, done that ! So, was back home for 4pm, and off for a long soak, hairwash, and a good old howl to myself.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{ISABELLA}}} so sorry she finally passed but happy she is in doggie heaven. Hugs to you.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Oh Isabella! What a horrible day! I'm so sorry about your little Yorkie, and having to bury my pets is the saddest thing in the world to me.

    And I'm sorry about your DH's friend, it must have been quite upsetting. I can't imagine walking in on someone who is just laying there dead! I hope the family knew they were withdrawing all sustenance - what a nightmare for everyone!

    I hope you have a nice lemonade and white wine (isn't that how you drink it?) with your long bath. Take care - I know you're glad to see this day over! 

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Isabella, so sorry you lost your little dog.  That's so hard, even when they're ill for a long time.  It's been a bad day--do take it easy.  XOXO, Lynda

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Isabella, I'm so sorry.  I'm know you'll miss her, and already do, but you surely made her last days as comfortable for her as you could and she knew that.  You really had a terrible day! Pour that wine, draw that bath, and howl away, my friend.  After today you deserve it!  {{{HUGS}}}


  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192


    I am sorry about the loss of your sweet dog.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Isabella----------sorry abour your baby dog

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Isabella.. howl away, dear lady.. its' been the day from hell!!! i keep thinking about how lucky  i am to have you in my you are, treating the yorkie up till the end, in a loving way.. even "helping " her ease into it.. (been there, done that ) well, put a little marker, not a grave name, but a bush, or something, so you won't shock yourself next year!i carried a marker from the old house to this one, but only for the chiuahua i loved like my own child.. she has a rose always at her angel..

        speaking of Roses.. still on the hunt for the canary rose. found a lavandar floabunda yesterday; and today it was a hybrid peach deeprer rose color. all with beacuep buds.. can't wait. they smell heavenly. they're a new find for me this year. the rest of the roses aren't fragrant at all.

        that, of course, got me into moving all the other plants, and since they were moved, i got mur to hang amber rope light i got at halloween over the inside of the gazebo. i love sitting out there at night. when i get the table cleaned up; we'll have dinner there by the light, but it will have to be cooler than it was tonight while we worked. mid 80's at 10 pm.. ridiculous..!! a new fan is in order for out there, and i bought a mister yesterday, for me in the day, and to keep the flowers cool. Mur floated the top of the shade house to the wall on the entrance to the house. the sunlight is just killer, in the summer. i don't think i'll be out much in the day THIS promises to be a hot one!

         annette, great to see you back here. mark it on your favorites, i love that you came over!!!the new vixen look beats the flying goat..wherever DID you find it?

       well, already started to drug myself to bed. overdid shopping, and gardening this wkend, and will now be paying for days. i gotta do it when Murs willing, as im not driving very well, these days... lol

       Marybe, a warm bath would help with all your doing tonite, with a nice big glass of wine, or joining tim with a beers' good, too. love ya gal, call dr. cody in am; and if it progresses, call the ambulance and go. you've come to far to screw around now!!!   3jays

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Isabella - so sorry to hear about your little Yorkie.  I know she love you and all that you did to make her last time here comfortable.  Take a nice bath and howl away.  It will help you recover from this trying day.  {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} to you.

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Isabella ~ {{{A Comforting, Gentle Hug for you}}}

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Sending big hug Isabella, you are allowed to cry.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    So happy to hear, when I got up, that the Navy Seals took out Bin Laden. Was puzzled when I read they buried him at sea then read elsewhere they don't know what to do with the body. Bury at sea is a great idea so the fanatics can't make some kind of shrine out of his corpse, may he rot in hell.

    I hope if I ever get kidnapped they will rescue me.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    I'm so proud of our soldiers! Glad they threw him out of the chopper - no, I really don't know how they did it, I'm just fantasizing. 

    Our guys know what to do and how to do it and they nipped this one in the bud!

    That's a nice picture, Barb, real nice. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    I kinda liked it myself.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    go seals!!!! 3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    Ding Dong the witch is dead... and feeding the fishes!!!    3jays
  •   Good afternoon ladies,   I want to add my sympathy for your Yorkie Isabella, but I am glad the sweet little girl is not suffering.  I am sure I have asked before if you know about that rainbow's nice to think our pets go to a place where they are healthy and romping around, but it makes me sob every time I watch it....Actually it's nice to think one day we will be romping around someplace healthy and in young bodies. 

    Anyway, I have a rant here.  Not about the 5 hrs I spent in the ER last night because I have a blood clot for being off my warfarin for cataract surgery...even though the wait did piss me off almost as much as the fact I even for a blood clot since I had asked them if I didn't need lovenox or arixtra shots to cover me while I was off the blood thinner and got a Oh no, you will be fine.  My rant is about getting my passport....finally getting my passport,...finally getting all the stuff together (or so I thought) and going to the appt.  I decided I did not like my pic so had it taken again today...not once, but twice, one with glasses, one all total I spend $27 on pics done at AAA.  Then I took the pics with my filled out application which is not as easy as it could have been due to the fact I lost my old passport, but at least I did have the # of the old one recorded, had my birth certificate or so I thought and went to the PO for my scheduled appointment so excited because I am finally getting this done.  Not that I am going anywhere, but at least if I have a passport it is possible.  Well, I found out this certificate of birth that I have from the hospital is not the same as a birth certificate.  So the woman gives me the address in mother always went back home to have her children so both my sister and I were born in Mich, even though she lived in OH....sort of like the elephants going home to die I guess.  I called and found out for a bit more I could do it on line and then for still a bit more, it can be expedited and they will mail it in two days and it ended up costing me $64.25 for a copy of my birth certificate.  Add that with the $135 fee they are charging me at the post office to take my application and prosess all this and the $27 I spent to get a decent pic and I am spending what $226 for a passport!!!   So I do not think that I can any longer be considered a person with more sense.  The moral to this story, do not ever lose your passport or birth certificate.  But I decided come H or highwater, I am getting a new passport when I got my last scans since that just reinforced the fact I want to go places while I am still able. 

    I feel much better having gotten that off my chest and am now going to go back to the hospital for my doppler( which the could not do last night since the dept was not open) and then back to the eye surgeon for one last check on my eyes (after I wipe off the eye makeup I had on for my photos)  Let me tell you, these days off from work wear me out!!  

    I will be seeing you on our May chemo thread Cyborg since this Wed is the day I start the halaven. 

    3jays...looked for you on the insomniac page when I got home last night from the ER. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Marybe LOVE the new avatar!! If that's your passport picture, it's the nicest one of anyone's I've ever seen. We aren't allowed to smile in our driver's licence photos. I guess the cops never have a smiling face in front of them to compare it to....hehehehehe

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Marybe it sounds as if it was meant to go wrong with you it did.  It's amazing how many hassles and hoops we go through for something that you think should be simple.  Glad you got through it all.  As far as the ER, I think they just like keeping people like us there as long as they can.  They must have enjoyed your company.  I'm hoping all goes well with your eye.

    Isabella, so sorry about your little Yorkie.  I know this is a hard time for you.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Marybe, I agree with Barbe, your avatar is great!! Sorry you spent half the night in the hospital though. Sheesh.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Marybe,  At least you could get an acceptable birth certificate.  In 1965 my Mom won a trip around the world, but though she only had a short time to get everything together, She shouldn't have had any problems. 

    When she sent for her passport she had it sent direct because of the time constraint.  They sent it back to her marked invalid because  under name she was listed as Baby Boy and no sex was marked.  She was born in a small North Dakota farm town, #4 of 7 kids.  If you have no birth certificate there are 4 ways to "prove" your birth, family Bible record, baptismal record from the Church, school records, or affidavits from three people at least six years old at the time of her birth who can swear they remember her as a child.  Only one brother was old enough to swear and she had an uncle who was still alive.  But she couldn't find a third person.  On the Sunday before the last day possible to get the affidavits in in time to get the passport for the trip.  After Church that day some friends brought a house guest over to meet her since he was from the same home town.  As luck would have it he was 6 years older and lived on the second fram on the way to town from her home.  Seems the Dr had a drink with Grandpa to celebrate the birth of his first daughter, then stopped at every farm on the way to town to spread the news and celebrate the happy occasion.  The guy signed and Mom went around the world.

  • I was waiting for you to say she missed out on the so glad she got to go. Now that you mention going though all that I recall my Uncle having to round up proof of his birth to get a passport...he was born at home, Dr who delivered him was dead, etc, but he finally got some sort of a affidavit.  My friend Kathy told me you aren't supposed to smile on the passport, but I asked the woman taking the pic and she said nobody knows what the rules are so to do whatever I wanted to do.  I am smiling on my driver's license also.

    Saying they like to keep us around the ER room for company....not the one I was at....I didn't see a nurse anywhere and after a certain hour there wasn't even anyone at the registration desk.  I think they were all off taking naps or partying.  A security guard came and told this one guy sleeping on a couch that he'd been discharged two hours ago and had to leave.  When I finally got to go through the door, there were rooms and rooms and more rooms off the corridor, but no sign of patients so I don't know if they went out the back door or what.   I asked these two young nurses is they worked late often and they said always and laughed....these two you could tell were friends and worked well together so I am sure that makes working a shift like that more tolerable.

    Had my doppler today and there are three clots, all superficial so that is DVTs