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For Older People with Sense



  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Barbe, my condolences to you and your husband. The funeral/trip sound like quite an experience. Yes, today should definitely be a pajama day.

    Maizie, are the two anticipated babies your first grandchildren? If they are I must tell you that grandchildren are THE BEST (if you have others then you already know). I have 6 - 1 grandson & 5 granddaughters - and the 7th will be born this summer.

    I have a baby blanket that my MIL knitted when she was pregnant with my DH. It's beautiful, though we hardly used it since it's very delicate by now (my DH is 63). We used it for the circumcision ceremonies of my sons and now it's time to be used for the next generation. Maizie, no one will see any flaws in the blanket you made, they'll just see the love.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oh Barb, what a day!  I'm so glad you are having a pyjama day today, they are the best after a travelling day.  Hope the pain stays down at a controllable level for you.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    What a day Barbe, glad you're back safe and sound.

    Pj...I get the youngsters checking my back and I do not like it !! I am still a young 30 something... what on earth are they going on about !!!! My G/sons are the most solicitous, more so than the G/daughters and DD....odd that... I always thought girls were more caring than boys.

    DD is giving me grief again. She and her DH have made things up ( tho' SIL has no idea what has truly gone on, he just thinks they were having a 'bad patch', and I am not going to be the one to tell him any different.) He wants to have a BIG wedding vow renewal ceremony this summer. DD has said she will ONLY agree to this IF he will finance her a full face lift, AND a trip to Jamaica.  They do very well with their garage business, but it would be pushing it if they were to spend that amount of money in the financial climate we are in. I have told DD to back off and save the money, something could go wrong at any time and money in the bank might tide them over should a lean time hit them. The money she is asking her DH to spend on her would finance their mortgage over a year if they had to cut back. DD flew at me, told me NOT to dare say this in front of in front of SIL, or everything would be off, and it would be my fault !!! I didn't rise to her, but could have given her a slap on her legs as she now and then got as a precocious little girl !! Her DH has just ordered her a new 4WD pickup truck, which will be here at the end of this month, and still she wants more. I don't think she will ever change.

    I am hoping to have an afternoon shopping tomorrow, nothing in particular I need, just a limp around, and maybe a summer top or two. I have to go and see my bank. I hate these reviews. I don't know what they are going on about half of the time, and at the end of the day I can just look in my account myself and see where I stand, they only want to try and sell me insurances and investments, which I do not understand, and certainly won't buy. I have all the insurance I need, at this time of life why buy more ? Investments I won't do because of the bad rate of interest at the moment. I cannot see an end to this money thing, so I will stay as I am, thankyou, Mr Bank Manager ! I pulled a load of investments 18 months ago at the start of all this trouble, the money was just going down and down, instead of up and up, as I was told it would do. I don't think the bank were very pleased with me on this one...they do keep trying tho'...and I like their coffee, so I will have 2 cups of coffee, pass the time of day and it'll be thanks but no thanks from me.


  • Barbe,  Sounded like a lot of traveling and you deserve to rest for a least a day. So sorry about you being in pain. I find I am rather enjoying being lazy....if the neulasta had not hit me so hard, I never would have done it, but I like being able to watch tv into the wee hrs of morning, reading if I feel like it, dozing whenever because there is nothing I HAVE to do.   Rub it in, bikini days are long over...would not be a pretty sight at all.   Isabella,  Your poor SIL....she will probably get the face lift and take off with a native in Jamaica.  I am amazed her sons are not ratting on her.  Tonight my friend Kathy called me up and told me that on May 29 on the TLC channel there is going to be a program called My Big Fat Gypsy is on gypsy weddings in GB.  I was so excited when she told me this....she said the previews showed outfits just like the ones your described..... maybe it will show the one you were at!!!  

     Pics, Mazie....we love baby pics.   

    I am still campaigning ladies, so don't forget to vote on my Dream and redeem contest.....will get off this kick after tomorrow night when the voting ends.  There is no chance of my winning, but I think getting to the top 20 would be great so that is what I am shooting for.   Thanks to all of you for voting. 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Wow, Chrissy, what a lot you got done today!  I clean like you do, one room at a time.  Trying to do it all at once is just too overwhelming!

    3jays, your mother really was a gem to enable you and Murray to get into your villa.  From the pictures you've posted it's really lovely, too.

    I've no idea where all the dust comes from either, Lisa, but it can certainly find me!  A never-ending battle, which I admit I don't try too hard to win!

    Teklya, so glad to hear you're safe in all the flooding, and that people are working together to help those affected.  It appears we'll soon have plenty of people affected in Louisiana as well.

    Amy Jo, hope you had a good time and a safe return.  Too bad you couldn't have stayed at Myrtle Beach longer---I heard today that next week-end begins motorcycle week, and you could have enjoyed that too!!

    How exciting to have 2 daughters pregnant at the same time, Mazie.  You said the imminent one is a girl, so do you know what the other is?

    Leah, I know you'll always treasure your mother's jewelry.  It must bring back memories of her wearing it, too.

    PJ, the crocheted Christening blanket will become an heirloom for sure.  My MIL crocheted constantly and we treasure everything we have that she made.

    What an ordeal with your trip, Barbe.  I hope you'll still take it easy for a while and  have more pajama days as you "recover".I had a church funeral for my dad but it was very sparsely attended too, mainly because he'd outlived all his friends (at 93).  When my aunt died last December it was just a graveside service, no viewing, as she was 98 and very few people at her church remembered her at all. Many people do have the viewings but I plan to be cremated myself and have made sure everybody knows it.

    Barb, bikini day and DH's band at a beach bar!  Now that's livin', girlfriend.  Hope you had fun.

    Oh Isabella, doesn't sound like your DD's going to change, does it?  I can't help but think SIL will eventually learn everything, as too many people already know.  Do enjoy your shopping day and at least the coffee at the bank!

    Marybe, hope things continue to improve and that the claritin before will help next time!  Thinking of you with hugs.

    Alyson, hope you had a great day.

    Anxiety is rapidly descending on me---first mammo since surgery is on Wednesday this week, and I hope I'm not too much of a wreck by then.  I keep telling myself that all I have to do is show up.

    Hugs, everyone!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    wow! i could NEVER catch up with all of you!!!  CHRISSY, in my own defense, i kept trying to hang up; telling you it was 1:00 am.. i keep forgetting your'e on the other side of the world!!!

       i took the new drug the neuro gave me, just 1; and ive had a horrible allergic reaction to it.. so, its' a no go... i wanted to stay awake in the day more, and i've slept on and off, for almost 2 days!!!so, thats' not gonna cut it. im thinking about looking at diet pills, but something not too excitable, we'll see what i find.. might not be such a good idea, for me, tho. im excitable enough.. i hope you all had a great weekend!!!!   3jays

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Barbe - gald you taking it easy after the long wet trip.  Be kind to yourself and take the time to rest and let your body recover.

    BarbA - I bet you look fantastic in a bikini! Especially with the new sassy hair do.  Hope you had enough fun for me too.  My bikini days never happened and most assuredily will never happen.

    Mazie - the blanket will be treasured by your daughter and new granddaughter. I have made one for each of my grandchildren and they all still keep them on their beds and wrap up in them when they miss their Grammie hugs.  As for the mistakes you know are there, they will never notice them Leah is right they will only see the love.

    Kathy - sending you lots of {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} to hold you until your are done with the mammo on Wed.  Just show up and know that we will all be with you. 

    Marybe - glad you are enjoying being lazy, you needed to learn how to just rest for a little while.

    Isabella - sorry your DD is behaving so badly.  I cannot believe that your GSs have not said something to their Dad about what their mother has been up to.   

    I had a good time in Myrtle Beach at the conference and the concert, but I am glad to be back home in my own house with my own bed.  We did not get back until around 6 p.m. and I thought we would be home around 2:30 or 3 p.m.   I am off to bed for tonight.  Hope everyone had a good weekend. 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Barbe - gald you taking it easy after the long wet trip.  Be kind to yourself and take the time to rest and let your body recover.

    BarbA - I bet you look fantastic in a bikini! Especially with the new sassy hair do.  Hope you had enough fun for me too.  My bikini days never happened and most assuredily will never happen.

    Mazie - the blanket will be treasured by your daughter and new granddaughter. I have made one for each of my grandchildren and they all still keep them on their beds and wrap up in them when they miss their Grammie hugs.  As for the mistakes you know are there, they will never notice them Leah is right they will only see the love.

    Kathy - sending you lots of {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} to hold you until your are done with the mammo on Wed.  Just show up and know that we will all be with you. 

    Marybe - glad you are enjoying being lazy, you needed to learn how to just rest for a little while.

    Isabella - sorry your DD is behaving so badly.  I cannot believe that your GSs have not said something to their Dad about what their mother has been up to.   

    I had a good time in Myrtle Beach at the conference and the concert, but I am glad to be back home in my own house with my own bed.  We did not get back until around 6 p.m. and I thought we would be home around 2:30 or 3 p.m.   I am off to bed for tonight.  Hope everyone had a good weekend. 

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    Wow I dont think I will ever catch up with all the posts LOL.

    Barb I'm so sorry about your MIL. Also..if she left you and your DH money, please accept it graciously. When I have someone in my will, I intend for them to accept my gift. I dont think a mother leaving her son money would be considered blood money. Its sad that she never gave him anything. My hubbys mom gave us very little. She never called on Bdays, Xmas, etc. She would send an Xmas card but no other type of greeting card. My mom was totally opposite and that kind of made up for it. My mom was one of those moms who openly and proudly loved her kids. She loved my hubby as her own too and that helped him cope with what he couldnt get from his own mom. Be safe..Hugs and Luvs, Mazy

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    OK gals, go vote for Marybe. This is the last day and she is up to number 20!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I've done the last vote I can and she was at 20.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    She is up to 18 now!

  • As the song goes Ain't Too Proud to Beg......I have til 11:59 tonight.  Thanks so much.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Still voting for you Marybe.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Amy, have you been able to vote more than once a day? I'm at work now and don't have access to Facebook, but I could vote more once I got home.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    Happy Birthday, Barbe...    3jays
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Thank you 3jays!!!!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Wow, so much going on!  Marybe, glad you can just rest a little.  I have to keep reminding myself to do the same.  Went to Dr. this AM and she gave me a muscle relaxant  Hope this will help my upper back as it just keeps getting worse.  I used to hate exercise but now that I can't hardly do any I really want to do it. 

    From the garden:  my rhododendrons are finally coming into bloom!  Will post a pic. soon.  Love to all.  Wish I had TLC and could watch that Gypsy wedding show!  Watching old discs of Project Runway for a vicarious sewing fix!


  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    This is Vulcan's Flame Rhody:

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Okay, admit it, this is the cutest dog in the world!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    My granddaughter tries an updo!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    Happy Birthday Barbe and Maaannnyyy Moorrreeee.   Hugs, Nancy

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Happy Birthday to you

    Happy Birthday to you

    Happy Birthday dear Barbe

    Happy Birthday to you.



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    to Barbe

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Happy Birthday, Barbe. Hope you had a good one.

    The weather has changed here, gone cold and miserable, at least I do not have to perch on a step ladder and water my hanging baskets day there will be a great big CRASH !! I am too stingy to go out and buy a hosepipe with a long handled watering thingy !! Well, no, its just that I cannot remember when I go to the garden centre, I am too absorbed in the plants that I never look elsewhere in the place !

    My painting man has been today and made a start, the house smells lovely of paint. Not everyone likes that smell I know, but I do, makes me think 'new and clean' He always does me a really good job, is very neat , and, main thing...cleans up at the end of the day, AND puts the furniture back for me. I sometimes wonder what all this maintainance is for, its like painting a battleship, as soon as I get near the end of the work I had planned I think of something else that needs to be done. A few years ago I would have been doing almost all of it myself, on an evening, after I had done my days work...but, no chance now. I hate getting older. All I want to do on an evening is flop out. I waited to see a Michael Douglas film tonight, and was fast asleep in 20 minutes, and missed it all...gggrrrhhhh.

    Had a good trip into town, and, as expected the bank only wanted to try an sell me things. I had my coffee and made my excuses and nipped into a nearby shop (dress shop, of course!!) Got 2 nice sleeveless tops for summer, both, I thought, were silk. When I got home and looked closer one was 'polyester silk' whatever that may be !! Hard to tell a difference, but will keep the 'false' one because I like it ! Also, a pair of toepost sandals managed to jump into my shopping !!! 

    I am supposed to be going to watch my 2 yr old G/daughter at the new dance class she started last week, tomorrow. I am wacked after my trip to town today, so may leave it until next week when, I am told, I am on 'picking up' duties anyway. When DD was a little girl I would try and try to get her to dance classes, and away from horses all the time. But she would never stick at it, but now she is pushing G/daughter to go ! How funny things turn out.

    Right I am in great danger of falling asleep against my screen, again, keep yawning and my eyes are watering, so a quick hop into the shower and a nice warm bed for me.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Happy Birthday Barbe!

    No I have not been able to vote more than once a day, but then I only have the one computer. You might be able to if you use a different computer, but I think it uses your fb information so that you can only vote once no matter what computer you are using.

    I am with Isabella, I am very tired tonight so I am off to bed in a few minutes.   

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Happy birthday, Barbe!!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Happy Birthday Barbe!!!!  May there be many. many more!!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Happy Birthday Barbe. Hope its been good.

    Had playgroup this morning at Church but didn't do much as I am feeling awful today. Not sure why but pain is terrible. Have resorted to the hard stuff which has improved the pain but makes me feel dreadful, sorry to moan at least my hands are not as swollen as they were this morning but I can't type long.

    Must make a cup of tea.

    Big hugs to all - vey gently