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For Older People with Sense



  • -RC-
    -RC- Member Posts: 38

    Oh, and Dragon - about the masseuse - don't be afraid to speak up when you get there!  Tell her you don't like to chat during massages.  I always say that because all I want to do is concentrate on the luxurious feeling and not talking.  Also let her know if there's any certain area you her to spend more time on etc.  They really do appreciate knowing - they want your experience to be a good one. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Anyone having trouble with bra fittings and migrating foobs, this is the site you want to go too. Amazing information.  Will be back want to post this on some other sites :)) sheila

  • -RC-
    -RC- Member Posts: 38
    Ok don't know how I got 2 pics but here is me & my most beautiful wicked cat!Me & Wick" mce_src="Me & Wick" alt="" border="" hspace="" vspace="" width="" height="" align="" />
  • -RC-
    -RC- Member Posts: 38

    My favorite pic of my cat - AAAARRRRGGGHHH why does it keep posting 2 pictures???Photobucket" mce_src="Photobucket" alt="" border="" hspace="" vspace="" width="" height="" align="" />My favorite pic:

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Yay Rhea---you did it!  And you're both such cuties, too!  I do love cats but find myself catless now for the first time.  Since Sherlock died in November last year (he was a carrier of feline "AIDS" and it finally caught up with him at age 17) I just haven't gotten another one and may not.  We keep our 2 year old GS and our dog has "bonded" with him---don't think a cat would bond quite as well!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Wow Girls!!!   you have been so busy!!  where do I start?

    Rhea, great pic of you and your puss....who, by the way looks just like my Puss!  Check it out!

    Don't mind the hand, that's   You are one fast learner as cool!!!  Oh congrats on getting the news that surgery will be this month now all you need is the definite date.  Hope it's soon!

    Lynda, great pic of you and that dog is just plain gorgeous!!!  Such a cheeky face (on both of you)  Ferris Beulha's Day Off is my DH's favourite movie and he laughs his head off each and every time he sees it.......I think he's up to about number twenty many times I can almost recite the  I know you will enjoy your massage and you will wonder why you haven't done it before!

    Jo, perfect poem to go with Lisa's perfect blooms.  Thank you.

    Alyson, there is  nothing like the feel of a baby's body nestled in close and resting that's what I call a little piece of heaven!

    Shiela, it is amazing the amount of information that is available to us on this site.....all it takes is a little investigation to find it.....thank you.

    Kathy, your Sherlock had a good long life considering he carried the feline aides.  Never the less there is always a little piece missing that is hard to fill when they leave us. 

    Well I won't keep you in suspenders (suspense) any longer.  The CT was good as in no lesions on the lung....yay....but there was a slightly enlarged lymphnode on the chest wall....mmmmm.  There is scaring to the bronchcii apparently caused by inhaling reflux acid at some point.  I was not aware of doing this so it may have been in my sleep so the upshot is, get the reflux under control, which in return will stop the bloating which in return will stop the pressure on the diaphragm so the breathlessness should disappear.....make sense to all of you?  I guess its a way of saying I'm just hunky dory fine.....yay!!!!!!  Breathe just breathe....LOL

    Love n hugs and thanks to all.  Chrissy

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh Chrissy, so glad to hear the CT was mosly good. (((HUGS)))

    Love the kitty pix! I love kitties.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    for you, chrissy. hope it'l  all work it self out soon!!!you got a trip to make, and we need you breathing lol   3jays
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    so much to catch up on!   im really not feeling well, but its' the 3rd  time im up tonight, and the computer "called" me..

       Dragon, the pics  are great!! i find photobucket the easiest to use. copy and paste.. no worries.. i love Ferris, he looks wonderful! you  need to post his pic in Pets are good therapy thread.. its' marybes' thread, and all our furbabies go there!!!

       ieither. time tsakes time, as they say...m sure im missing loads, not thinking very clearly, yet...

       we got a ck from IRS; so have a new (to us) sofa, and loveseat, with a much smaller dining room table and chairs to follow this wk.. something we've needed to do, to "downsize" here...

       other than that, its trying to sort out how to treat the bacteria i've got growing. i don't think we've got it sorted, yet, so a new IDC dr. will be next. for  now, antis directly up the nose should get it; but it won't kill it systemically, and im getting concerned. im not going far fromthe bed. probably greiving isn't helping any, time takes time, as they say... .......3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    (((((((3jays))))))))))   You need to take it easy and get yourself better!  We can't have you not functioning while I'm got to be well enough to talk up a storm!!!  Love you girl and yeah, grieving is a time consuming process!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{3JAYS}}} Please take it easy! We need you to make a trip in a couple months!

  • Chrissy,  I am sooo happy for you...and happy you got  some antibiotics, 3jays, and WW, You DID are a faster learner than I was.   I will write more is our early day at work and I have stopped shedding so maybe it is over.  I am going without scarf or wig today and hope the boss doesn't mind the bit of pink showing through.  I only wore the bandana last week because hair was flying everywhere. 

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    Marybe, I recall when I went out without a scarf or hat or wig and when asked "what happened", I said that I was making a fashion statement.       Hugs for all.    

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017


  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Rhea, your cat is gorgeous!  A cat is a good post-op therapist.  Glad you could change your surgery date to meet your needs.  It's hard to wait after you've decided on a treatment plan.  Thanks to all for input re:  massage.  It's true, I guess you could just tell them you don't want to talk.  You are paying for it after all.

    Definitely have some good pictures for the "pet therapy" forum.  My dog Ozzie never left my bed after I had my surgery.  He was like a little demon if anyone tried to bother me. 

    Love all the recent posts with pictures, esp. the flower ones!  Keep them coming.

    Hugs to all, Lynda (Dragon) 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    my "little man" all 5lbs of him, has turned really protective of me, also. started when i was dxed, and crying. now, dealing with my sisters' death, im crying again. he trys to attack Mur when he gets in the bed! but, its' not serious, kinda 1/2 heartedly, just to let him know He's watching him.   when all this is over, we'll have to take him out of the house more, and re"socialize " him again.  i love him to death, though... he's THE BEST!!!!.....3jays

  • -RC-
    -RC- Member Posts: 38

    ((((3jaysmom)))) no words to help the grieving, just kind thoughts for you

    Chrissy - Great news at the CT! I LOVE your kitty with the gorgeous eyes!

    Marybe - I downloaded photobucket and you can see I was able to post the pics but it keeps adding a 2nd pic???  I have to copy the URL and paste it in the "link" box.  I tried pasting it directly into the comment box but it doesn't show up.  Maybe that's how it's appearing 2 times.

    Kathy - sorry about Sherlock.  We had a dog "Shadow" that stuck by my DH while he was ill and when we finally had to put her down, it was devastating.  She was such a good dog we swore we'd never get another one (that's how we got an extra cat - we have 3).  Our pets are such a part of our families.

    Sunflowers - I live on Cape Cod.  Hopefully we'll be moving to Las Vegas by the end of the year.

    Thanks to everyone for admiring my cat!  We call him wicked because even though he is by far the biggest of our 3 cats, he's the chicken!  He hisses and swats at the others even after many years!  He loves to plop on the newspaper when we're reading it, or lay just off the paper but stretch his big, squishy paw way onto the paper!  He only wants to sit on your lap if HE wants to and doesn't like to be picked up.  Ok, I'm getting carried away, TMI hahahaha but I love him! I got the word that my surgery will be next Tues, June 14th.  Whew.  My pre-op will be this Friday.  8 hours surgery (because of immediate recon with TE) and in the hospital 4-5 days (again cuz of recon).  It'll be a total BMX.  Me? Really??? Wow.....

  • -RC-
    -RC- Member Posts: 38

    Mom's irises" mce_src="Mom's lilies of the valley"

     My mother died many years ago then my father too.  My sisters & I went to the house to clean it out.  I dug up & replanted these flowers at my house. They are from the same flowers I loved, smelled & picked for my mother when I was a little girl.  Enjoy!

  • Teklya
    Teklya Member Posts: 362

    Oh Wickwack, I can almost smell those lilly of the valley you have there.  I, too, was raised surrounded by the flowers you had as a child.


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    That was my first attempt to post a photo - sorry it is so large. That's mama dove on the left and her one remaining baby on the right the day they flew out of the nest they stole from a robin who built in my hanging pot a few years ago.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Thanks everybody for all the pictures!  Love the bird on the nest Lassie. Marybe, I still have the photobucket instructions you sent me here on my desk and still haven't posted but one picture.  I've got to do better!

    Chrissy I'm so happy for you and your scan results!  I admit I was starting to worry a bit yesterday and I'm relieved today!  Now, go cook something on that divine stove, maybe something chocolate and decadent.

    3jays, you know it will get better eventually but it's so hard going through the grieving.  You're in my prayers, girl.  Funny about your 5 pound protector warning Mur with a growl.


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    QCA - since I can't figure out photobucket, what I did was just copy a picture that I had already posted on Facebook. It was a simple copy and paste - with no opportunity to change the size. I couldn't see where to put in some text on the same posting. Nevertheless, after two years on this site, it was a first for me!

  • -RC-
    -RC- Member Posts: 38

    Teklya - don't lilies of the valley have the most glorious scent!!  My favorite....

    Lassie - beautiful picture of the doves!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    I love all the pictures, boy have y'all been active lately!

    Beautiful roses and a ladybug too! Thank you Lisa for sharing.

    3jays - you are still in my thoughts and prayers. Grieving take time and saps your energy,so you take care of yourself.

    Got my Aredia treatment today and they took it really slooooow. When I asked them why they said dr. wanted to protect my kidneys!!! That is the first time they have ever said anything about my kidneys. Dr. Did give me an antiB for the swelling in my feet. He said there was definitely an infection present since the area was also red and blotchy. The swelling started about the same time I decided to pull all the weeds in the yard and got bit by who knows what. Anyway the swelling is already going down and the skin does not hurt so much now. With them taking it so slow I have not gotten sick yet. Maybe I won't this time. Dr. Also wants me to get a colonoscopy and is going to start scheduling all the scans again since I have not had any since March. Good news is my tumor marker count is down to 37!

    Chrissy - so glad to hear your good report. I am looking forward to actually meeting you in September.

    I am off to bed and hopefully I will be able to sleep tonight and not get sick from my Aredia treatment this time. Hope everyone has a good night of rest.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    I can't post a picture , but I can tell a great story. This is a story from a volunteer at one of the National Park refuges connected to Kennedy Space center.

    Monitoring Bald eagles is a function that is taken very seriously. While viewing a nest, A volunteer of 30 some years related the following. The parent eagles were trying to fledge a young one , they did all the normal things that eagles would do to make the young one leave the nest. He watched this over several days. On the third day, He watched as the parent eagles tore the nest a part. The baby bird had no nest to come back too. The amazing thing about this is Eagles will use the same nest for untold number of years(documented nests of 50 years). But this volunteer watched as these eagles tore the nest apart in order to get the fledgling out of the nest...........Think about that as we are trying to get our own too seek their own life.  Incredible - but true.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    This was taken today.


    Had both of them for a while. Had Bea most of the day.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Alyson -----------how blessed you are -----they and you are beaitiful

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Alyson.....just gorgeous!!!!  Bea is beautiful and I can't believe how quickly that baby is growing!  You're looking pretty good there Grandma!

    Amyjo, keeping the fingure crossed that you don't get sick from the far so good so I hope it just keeps going!  I am so looking forward to September!

    Shiela, what a brilliant story!!  Just goes to show, when it's time to leave the nest it's time and no excuses will be tollerated!!!!!

    Rhea, when you post a pic from photobucket, you can just use the copy/paste way of doing it and as for writting either above or below, for the above just write as normal and bring the curser to the next line to post the pic and for after, just hit enter which will bring the curser to the next line.  Hope this helps.  Your flowers are lovely by the way, I love the smell of Lily of the Valley!  My puss's name is Miss Puss E. Kat! and she truly is a miss too.  She is huge! but she still loves a cuddle anytime I'm sitting!  Oh goodluck for Tuesday!!!  You will be a bit sore for a while as you are having recon straight away but remember to ask for and take the pain meds......most important.  We'll all be with you!  Do you have a nice big comfy arm chair that you could sleep in in neccessary?  Some ladies find for the first couple of weeks it is  more comfortable to sleep in an upright position and of course it is easier to control the drains that way to.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask as I'm sure there will be may who can answer them for you.

    Lassie, posting from Facebook using the copy/paste method is another way of getting a pic here so if you have more there, please share.  That mamma dove and baby are so lovely......the markings on their feathers are sooo pretty! and that truly is a great shot!

    Kathy, I did the chocolate decadent thing on Saturday but when I got home from the city today, I made a big pot of homemade tomato soup with egg noodles and mini meat balls so that is dinner for tonight and hopefully some left for my lunch tomorrow.  I am planning a big bake day tomorrow, I want to make a heap of Pasties and freeze some for a later time.  I haven't made them for years so I'm really looking forward to it!

    3jays, ((((((hugs)))))) this too shall just takes time.

    Thanks for all you good wished and prayers girls they are much appreciated and have obviously worked well and been answered.  Time for me to get the Garlic bread made and in the oven as my DH is due home any minute and I know he will be starving.........I'm sure he waits for me to get home to feed him even though he can manage to make a meal for always use the excuse that my cooking tastes better even though he uses the same recipes I do........

    Love n hugs to all.  Chrissy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Just so you can smell the roses!