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For Older People with Sense



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Lisa. Beautiful pictures as usual. Never seen a red iris before and the roses are such a beautiful shades of yellow to orange!

    Chrissy - I know you are glad to be home.  I think that is the best part of any trip is getting back home to my own bed.

    3jays - glad this new Dr. was able to affirm your decisions and understands everything that is going on with your health.

    Barb - I always knew you were an angel now everyone knows it too.

    Marybe - hope you enjoyed the chocolate covered strawberries.

    I love just plain strawberries and there is a pick your own strawberry patch about 1/2 mile from the house that I visit often.  DH thinks one of these days I will turn into a big strawberry because I eat so many of them.

    Hope everyone is having a good evening. 

  • Barbe,   There are four left as a matter of fact....I even shared them at work today....they are huge! Have you been away....I missed seeing you....or maybe I just have not been on here enough.  AmyJo, you have a good trip.  3 Jays, glad to see you up and posting.

    My votes on the Dream and Redeem as slowing building up, not enough to win, but I am so proud of so many of you ladies supporting me.  You can vote up until May 17 at midnight and you can vote every day so please keep up the good work.   I want to go to Bruges!!   Am sure I won't get there with this contest, but it's fun to dream. 

    I had my neulasta shot today and so far so far so good with the halaven also....two treatments and next week I get off. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I voted again Marybe!   Glad to hear that the shot is not causing any troubles so far....yay!

    Ooops Barb1958 I added or subtracted (which ever way you want to look at it)  2years from your avatar.....sorry.

    Amyjo, picking strawberries from the field gives the best srawberries with the sweetest flavour......I'm green with

    Lisa those roses are beautiful....I can almost smell them from here.

    3jays, good to hear that you like the old/new neuro......funny that you couldn't remember him and so glad you are happy with him.

    First day home and all I did was sleep until a friend knocked on the door and got me up....not a bad thing as it was 12.30pm!  Not that late now and I'm ready to hit that pillow again.   These trips are beginning to knock the stuffing out of me.......just as well all that has happened in the last few weeks are a rarity.

    To all those in treatment, I hope you are coping well.  To all those who have recently completed treatment, I hope you are recovering well.  To all those who are waiting on test and scan results, I hope you get the answer you are hoping for.

    Peace, strength, love n hugs to all.  Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    We are off to Montreal on Saturday to bury my DH's Mother. She was 89 with Alzheimers and chose to pass. Refused food or water, so we knew the time was nigh. A peaceful passing and no, we weren't there. My DH is fine. Here's the catch, there is money involved but we have no idea how much. I think of it as blood money, as someone had to die for us to get it. But then I think of it as her taking care of her son (my DH) after she is gone. I'm sure I'll get over the moral issues....

    I had the US yesterday to see what my ovaries were up to and she couldn't find them!! She said they shrink with age sometimes and are very hard to find and I may need a CT, but I'm thinking I'm good to go!!! Just don't know what the horrid pelvic pain is....was quite painful when the probe was inserted too (I haven't had sex for 2.5 years as my DH just can't - bless his heart!). TMI?

    Glad you're home Chrissy and pooh on the BCC.....sigh.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108

    Oh Barbe, an inheritance is the last gift a parent can give their child. You should not feel uncomfortable about receiving it. It's not like you are benefiting from her death. She died and thank heavens, there is a little of her nest egg to share with her dear son. 

    When my mom died about 12 years ago I kind of felt like you do now. I felt I did not deserve the money and that she would not have wanted me to have it. I was a good and caring daughter but seemed like I could never satisfy her. If she knew I liked something she would inevitably give it to someone else :)  But in her will she left everything to me. I felt so guilty that I immediately divided the assets up and gave away most of it to other relatives.

    Time has softened the edges and now I think she really did want me to inherit her estate. I'm glad I did  what I did... cause it made a big difference to some relatives ... but I can look at a piece of her jewelry or a piece of her china now and feel like she wanted me to have it. 

    I hope you can find a way to use it to make your lives a little more comfortable.  

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Barbe, condolences on you MIL's passing. Alzheimer's is so cruel - the person is there but not  there.

    My mother has Alzheimer's and it breaks my heart. I visited her Nov. 2009 (she lives in LA) and when I left I was in tears. She wasn't too bad then but I'm so afraid that the next time I see her she won't know who I am.

    She did something wonderful for my sisters & I. While she was still able to make decisions she decided to divide all her jewelry up (there are three of us) so wearing it brings her love to me without sorrow.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Her Alzheimers is so bad that she thinks my DH is her boyfriend and got angry at me for being there and bothering 'them'. It creepd him out so much we didn't visit for the past number of years. She was living very well in a controlled environment and could freely roam the wards. Her room had a picture of her on the door so she knew which room was hers!

    We are hoping there is enough to pay off our car loan as, besides the mortgage, is our biggest debt. That would save us a $500 a month payment and would make a HUGE difference. In the 18 years I have known her, I have NEVER seen her give him anything. We got a cheque for our joint birthday ($100) and the same at Christmas, but never a gift from the heart. I guess we will look at this as a gift from the heart.

    My Mother died and left me nothing. No surprise there!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Barbe, the same thing happened to my ovaries..

    maybe they are hiding in Pakistan..

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Lisa, ROFLMAO!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Barbe, im hoping the $ she left your DH is enough to help with the car.. my mom was a gem with her $$ whenever we got in a really bad spot, she'd send $$.. it always upset me, but she'd say i'll give it to you now, when you need it, then after i,m gone.   she lived frugaslly, i always wanted her to go to Hawaaii, then she got too sick to go, and regretted NOT going. i was surprised when she left us all some, when she died. she didn't play favorites, just gave each of us some.. my sister and i the most 50-50.. my sister and i never got along until maybe 2 yrs before mom died... long story. so, i never said anything about $$ till i had to take it out , to put sec. etc. on this rented villa. thanks to mom, we were able to get a wonderful p;lace. i can make the rent, but the deposits, we couldn"t havre, its' too close. so, everyday im grateful to her for the weonderful place i livve.maybe your MIL had similiar plans, in the end....

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Barbe, it is so sad when our parent suffer dementia. It is so very hard on their children. Hugs for you and DH.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Barbe, I'm sorry about your MIL but glad DH is coping well.  Death in one's family is never easy, although by the time my dad passed at 93 I was glad in a way.  He had dementia and was almost totally blind and deaf, and I knew his existence was miserable for him. On the other hand, my mother's death at 63 was very hard to come to terms with even though she'd had a stroke 5 years before. 

    Daddy remarried 2 years after my mother died to a lady about 10 years younger than he and I thought she'd be there to take care of him, but she deverloped Alzheimers and spent the last 8 years of her life in a nursing home.  Had this not occurred, my sister and I would be wealthy women now but Daddy paid for her care privately and that depleted almost everything.

     I truly hope you get enough to pay off the car and then some!  There wasn't much left by the time Daddy died, but it sure helped when I was diagnosed later that year!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    the mother of my DH also died with alzheimers...what an awful disease, hugs..

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

      us  olderds----people--incur no debt, , pay credit cards off month to month, don't buy what you can't afford. Plan for disasters, have at least a years worth of money in the bank. Have a well stocked pantry and toiletries.Youngers say we can't do this. Well this has been my life since first married---made My husband crazy. But he didn't grow up with chicken necks, no heat, and sparce eating,  not enough money for Christmas gifts. Had to teach him how to be poor.

  • Teklya
    Teklya Member Posts: 362

    As so many of you have asked, I am fine.  I live in the city of Winnipeg and the flooding is more rural and Northwest of me, (Brandon, Portage la Prairie).  We have not had this siutation in the past with two major rivers (the Red and the Assiniboine) being so swollen.  The Emergency Measures group had to open up a portion of the dike (95 meters) to enable the water to flow thru and not harm 850+ homes and farmsteads while doing this will mean at least 150 homes and farmsteads will be flooded intentionally by this process.  The military are here dilgently helping folks sand bag their prorperties and build dikes in the attempt to save what they are able to.  Devastating, and yet the spirit of Manitoba is such that neighbours and strangers are working like mad together, in groups and moving onto their neighbours to help them and so on.  Folks have been supplying the workers with food and beverages, the young teens are coming out in droves to do what they can.  Amazing to witness. 

    Thank you all for your concern and your prayers.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Barb, may your trip be a safe one and your return also.   Thinking of you.

    I had a wonderful chat with 3jays earlier today and two hours went by in the  blink of an eye!  I'm sooo glad to be home so I can do these things, but in the morning, I must get the ol' cleaning gear out of the closest and attack the dust that had decided to settle in my absence..........all the polished surfaces are looking decidedly dull! and the animals (my 2 cats and 1 dog) have decided to share their fur coats with me and leave it everywhere for me to pick I guess the vacuum will show it's face as well!

      Hoping all are having good days.

    Love n hugs to all.  Chrissy

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Tek, so glad you are OK and am so sorry to hear of the terrible flooding.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Chrissy, you are soooo ahead of me on cleaning up after a time you said, lots of dust. Just where does it come from, ??

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Lisa -just consider it a gift to help you appreciate the fact that you can still clean and run the vacuum cleaner!

    Teklya - so glad you are safe from the flooding, but sending prayers for those that are affected by the controlled flooding.

    Tomorrow I will be headed home from the conference in Myrtle Beach, SC. It has been a fun but long weekend. Barb, sorry I missed your call. I was at a Casting Crowns concert and did not hear the phone ring! I'll try to Face Time you tomorrow afternoon.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    After spending all afternoon in my dinning room, I can stand back and appreciate the gleaming surfaces of everything, even the floor!    The walls and ceiling have been deprived of their resident house spiders and the shelves have finally been declutered.........ah sweet satisfaction!  I will surely sleep well tonight!  I'm a one room a day girl so tomorrow I tackle the lounge!

    Lisa hope you end up satisfied at the end of a busy

    Teklya glad to hear that you are safe and sound and hoping those that are inundated by the controlled flooding are getting the help they need.

    Barb1958, hope you are feeling okay and your trip went well.  The final goodbyes are never easy no matter what.  My ovaries have also done the disappearing act and don't show up with US, even with CT they are very hard to find......all normal for women of our esteemed  Hoping you recieve enough from your MIL's estate to pay off the car!

    Amyjo, sounds like you have been kicking up your heels!  Have a safe trip home! 

    Sas, my thinking exactly, don't buy what you can't pay cash for........if you use credit it means you can't really afford the item.

    BarbA, loving your new do!  It really looks apt for the Summer season.

    Kathy, nice to hear from you.

    3jays, it was great to chat with you, and I checked the pone log after we hung up and it was 122 minutes!    Wow.....can we talk or what?

    Maizie, how you travelling girl?  Hope you're doing okay.

    Leah, what a lovely thing your mum did and I can imagine the memories that the jewellery invokes as you wear it.

    PJ, it's hard when we feel we don't measure up to what we think our parents want from us and that is why I have tried in all things to make it clear to my children that what ever they do, if they do their best, I cannot ask for more.  I truly hope when I'm gone they never feel 'not good enough'.

    Now, who have I forgotten?  no-one I hope and if I have, it's is truly accidental.  Have a lovely Sunday girls!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    You forgot me but I haven't been on for a couple of days. We get used to that this side of the Tasman.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oooo sorry Alyson.......I just remembered I missed Marybe as well.........ooooo  my bad!!!  

    Marybe, hoping you are feeling a bit better and manage to get on top of that drug so it doesn;t do this every time!

    Alyson,  how are you doing and whats kept you from the boards?  Nothing bad I hope!

    Love n hugs you two.  Chrissy

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Thought I'd try and catch up this morning with everyone.  I've been so busy with 2 of my daughters that I can't believe how fast the time is going by.  It is good to be able to read the posts and see what everyone's doing.

    On my end, of my two daughters that are pregnant, we spent the day yesterday walking around the mall with the one that was due yesterday.  It didn't help but her husband was going to take a walk with her too after he was done work.  She's really ready.  My daughter that's not due till August joined us and my other two non-pregnant one's joined us.  I even canceled my Endoscopy that was scheduled for the 12th since I was so convinced she'd be in labor.  I'm really hoping she has it anyday but Thursday since that's my long treatment day at Hopkins (I'm sure the baby will pick it now to be born).

    I've also been busy trying to finish up the baby blanket I'm crocheting.  It's hard when you're not that good but I'm learning and trying and ripping out more than I'm putting in I think.  All in all, I'm enjoying all this time with my family.

    Hope all of you are in good health and will let everyone know when she has her baby (by the way, it's a girl).


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108


    When my DD was pregnant she "wished" someone would crochet a blanket for the baby to use at its christening. I had never crocheted before... well, that's not true, I did make granny square vests back in the early 70s but those were SOOO simple. Anyway, I doggedly worked on this blanket for about three months. Good thing she made her wishes known well in advance! It came out great and she was surprised and pleased. My left hand stayed in a perpetual cramp for about a year after that. Kind of like the Arimidex claw thing :)

    I have a friend who knits but I just can not do the two hand maneuver.

    Your daughter will cherish the blanket, I am sure. 

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Thanks PJ,

    I just finished a baby beanie and now am onto booties.  The blanket is done for now.  If I look at it I'll start to see mistakes. 

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108

    Mistakes are signs of it being hand made :)  My friend has a family saying. It refers to flaws in home projects...  she says " a man on a galloping horse would never notice it "


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Ooooh! A baby GIRL!! How precious.. keep us posted on the delivery Mazie.

    Here is what I did yesterday (Paul's Mom's funeral):

    We woke up at 4:30 to get ready and drove down the highway to meet my two kids and then further down the highway to pick up Paul's 2 kids. His daughter came into our car and my son went with his son. Off we went. The rain was HORRID!!! The pounding blinding kind where it's very scary to pass a truck with all it's spray!! With only one pee stop, where we bumped into the boys (the girls packed sandwiches and treats) we got to Montreal at 11:45. The service was to start at noon. As we pulled in to the parking slot, Paul's sister pulled in behind us! She had stayed in a hotel in town overnight, but what were the odds we'd arrive at the church at the same time?

    Due to such a small gathering, the viewing was actually done in the church vestibule! What a shock. They brought the casket in and I expected it to be taken up the aisle, but then they raised the lid! She truly looked wonderful. I've seen my share of dead bodies and they usually have that gray/yellow cast to their skin. Estelle looked rosy and pink and healthy as could be, so that was kind of another shock, if you know what I mean. The service lasted 45 mintutes - with the usual Catholic rise/sit/kneel and rise again - and then off to the graveside for her to be intered on top of his Dad!! All this still in the pounding rain, and me pounding back pain meds.

    A quick graveside 'ashes to ashes' and then the lowering of the casket to ground level. At that point I had to go back to the car as I was soaked and shaking with the cold. Flowers were added to the ones already on the casket and everyone went back to their cars. There was no reception afterwards as there were only about 15 people involved so off we headed back home.

    Paul drove for another couple of hours and then we switched at our next pee stop. To our surprise, the boys were there too! We finalized our pick up/drop off point and headed back on the highway. Once headed north, we dropped Paul's daughter off to return home in her brothers car and my son got back into our car and we drove them further north to their car. Then we headed home and got in at 9 pm. What a DAY!!! I was absolutely crippled with pain and it took a pot of tea and multiple meds (which I had been popping all day) to calm by body down enough to go upstairs.

    Another funeral down. We figure that is our last "traditional" funeral in a church as most of us have chosen 'celebration' type services. No caskets (cremation) and multi-religion services.

    Today is a pajama day. All day.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Pajamas sound good but for me today is bikini day. Headed out to watch DH's band at a local beach bar.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108


    Was it purely coincidence that your boys were "waiting" for you at both rest stops or do you think they were kind of watching out for you?  More and more I find our kids reversing roles on us. In stead of me trying to keep track of them, they are trying to keep track of me! Really sweet but I am not that old... and you are not even close to me! 

    It sounds like a long and trying day. Thank goodness it worked out and you got home safely.

    PJs is the way to go today. And my bikini days are over anyway!