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For Older People with Sense



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Rhea, love lilies of the valley. They smell divine. Too hot here for them, though. But I have frangipani in their place and they smell heavenly also.

    Rhea, prayers going up for you and hoping for an uneventful surgery.

    Lassie, love that picture! To resize, click on it after you paste and you will see little squares in each corner and the middle. They will be out of the posting area and if you grab the lower one on the right side and pull it toward the middle of the pic, it will change the size.

    Alyson, what a wonderful picture and what beautiful children!

    3jays, how sweet that your little baby is defending you. Animals know when we are not feeling good. My normally independent cat sticks to me like glue when I am ailing.

    Sas, what a cool story about the eaglet. I guess he had to fly or else.

    AmyJo, I hope you have no se's from your aredia. I read somewhere that a slower infustion lessens the se's. Fingers crossed.

    Chrissy love cabbage roses! They smell so good!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Alyson, I LOVE the fabric on the sofa next to you!! It really sets off the gorgeous kiddies, too! hehehe

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Wow,  I thought I was only off a short while and am amazed at all that is going on.

    ((((3Jays)))).  I am so sorry for your loss and know that grieving too is a process.  My prayers are with you.

    Wickwack - Welcome.

    I've been super busy with our new grandbaby and my next daughter that's due.  We had a shower for her this past Sunday and, thank goodness, I can rest some now at least from all the planning of showers.  I'm calling my daughter Allison later so I can visit with her and Olivia.

    Today's an off day and tomorrow I'm off to Hopkins to meet with onc to see if I can get in to see a cardiologist yet to continue my Herceptin.  I'll give everyone an update when I can.  I just saw pregnant daughter Jenny come down the driveway so I'll catch up with everyone later.  My best to everyone!


  • -RC-
    -RC- Member Posts: 38

    Oh, my so many people to remember - you guys are really good about keeping up the posting!  Love the pics of family & flora, makes us connected doesn't it?

    Thank you all for the good wishes -

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    3Jays--you're in my thoughts.  Lassie, thanks so much for the beautiful dove picture.  Such a peaceful shot of such beautiful birds.  Will post more later.

    Love to all,

    Lynda (Dragon)

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Wicwack - we are always trying to be there for everyone in our little family here. We do keep things moving along and keep up with each other. Glad you have joined the family.

    Mazie - you have been busy with first 2 pregnant daughters, then the birth of Olivia and soon another new gandbaby.  Take care of yourself and get some rest before the next rush of activity hits with the next baby.  I know you are enjoying every minute you can get with Olivia.  Post some more pictures of that beautiful little (big) girl when you get a chance.

    Lassie - the picture of the doves was great.  They are pretty birds, but seldom do we get to see them up close.

    BarbA - love the picture of the frangipani. They are such pretty little flowers and they do smell so good.  I wish I could get them to grow, but I do not have a green thumb, so I leave all the planting and growing flowers to DH.

    {{{{{{{{{{3jays}}}}}}}}}} thinking of you.

    I have been so busy today and I am exhausted, but I feel like I have not gotten anything accomplished!  I have not touched the tax stuff and have been busy getting the estate stuff ready for the first distribution so that my little sister can move out of Mom's house and into a house she has found that she wants to buy.  Hopefully I can get the distribution ready for next week to keep the relatives at bay at least for a little while. I am wondering why I ever agreed to do this executor stuff.  At least I have been too busy to notice how much my joints were hurting and how tired I really was.  Normally after my aredia treatments I spend the next 3-4 day close to bed and pain meds.  So far so good as I have not needed the extra pain meds since they upped the dosage of my patch last week.  I am off to bed.  Night ladies, sleep tight and don't let the bed bug bite. 

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Alyson, just wanted to tell you how sweet that picture is of you & the grandbabies. I have to wait until July to see mine, they are 4 & almost 3. Aren't we lucky?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Well girls I did as I said I was going to do.....the afternoon was spent making pasties and they smelt so good in the oven that I couldn't resist and ate two!!!!  I'm really having a great deal of fun learning to drive this stove!!!   I just need more people to eat what is being cooked........I'm afraid that I will eventually end up the size of a house!

    I saw my friend Junie and she says to tell you all thank you for all your prayers and good thoughts....she much appreciates them.  She is healing slowly and had to see the specialist today to get her final path report and her plan for on going treatment.  I will speak to her in a couple of days once she returns home.  I have told her about BCO so am hoping that she will join us but we shall see.

    Love n hugs to all.  Chrissy

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    chrissy, I do not have a new stove, just the standard electric one in this apartment complex.   What possessed me yesterday to make 3 batches of Key Lime bars (from a mix) and one of Lemon bars when it was 101 heat index outside???    I do have air cond...    There is a fish dinner at the Legion tonight and I know the bars will make a nice dessert.   Oh - the reason finally hit me - eggs were getting close to expiration date and I am allergic to egg whites - I only get eggs for baking for others.   or for the yolks to use for breading chicken.   

    Hi, Hello, Howdy and Blessings and Hugs,   Nancy 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Nancy you have a mix for Key Lime Bars?   Oh yummmm!   I love Key Lime Pie but I have to make it from scratch as there is no mix for it in Aus......Baking is a good way to use up eggs that are near their use by date........hope everyone enjoys the Key Lime and Lemon Bars!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Good morning ladies - it's been awhile since I've chimed in, although I've been keeping up and mentally joining with the welcomes, chains of care and concern, as well as of course the lovely pictures, stories, and family news. (3jays I hope you're getting some relief; Marybe and Amy I hope the tx are gentle with you; Isabella, needle-phobia can be overcome - I used to be a fainter; no one made me watch jabs though, what a nightmare that must've been...)

    Part of my deal is a post-bc "change" in [still] trying to learn to keep my mouth shut, and be a better listener.  Part is just busy with spring. Part is...

    Have been dealing with a certain amount of frustration during the past several weeks as my computer got eaten by a virus, badly. DH (aka Mr. Fixit Extra-Ordinary) spent days unsucessfully  but finally relented and took it to the shop 2 weeks ago. It's still there and I don't know what I'll get back.  Scarey since after 12 years of research & publishing non-fiction historical stuff, I have a humongous mega-file of notes for the "great American novel" about a woman of strength & courage who lived a couple of hundred years ago... all on the computer.  There's a backup file, but I'm just not looking forward to the learning curve of whatever condition the computer returns in. Unlike BarbA, Amyjo & others, I'm not very tech-minded, and can use the same dinosaur computer for a looong time, so I get into habits... ahh well.

    It's given me time to work on the big clean-up I've been at for a year or so now; here and there, shelf by shelf, closet by closet. Married to Mr- Save-Everything-because-I-might-use-it-to-fix-something, it's been a challenge. I am sure he is checking the garbage can. 

    And, getting our "estate plan" in some order in case we have anything left - we don't have kids together, and we've both been executors in the past, so we are trying to make it easier for whoever takes care of our "stuff."  And it's something I want to get done, and not have to worry about again for a long time.  Ugh, though. I'd rather scrub toilets.   (Amyjo, I don't know how you are managing; you are really an amazing woman).  My DD was so relieved she broke out in almost-hysterical laughter when we told her she had enough on her plate and we were naming someone else as exec.  The family hassles can be just awful, and it was the best of the gifts I could give her.

    In the last couple months I have managed, I hope, to navigate the Medicare system, and am waiting on my supplement cards. Yikes! If you can figure out Medicare, you still have your marbles. What a maze. 

    Isabella, when you wrote about your DH power-washing your hanging planters, I was reminded that last year when I was in tx, my DH decided to help me wash my wool braided rugs that I had bought new for this house a few years ago. I take wool rugs outside and wash them every spring (for decades), and he's never helped before. I have a system, and it's always worked.  He decided to "improve" my system and over my objections, used the power washer to wash the braided rugs.  He just about ruined them all - wearing out the threads and unraveling the braid. I'm still Yell

    The bird pix are really wonderful. Barbe, it's a real gift that the bird trusted you enough to build at your door. I hope things are looking up for you.

    One of my favorite photos is a teensy green frog inside a white tulip outside my door.

    Bird stories:  when we lived at one place in the woods, there was a big snag (a dead tree with the top broken out of it, favored by raptors) maybe a hundred and fifty feet from the front of the house. A hawk nested there, and raised three babies, and I got to watch them for the entire spring and summer, was there for the first uncertain wobbly flight, and saw one of the "plummeting for prey" lessons later, with binoculars.  I felt blessed to have witnessed the display.  Several years earlier, at another almost-wilderness cabin, one summer I raised an orphan Canadian Goose from a fledgling; he joined a migrating flock that fall, but returned one time the next spring with his new, very anxious mate to let me know he'd succeeded. I never saw him again, but treasure the memory.

    We are planting food, after a long and wet winter.  For the past month, we rarely saw the sun, and temps were 20 degrees below normal - highs in the 50s.  I am enjoying watching the seedlings sprout, and we are just setting out some plants.  Hard to believe in a few weeks they will produce yummy (organic) vegies.   Our temps now are divine. Low 55, high 75.

    Alyson, the babies are beautiful! What fun for you.  All these babies just bring such joy, don't they?  We have seven grandkids 8-22, and one G-GD 3. 

    Lost Creek is my happy place. Kathryn.

    Enjoy your day.

    Chrissy, I have stove-envy.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Ooo Kathryn I do hope the fix it guys can save your files on the computer for you.  That's the worst thing about this electronic age is loosing months and months of's happened to me many times when I was working......ugh!!!

    Glad to hear you have a happy place!   we all need one of those.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    'Morning to all!  I'm laughing at the DH/power washer discussion!  It appears that my DH has decided to devote his retirement to power washing!  The minute he retired he bought one and now does driveways, decks, the garage floor, rugs and the roof.  Oh men and tools!  He also loves his bench grinder.  Don't ask me what that is.

    Amyjo, so sorry you're having so much pain with those treatments.  Chrissy, I didn't know they made pasties in Australia.  Thought that was a Cornish thing.  Boy that sounds good.  Temp here is about 75 during the day for the next few days--still cool enough to bake. 

    We've been watching a TV show called "Hoarders" about people who save things.  Now I'm motivated to clean and organize.  Yesterday did the bathroom and today the pantry.  Can only do so much before my back gives out but in the morning I'm an organizing demon.  My DD2 has informed me that my sewing stuff is in a state of "disgrace!"  This summer I'm going to give fabric away--our quilt shop does charity quilts and I have so much they can use. 

    To all in the "hot zone" on the East Coast--stay indoors and keep cool!  That hot weather can be dangerous.  Here in Portland they start issuing hot weather warnings when it gets up to 85!  We're definitely wimps.

    Hugs to all, Lynda (Dragon)

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    chrissy - I use a mix for both lemon and key lime bars.   All you need for an 8 inch X 8 inch pan of them is the mix, 3 eggs and 1/3 cup of water.    Krusteaz is the brand and not easy to find.  If you google it, the website gives a list of all their products and some of the locations that sell them.    Since I am allergic to chocolate, these bars help with my sweet tooth (teeth...).    

    It is 12 noon here in Virginia and my thermometer on the 3rd floor balcony, in the shade, reads 98 degrees.   Let us hope there are no brown outs with high electricity use.    I conveniently "postponed" laundry until a cooler day.    

    Edited to correct spelling errors - the heat must be affecting those gray cells that Hercule Peroit refers to.    

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Here's an updated picture on the baby doves:

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Barbe - thanks for the updated picture of the baby doves. They are growing fast and soon will be out on their own.  I am amazed at how some of you talented women get such good closeup shots of the birdas and flowers.  I really do enjoy seeing them all.  I am off to take a nap since I have stopped working for a few minutes, I have no desire to get started again.  {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Barbe...lovely pic...keep on taking them day soon you'll go outside and they'll have flown !!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Great shot Barbe and thanks for the update. Missed you Cool_Breeze!

  • -RC-
    -RC- Member Posts: 38

    Thank you amyjo - I'm amazed at the strength of the women here...and the open arms to a stranger.  Makes this journey so much more bearable to know you're not alone.

    Kathy - Where is Lost Creek?  When I read about your historical fiction interest it reminded me of a terrific book written by a local here on Cape Cod - "Widow's War" by Sally Gunning.  It's a fabulous about a strong woman in the 1700's who lives in Brewster (on the Cape).  If you know anything about Cape Cod (MA) or like it the book is for you, or if you like strong women...

    We just had severe thunderstorms & lightning & lost our power for a short time.  Massachusetts has been getting hit hard these last few weeks - we had a tornado - yes a real tornado - in central Mass.


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    GramE, I can get that Krusteaz mix here and I'm going to try it!  Thanks for the tip.

    I love the rose pics and Barb, the frangipani also.  I simply cannot grow a pretty rose here in the red clay soil we have.  We have several gardenia bushes and the flowers this year aren't very pretty, but I do love to go outside and smell that fragrance.

    AmyJo, so glad your stronger pain patch is helping and you're doing better with this treatment. I sympathize with you dealing with your mother's estate.   I had to do Daddy's and it wasn't too hard as he had very little left after paying "private pay" for my stepmother's nursing home care for over 5 years, then a year for his own.  Medicare doesn't pay for nursing home care and his resources were too much to apply for medicaid, and money paid to nursing homes dwindles very fast.  The major difficulty I had was after I'd met with his lawyer twice, the lawyer had a major stroke and he was the only one in the "firm" of 3 who ever dealt with estates.  

    Lost Creek, I do hope your massive research can be recovered as well as your notes for the novel.  I'm like you in that I'm not all that computer savvy.  Used one for years on my job, but wasn't allowed to use the state's computer for anything personal.  And I too am married to a Mr. Saves Everything, even though the things he saves aren't ever used again!  

    Lynda, I so envy your weather.  It was a very humid 94 here today, and we've had no rain this week.  After I took GS home this evening I had to water the tomatoes, etc, juggling the hose in one hand and the dog on his leash in the other.  DH is out of town until Saturday and he likes to do the watering (without the dog) but I was trying to multitask!

    Barbe, thanks for the update baby doves picture.  They're really growing!  

    Alyson, that's a beautiful picture of you and your grandbabies!  I had GS (in all his 2 year old glory!) by myself today from before 7:00 this morning until 6:30 tonight and I'm wiped out.  Thank goodness for naps, and this grandma's going to bed shortly too.  Those precious smiles and the laughter make it such a joy though, no matter how tired I am later!

    Rhea, I too am amazed at the strength of these women.  I do know that this is very much like a family and we all pull together.  We can say things here that we might hesitate to say to our families and friends and know that we'll be understood.  And you're so right that knowing you're not alone makes it more bearable.  


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oh my goodness Barbe, they have grown so fast!!!!  They are actually starting to look like birds instead of little   Thanks for the update......keep 'em coming!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Hi all I'm still new here-----but I follow Chrissy b/c of her joyfulness at life. Met her on insomniacs thread. Her words of wisdom always so comforting. AND then there's the cooking which I so loved to do... May be will get back into it.

    Lynda-dragon found decluttering was helpful----one small area at a time Amazing the things that I would find that I hadn't seen in years.

    Forgot already whose Dh is into powerwashing-----be careful on concrete , learned to late it can mess it up permanently----better to use a bug sprayer with pool bleach diluted , avoid traffic in that area for several days and try to do it on a sunny day followed by rain. In Florida we have mold that grows in the sun---freaked me out when we moved here. The bleach thing really is better than pw. Don't use an expensive bug sprayer, the bleach no matter how much you rinse it will have eaten the rubber after just a few uses.

    3Jays again condolences. It's really tough, but each month does get better. Don't put to much on your need to do list. Allow yourself to do whatever you think you need to do. If that's a bed day or a play day. I'm still at the phase of only one thing on the schedule, beyond that forget it.(((hugs)))

     Found a mocking bird nest in the glider. Interesting place with all the hawks around. Lattice work on top and space to small to get in from the sides. Masterful placement unless we get a hurricane before there fledged.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Amyjo, I can't help but get a close-up! The nest is literally on the wall at my front door! Silly place to build one, but she was there last year as well. All spring I had looked at the nest and tried to get it out of the planter, but it was in there pretty good, so I forgot about it until the eggs came! Surprise!!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Talk about strange places to build a nest, we had a little finch of some sort build a nest in the bottom of the wreath I had hanging on the kitchen door.  The door was glass and had glass panes on the top and I put a pretty spring flower wreath on the door and this little bird built her nest in the bottom part of the wreath!  The front porch wrapped around the house from the front to the side where the kitchen door was, so it was in a well protected area.  We kept the blinds closed a lot so that we would not scare her, but every now and then we would open them up ever so slowly so we could see the babies, there were 4 or 5 and I still do not know how that many babies could fit in that little nest, but they did.  I was a real treat to get to watch them.  After a while we thought the babies would start pushing each other out of the nest since ther were growing and the nest was not.  Anyway one morning DH thought it would be nice to open the blinds and watch them while we ate breakfast so instead of just opening the blinds he pulled them up.  Well this startled everyone, birds, me and DH. as soon as he pulled them up all the babies flew away in a flash which startled DH who spilled his coffee and broke the cup and startled me.  Guess it was time for them to fledge since they did not ever come back to the nest.  The momma birdie did come back the nest year and made her nest in the same place.  We moved shortly after she made her nest that year and so we left the wreath as the new owners wanted to watch them too.  We still laugh about how startled everyone was that morning.  

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Hmmm, wonder what my DH will break when it's time for these baby doves to fledge. I'm wondering where the male is too! Should nail him with child support and take away his license to fly....ehhehehehee

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    too funny, ?Barbe! they really are wonderful. they feel safe where they are.. mrs. dove must trust you with her  babes.. you get a "birds eye view" to seeing them grow, and be on their way. i think its' a priveledge to be awarded that honor!.............3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    just wanted to say; im really not doing well, physically.. the mrsa has "dug in " this time, to the point where im seeing an idc today, and im briing a bag, hoping he'll admit me.. of cousre, the way its going, its doubtable...

       im still greiving, and they're attributing THAT to my weakness, which was started long, im not telling this Dr...!!! will letcha know.

       just wanted you to know, i miss you all, just NOT my bright cheery self (NOT)        3jays

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{3JAYS}}} I have been praying for you and I will get DH to add you to his prayer list to. I think he has a direct line to G-d.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    3jays, thinking about you.  Hope this infection will clear up.  My DH is the powerwasher--thanks SAS for the info.  I'll try to convince him not to do stuff to concrete but that will be difficult--he loves it so!!! 

    My back is killing me--have to go lie down.  Love the doves!

    Love to all,


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352


    Sorry you're not doing so well at the moment...try and let us know if you get hospitalised. Why would it be better to be admitted than to try and carry on at home ?? Do you get home nursing? We have what we call district nurses, they call twice a day after a big op. I got them for 2 weeks after my mast., which I didn't consider a big op., but they checked my dressings, changed them when needed, and removed stitches. I found them a bl**dy nuisance, to be truthful, I had to wait for them to visit before I could get into my grubbies and outside !! Some mornings it was going on 11am before they turned up...but didn't want them to catch me getting dirty ! 

    Been for a trip out today with DH, he called up and asked me if I wanted to go for a ride this afternoon, he is fed up of his own company. I didn't want to go out...I had loads planned ( like a monster pile of sewing). Anyway, got a trip around the countryside, and was treated to my tea, so I reckoned fair sewing time for tea and company for DH ! Trouble is I still have my sewing to set about ! DH has replaced my hanging baskets..don't know what they cost him, but they are pretty good ones...but NOT as good as my own choice of plants !!  I get much more pleasure out of doing this sort of thing myself than having someone turn up at my door with ready mades ! I can be a tad awkward and am NOT easily pleased !!!!! Always been very independent, and put quite a hard shell round I'm told. ( Now all DH needs to do to get back into my good books is replace the bottles of booze he nicked without telling me !! )

    Went to see my psychotherapist about my needle phobia yesterday, she was pretty 'bland' and isn't helping me at all. She had given me some 'homework' last find out if nerves go all the way through the body, or are just on the surface !!! She is a piece of work...cannot see any reason here at all for this. I told her my pc had been playing up, so I hadn't been able to do it !!!!!! Does she think I am 3 years old !! As I didn't do my homework she is going to ring her brother, who is a doc, and ask him. He will just think he has a nut for a sister if she asks such a stupid question !! I just go along with her to fill in the hour. It is being paid for by my Drs practice, and gives me time to think up a good excuse for not going to see her again! She is completely wasting my Thursday afternoons, but if I duck out it could be seen as 'not wanting to be helped'

    I have sorted out a hypnotherapist myself, I have to pay for this, but my dentist (who by now must be thoroughly sick of me, I have missed 3 appointments ) recommended this hypnotherapist. Apparently his work with needle and dental phobics is fantastic. Whether I will set off giggling or not remains to be seen, no-one has ever been able to make me do anything I don't want to in many many years ! I have no idea how he works, whether its suggestion, or swishing the old fob watch infront of me....hehehe. I have asked DH to return the favour I did for him today, by coming up whilst the hypnotherapist is talking to me, so I'm not alone in the house. I've told him he can sit and watch TV whilst I am being hypnotised. !! 

    Houseful again in the morning ...DD 3 GDs 1G/son and one G/sons GF ! will be glad when they've all gone home, and I can have a peaceful w/end....well peaceful apart from being hypnotised. I am about to go for a wander round my cows. I have 2 looking very near to calving...I have had G/son bring them into a small field right next to my garden, so all I really need to do is tiptoe across the garden and waft my torch around ! Any sign of trouble and the vet. will be out of his bed...I am too decrepit to sort this out nowadays. Its usually very straightforward tho', and all I will have to do if all goes smoothly is to dash....well, amble, across and give one of the cows a calcium/magnesium injection as soon as there's a calf. The one that needs the jab is a Jersey cow, and they have great trouble storing calcium and magnesium, and if you don't get in there 3 or 4 days running they can very easily end up with their toes in the air. The other breeds are fine. The second of the two cows waiting for a calf has a prolapse, not a bad one, but noticable, and hopefully it should go as soon as there's a calf.  It could turn nasty and out can come the whole of the cows womb...usually resulting in losing the everyone is under orders to tiptoe around this particular cow, so as not to spook her at all.     

    Marybe...where are you ?? How are you??
