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For Older People with Sense



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh Barbe, please post pics of their progress.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I will...when they progress. Right now they just sit there and breathe.

  • Isn't that a song?.....Just breathe...........

    Ginger is is dyxlexia, I have?...or at least a mild form of it.  Sometimes in reading a book I will see a work and know it is the wrong word and read it over and over and suddenly the word which was say for instance meat, becomes team and I go Ah ha....or even something really simple like for becomes fro.  I did not have this problem as a child and started inverting numbers maybe in my 40s and only discovered it when I was trying to balance my check book

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Marybe, if it is not dyslexia it sure behaves like it. Dyslexia usually manifests it's self very early when a child first starts printing the alphabet.  Nobody knew about it when I was little so no one knew why I flipped letters around and transposed letters when learning to write.  Early in grade school I learned to compensate by getting the right word from context.  By fourth grade I was doing it subconsciously. 

    I still transpose when writing but not when typing.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352 are you ???

    Wickwack welcome.

    Chrissy....will be getting off the plane in the morning to sample all that lovely food !!! Even tho' I absolutely hate to cook, and will squirm out of doing anything that won't go in a microwave, I love home cooking ! 

    Thanks for the commiserations about my cat, I don't know about the being dead before the tractor ran over her...I just have to think that way. Worse to follow. She had 2 kittens. I knew she had had them but never could find them, DH said he'd seen the kittens, when he'd been up here, and had moved them into a cardboard box in the back of a garage. He SAID the mother cat had been feeding them after they were moved. BUT, the stupid man omitted to tell me there were kittens in a box in a garage....which I could have easily brought in the house and reared..... I found 2 stone cold dead kittens this morning..... in a box in the garage.  DH ...the gift that keeps on giving.

    Bring out the wine again....can't hit the whisky...DH  raided the drinks cabinet before he moved....No whisky, no brandy, no gin, just noticed that in the last couple of days !!!! aaarrrggghhhh.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Awe Isabella, that is so sad!  Those poor little babies.....I need to move away from this subject or I'm going to start crying!

    Barbe thanks for taking the pic of the doves I can just see their little heads aboe the edge of the nest!  Keep us posted please as they grow.  Isn't it strange hpw nature knows just what to do?  That little dove mommy just know it was time for those chicks to be born and gave them a hand!  (or a beak).

    Yay Marybe!  so glad to hear that the neulasta shot has had no bad SE's this time around!  Girl!  you are amazing!

    3jays you are welcome in my kitchen anytime and that goes for everyone else as well.  I love to cook!  My DSIL calls me a 'feeder' she says I can't help myself and she's I'm happiest when I'm cooking and

    Well I'm back off to the city in about an hour for another CT.  This time of the chest........I've been having troubles breathing and having to really gulp for air.  The doc has me on ventolin several times a day but I'm still getting the gulping seemingly for no reason so I have to get the CT to rule out the beast.........will this beast never leave us alone?   It's becoming very tedious!   Oh well, can't do much about it just deal with it if it is.  Wish me luck girls and keep your fingers and toes crossed that all is clear.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Chrissy, fingers & toes, arms, legs, eyes all crossed for you.

  • Oh, Chrissy.  I am saying my prayers that your scan is clear. 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Chrissy, you're in my prayers also for a clear scan.  Thanks for the new picture here--I love these peaceful photos.

    Marybe, so glad your treatment went better this time.  Wonder what the claritin does and how it helps.  You know I'm always thinking of you, I hope.

    Welcome Wickwack.  Looking forward to getting to know you, although sorry you had to join us.

    Oh Isabella, what a nightmare you've been through, with the mama cat and her kittens, too.  I'm so sorry. Every time you see DH  some sort of disaster occurs but this one takes the cake.

    3jays, hope you're doing okay today.  Thinking of you, girl.

    Barbe, love the dove picture.  Please post more--they'll get prettier in no time!

    AmyJo, I'm glad you're having such fun with your GDs--know you'll hate to leave tomorrow, but before you know it, yet another one will be here for you to love.  Hope it works out where DD and family you're visiting now can move closer to you and your DH also. 


  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Chrissy ~ Prayers for a clear CT. ♥

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661

    I have just caught up with some of this thread - I'd lost touch lol

    Rhea!  I work in Canberra, but I live on a small property just south of Canberra and only half and hour's drive from Cooma!!  You have a cousin there?  You must put us in touch lol  I actually live closer to Cooma than I do to Canberra.  

    Chrissy - I have everything crossed for you too xoxoxo



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Chrissy, prayers going up!

    Oh, Isabella, I would be in jail for murder if I had your DH for a DH. And I don't mean 'dear husband'.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Those kittens died because God saw that they were perfect so He took them back. Then they missed their Mommie so He had to get her too. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!

    Chrissy, eyes crossed for you sweetie!!

  • -RC-
    -RC- Member Posts: 38

    amy jo - nice to meet you - thanks for the warm welcome!

    Marybe - funny you should mention Lion King - wickwack is the "pet" name for my favorite cat (Alice is his given name after Alice Cooper) and he reminds me of a lion & I LOVE lions since being able to hold a lion cub several years at MGM!  I'll post of pic of him -

    Trisha-Anne - my cousin may be a little shy, but I'll ask her if she's interested!

    Chrissy - criss & crossed for you!!!!  Good luck -

    Thank you all for allowing me to jump in - this is quite a ride as YOU already know & glad you allow us newbies to ride your coattails so to speak!

    Gosh, I miss one day at my computer & there's so much to catch up on!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    Rhea, you're not upset that Barbara called you wickwank? Wink
  • -RC-
    -RC- Member Posts: 38
    OK - HOW do I post a photo here from my pictures folder??? 
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Right click and copy on your picture. come over here and right click and paste into the comment box. You may have to 'allow' your computer to access the picture and do it twice. Give it a shot.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    I am very sorry for calling you a WICKWANK, WICKWACK,

  • -RC-
    -RC- Member Posts: 38

    I saw the spelling error - HA - but really, should I ever get upset with anyone here?  I don't think so....

  • -RC-
    -RC- Member Posts: 38

    Still not working with the pic - maybe I'll try to resize it.  Right now I'm off to call my dr's ofc to see if they have my surgery scheduled yet! 

    Take care ladies - see you later!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Wickwack, I also called you wickwank--sorry.  There's no excuse I just can't spell.  Barbe thanks for the info re:  massage and pillow under implants.  It's going to be a challenge the first time and I certainly don't want to lie there the whole time and talk.  I hope she isn't talkative.  Today I'm eating candy for lunch then a healthy dinner.  Went to my sewing group this AM and somebody there did a fabulous quilt from Australian fabrics.  Wow--didn't realize there was so much great fabric over there.

    Love and hugs to all,

    Lynda (Dragon)

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning all

    Another grey day downunder but if anything like yesterday will be OK. Have my brother and Sis iL here so took them up to an area that was an early German settlement. they were given free land but it was terrible and very difficult to turn into farm land. Had lunch there and then showed them some new housing developments and home.

    On Saturday we celebrated DH's birthday which in actually today. Had DD and family as well as MiL and DD's sister. It was great having the children. Bea enjoyed all her relations and baby Sam smiled at everyone. Then I had Samuel go to sleep on my shoulder. It was lovely.

    Must get to playgroup

    Big hugs to all

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Chrissy, prayers off for you.


  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Here's a picture of me with my friend's dog.  Their last name is Beuhler so they named him Ferris!

  • need to put your pictures in least that was the only thing that worked for's free and you can download any pics you already have in the computer to it.  Then you start a post on the BCO thread and minimize on the - sign....then go back to photobucket and select the pic you on it and a list will come on copy....minimize that page and go back to your post on BCO and click will ask you several times if you want to allow it and you click on yes, allow and then I think you need to click paste one more time and finally it will show up.  It's a real PIA until you get the hang of it.....took me months, but thanks to the patience of some women on here they finally talked me through it and then I was a PPF...picture posting fool for awhile.   Good luck. 

  • Dragonfly,  That is a great picture!  It's always nice to have a face to go with the person.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    I got my gray hair back after years of coloring it.  I really do like it a lot!  And it's a lot cheaper!  Lynda

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Great pic dragon!

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Dragon, I love the photo!


  • -RC-
    -RC- Member Posts: 38

    Dragon - Ferris is a real cutie!!  And so are you!

    Marybe - thanks for the photobucket idea, I usually just use my Windows Photo Manager.  I'll give it another shot.

    I had a little emotional rush today.  When I called the dr's ofc to see when my surgery will be, the nurse(?) told me it would July 26th!  So I called the original pt intake person I spoke to who said to call her with any questions/concerns.  I left her a msg and asked if there was anything she could do to move the date cuz I already had my transportation set for June (my DH doesn't drive due to vision impairment).  Well, that lovely woman called the dr who then called me back about 20 min later and said there must have been a miscommunication.  It's just that they (her and the PS) will have to pick another weekday other than their standard surgery day so it will indeed be this month.  I was so happy to hear this!  Emotional rollercoaster..... and usually I like rollercoasters!