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For Older People with Sense



  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Barbe - you are too funny girl.  I look forward to the day we can actually meet.

    3jays - So sorry to hear things are getting really bad for you.  You are in my prayers daily as well as my church prayer chain.  You are identified as a friend of Amy Jo since I did not know if it was okay to use your real name.  I hope the dr. does admit you so that you can get this mersa cleared up and get to feeling better.  You have enought to deal with without that too.  Get lots of rest and know we are all here for you.

    Isabella - good luck with the hypnotherapist.  I do not think a person can be hypnotised if they don't want to be.  And sound like you may be one of those people.  It has  to do with not feeling like you are in complete control of what happens.  Anyway I hope they can find some way to help you with your fears of needles and the dentist.  Hope all goes well with your cows and the calves all come easily so that you do not have to call the vet, but I am glad you seem to have a good one that will come out when needed.  Wishing a nice quiet weekend for you. 

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    3jays, you're in my thoughts & prayers.  Marybe, I hope things are going well... and to all who are undergoing, awaiting, enduring, I wish you comfort....

     Rhea, thanks very much for the book suggestion; it sounds like something I'd enjoy reading.  Massachusetts and much of the east coast is on my big-bucket list, and I'm pretty sure a really interesting "brick wall" ancestress came from either Mass. or Connecticut during that time period - so I'd find the book informative and fun; I'll try to find it.  Lost Creek is way out in the woods in what's actually known as the "Lost Sierras" - some of the lesser-known parts of northern California Sierra mtns.  You kind of have to know where you're going to find it - at least pre-Google Earth you did! That has always been one of its draws.  We lived there several years when we were young, skiing in and out in winter, no elec but running spring water & hot water through a wood cook stove.  We were the only humans for miles and miles. It was quiet, mostly peaceful, and very 'real.'  Google La Porte California.

    I've been in a lot of the states, but not much "back east" - meaning east of the Mississippi River.  My personal historical focus is more sort of in the 'neighborhood' of QCA and Amyjo - but along the Yadkin River and over the Cumberland Gap into Kentucky when the land was a frontier - the period surrounding the Revolutionary War. One of my dream weeks would be spent at the archives in Raleigh!  It's wierd because I've only been in that area once in person, but I have a microfilm setup and many old records (from Raleigh) on microfilm.  It's much more interesting than most TV.  Anyway, I know a lot about a little; and I have hopes.

    The computer is home; and is said to be fixed.   We won't know until Sun or Monday as DH is otherwise engaged.  Hoping for good results but trying not to over-hope or get too excited yet.

    In our garden are lettuces, spinach, peas, green beans, onions & garlic, beets, carrots, tomatoes & peppers, cukes, melons, squashes and some herbs.  The new berry plants are thriving. DH built me a raised, auto-water flowerbed planter this week, and I will splurge on some plants next week - I'm looking forward to putting it together - with flowers the deer won't eat.

     Isabella, I hope the calving goes easy for you and the cows.  Who knows, maybe the therapy-guy can teach you to hypnotize your own self, then you'd be the one in control.

    Sas, I'm glad you joined us - yes, Chrissy is pretty amazing isn't she. Thanks for the tip on powerwashing.

    Thanks for all the photos, everyone.  My best to all.

  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105

    Lots going on here!

    3jays -- sorry to hear you are feeling poorly.  I know you are going thru alot both physically and mentally.  Hope they do the right thing for you. 

    Crissy -- did you get the resullts back of your scans?

    Wickwack -- Welcome!  And your kitties are adorable!

    And thanks for all of the beautiful photos.

    What a week this has been!  On Monday, I had a day of appts and testing.  Started out with underarm ultrasound at 9:00 am, then had blood tests and chest xrays.  Then when across the street to another building and had a bilateral MRI.  I had an appt with a PS later in the afternoon, but while I was waiting for the MRI, they called and wanted to move the appt up by an hour.  I accomodated them, but didn't realize it would mean I wouldn't get a change to eat anything.  By the time I got to the PS appt, I was exhausted, tired and hungry and felt like I was going to pass out.  The nurse gave me some crackers and water, which helped.  However, I did not like the PS. He was trying to walk out the door almost the minute he came in.  He didn't want to talk about all of my options -- said I could only consider implants, that I couldn't have flap surgery because I was obese and he said "anyway, there are so many problems with them, they might not even take."  I tried to ask more questions, but he said "why are you here now? Call me when you decide what you want to do." And he walked out the door.  I left the appt in tears.

    On Tuesday, I met with a Radiation Oncologist.  He was very thorough in explaining what would happen if I went through rad treatments.  After looking at my family and personal history, he also said he would totally understand a decision to go with BMX.  He told me that whatever I decided, that I could contact them with questions at any time. I did really like him.

    Then on Wednesday, BS office called and said some of the test results were in. They said The MRI and underarm US showed enlarged auxilliary lymph nodes and was a cause for concern.  They scheduled a needle biopsy of the nodes for next Friday (June 17).  She said if this was positive, it would change my entire treatment plan. When I asked what that meant, she said it could mean that I would need chemo.  She also gave me an appt with a new PS for Monday.

    Thursday was actually uneventful other that working late so I could catch up on stuff I am falling behind on.  I took a sleeping pill before I went to bed and, for the first time since I was diagnosed, I got a full night's sleep!  Friday, we had Excellence Day at work and we could bring our children to work.  This was the first day in a long time that noone asked me about my cancer!  It felt good -- sort of like a cancer free day and the kids had a lot of fun with the activities -- Well, at least Hannah did.  Alyssa was 100% teenager all day and she grumbled that she was bored the whole time.  Unfortunately, I forgot my cell phone and missed a call from the BS office.  The message said:  "don't freak out, but we have additional test results back and have found another abnormality. Try not to worry, we will get to the bottom of it, call the first thing on Monday to discuss."  She didn't say from which test, so I don't know what is going on!  When will it all end?  To top it off, I received a notice from my gasterentiologist that I was over due for my 5 year colonoscopy.  Now that is not a test I want to do right now! 

    Well, thanks again for listening.  It feels good just to "talk" about this to people who get it!  I sort of guard what I say and who I talk to about this in my immediate surroundings. 

    May God be with all of those facing a diagnosis of cancer and bring peace to those having to make treatment decisions.  May He lift you as you go thru your tests and treatments.  May He be with you through your surgeries and all of the insanity.  God bless you all.  Amen.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Awe Phyllis what a week you have had!  At this point you will feel like you are in a state of flux with all sorts of test going on.  The truth is it does settle down when all the answers are in......I know you know that but it's still hard while it's happening.  It sounds like your BS is the thorough type and that should give you an amazing amount of piece of mind just knowing that no stone will be left unturned.

    Wow that PS was rude!  and by the sounds of it completely full of are way better off seeing someone else.  I'm pleased that you like to RO and that he spent the time to explain everything to you.........I think if you know and understand what's coming you are way more able to cope.  As for your colonoscopy, I'd just them them know what's happening at the moment and I'm sure they will be happy to postpone until you are ready.

    Thanks for asking re my was a mixed result.  I found that I have one slightly enlarged node in the chest but nothing major and the coughing is happening due to a  scarring of the bronchii due to inhaling some reflux acid at some time or other in the last six months....probably in my sleep as I don't remember doing it.  Aparently not something that will heal so the upshot is, control the reflux acid better which will help with the bloating which will ease the pressure on the diaphram which in turn will suposedly ease the coughing.....mmm.....we shall see.......its a bit the like the kids song the ankle bone is connected to

    Amyjo love your baby bird story what a shame you didn't think to document with pics....hindsight is great isn't it?

    Barbe I just love your sense of humor!  You can always make me chuckle with you ascerbic wit.

    (((((((3jays)))))))  I sure do hope this doc gives you some answers and some help.  It's about time!

    Lynda hope your back is feeling better.....if not, rest some more!

    Isabella hope the hypnotherapist can help you with your needle phobia!  I adore the little jersey cows!  Their bit soft brown eyes with the long lashes are just so lovely!!!  and the give the creamiest milk ever!!!  Hope the calving goes well for them and you and you don't need to call for the vet.

    Lost_Creek hope the computer behaves!  Your vege patch sounds lovely and makes me wish that I had the energy to do mine but alas I can only dream on that point.........never mind, at least I can still cook!

    Speaking of cooking, I tried bread today but the air was so cold here today that I couldn't get the yeast to proove properly......never mind, aside from being a little heavy, the texture was good and the flavour divine!  Maybe next time I'll heat the room first!

    May all your treatments proove effective and treat you gently, may you heal well and live with joy!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Good morning everyone,   I am fine....just was taking a break from my normal threads because I was sort of engrossed in a new one that really had a lot of people up in arms and to use someone else's summation of it, am drawn like a moth to a flame, and have to keep reading the back and forth banter.  I will read and think Wow, this one is going to get a real rise and sure enough it does and then I read the retort and on it goes and then the peacemakers come in and beg for it all to be dropped and I am thinking But why, it makes for such exciting reading.  Sick, I know, but that is where I have been some of the time.....have also been busy trying to get plans going for the trip to my Uncle's and trying to look up old posts to find out who all had talked to me about it way back when....and we had some good weather so I have been out in the yard more than usual.   Had a huge streak of thunder storms that started last evening and went on through the night, complete with hail....they have to be pretty bad to wake me up since I normally sleep through anything.  Oh, and I spent the afternoon shopping after going to lunch with one of the gals I work with....this really nice patient who has followed me from office to office over they years took us to her country club so that was very nice.   We rode together and met her there and Tammy had taken me all the way back to my car when I started with my I can't find my keys routine and she said oh you have to have them and I kept digging, and said But I don' I called the DR at the CC and yes they found them and the guy had to go into what a strange key it was then and also again when I went to pick it up.  I thought all cars were going to keys like that....this is a mini and it's just this big fat round thing you shove into a hole and then you push a button that says Start.  I think Tim's sister had a key like that for her jeep when we were out in CA last year.  So anyway she had to drive me all the way back there to get my keys and I still can't figure out how they fell out of my purse since I was not even driving.....she was fine with it, but it upset me since I actually thought I might be doing a little better with my thought process these days.  Guess not.   I went clothes shopping because this one brand I love was on  sale at Macy's, but I went to Dillards first since they carry the same brand and wanted to see what their selection was and I found a lot of things on the clearance rack that were much cheaper than the advertised sale at Macy's so I got my stuff at Dillards. Also they had a much bigger selection and there were some things I would have liked on the 40% off rack, but am going back at the end of the month to see if they have moved to the 65% off rack. My mother taught me to look for the bargains. Chrissy, I know you said you are not much for shopping, but you have to check out some of the big dept is crime all the selection and quantity we have in what is supposedly a recession, maybe even a depression.   I do not like to shop for clothes the way I used to and know it is because my body has completely changed in shape...I now have this middle age spread I believe they call it, (it has never been in the stomach, gut area, always went to my hips and thighs before, but now I have this big flabby stomach ) but it's odd that it is hitting me in what I consider to be old age.....I mean face it, even if I did not have BC, would I live to be 120? I don't think so.....nor would I want to. My Dad is only 89 and he's starting to have issues although he will not admit it. He has not called me all week which is odd and I don't know if he is sulking because I told him he needs to be tested for Alzheimer's or if he has been busy or worse yet, maybe something has happened. I tried to call him Thurs AM and forgot that was when he goes to breakfast with his buddies and last night I hung up when the answering machine picked up. His normal routine is to fall asleep at the table with the tv on so loud he doesn' t hear the phone. When we were there last time he didn't remember ever having been in the place we went for dinner....we have been there not only once, but three times.....and he did not remember my friend Kathy's mother died or going to the funeral with me. So this worries me and as I told him IF he has something maybe he can just take a pill like my uncle does and then he goes into that bit about There is nothing wrong with my brother. My brother is just fine. Nope, I do not want to live to be 120.

    Also I have been reading and I don't know if others are like this, but when I get into a book, I am always wondering what the characters are doing when I am not reading....will pick up the book in the middle of the night if I get up to go to the bathroom instead of going back to sleep....come home from work and immediately start reading.  When I get a good book, I hate for it to end.    

    My hair fallout has sort of come to a standstill. I was having Tammy take pics of the crown from above and the back and was amazed to see that you really could not even see my pink scalp the way I see my pink scalp when I look at it. She said see, I told you, it really isn't that maybe it isn't, but with the way the bangs are I feel like Friar Tuck, but I am still going around without a wig or scarf just because it is a lot more comfortable, especially with as hot as it has been. I am sorry Barb, but I would not want to live in Florida. And to think, I used to love spending time on the beach baking myself to a crisp.  I still like getting some color, but the thought of a bathing suit at the point in time is not a pretty picture.  However if my friend takes her boat out, I am ready....what's a little fat amongst friends.  WW just isn't happening.....I did go this past Monday, but only listened.....I like the meetings....and I told the woman I went with I was going to rejoin this coming Monday, but now the other hygienist wants me to work for her so that shot that.  Oh and get this, after the meeting she and her friend always go to Marx Hot Bagels for I know a bagel has 6 points and that is a normal sized one......Marx has BIG ones, plus you get whatever on it to make your sandwich and you can blow a whole day with lunch. 

    Yesterday morning I baked cookies since I had not baked for a long time.  Did choc chip and made some oatmeal ones and added coconut and almonds and dried cranberries.....I have not tried them myself yet so don't know if the experiment was a success or not.  I am so glad you are happy with your new stove Chrissy. 

    AmyJo..I loved reading about the blinds making a bang, DH breaking the cup and on and reminded that old nursery rhyme about the old woman crossing the sty (was that what it was) to get home for dinner....this is stick that beat the dog that chased the cat that ate the rat that......... remember that one...what was the holdup in that story....the pig wouldn't jump over it?  Phyllis, I am so sorry you have to wait for news over the weekend....I know it isn't easy, but try to shove it way back in the corner of your mind and enjoy your weekend.....and I agree it sounds as if you have a good doctor.   3jays, what can I get way more than your share and your ability to cope so well with so much amazes me.  Your garden sounds wonderful Lost......I am so overrun with flowers we have no room for veggies.....well,we do,but there is no room where there is sun. SS, I checked out the bra link....thank you....all of a sudden I have a problem with all of mine....bulge out on the one side and straps will not stay up....another part of the body change I suppose.  Isabella....I know you won't, but don't let DH worm his way back in even if he does replace all the liquor which he probably would not unless he expected to come over and drink it.  He is probably realizing what a good deal he messed up and is now lonely, whereas you have full life and really don't need him.  Can't comment on everyone's posts or I would go on forever and I have already babbled enough.

    Well, I better get off of here.....the guy who was helping with the yard is supposed to come today, but just in looking out the window it looks like it is just going to keep on raining.  This was not predicted so I dont know what is going on.  I am still going out plant shopping.  My shoulder still is not good, but it is much not really think this has anything to do with BC.  Another person on the halaven thread had a failure with it.....I will find out in about another week...this makes me nervous.  I feel fine, but then I always do.  If my tumor markers are in the 3,000s I am just going to crap....which might be a nice change from being constipated.   Marybe

    Oh, I almost forgot my exciting news....My passport arrived! ....and it is good til 2021.....that means I need to start traveling. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{3JAYS}}} Hugs, pal. Phyllis, it stinks that they make us wait over weekends. Grrrrr. Chrissy, can't wait to see everyone in September. AmyJo, sleep while you can. I suffer from insomnia so when I can sleep, you better believe I do it. Marybe, so glad you aren't having se's from the neulasta anymore. It is tough when our parents start declining. Isabella, I agree w/Marybe that you shouldn't let DH weasel his way back in. L_C, you are so industrious! Wow, I am coming to your house for some organic produce although it looks like getting there is not that easy. A very pretty place, though. Lynda, sorry your back is hurting. The dinner cruise was great but the food was not. Oh well, we had fun.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Before I read on to Marybe's post, I just want to say to Chrissy before I can proove the bread in your new oven you know!! READ the manual!!! I'm (almost) sure you can....anyway.....

    3jays I pray you are being taken care of in the hospital. Though I do love my own bed, when I'm feeling very badly, I, too, want to be under the microscope and in medical care. You are still in my prayers.

    Isabella, have you tried gas at the dentist? I like it because when it's turned off, you are done with it.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Marybe I LOVE you worrying about the 'hold up' at the stye!!! BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Wasn't it the bump on the log on the bottom of the sea?

    I have a funny feeling we're going to have  to book 'talk time' at Uncle Bills....Chrissy from 1-2, Marybe from 2-3.....ehehehehhehehehehe

    Barbara, isn't it fun doing a dinner cruise and starting off with sun glasses and leaving the boat at 11 pm wondering where you left them? I wonder how many they collect each night....? Cool

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Yup, I usually prop them on my head so I don't forget them. I HAVE to wear them as my eyes are very sensitive so I always have them on my head so they are ready when I need them.

  • Marybe. I know what you mean about the other thread. I was lurking there and I would just be shaking my head as I read thinking why is everyone getting so nasty but in a sick kind of way I was drawn to it like a bad novel. I agree when I bet a good book I hate for it to end

    Chrissy I have never been much of a baker. I am living through you as I read about all the treats. My mouth is watering. Have fun with the new oven

    Phyllis hugs sending some prayer scamming your way

    I went back to work this week and I was throughly in pain by Thursday had to take meds by Thursday night. I guess I just have lost more strength then I realized. Took off on Friday for it was my younger sons last day of school, he won an award of general excellence for his grade and a math award. I was so proud of him he worked so hard this year

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Barbe are you saying that Marybe and I talk a lot?   Now whatever gave you that idea.....hahahahaha!

    BarbA....nice pic!  Don't you just look soooo relaxed!    Shame about the meal.

    Liz, I'll keep letting you know what comes out of the oven ......good or

    Just thought you all would like a little piece of Australia to look at today.  This is Wattle.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    LOL, I have a wattle that doesn't look that nice!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Wasn't sure if I should post here...It seems I will have to be older (than what?) plus have more sense (than what?)  I can probably do that first one reluctantly but not so sure about that second one.

    Oh hi, chrissyb!  Just returning the favor and popping in here to say hello!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    elimar its me will like it here.........but don"t get scared......I am 76, with 6 kids and 18 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandaughters,identical the more sense I can"t talk about, cause Im here and I have been told my sense went out the window, when cancer came in the door.(of course thetir wrong), so if you have even a little sense.............welcome your in the right these ladies Smile....they helped get me through.........I found a home here
  • Elimar....Older than Springtime! and more sense than most fit the bill just fine.    Here are some pics of my flowers.  I am planting today.  The hollyhocks are volunteer because I really would not have planted them in the front yard like that.  I posted a pic of my thinned hair on the hair hair thread and am now feeling embarrassed that I was even complaining because it sure doesn't look like I lost hair in the pic Tammy took yesterday, but I swear I did lose a ton and it is actually pink up there.
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Eli welcome! We are a little wacky and we span the 35-90 range and most of us have some common sense but when one of us loses it, the others here bring us back.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Here is my poppy that's in bloom!  Right now I wish it was an opium poppy!  My back is rebelling against being upright.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Loving that Poppy

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Love to all but especially Phyllis--you are so right to look for another PS.  The one you went to sounds like a dweeb.  My own PS was a great source of grief for a long time.  Now I'm almost done with him and it doesn't matter.  The thing is, he's an okay surgeon but just doesn't offer a lot of info.  I find that when I'm in the office I'm so nervous that I forget to ask questions, then when I get home I have no idea what's going on.  I wish he had offered more info as we went along.  You spend a lot of time with this guy and it makes a difference if you can't talk to him. 

    I know this sounds stupid but my PS is also very conservative and I'm always afraid I'll forget and use a 4-letter word.  Okay, he probably wouldn't mind but what if he pegged me as a "tough" woman or something?  Believe me after that surgery I could think of alot of cuss words I wanted to say! 

    Phyllis, I'm not certain that excess weight is a reason to have only implants.  It will be interesting to know what the new PS says--I haven't heard that before and it certainly isn't true for others I've talked to.  The best reason I can think of to have implants is that it is easier.  I didn't consider the other choices because of the recovery time.  Let us know what your biopsy says--you're in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love to all,

    Lynda (Dragon)

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Eli, nice to see you!  You are welcome here anytime you want to pop in!!!

    Ducky, nice to see you, are you okay?  I ask because I haven't seen you on the thread for a while.

    Marybe are those flowers in your planter stocks and snapdragons?  They look so pretty and I'll bet the perfume is wonderful too.  I love hollyhocks, such a majestic plant and they are available in so many colours now.  Glad to hear that the hairfall seems to have stopped, that's got to make you feel better.

    Lynda, the colour of that poppy is spectacular!!!  So vibrant! And a perfect form!

    Hoping every one is enjoying their weekend wherever you may be.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Phyllis, that PS sounds like a real piece of work!! The RO sounds great, I love/loved mine. Well, that certainly is crappy that you will possibly have more follow-up testing. And, yes, it would be great to meet you some time. Now that the 90's are gone for a while here in MI, I'll be able to get outside to my flower garden. In fact, if I think about it, I'll snap some pictures to share here.

    Yes, one can proof bread or a dough in the oven. Don't recall the temp, but you preheat the oven, turn if off, cover your bowl with a towel & set it in the oven for an hour. I'd have to get up to get my cookbook, but it is along those lines. I've done it but it has been years since I've baked bread or rolls from scratch. With yeast, anyway.

    I love that planter, Marybe. Lovely.

    And, Chrissy, that picture you have posted at the top is stunning. I would never leave.

    Have a beautiful Sunday everyone!

    Lynda, the poppy is beautiful! Mine are in full bloom now, with some that same color & some that light pale color. Too bad they don't last very long. I have columbine all over the flower bed this year, the seed went willy-nilly last fall. I leave the pods/stalks standing on some of the plants come winter time, I love to see the birds land on them & sway in the breeze. Gives the garden some character I think. I have a lot of very tall grasses, some 5-6'. Those need to be cut down now before the new gets too high.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    I used to love gardening but living in a townhouse I can only do conatiners. Haven't figured out what/how to plant. So I enjoy the efforts of others. Cool

    DH's band is playing at Jimmy B's beach bar this afternoon/evening. THat will be followed by a big grouper sandwich at Dockside Dave's and THAT will be followed by Key Lime Pie with chocolate graham cracker crumb crust. YUM!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Chrissy ..........Hi girlfriend...............I'm still here............3 more days of Rads, and I'm done with that..........of course except to get rid of the very few  SE I had from Rads........did extremely well........

    Now the kicker.........where have I been ...........on the Lymphedema threads...........yep, I got of the 20-30% who have node removal, and get it..........It really has me down.....I go to a Board Certified LE specialist 2 days a week..........I have to wrap everyday, 2 times a day .......having to do it myself since I live alone...............I will do this for 1 month till the reduction from 12% swelling goes down to 5%, and then I will go into a compression garment................wrapping is terrible..........when its time for me to do it, I tell my kids.......................I say OK, NEIGHBORS, CLOSE YOUR WINDOWS, GET YOUR KIDS IN THE HOUSE ...I'M GOING TO WRAP............rolling the wraps is a pain in the ass..............there are 4, then when your wrapping, and they fall out of your hand and roll across the floor, the language I spew would make a "truck driver" blush..............Aren't you glad you asked where I have been.

    How are you...........I still read your thread, but with the wraps on 24/7 typing is very, very, hard, and I do the LE thread when I can type...............Now being a 90 WPM typist, can you imagine how frustrating "hunt and peck" is for me...........Can't tell you I haven't cried a lot of tears over this LE  certainly does limit what you can do...........anything with water is awful......once the wrap gets wet.........forget it.........oh well it is what it is.

    Chrissy ...........when something would happen to anyone of, grandkids, me, anything......our famous saying (since my husband died of cancer_ would be "HEY GUYS, COME ON, AT LEAST ITS NOT CANCER)...................can't say that anymore.

    How's our little cutie take care, and thanks for thinking about me......hugs.

    (by the way my wrap is off right now, and I'm lov ing it).Smilewill put it on shortly Yell

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I had a really busy week last week and when I tried to post a LONG post here last night the site had problems and it was lost! So I'll try to remember what I want to say.

    Elimar, "older" on this thread means older than you were yesterday. And obviously you have more sense if you came here!

    Phyllis, I'm sorry you ended up with Dr. Jerk for a PS, but I'm glad your other docs are compassionate. I've read on other threads that women who call themselves obese have flap surgeries. Of course, the more experienced the surgeon the better the outcome. I hope you find someone better soon. I'm planning on a prophy mast on the remaining breast plus bilat DIEP, probably some time next fall.

    3jays, I hope the doc admits you. Awful as hospitals are, if you have an uncontrolled MRSA infection you'll most likely need IV antibiotics for a while. I hope you're better soon and ready to drive the bus for us again.

    Chrissy, the stove looks and sounds great. I'm glad you've been having a good tiime with it. I also really like cooking and baking though with the lack of energy from the Femara I don't usually do as elaborate stuff as I used to. Last week, though, we had a holiday and I went all out. Since we keep kosher we never have milk and meat together and most holidays we have meat meals, but last week's holiday includes the custom to eat milk dishes so I had a good time. We had biscuits (American ones, similar to British scones), cheese blintzes, mushroom quiche, sweet cheese and noodle kugel (a type of casserole), salmon fillet and mashed potatoes with milk and butter. For dessert I made a sour cream filled cake and butter cookies and my DD made cheesecake. Please don't check my cholesterol!

    My DD and her family were here for the holiday and it was pretty lively - she has a 6 yr old boy and her girls are 3 and 1. Grandchildren are the BEST.

    Ducky, I hope your swelling goes down FAST. I also hated the wrapping. Fortunately I'm able to control things now with MLD and my sleeve & gauntlet and don't even need to wrap at night. I hope that doesn't change with the hot weather. I figure the real reason we need to wrap for so long is so that when we finally "graduate" to a sleeve and glove or gauntlet we're so glad to be out of the bandages that we don't mind the garments!

    Love to all.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Awe Ducky what a bummer about the LE but I know what you mean.  You made me laugh aloud when I was reading your adventures in wrapping.....girl I'm sure you were a commedienne in your past life!!! You will find that once you have managed to get that reduction down and you get into your compression sleeve you will be able to do so much more as the sleeve is way better than the wrap.  So please to hear also that you are almost done with the rads....yay!!! for you.  How's the skin holding up?

    I'm doing good and that little cutie is walking around everywhere although I don't get to see her much now as my brother and family have recently moved interstate to Canberra (like your Washington) for his job so the visits will be not so often.

    You take care and do pop in when you can.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Leah, we  That holiday meal you made sounds delicious!  I love cheesecake but haven't made one for ages as there is only DH and I to eat it and neither of us need the calories or cholesterol!

    I'm with you when you say grandchildren are the BEST!!!!!!!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Crissy..........I do belive the sleeve will be better, thanks for the vote of confidence.....................The skin is holding up pretty well...........little rash, itchy at times, slightly red, but truely nothing I can't handle............Actually bought enough Aquaphor and Aloe to grease all the cancer patients getting Rads in the State of Pa., and hardly had to use any...........but I do use it..............Maybe when this is all over, I'll have an Aquaphor and Aloe "yard sale".............hell I can even shock the neighbors by demonstrating the proper way to apply it..................Good heavens, that would cause a "town exodus"................

    Noticed last night when I took the wrap off to redo knuckles are beginning to disappear on the LE hand....................holy shit, now that can't be good...........

    I had a big arm anyway...............most people their weight goes to their "ass", of course mine went to my arms...................My grandchildren call my flab underneath, my "bat wings", and somedays causally sit next to me, and flip them back and forth ........................One said to me last night "hey nannie, your bat wing is sticking out of the top of your bandaged"...........I told him.................."thanks for sharing that"....................gotta love them.............I always say  "want an honest answer...........ask a kid"............hugs girlfriend.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    Leah............your probably right................this probably is a prelude to a garment..................after doing this crap for 3 weeks, pulling on a sleeve may seem like a walk in the wait.......................that means pulling this thing which is probably 3 sizes smaller then my arm up to my shoulder...............................OK, NOW I  WLL PROBABLY NEED A GOOD DENTIST TO HELP WITH THE TEETH I KNOCK OUT WHEN MY ARTHRITIC HAND SLIPS OFF THE GARMENT TRYING TO PULL IT ON................Well let me get on to doing what I love the most...........................hugs from the Happy Wrapper...............Wink
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Ducky, sometimes when you wrap, the action of wrapping will push some of the fluid down into your hand .  Are you wrapping from the fingers up or the wrist up?  Yeah I get you with the 'bat wing' here they are called chicken  Glad your skin has held up well with the rads.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    I have mild LE too and can't decide if I am doing something wrong or just lucky. No one ever suggested the wrapping and no one ever told me what % of increase my LE arm has. Instead, I recognized I had it after radiation this time and asked to see the LE physiotherapist in this area. She did some massage, recommended a book and ordered a gauntlet sleeve.  I wear the sleeve for exercising (like mowing the lawn) or flying (that was last year) or sometimes when my beautiful baby granddaughter spends the day. It's been a couple of years and while the whole thing is really annoying, it no longer fills me with panic.

    The book is "Lymphedema: a Breast Cancer Patient's Guide to Prevention and Healing" by Jeannie Burt and Gwen White. published by Hunter House Publishers in Alameda, CA. One of the writers is a physiotherapist and the other has had lymphedema. It gives exercises and information so that I am in the driver's seat on this - something really important to me.  If my arm swells up a bit after having the baby for the day, that's OK.  She is well worth it.