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For Older People with Sense



  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Hi I am...totally wiped out...but had one of the BEST times of my life EVER.

    I didn't get in 'til 4am this morning, so consequently I have not been much good to man nor beast today !

    My day started off to a real flying start. I was up early, then decided to have a change of clothing. This was the most stupid thing I have done for a while.I was prancing around in my undies (NOT a pretty sight) for about 2 hours trying one thing then another on. I had wardrobe doors swinging open, shoes that didn't match, lost hairbrush...I really made a dumb decision when I didn't put on the planned outfit. I ended up wearing a flowered long silk skirt, a small top, and the plum jacket I bought weeks ago. Then I was into bag problems, the bag I wanted has gone from the face of the earth...I have a feeling DD has it. I managed to get some strappy sandals with small heels, and decided against wearing the fascinator I made ! (should have done this,as just about everyone was wearing one)

    I was picked up about 12.15pm...IN A PICK UP TRUCK that had seen better days !..arriving at the church at 12.30. Wedding was at 1 and the bride was one hour late ! I really NEVER have seen such fashions..or should I say LACK of fashions, there was flesh on display everywhere, I felt over dressed ! Think Showgirl/ Circus costume, and you'd be bang on....and the hair...the hair on everyone , right down to the tiniest babies was a riot. Piled up high, long, long false hair pieces in, and the most glitterist of the glitter hair ornaments. WOW was all I said for most of the day. The heels on the shoes were unbelievable 6" stiletto's, and probably more, decorated with tassles , chains , diamante NOTHING at all plain. Then the jewellery, rings, necklaces bangles, millions of bangles....just like Aladdin's cave....everybody 'clinked' around ! The baby girls hair had been done up like their mothers, covered in ornaments, and the baby clothes must have cost a small fortune. All the little boy babies had their hair gelled into funny spikey shapes, but very cute, and again their clothes would have cost the earth. A lot of the very small boys were dressed in proper 3 piece suits, like a man would wear, but SO tiny, and most had matching peaked caps on, all in quite bright, gaudy checks. The 2-12 year old boys mainly wore mini top hat and tails suits !! ( Funnily enough, the teen and 20's boys all wore jeans and check shirts.) The girls of this age wore the same as the older girls, and looked like VERY TINY showgirls !!! High heels and the lot, tho' where on earth they got very small stiletto's I do not know. Any child that was in a stroller, was in a designer one, and the big prams for the babies were a sight to see. There were 2 wickerwork ones, where they'd got those from I don't know !! I counted 26 prams/ strollers in the room I was in, and there was another room !  I THINK there were about 450 guests, not counting little toddlers and babies.

    All the older women, up to about 45 ish were in the 'showgirl' outfits, and the older than that had on the most beautiful jewel coloured sheath dresses...dripping in jewels. tassels, lace and fancy stitchwork, and matching bags .  The only thing here was they looked pretty awful sideways, as all the older women had a lot of middle age spread, and looked pregnant !!! Middle age spread or not they were all tottering around in bejewelled stilettos....and quite a few had very bad hair colouring jobs, instead of turning grey gracefully, they just went deep dark black, and it was too harsh !!

    I was the only 'normal' person there, and I stuck out like a sore thumb. (There is a name gypsies give to us 'normal' people but I cannot remember it at all ) I was just so happy to people watch, and had no desire to get up and dance at all. The music was really banging out, anything and everything, but SOOOO loud, was hard to hold a conversation. Things kept happening, in a sort of sequence...'they' all knew what was going on tho' One minute it was just girls dancing, then suddenly, a great big wave of guys dashed in and watched for about 10 mins, then dived onto the dancefloor and picked out girls they fancied, swung them round about quarter of an hour, then as if a whistle had sounded, as one, all the guys just turned tail and went back into another room.... couldn't see what this was all about, but it happened 3 times.

    The church ceremony was lovely, it was a catholic service. Much bowing and scraping, and crossing themselves. NO confetti, and no horse and carriages, just 5 monster limos, closely followed by an assortment of big old pick-ups and Transit vans. I was plonked in a limo !! The bride wore a monster white meringue dress, covered in gold 'jewels' stuck on in a close patttern on the bodice. She had on pink trainers, which you couldn't see, but as she told me later, was for all the walking around and dancing she'd have to do! She had 6 older bridesmaids, in pink meringue dresses, strapless, and 6 very small pink clad girls. They all looked a million dollars, and the brides mother had on a white and pink satin long skirt suit, with matching picture hat. She looked very 'Victorian' 

    When we got back from the church we were ushered into a big room, and right at the end, on a 'stage' was an approx. 5' high pink metal heart , on this heart were 14 shelves, and on the shelves were 14 wedding cakes, all iced to look like ladies hats, then there was 2 larger cakes at the base of the heart, and a flashing pink waterfall ornament about 18" high in the centre of the heart !!! Talk about over the top !!!! And to crown it all the brides mother said the cake maker had let them down 2 days before the big day, and they had to set to and ice 16 cakes in 48 hours !!!

    The bar was COMPLETELY free all night FREE for about 450 people....just unbelievable. I would not have wanted to pick up that bar tab. I actually never saw one person drunk. ( The bar actually ran out of 2 of the most popular draught beers, around 10pm !! ) I also never saw much else wrong, apart from I heard they were selling drugs in the gents !!! The venue was booked 'til 12 midnight, but at 12 they just shut the doors, and had a 'lock in' 'til nearly 5 am....I was sent off in a taxi, all paid for, at 4 am!!!! Taxi driver had instructioins to 'see me into my house' and he did ! What I did see was the police patrol cars slowly passing by numerous times throughout the night...don't know if they'd have dared 'crash' a gypsy party !!! I have no idea how the rest of the wedding party got home, or even if they intended driving home at 5am, some had come over from Ireland, some from Wales. I would imagine the police would have been buzzing round to catch anyone who they thought had been drinking and driving , at that time.....easier to stop 2/3 people in a car, than crash 450 people having a whale of a time !!! 

    There were only 2 wedding presents there, mine was one of again looks like I made a faux pas...hehe. I don't know what the tradition is ! I got about 8/9 pics with my camera, but felt a real awkwardness taking them. Everyone else had phone cameras, mine is a flash camera, and whenever I stood up to take a pic the 'flash' had everyone turning round to see what was going on.There were no lights on at all in the room we were in, apart from disco lights flashing away, so a flash camera caused a commotion...or I felt it did !!

    I felt very intrusive with my camera. Felt like I was 'noseying' into something I shouldn't have been. The pics I took are not at all good, as I was quite at the back of everyone..even tho' I'd been seated up among the main relatives, most of the action was taking place at the other end of the room to where I was !! I will try and get some onto FB but it could take me forever I still have to get them from my camera to the pc !! THEN try and remember how I did it before.

    Going for a shower right now, and my bed, I am falling asleep sitting here, didn't get up 'til 11.30, well, I got up at 9am and let all the dogs into the kitchen, but was back upstairs again in 10 minutes and fast asleep !


  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Isabella, all I can say is - WOW!


  • Oh Isabella, Thank you for sharing.  You were part of something I feel pretty safe in saying none of us will ever see.  It was probably like being part of a movie or a dream or a fairytale.  I do hope some of your pics came out.  Next we will be hearing about the Gypsy baby shower you get invited to.  I hope none of the others got arrested. 

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Oh Isabella, Thank You for sharing!! Marybe is right, it's not likely any of us will ever see such a thing! You have certainly sparked my imagination -- and confirmed much of what I'd previously heard or learned. How Fun! Thanks again for the good time!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Isabella - being put in the lemo and seated with the family was a huge honor they paid you.  Anything you did that was not "normal" for them was quickly forgiven and accepted.  You will now be part of that family forever.  Make you "Our Gypsy"  Heheheh.   Thank you for sharing everything with us.  So glad you had a good time, even though it was a long day. Get plenty of rest then you can share the pictures with us.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Isabella, you write the best descriptions!  How we'd all have loved to be "flies on the wall" during this event!

    Barbara, hope you enjoy your pottery class.  My DH is or I should say was a potter, as he doesn't do it anymore.  He has a MFA from Alfred Univ. in NY and actually won a Fulbright Scholarship to study pottery in Portugal.  Sadly, this was during the Vietnam war, he got drafted, and the Fulbright isn't something one can postpone, or wasn't then.  So, he spent 2 miserable years in the Marines (had sort of a bad attitude, I guess you could say) but thankfully he never had to go to Vietnam.  He continued to do pottery for several years after we married, but we never set up a studio in our current home.  Fortunately we do have many pieces of his work and he's always made use of his artistic talent, just no longer in pottery.  He made a new career in social services and does not regret his choice.  (But I do wish we had more of his pottery!)

    Marybe, so glad the first tx went okay.  Always thinking of you, girl. 

    Hope everyone's doing well tonight.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Wow!!!  Isabella, your description of the wedding made me feel as though I was there with you!  Such an event!!!  I'm glad you enjoyed it although it has left you tired.

    Marybe, happy to here that your first Halaven treatment went well.  Hoping the SE's stay none or minimal for you.  Enjoy your book!

    Barb, throwing clay is soooo much fun......messy but fun.  Hope you enjoy!

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Isabella, what a day! Thank you so much for describing it in such detail. WOW is right.

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    Isabella..How wondeful. I felt like I was right there while reading this. HUgs, Mazy

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Isabella, leave it to you to have an incredible experience!  We were really hoping you ran off with a gypsy prince 15 years your junior!

    Marybe, so glad halaven seems OK for now and here's hoping you have NO se's!!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Isabella, that wedding sounds beautiful!  Certainly a big contrast from the royal wedding!  Glad you got to go!  Dragon

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104

    Isabella, thanks so much for such a wonderful description of the wedding.  A once in a lifetime event.  Or maybe not as they treated you like family.  Might want to rest up for the next one!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    yeah Isabella! if any of us DO have a "bucket list" they're boring, compared to your REAL life.. i was one of the gals who was hoping you were discovered by a gypsy prince.. of course 15 yrs your junior!!! you really ARE considedered "family" the way you were tx.. so, a gypsy baby shower is in your future, (and im NOT a fortune teller)  lol

        Bar, i'll be anxious to hear all about the pottery class, also. mayrbe, got an email waiting for glad the tx went well... check with Lago.. there's vit. b(can't remember which one) that helps PREVENT neuropathy.. unfortunately, i didn;t find out in time, it helps later, too...will catch up with all of you later..

        we have ANOTHER MRSA infection in our house, so have to go to another Drs. today.. so, off we go again.. that would explain why ive felt like dog poo lately, wouldn't it?  hahaha  3jays

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    jay..hugs. Hope u get to feeling better soon. Mazy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Awww 3jays, it's time to get rid of all the bugs and get better girl!  Hope it happens soon.  (((hugs)))

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Just to let you know I am home at last..great time..but good to be going to sleep in my own bed!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Welcome home Lisa!   Oh! what a beautiful tulip! Just stunning.  Would you mind if I kep a copy of that Lisa, it is creating all sorts of things in my mind such as a picture would be a perfect pattern.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    sure Crissy, glad you like the tulip, I have a cazillion more

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    Welcome home Lisa

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Lisa, welcome home! Your pictures have been beautiful.

    3jays, I hope you and everyone else in your house is feeling better.

    Hey, Isabella didja wake up yet?


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{LISA}}} I am sure you are happy to be in your own bed. Beautiful tulip!.

    3jays, so sorry you are dealing with MRSA again.

    Marybe, hope your se's stay away.

    I am headed to the hated RO this morning. Grrr. Hate that guy. I am going to tell him I have breast LE and have him say, "None of my patients ever got LE." Well, guess what buddy, you're looking at one! Then I am never going back. Period.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Goodluck Barb........let him have both barrels!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Welcome home need a new avatar, I've seen pics of you looking totally different....

    Go get 'em Barbara!!

    3jays sweetie!!!!

    Chrissy, hope your home is calm and painfree (either heart or back).

    To all....

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Welcome home Lisa!!  Thank you thank you thank you for sharing pix of your trip; and BarbA, thank you sooo much for making those pix happen here!  Just lovely!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Thanks Barbe.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    OK, I told the creep see ya. He tried to talk me into coming back in 6 months but I said nope. I feel soooo much better. That dude always raised my blood pressure 20 points.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    WooHooo Barb!!!  On ya girl!!!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    chrissy..............I had to take the time to tell you what a "breath of fresh air" you are..........I have been on a couple forums....................just looking over, and giving word, I can say I am shocked at some of the nastiness of a few women on them..............Some are so mean, its scary..............I thought I would amble through the active topics, to see what was going on..............I have not seen attacks like some of them since Sunday when they took down Osama Bin Laden..............Why are people so mean, and then you come to your new website (which I came to, to get away from the nastiness) which has the kindest ladies anywhere on this website

    Just had to get that off my chest, and also Happy Mother's Day to you,  I know  your not that little cutie's Mother, but you sure could be...............hugs to you. just had to get that off my chest..

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Thanks Ducky, your thoughts are much appreciated and (((hugs))) right back at you.  The little munchkin is my niece but I have two daughters and four grandsons so I will be spending Mother's Day with them. 

    Happy Mother's Day to you and all the mums here, I do hope your special day is as special as it can possibly be!