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For Older People with Sense



  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Rohanna....welcome. I think you'll like it here.

    Just got in the house, its almost 10pm, just about dark. It will be the longest day in a week.

    I've been outside with one of my cows who decided to start calving at 3 this afternoon. I let her alone until nearly 6, then because there didn't seem to be any progress, decided to take a look... OMG the calf was coming backwards, that was the delay. I could only feel about 9" of back leg. No job for me nowadays, so called out the vet. I have a vacuum 'thingy' that is held on the cows back end, and suctions the calf out....but... cannot hold this up , its too heavy for me now, and I can't stand upright for more than 5 mins. anyway ! Vet brought his own suction thing...(all these years, and I don't know the exact name of this ) and gradually got the calf out. The mother was bellowing blue murder, all the other cows were crowding round wondering what we were doing. It was a lovely sight when the calf plopped out onto the grass, and about 20 cows all started to lick was soon dry ! I asked the vet. to help me move the mother and calf into a straw yard for tonight, she had had a rough birth, and the other cows were quite likely to have wandered off with the baby, intent on 'mothering' it, then lost interest, dumped the baby, and the proper mother might not have taken it back. The mother must be feeling sore now, so it gives her time to recover without being hassled by the rest of the herd. 

    I actually kept my dental appointment this afternoon, just had some impressions not too bad. The dentists surgery is upstairs, I came down after my treatment, with my notes, and reception was empty. As I'd been asked to make a further appointment I waited...and I waited, and I waited... quarter of an hour. I had knocked on the counter 3 times, the receptionist was on the 'phone chattering away to what sounded like a friend, so in the end, I slammed my notes down , slammed the doors and went to my car ! When I got back there was a very long, very profuse, apology on my answer machine. I shall ring her back in the morning and play merry hell with her, then I shall complain to the dentist when I next go. I was trying to get back to my calving cow, and I could have been back with the cow quarter of an hour earlier had it not been for this chattering girl !!

    I smell ever so slightly of cow right now !! But I needed a quick bite to eat before I go and get in the shower. Its an early night for me tonight, and I bet I shall sleep right thru' . Just finished a cheese and tomato sandwich, followed by a lump of Christmas cake....what a mix up !


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Wow, Isabella, calving? I am glad you had the vet in. Don't know that I could do that. Kinda squeamish about stuff like that.

    Leah, great news on having some $ in your pocket after the retail excursion! They say that pigs fly sometimes.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Rohanna - glad you found us, we are a little out there sometimes but we are a loving group and are here to give you love, encouragement and support and maybe a laugh every now and then.  Just jump in and let us know what is on your mind or going on with your treatment.  Feel free to ask anything and someone, or several someones, will be along to answer you.  

    Isabella - glad the new calf finally got out.  How is mamma doing after the rought delivery?  Would have loved to be there but I am afraid like you I am in no shape to do that anymore.

    Leah - Wow shopping with a teenage girl and come home with money!?!?! What a fantastic feat.  Hope you enjoyed being with your daughter, that is what makes pricelsss memories.

    Okay everyone CHEER - the TAXES ARE DONE!!!  With the help of DH today we got everything finished and the return is in the mail!  Now I can get back to some things that are important to me.  YEAH!!!!!!! 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey ladies, just stopping by. Isabella; im so glad the calf and its momma are ok. we're none of us up to calving, i'm afraid...

     im doing as well as i decide to do, on any given day. back to the dermo; for sure. the antis failed as i knew they would, and i look like i have chiken pox! delightful!!!

      waiting for the blood cultures, i told this new IDC i need to be well the last wk of sept!!! im still in bed most of the day, dozing, now up with a flash or two by 2-3 am. i hate this scheduale! it now feels like i haven't a life.. but, maybe when i get better, that will change, also.  

      Amy jo; how's the pain doing? the 2 patches still serving you well? Chrissy, i will talk soon to you..

      lastly, welcome to Rohanna.. you've found yourself in the midst of some wonderful, loving ladies...well done. it gets much better when treatment starts, and yes, the h***ll  is waiting......3jays

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Welcome Rohanna--you've come to a very good place on this forum and we're glad you found it.  The ladies here are a wonderfully supportive group and you'll like it here. 

    Well Isabella, look what you did.  You made it through a dental appointment and you did just fine! And came home to help deliver a calf, too.  I'm glad the vet was able to get there and use his contraption and hope the cow and calf are doing nicely now!  

    Leah, that's a miracle in itself, shopping with a 17 year old girl and coming home with money.

    3jays, do hope this new IDC dr can help you and that things get better a long time before September.  


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Rohanna and welcome!!!  Hope you like it here with us!  Jump into the conversation any time you like, you'll find we are a good bunch of women who really like to support each other in any way possible.

    Isabella good for you about going to the dentist....three cheers!!!!!  Well, you deserve it!!!  One cow calved and one to go!  I hate it when the animals have difficult births having had two of my own, I really feel for them.  At least the calf is fit and healthy and it's good that mama will be ok as well.

    Barbe, the bird are truly growing at a very rapid rate....they will be fledged before we know it! Thanks for keeping us updated on their progress...its great!

    3jays.....yay!!!!! Finally a doc who is actually listening to you!.....and what's better is agreeing with you.......oh my! Dr. 3jays!  Hope you get better soon and those tests give some answers.

    Lynda, I'm sure I've embarrassed my GS's on occasion with the number of photographs I've taken but take them while you can because as they become teenagers all you tend to get is funny faces!!!

    Phyllis I'm so pleased that you have found a PS that sounds perfect for you.....good on you for your perseverance!  At least now you have all the information and can make your decisions accordingly.

    Leah I think you have made history!!!!  Shopping with a teenage girl and coming home with money in your wallet...... it's a feat to be proud of!!!

    Well girls, I had the MOH surgery this morning and I must say I am a sight to  I have a feeling I look a little like Van Gogh with the bandaged  It feels like she did a mini face lift as she took a flap of skin from the edge of my cheek next to my ear and flipped it around to do the repair....a bit like a latflap but oh so much smaller!!!! But still a graft so hoping it takes as there is always a possibility that it wont.........wah!.....The down side is, that for the next week I'm not allowed to get the dressing wet or the graft will definitely not take so that means no hair washing.....UGH!!!!....I'm going to feel like a right grott!!!!!   Maybe I'll try some of that dry shampoo and see if that makes it feel any better.  Taking it easy this afternoon at my DD1's and I'm heading home tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is having a good day!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154

    Wow! Thank you so much for the warm welcome! I'm in my 3rd week of rads and today was the first day I felt like the Titanic hit me. My onc decided to do rads and Femara first and then we'll discuss chemo. Seems like this treatment is backward from everyone else's so I hope he knows what he's doing.

    Isabella, so cool about the new calf. I grew up on a farm and loved it during birthing season! Especially the foals and and baby pigs. I live in the city now but Mom still has the farm and raises boar goats. I try to be there when the kids are born. We delivered one during a snowstorm! She's 82 and a 7 yr. BC survivor, but she never slows down. This week she's feeding a nest of baby wrens who lost their mother. I hope your dental work goes well. Make the dentist give you LOTS of lovely nitrous oxide!

    Again, thank you so much for welcoming me to this wonderful group of TaTa Warriors. Hope everyone has good results this week.Cool

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{CHRISSY}}} Hugs pal. 3jays, I HOPE so much they finally get to the bottom of this and get you on the road to recovery! (((AMYJO)))) Woot woot! All done with the pesky taxes! Rohanna, rads really tired me out also. It was like I had narcolepsy. I could fall asleep at the drop of a hat. Standing up, sitting down, you name it. So I just gave in and napped. I only needed maybe 15 minutes but one time I lay down at 5PM and woke up at 6AM. Whew.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Okay, I give. Chrissy, what is MOH? I know you had a procedure, but those initials don't match what I thought you were having done......

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Barbe I'm not sure what they actually stand for....I did but I've  but the procedure is take what is visible to the naked eye, test is path for glear margins, if not clear do it again until margins are clear  (can take up to 4 times but she got it first go) then do a repair.  They do the repair by stitch, so long as the wound is not big, by skin flap if the wound is bigger and there is enough skin available in he same area to stretch and cover the wound or by skin graft if there is not enough skin available to stretch.  The repair must be almost invisible once healed.  I have had this done on my nose, temple, forehead neck and now ear.........I am a perfect patchwork thank goodness she is very good at what she does and my scars are almost invisible unless pointed out.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Wow!! Now do they have to go deep to get the basal cell or is it superficial? Does it look more like a burn?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Some are deeper than others.  The one on my nose was a deep one and took a fair amount of repair I had a hole on my nose the size of your thumb nail......scary to see it before repair........but after, with a little derma abraision after healing and time to completely settle, you can't see the scar unless you look very carefully and then it is a white line as fine as a hair.  On my ear, she's had to trim the grissle for a neat repair and providing the graft takes, with time, there will be very little to see there as well but the healing process can be a bit yuck.  They vary in looks, but most look like a red area that had flaky skin on it and it gets itchy and sore and seems to spread out over the surface but goes deeper into the dermis but they don't invade.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Joyce, I'm loving my new stove!  I keep trying to remember all my recipes so I can cook heaps but unfortunately, there is only DH and I at home and two people can only eat so can't wait until the kids and grand kids come home to stay for a few days so I can really give it a good try  

    thanks for the healing wishes!

    Hope you have a good day at work.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Good thing it's winter for you, you'd have to stay out of the sun I'd guess. Better to be inside cooking anyway!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Barbe, I try to avoid the sun like the and that's not easy to do in a country that has plenty of sunshine so I tend to be an indoors girl and only outside once the sun has lost it's sting ie late fternoon or very early in the morning.   And you're right about staying indoor and cooking  that's a pretty good past time for

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Dear Sensible ladies....................I'M DONE RADIATION.................................Smile...............what an emotional dry eyes................even the techs were crying........I got very close to them during this time...............My kids were there and they video'd the whole Bell Ringing..................All the people at the Breast center came ;out of their offices, and were clapping, and banging plastic hands that made noise....................patient's waiting for their Rads were clapping was overwhelming

    I bought them donuts for breakfast and a hoagie tray for lunch...................they were so appreciative................I will never forget the techs.........they were entire experience with the Breast Center from beginning till now has been fantastic..such caring people...............I'm so blessed.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Woot woot! Congrats Ducky!!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Thank you Barbara for all your is each other of us that gets us all through the bad days, so we hve to shave the good.......................

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    sorry Barb that was share..............................typing with my LE wraps on is a little challanging.................anyway thanks again.Wink
  • MinusLboob
    MinusLboob Member Posts: 1

    MostlyMom, hope your feeling more chipper these days - w/ steroids & anti-anxiety meds, you should get so medded up you will feel straight! Im going to find Hydrogen Boost as recommended from a different string here somewhere. Just finished 6 mos. of chemo now 6 months of just 1 med ev 3 wks. Different side effects after ea treatment is quite the adventure on top of sporadically having to leave work & wondering which bill will have to wait this month. Guess we need to embrace the tests and keep the grace & strength of mind at all costs! peace & strength to 2U

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Duckyb--congratulations!  What a wonderful day for you.  Your techs sound great--glad you're through it!

    Lynda (Dragon)

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Thanks Lynda.....................they were wonderful..............I will miss them, although I have LE, and go right near the Rads dept for treatment for LE, so will stop to say hello when I'm there..................A couple missed m;y bell ringing since theywere off, so I told the girls I will make them a Sour Cream Pound CAke and bring it in for the people who missed the donuts and hoagie tray.....................thanks again.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Things have been a little busy on here the last day.  Took me a while to catch up.

    Cherie - thanks for asking about the pain.  They have upped my to a 50 mcg/hr patch that I change every 48 hrs.  It has helped a lot and I only have occarrional break through pain that requires me to take the hydromorphone.  The onco thinks some of the pain in the joints of my hands is from arthritis and some if a SE from the Femara and Aredia and the pain in my feet is from the Femara and Aredia.  We talked about changing my treatment, but I do not want to stop what is working so well for now for something that may had worse SEs so we will keep things as they are and control the pain.  When the Femara and Aredia stop working then we will move on to something else.    I hope you are  getting closer to finding out where the MRSA is originating so that it can be cleared up.  I am so excited about seeing you in Sept. so we have to get you well.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    For Konakat
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Rest in Peace, Elizabeth.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Ducky, pleased you're done with rads...its been a long slog for you.

    Raining cats and dogs here, really tropical downpours on and off all complaints from me, the garden needs it badly.

    I'm having a hot flash episode....have been in the shower 3 times , and once in the bath for a long soak, all in the last 24 hours. Am told its Arimidex !!! I need to catch up with Arimidex and kick its backside. Its given me Osteopenia,calf and thigh cramps, killed my teeth, and I blame it for just abour every other thing I have passing thru' my body! If it weren't so cold I would be standing outside in my next to nothings now, enjoying this heavy rain. Anything to take the sweats away ! I've only been out of the shower a couple of hours, and I can feel sweat oozing up into my hair, and trickling down into my eyes, and down my back. I'm supposed to be watching out for an eclipse of the moon. It is going to turn red for an hour about now, but won't be able to see a thing with sweat running into my eyes, and with this weather.....too cloudy.

    Tomorrow is my next appointment with my psychotherapist...I am going to make it my last if I can pluck up the courage to tell her. We are both wasting one anothers time, I can't ever see her helping me. She has sent me some short video's to watch, and to watch repeatedly she tells me, of people having injections. This is only making me worse, but she tells me if I watch it long enough, I will feel easier about it, thus allowing myself to be given jabs without a care in the world !...... Sorry, won't work like this for me, lady !!

    AmyJo, I hope you can continue to keep your pain at bay with the sort out you've had with your dr. There's nothing so wearing as bad pain.

    I'm just starting with another flare with my fibromyalgia...its been building up 2 days now. Can always tell when its going to flare...but...I can't get any stronger pain I am told. My GP is retiring this next week, so am hoping to be able to see if another dr will be able to help me out....what I will do now is just get my head down and go back to bed 'til it passes. .....I have to keep getting up to let dogs in and out, and feed various small furry things, but if I can get laid in bed listening to the radio, and relax a while, it will pass me by quicker than if I get up and try to do something. 

    Right, I really have to go jump in the shower washer will be doing overtime tomorrow, it's not just my clothes, but my bed linen too that has to be washed when I get like this.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    just feeling sad for konakat, and my sister, tonight. am so glad they are out of their pain, and i know my pain at losing them will pass. i guess i just stopped by to get reassurance, that indeed, our lives continue on.....3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    3jays, we all mourn the loss of konakat she was truly an amazing woman who touched many hearts and her humour and ability to make us all laugh even when we don't want to will be sorely missed.   ((((((Hugs)))))))

    YAY DUCKY!!!!!  You did it!!!!!! Sounds like you had a great finish rads fan fare party with all the staff.  It's really nice to know that they actually care about the people they deal with.

    Amyjo it's good to hear that your doc has upped your pain meds and you are getting more relief....there is nothing worse than unresolved pain.

    Alyson love the cat angel for KK  It is so apt.

    Oh Isabella I can so relate to the Arimidex hot flush!!!!!  They truly are the pits!!!!  Thank goodness I'm now on Femara and the flushes are not nearly so bad!  Sounds to me like you are having a tropical downpour out doors and  Take care and rest until the fibromyalgia passes.

    Well I'm finally home until next Wednesday and then it's back to the city Hopefully the graft will have taken so the stitches can be taken out and then it will just be a matter of time to heal.

    Take care all !

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Thanks Crissy was heartwarming.................we all shed a tear, but they were happy tears.............honestly I will miss them all............they were is a very emotional time................However glad that portion is over..............hugs.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Isabella, I don't get it. You can shove your arm up a cow's vagina, but you can't take a needle. Think sister!!! You have a wire crossed somewhere. UNCROSS it!!!!! hehehehehehhhehe

    Chrissy, glad it's all healing. That all happened kind of quick didn't it? It seems to have gone so fast (for me anyway!)

    Ding dong, ducky!!! The rads is dead!