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For Older People with Sense



  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Crissy..........LE specialist wraps (and so do I) from the knuckles up........she said the other day "your hand is a little swollen, but I don't want to "finger wrap" right now.........Let's see how it goes............She wraps the fingers, and I have to do ELMO................they will have to evacuate the whole town when I start, or risk scarring their children for life...................Windows closed my neighbor said to me this morning.....................were you ok last night........I thought I heard commotion coming from your house...........................I said ........................No, I must have had the TV too loud...............................She knew I was lying.................Oh well, let me get to my wrapping...........................hugs.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Lassie, mine is also mild and I'm about to get my first sleeve as it has progressed down my arm to the wrist so it's time.  I have managed with out a sleeve until now by doing masage but because I had problems with my other arm an couldn't do the masage religiously over the last two years, I now have to pay the price.  I'm hoping that the sleeve will bring it back into control again.  All babies are well worth a bit of a sore arm!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Ducky, hopefully the swelling in the hand will settle and you won't have to wrap the fingers as well....I'm hoping for you!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • I have a gardening question....posted on the other thread and asked also....I bet you would know, Isabella.  My hollyhocks have some sort of disease or bugs....I had Tim get Sevin for me, but as I was dusting the leaves thought, I bet this isn't bugs at all....the leaves have these yellow raised spots all over them that almost look like warts.  I will take a pic later.  They are nice and tall and the blooms are lovely, but something is infecting the leaves.   

  • Just read a little upward on this page.....I have a sleeve and always wear it when I fly...if I do get any swelling it is slight and my watchband cuts it off so it has never gone into my hand.  I probably should be wearing my sleeve now since I normally do when I am working in the yard, but today I am trying to get a tan.  My swelling always goes to this pouch I have under my arm which could pass for a small breast....thank you crummy PS for not fixing that place as you said you would. 

  • Can you tell me what is going on with the leaves from these pic s....disease, bugs?  They are like little yellow bumps.
  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Rust, Marybe, Rust !! Answered you on Barbs thread.

    Have had a very enlightening w/end. Hypnotherapist could NOT hypnotise me, as I thought !! He came Sat. evening, and tried 4 times. In the end, fourth attempt, I felt sorry for him and pretended to be hypnotised !!! Damned stupid I know, but he looked as if he was going to take up residence so determined was he to win me !!!  I just played along, shut my eyes, pretended my eyelids would not open and my wrist was 'oh, so heavy' He nattered on and on , must say he HAD a hypnotists voice....very mesmerising, and wow, he looked the part. He was a very small man, like a mad professor, loads of long curly hair around his head, but most of the top of his head was bald and shiny ! The stupid thing was he was going on and on ( while I was 'out' ) about 'being a better person, seeing good in everything, taking time to 'smell the roses' and I would overcome my fear. Never once referred to needles. When I 'woke up' he said I would NOT remember anything at all what he had said to me, and I would go 'hop, skip and jump' into the dentists, and have my treatment !!! I thought  Yeeeeessss. Then, the killer, he said he would come back tonight, and hypnotise me again to 'consolidate' his work.

    OMG I was NOT pleased, but could not think quickly of a way out !! It spoilt my evening as I had planned to watch a big motor race on TV. He turned up at 5pm, and started his 'Look into my eyes ' routine...then he started counting from 1 to 10, clicked his fingers, and I was 'off '....  NOT.  I didn't do any letting him 'try' to hypnotise me, I just pretended again, straight off... I wanted to watch my car racing......he told me he thought I was going to be a difficult subject, I thought...'If only you knew, mate'  I was mad at having to pay him for 2 sessions, neither of which were of the slightest bit of help to me....but I knew, no way would he have the slightest chance of hypnotising me. Now he is asking me to let him know next time I go to the dentist, he will meet me there, and put me out, so I won't even remember the dentists face..ha ha.  He will be the LAST person I tell about my next dental appointment.

    I did manage to see the car racing...the Canadian Grand Prix, as the race was held up with torrential rain, so just as I dashed in to watch what I thought would be the end of the race I managed to get just about all of it....which made me feel better !

    We are having torrential rain here, its been lashing down all day, but I am not complaining, the garden and the crops desperately need it. Just hope it will subside a little tomorrow, I am off to town for the day...some of the sales are I'm off to hobble around for as long as I can, and maybe treat myself to a coffee and cupcake to make me forget about my hypnotic w/end. Its my own fault, I should have taken more time, and chosen more carefully, I had heard good reports about this man, but he wasn't any good for me...nor my bank balance ! 

    Just off for a nice shower now, and some bedtime TV.


  • Isabella,  Listen to the sound of my voice....You are getting sleepy.  Loved your post as I am sure everyone did and we all love you, even if you are a difficult subject. 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Isabella - I am a difficult (impossible) subject when it comes to hypnotist.  I have found I get better results at calming my fear of the dentist if I just concentrate on breathing slowly and evenly.  Seems to keep my mind occupied and the fear doesn't seem to take control of me so easily.  I am a control freak as I want to alway be in control of myself.  Thar'll be $$$$$ No Charge my friend.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey girls, thank you ALL so much for the prayers..and yes, amy jo; either name i go by, God knows!!! i believe He's watching out for me....

        so, went to the CDC dr. at cleveland clinic; they gave me an appt for the NEXT DAY!!!when i told the nurse how long we've been "fussying "with this. it was all good.. he read all the reports, and said the tx im getting NOW is ok..just ok; but he ordered like 14 blood cultures, and .... the vit d; b12; and thyroid tests ive been asking for , and all the drs. have been poo pooing... he said.. you're in the right place now, and by the way, you've been right on target with what you've been asking for...

      he's a young dr. out of Zurich, and really nice. he said he will get to the bottom of it. he'll disregard anything that was surgical, cause you can get that in a hospityal; but SOMEWHERE in your body is the mother load that they haven't found yet. all the txs do is beat it back, and it returns... i told him that as a secondary cause, the coroner found a"unspecified" Mrsa infection to worsen her health. my BIL didn't want an autopsy, (i don't blame him) so we'll never know where HERS was. we will, however, find out where mine is.

       a friend of our s had the same thing happening, and it was a little nodule in his lung; a little pocket of infection.. they had to remove part of his lung to finally get rid of it.

       i already made them scan my lungs, bc of that. this dr. seems to think its in the blood metabolism, and can be sorted out quickly, if thats' where it is , with iv antibiotics..

       Isabella, thats' why i prefer the hospital. i had the machine for ivs' at home, and they're too dam scarey! but, we'll see.... again, thank you all so much for the prayers, and Barbara, if Marty has a straght line to G_d; tell him to ask him to show us where we're missing!   love to all who are waiting for scans, and anxious.....    3jays

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Good to hear from you 3jays! I was hoping you were being analyzed. It'll be interesting to see what your cultures come back with! Your sister had MRSA too??? Where did she pick it up??? This is getting are on the leading edge of technology changing. If they can find the source in you and remove it.....hmmm. I think of it like bagging a bee hive!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Cherie - so glad you have found a dr that listens and knows his stuff.  Praying between you and the dr. that the source of the MRSA will be found and gotten rid of.  We want you as health as possible for the trip to Shell Knob.  

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    3Jays, so glad you had all those tests done.  That Dr. sounds great.  Hoping for a full recovery now that somebody is doing the right thing.  Isabella, your posts are always great but this one about the hypnotist has me howling!  It is so funny.  I once had a hypnotist session and ended up doing the same thing!  The guy just drove me nuts with his slooooooowwww talking.  And he also sneezed at one point! 

    Had a dream  last night that I was helping a very elderly woman to her car and a bunch of teenagers were just standing there not helping.  I gave them a piece of my mind.  It was, evidently, the last piece as I then woke up.  I hate rude teenagers and enjoy yelling at them when they do something sassy.  Just one of the great benefits of being "older," shall we say!

    GS graduating from kindergarten today and I will be there of course, to make a fool of myself taking pictures!  It's always the grannies who do that sort of thing!

    Love to all,

    Lynda, (Dragon)

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Grannies can get away with a bit more, I love it!!!

    Recently when my son was over with his wife and son (3 months old!) we were on the back deck and George got a little fussy. We live in a "lifestyle" community (over 50) and I had to laugh as I knew every grandma in hearing distance just raised her radar at the baby sounds...ehehehheheee

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Barbe, do they call it a "lifestyle" cimmunity because only the life of someone over 50 has any style?


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    No, because there is no baseball diamond or basketball hoops...

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Here's a baby dove update. You can only see one because Mr. Piggy in the front is puffed up to scare me away:

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    How cute. Papa dove protecting.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Barb - I think Mr. Piggy is one of the babie that eats a lot and wants to be sure one of the parents comes back to feed him! 

    Barbe and Leah you both are too funny. 

  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105

    Well, my new PS is a dream compared to the first dweeb!  My appointment lasted 2 hrs.  He was with me for about an hour and then the rest of the time I was with the office manager who showed me before and after photos, showed me implants and filled out the paperwork and consent forms.  I had told him I was interested in diep flap.  He said he did them when he was at John Hopkins and in Texas, and he did one or two in Michigan, but he said the hospitals here have not invested in the right equipment and he won't do them until they make the investment because he doesn't want to do a bad job!  He does do Tram and other flap surgeries, but his concern for me was that because I have heart issues, the 12 hours of surgery might be too much for me.  And because there are still possible issues due to the tests I have yet to come, he said we would put that as the plan B.  He said he can give me a very nice result with implants.  He actually had already talked with my BS and believes the BMX is the right choice for me.  Not once did he bring up my weight.  He took the time to get my pathology report too. A day and night difference!  I feel 100 times better!

    Now for the tests from Friday's message. The blood tests show abnormalities that might indicate that there is disease in the bones. It could be that the cancer has spread to them, or it could be arthritis. I have a bone scan scheduled for tomorrow. I beginning to think that abnormal is my normal! So with the bone scan tomorrow, and the auxilliary lymph node biopsy on Friday, I hope the testing will be done -- at least for a while. The current game plan is to get the surgery scheduled -- get an OR for 6 to 8 hrs and coordinate the BS and PS schedules for a BMX with TE. Keep your fingers crossed that the scans and biopsies are ok and they can proceed. I just want to get moving on this -- stop waiting and start heeling! What ever comes, comes and I will deal with it as I cross each step. I know the road to recovery is long and I admire each and every one of you for your strength and how you support each other through every step.  I guess I can say we???? I hope that I can be of some support to each of you as you continue through your journeys. So thank you for letting me rant on -- I am at the beginning of all of this.  I haven't had the time today to read all of the new posts, but will later tonight or tomorrow.  It is going to be another long day tomorrow. 


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Phyllis, your new PS sounds like a winner for you.  Sounds very conscientious and caring.  It's impressive that he's concerned about all your issues in addition to your breasts, and I liked that he'd already talked with your BS and got the pathology.  And you like him, whiich is most important.  From your enthusiasm about him is your post, he sounds like a good choice for you, someone with whom you'll work well.

    After this week, hopefully you'll be on to the scheduling for the surgery and actually move forward.  I know the waiting, this in-between time, is the hardest time of all.  Your ILC is currently thought to be <1 cm, and that's very, very small, so chances are greatly in your favor that the cancer has not yet spread.  I'll be pulling for nothing or "just" the arthritis, and you're in my prayers for tomorrow.  Also for that lymph node biopsy on Friday.  This too shall pass.  Thinking of you and your daughters,


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Phyllis - My prayers are with you. You are at the begining where everything will move at seemingly whirlwind speed and you may feel at times like you are being swept away to a horrible unknown, this will be normal feelings and know that we are all here to listen to whatever 'ranting' you want or need to do.  Know that you will always find love, encouragement and support here.  When you are ready, sad to say ther will be another new victim to this world of cancer and you will be here t give her love, encouragement, support and advice from your experiences.  In the meantime, we are all here for you. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    phyllis, so glad you got in with a decent PS.  praying for you.  Lynda

  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154
    Hi, Ladies! I'm 56 ( that qualifies as older) and have hardly any sense at all since I heard the word "malignant" back in March. But, can I hang out with y'all anyway?Smile
  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Welcome aboard Rohanna, most of us don't really have much sense but we are nice to folks. Ask anything you want to and someone will be able to help you during this very confusing time.

    Big hugs

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Welcome Rohanna. We are a little wacky but very loving. Phyllis, so glad you found a doctor whom you like. So important.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    That isn't the papa dove, that's one of the baby boys!!!!

    Phyllis, you said you hoped that someday you could help someone and you already have!!! Your guts to change doctors to find one that treats you with respect is a good lesson for everyone who reads your post. You done good! Laughing

    And Rohanna, it's just 'more' sense...doens't quantify it. Notice a lot of people DON'T post here. That tells you something, eh??? (In Canada, we don't just say 'eh' - we type it too!!)

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Rohanna, welcome.  Sorry about the diagnosis.  This is a very caring group and all have a variety of experiences that can help you.  Glad you found us.  Do you know yet what your treatment plan will be?  Everyone is pretty nuts after her diagnosis.  I was just angry and took it out on all the doctors and nurses.  They probably still remember me as "the cranky one!"  I really don't care though!  Love to you and best of luck in your journey.

    Lynda (Dragnoflymary)

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Wow, Barbe, he got big quick!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Rohanna, I'm glad you found us. Like I've said before, the amount of sense needed to qualify is - enough sense to come here.

    Phyllis, I am SO glad you've found a PS who is helping you the way you need and taking ALL of your health issues into consideration. I can understand his concern about the 12-hr operation if you have heart issues (this concern is the same for TRAM or DIEP, both very long surgeries). I very much hope your scans come back fine. I tell you, this disease has us giving such strange messages to our friends, like the one I'm giving you now - I hope it's arthritis.

    Well, here's this weeks amazing happening. I went shopping with my 17-yr-old DD yesterday and I actually came home with some money! Yes, ladies, you read it here, a miracle of the modern age.
