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For Older People with Sense



  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Lisa, Thanks for the rose. I needed a little time to stop and smell the roses...

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey all, i was cking in earlier, and lost it about Isabellas' cat.. im better now. i took KK's advise, and ate cake, then ice cream!!! well, more insulinn is in my future, i don't need to be a gypsy fortuneteller to see that!!!

       not your fault, isabella. im a mite "off " these days, and crying about everything. guess thats' understandable, though..

       talking about gypsys' saw the lateest show tonight, on re runs. im so enjoying that shiw! and, its' from the UK isabella. fron what you've said, its right on, too! funny, im from Irish roots, not a traveller, yet the fighting, the drinking, the big parties were always part of my upbringing... we have a joke.. who's the last to be invited to an irish party?.... the police! how true that is..! when they were showing the bare knuckle fighting, i flashed to my own chikdhood. was in many a scrap. not gypys, so the girls did fight, as well. i told mur they'd make mincemeat of me now, for sure... but, knowing my personality, id go down with a fight, thats for sure!

       not TOO many years ago, i was using a hoveround wheelchair, and some guy was just giving me such a hard time.. i got out of my wheelchair, it took 3 trys mind you, but i still rushed him, and tried to nail him, and his bad attitude. im stilkl a little ticked ple intefered with it. he would have gone down, i gurentee you: the question is, how woukld i've been after?

       my dad taught me there was no shame in losing a fight, just running away from one. i think thats' stead me over the years.. i just don't duke with my fists, now. im in a bigger fight, now... me against so many other things.. not a quitter, though..

       i'm so impressed with you, Diane, i want to talk to you about the rehab/ nursing home... here, i'll say i've been faced bf with that choice, and always come home, and figured a way to survive here. i hope for you thats' not the answer... but, if its' to be, you'll find the strength.. i'll PM you with some ideas...

       Chrissy, your new stove is wonderfully gorgeous!! we hardly use ours here, but like Isabella said, you'll use it, and do that in good health, my friend!...

       i've gotten a lot of peace coming here to this thread, always, but esp NOW, with all my "sisters" here... thanks for just being you, all of you!!!      3jays

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    3jays - you go girlfriend. You are such an inspiration to so many because you never give up and keep fighting no matter what life has thrown at you.  I think you are one amazing woman and I am so glad you found this thread too!  You have made a big difference in my outlook on things ahd helped me to handle my situation with grace.

    Chrissy - thank you for providing a safe place for us to be ourselves and to share our love, encouragement and support for each other.  The stove is a beauty and I for 1 cannot wait to see pictures of what you prepare on it in the coming weeks.

    I am up beccause I cannot sleep. I think it is because of all the excitement of seeing 3 of my granddaughters.  I have missed them so very much and they have grown so very much.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Isabella, there is no way that cat was asleep. I think it was already dead! The rumble and tremour from the tractor mower coming would have sent anything in miles running away!!! Think about it! My cat who is 18 and very, very old, will still wake up if I even stick my head around the corner of her room! So, I believe that poor cat had already passed. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

    As for the repairman, if his very next job wasn't fixing that door, then he's an idiot!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Morning gals. First eggs benedict at brunch with friends then pool then dinner with another friend. Ahhhh. A wonderful Saturday.Everyone try to stay cool. It will be a scorcher today for most of the US.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Good morning ladies,  I am still so excited about seeng and being with my granddaughters that I am not sleeping very well. Plus the fact that the people upstairs, next door, and just walking down the hall make so much noise that they wake me up.  DH has a CPAP and he does not hear the extra noise, but I think my getting up so often keeps him awake too.  Anyway, when we get home on Monday I sleep for at least 3 days.  DH is up now and we are going to eat breakfast so I will run for now but be back when we are done.  Later, Amy Jo

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Good Morning!  Isabella so sorry about your cat.  You did use one phrase that I will add to my conversation from now on--you and your neighbor are "at daggers drawn."  That is so cool!

    Today taking our old Airstream trailer over to my DD2's house to clean it.  All the grandkids will be there so we're going to cook popcorn in the trailer and they will have a little "trailer feast."  That will probably keep them happy for the rest of the day!! 

    I've decided to have a massage.  It's a little scary as I want someone who won't freak out at my implanted boobs.  I'm not too open about being naked in front of a stranger!

    Here's to a good, incident-free weekend!

    Lynda (Dragon)

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Lynda, I had one yesterday. Aaahhh. I had a guy and they don't see your boobs. They drape you. I bought a group of 3 1/2 hour massages for 75.00. That is pretty good. I have been treating myself to one a week. Once I get my back into shape again, I will go to once a month. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Lynda, a professional massage will not expose your breasts, unless you ask for it. I have had literally 100's of massages (every week for 5 1/2 years ++++) and only had her work on my breasts to break up biospy scarring, and for wound healing.

  • -RC-
    -RC- Member Posts: 38

    I'm older...54...and I hope I have enough sense to be here!

    Chrissy - the stove is beautiful but the cover is even more so!  I've never seen a curved, clear range cover!  Such a nice cozy kitchen - let's have tea shall we?

    M a s s a g e s......oooohhhhhh ahhhhhhhh THE BEST!  Then comes pedicures.......

    Just remember - if you don't care for this massage therapist, try another one - they can be very different!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Welcome wickwank. We are pretty relaxed about stupid stuff. Have fun with us!

  • -RC-
    -RC- Member Posts: 38

    Thanks Barbara!  Sounds like I'm in the right place!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Thanks for the info about the massages.  I'm going to do it.  How do you lie on your stomach if you have implants? 

    Wickwank--welcome.  Sorry you have to be on the "cancer" website but you couldn't be in a better group than this one.  You can say anything you want a pretty much count on being accepted. 

     Sun today--tomorrow is supposed to be nice and then, guess what, rain again!!!  Today it was 80 degrees and they were all over the news advising people to wear sunscreen and drink a lot of fluids.  Who knows what they'll do if it gets HIGHER than 80!

    Lynda (Dragon)

  • -RC-
    -RC- Member Posts: 38

    Thank you Lynda - I can't believe I'm here but glad to be surrounded by all these strong, inspiring women.  Wow, imagine women had to deal with this before the internet!  This kind of support is invaluable, immeasurable & soooo comforting!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Wickwack and welcome to our little family!  Age really is a state of mind so it doesn't really matter how old you are.  Hope you find in us all the comfort and knowledge you desire.  Thanks for the compliment on my new stove and the rangehood is called a 'Robinhood' that's the brand name.  My kitchen is very small and the ceilings are very low so anything other than glass would have totally dominated the area. Oh, and you are welcome for tea in my kitchen anytime!

    Awe Isabella, I would have said a bit more than a few word to that man for his carelessness but Barbe may be right, if it had been alive, it would have woken and moved out of harms way even if it was an old cat.  If it was deaf, it still would have felt the ground vibration.  ((((((hugs)))))) girl I hate it when you loose a pet.

    3jays how are you feeling today?  ((((((hugs)))))) all your days are battles I know but you are sooo strong you just keep fighting what ever is thrown your way.  I hope the sun shines for you soon.

    I've been having fun on the stove, yesterday I made tripple choc fudge brownies and a fruit cake.  They turned out fantastic!   I don't think it's going to take me long to be comfortable with one!

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend to the fullest and hope the weather is being kind to you.  To all those in treatment, hope it is treating you well, to all those who have recently finished treatment, hope you are recovering well, to everyone else, hope you days are many and happy!

    Love n hugs to all.  Chrissy

    I found my peace which gave me strength.
    Diagnosis: 12/8/2003, IDC, 4cm, Stage IV, Grade 2, 0/12 nodes, mets, ER+/PR+, HER2-

  • -RC-
    -RC- Member Posts: 38

    Thank you Chrissy!  I have cousins that live in Cooma, NSW.  One of them had BC several years ago.  Are you anywere near there?  Not that I know anything about the area.....though Tongue out

    Isabella -  I also meant to offer my sympathies to you.  I adore my three cats (wickwack is my favorite...) and I can't imagine your horror but I do agree with the others.  If you want us all to be "at daggers drawn" with that neighbor from afar - count me in!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Rhea, I'm in a little country town call Burra about a two hour drive north west from Adelaide in South Australia.  Cooma is about a fifteen hour east drive from me, so, yes a bit of a ways


  • -RC-
    -RC- Member Posts: 38
    Australia is a big country.....Embarassed  I love your photos by the way!
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Thanks, I put them up for a change of pace and hopefully someone will be able to loose themselves in one......I know I often loose myself in them.  Australia is a lot bigger than most people think even though it doesn't look it on all the maps.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Rhea - so glad you found us, just wish it was under different circumstances.  We are always here to lend and ear, offer advice from our experiences and have lots of love and hugs to give.  Gald to see you just jumping in with us.

    Thanks for all the well wishes for my pain relief and for a good visit with my granddaughters.  The onco upped my pain patch dosage and that has done the trick.  The pain is so much better and is almost completely under control again.  I have been able to really enjoy being with my DD and the granddaughters.  My DD has not done anything to drive me crazy yet and so that has been a pleasant surprise.  Granddaughters have been a pleasure and they are so excited that their Dad has finally graduated from college and they are looking to move back to Myrtle Beach, SC, hopefuly at the end of June.  We will see if the job situation works out for him so they can move closer.  Well it is already tomorrow so I am off to bed.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend with family and friends. Amy Jo 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Amyjo, so pleased to hear that the upped pain patch is keeping the pain at bay and you are having fun with the GD's.  Glad to hear also that DD has not done anything to drive you crazy!  Oh Yeah!!!  It would be so nice for you idf they could move dloser to where you are but the job market sometimes dictates these things unfortunately.  You'll definitely need to rest when you get home!  Take care and have a good trip back!

    Love n hungs.  Chrissy

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    good to see you girls here.. one thing, though, i'm no saint, by any means!!! get that.. and Amy Jo, im glad you learned to do it with grace, 'cause i haven't . theres much fussing on in this house you guys don't hear!!!

      im so glad i don't live near Chrissy, or Marybe ( tho i wouold LOVE to be ablre to visit them weekly) i would weigh a ton; with their wonderful cooking...

       which reminds, me Marybe, can you make the chochalate silk Pie at uncle bills? it sounds lovely... i love choc silk w/ peanut better .. id love to learn how, if you know.... there i go again.. more lbs.!!

       just waiting for the results of the culture mon., or tues. when the antis start to work, i might be able to sort myself out better emotionally. im still in a state of shock, i think...

       sorry to have missed you, Chrissy. had chinese, forgot about the sodium, and am wrapped for le swelling. trying to type carefully with my gloves. So glad the patch is working, and you're enjoying yourself, AJ..

     Isabella, im so sorry for the cart. but, if that guy didn't fix the door, he's a moron( one that is doomed to be locked in again!!)     3jays

  • Good morning, everyone,   Welcome Wicawaka,    I was thinking a wingawac , a wingawac, from the Lion Sleeps tonight when I saw your screen name, which of course is not the same, but my mind gets things twisted lie, I invert letters and numbers all the time.

    I am happy to report that I did not get the SEs with the neulasta this could have been the claritin, it could have been the fact they reduced the dosage or it could have been the fact the a few have told me it only hits you the lst time and is better after that......Whichever, I am happy it did not bother me at all.   Now all I have to do is get rid of this shoulder problem I have.

    3jays,  Of course I will make chocolate silk pie for you. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Marybe, glad it's only getting better. It's about time something turned in your favour! (Don't words look nicer with that extra 'u' in them?)

    For those with implants, to lie down on a massage table, roll a towel under your breast area. That will take the pressure off when you lie down. I had to do that when I had breast surgeries. Works beautifully!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I finally got a picture of the baby doves at our front door. She sat on the eggs for so long we figured they weren't viable. A couple days ago SHE started pecking at them as if to say 'hurry up!'. They hatched and she's been on them since. Today was so hot that this evening she took off for food knowing that the heat of the bricks was keeping the two babies warm. You can just see their dark heads. Eyes closed, obvious breathing as lungs expand, pretty ugly really. We were afraid she'd abandoned them, but she did come back. They are just over my head height in a terra cotta 'wall pocket' planter. The nest was there when we moved in so we left it. Glad we did!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Marybe, I am glad you are going to make the chocolate silk pie.  I have never had one and they look devine. I ccan hardly wait until September when we all get to see each other again or some of us meet for the first time.  It is going to be a great time together.

    I think I need to get DH up so w can go eat breakfast.  {{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}} to all. 

  • Ok now, Barbe,  We are going to be expecting progress reports on the Dad did that once, took pics of a nest with baby robins that were right outside our kitchen window as they were growing up.   

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Marybe, I do the same thing. Once I introduced a Mr and Mrs Ward as Mr and Mrs Drew. Those who do this will see how I can this.  I wrote backwards in second grade. Life is an adventure. :)

    Love Ginger

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I think it shows a VERY high intelligence to be able to do that!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    barbe you are a doll!

    Hugs Ginger