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For Older People with Sense



  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Well, Marybe, at least that's good news about no DVTs!

    Isabella, I'm so sorry about your Yorkie. It's so hard to lose the ones who've been with us for so long, isn't it? I lost my cat, my sweet Madeline, a few months ago and miss her terribly. She was 17 and we had her all her life. I watched her being born and sat with her as she died.

    And THE WONDERFUL NAVY SEALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations to them for ridding the world of one piece of the evil in it. Smart idea, burial at sea - they did that with Eichman, also, after he was executed.


  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104

    Marybe, I love your new photo.  Great smile!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Isabella, sorry to hear that your little yorkie passed but at least she is no longer suffering.  ((((hugs)))) to you.

    Marybe, phew!!!  No DVT's, that's got to make you happy!  Glad to hear everthying went well with your other cataract surgery. Oh, nice avatar by the way!

    Way to go USA!  my only question is who do you hunt now as they will not give up.

    Mareike is home and healing well I am happy to say, so now it is just time to complete the healing and of course not doing anything to aggrivate that process.  The funeral for my FIL is happening as I type so DH and DD will both be home tomorrow.  I can begin to relax a little now as the whirlwind of things happening has now lost its impetus and is beginning to get back to normal pace.  Phew!  at last! It sure has been a busy few weeks.

    Welcome any newbies who have joined us, there are too many pages for me to catch up on so I'll just say I hope everyone in treatment are coping well, those that have recently completed I hope you are recovering well and to those who have been out of treatment for a while I hope you are finding your new normal and you are happy with it.

    Peace. strength, love n hugs to all.  Chrissy

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Maybe - love the new avatar. You have such a beautiful smile. Glad to hear there are no DVTs. Take a little time to rest and recover from all that has happened in the last few days.

    Chrissy - so glad things are settling down for you. You have had a stressful few weeks. Now take care of yourself.

    God bless our soldiers.

  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192


    Don't like the clot

    Don't like the passport stuff

    Glad hour out ranting!!!!


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Isabella, so sorry about your Yorkie - each one of our animals becomes such a part of the family; you did such a great job with her, all the way.

    ChrisyB, I am glad to know things are settling somewhat...

    Marybe, I'm glad no DVT, but please take good care of yourself.  Yuck on the passport hassles - but good on you for persevering! Glad your eyes are healing well.

    Chabba, great story!

    Bless all our armed forces, and the ones who love them. Go Navy!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey gals.. looks like life is beginning to slow down for most of us.. for that, im grateful!!!

       ive decided to change some of my plans..dr wise. im not going to do the nerve conduction test this new nuero wanted, till we get some type of connection between us. its' just too darned painful, if its' being done just to satisfy his curiousity.. he's doing a bunch of "rule outz' tests, just cause i don't fit in his safe little box. to say i didn't like him is an understatement!

       I was recommended to go to the University of Miami Hospital; and i think i'll start over again, there. may even call the RO that read my MRI  there, and get the Dr. he thinks i should see. the other one was at Mercy Hosp. and he was way put out he had to wait for me, cause my history took too long to take!!he had to wait for me... uhh, i waited 3HOURS in his waiting room.. im thinking i'll have the blood tests he wrote rx for, and then, on to someone else... its not like he was very helpful; said id take interferon if it was warranted, and brushed me off that it could open me up to a reoccurence of bc... not goin there, for sure!!

       to complicate matters, the excersizes in PT have aggravated my legs, and im in bed now. so not the direction i was hoping for!

       im off to take yet maore muscle relaxants, and another pain pill... not my usual; but want to miss a trip to the hospital, if possible. sometimes only a shot will help though.. we'll see.....this new system of having a hospitalist i hate! i won't even SEE the dr. who knows me, just some stranger, so im putting it ALL off, if possible.

       ill let you all know. Chrissy, glad everything worked out with mairkee, and that you survived the street fair, and the shuttling back and forth. DH will be home tommorrow, so, deep breath, and rest up!!!


    chrissy said, good luck with everyone w/ tests and tx.. i can't keep up right now, but you're all in my thoughts and prayers...      3jays

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    I don't know if I have welcomed the newest gals here, but I do send a warm welcome to each.

    Love the new avatar, Marybe! You look fabulous!

    Go Navy! My Father is a retired Navy Chief, served 20 years. Part of my email address is "navybrat"!

    Loving hugs to everyone,


  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192

    All right 3jaysmom

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Morning gals! So proud of our armed services. They always get the job done and done right. Even the CIA was in on this one. So kudos to them too.

    My LE appointment confirmed I have breast LE. The therapist worked the nodes and the breast deflated by about a cup size. Amazing. She showed me how to do it so I am going to work on it a little every day. My BS said he never had a patient get LE. Right. My LE therapist guffawed when I told her that.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Barbara, when you crop your pic (LOVE it by the way) and the box just gets smaller towards the centre of the picture, you just have to move that box back up over your faces and press crop! Ta da! A close-up shot. I dare you to try it.....hehehehehe

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    OK, how's that?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Much better! Now you are beautiful in person and not just a pinhead!!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    No I am still a pinhead.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    I don't think so Barbara.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Thanks, chabba! Some days I really don't know for sure.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Nice pix BarbA - Also, I'm glad to hear you're in good hands with the LE therapist.

    and Marybe I like your new avatar too!

    Is today Isabella's "Gypsy Wedding"?

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    OOOOH that's right! The wedding is today, place to be announced. I can't wait to hear her take on it!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    .....and I sincerely hope she's not planning  to wear the white jacket in case of food fights!


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Oh my goodness, Isabella hasn't posted today. You don't suppose they kept her, do you?


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Yoo Hooo  Isabella!!!   We're dying of curiosity here!  Puleeeeese tell us how the wedding went!

    DH arrived home about an hour ago and I've managed to catch up with all the happenings and the family gos.  FIL is laid to his eternal rest and life goes on...........

    I'll be returning the boys to their mum (DD1 - Camille) on Saturday so we still have a few days to go.  DH just asked DGS2 if he would like to go to an Antique Auction on Friday so that will be a treat for him and give me a bit of a break as well.

    I'm off to the Dermatologist on Tuesday as I thought it high time I got a skin check again.  I'm prone to skin cancers and have had quite a few removed, particularly from my face and I do know there are a couple of suspicious spots need looking at..........Ah me oh my,  if its not one thing it's another.........guess that's just the rhythm of life and keeps things interesting.

    Hoping all are doing well.  Love n hugs to you.  Chrissy

  • agada
    agada Member Posts: 26

    Hello BarbaraA

    I had just the opposite of a creative outburst.  I usually paint and sculpt but cannot find any inspiration right now.  A dear friend just sent me a complete set of Russian Yarka paints and hand made paper to try and get me painting again.  Perhaps its just your time to be creative?  This is a good thing.  Some good things do come from getting cancer!  I hope you keep creating. Three paintings already? you are doing very well :-)


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    YoooHooo, Isabella, have you been kidnapped by a Gypsy prince?

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    OH no, Isabella decided to marry the gypsy prince 15 years her junior!! Party!!!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Agada, you should certainly try out those paints! And hand made paper? Wow. I am not a very creative person, I don't think, but I plan to go to a pottery class starting next week to see if I have any creative bones in my body. We shall see.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Barbara - is it a class where you will be throwing the pots or does it involve molded pottery?  I've done both but it has been years.  I especially enjoyed throwing them on the wheel.  I even made plates and painted them.  I really had fun glazing my creations.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    This is one where you throw them on a wheel. I haven't done that since art class in junior high. Should be fun.

  • Oh Barb, wish I could go to class with mother used to do pottery and I have some of her pieces.  When she was at OSU, half of her hair got pulled out with the clay mixer....guess that was pretty traumatic.  She was working in the fine arts bldg alone after hours and her hair got in the machine and she could not reach the switch and it just pulled her hair out by the roots....she didn't know what to do with it so threw her hair with some scalp attached in the garbage can and the next morning the janitor came in and found it so there was an investigation because they were suspecting foul play.  My mother had long hair so pulled what was left to the bald side and had a roll there.....once her black eyes went away no one knew the difference.

    Isabella, dying to hear about the wedding.

    I am glad everyone likes my new avitar, problem is I don't know how long i will look like that....this past three weeks, treatment free I have felt better than I have for a long constipation, have been able to go to sleep, have just felt good....which is why I was so unhappy about starting this new chemo today.  But the good news is I met a woman in the treatment room who has been on Halaven since Jan and she said she is doing fine on it AND, here's the really good news...she had tumors in her liver and the scans came back all clear!!!    The bad news is that she has had to cut her dosage because her neuropathy is so bad, not just her feet, but all the way up her leg and she said she can't grasp anything....thinks she is holding something and it will fly across the room.  Not a good thing if you are a dental hygienist, but maybe I won't get the neuropathy.  He hair started to come back the 3rd month and she never did totally lose it all.  She said she does not have fatigue, but her white counts drops down to one or less and she gets neulastin shots the day after her treatment.  Dr.Cody said he has been having excellent results with this one and he doesn't want me spoiling the track record and I told him I certainly hope I don't.  I am just glad it's that I am started, it will be's just the anticipation and imagination that get to me.  He made me get some zoffran so I will be prepared if nausea hits, but I don't expect it to.

    I got the full dose of steroids today so hope I am not up all night....but if I am I will finish The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. 

    Today my INR was 2.1 so that means the clot is not going to get any bigger since my blood is thin enough to flow around it.

    I would  comment on some other posts, but they are on the other page.  Got your message 3jays and I got the answering machine all cleared so don't know why it says it is full.  I just talked to SV and she sounded really good....she's staying active except for when the old knees flare up.

    Bye Ladies, I am going to go finish my book.    Now don't forget Isabella, we want the unabridged uncensored version of the wedding. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    ISABELLA, where are you??

     Oh Marybe, so glad the day is over and am hoping you will be fine with NO se's!!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Marybe, best of luck with the new chemo. May it zap the chemo but not your hair!

    Yes, Isabella, as Marybe says we want the unabridged uncensored description of the wedding. Mods, please do not object!
