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For Older People with Sense



  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Thanks Barbe........................I'm just grateful I did so well............I had fantastic support, from the Rad staff, my family, and you guys on to try to deal with the LE, which thank God right now is mild...............will be wrapping as soon as I shut down the computer.....................hugs to you .

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Be careful ducky...the rad treatments are still going on in your body even though you are finished. Treat yourself well for a while longer until you know where you are at.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Barbe,............will do, as that is what my blue eyed, Mark (tech) told me to do......said it's not really over for a couple more that guy.

    Went to the LE specialist 1 hour ago, and she said I have done so well wrapping that in just 5 sessions I have reduced my arm enough to go into a compression garment.........she was shocked, and so was I...................good news for me.............hugs Barbe

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    ducky - Barbe is right about the rads still going on in your body. Take the number of days you were doing the rads, double it and that is approximately how long it will take to recover from the rads.  And that is just a rule of thumb, some take longer and some it is over sooner.  Take care of yourself and take the time to rest and take naps when you need them.

    Isabella - hope the hot flashes start to get better soon.  Are they giving you anything for them like Effexor (sp.) ?  Also hope the new GP you get will be able to give you something to help with the pain.  I know I am feeling a lot betther now that my pain is under control. {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}} 

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    ducky, I finished rads nine months ago.  I still have lumps, tenderness and occasional pain.  Not the terrible pain that some report but bad enough.  Saw my BS Tuesday.  He said I'm healing well but it will be at least another year until the effects of the rads all pass.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Well done Ducky, as others have said you must still take things easy.

    I must get to the gym - it is  a realeffort as my whole body is in agony. Joints are bad as is my back but I must exercise otherwise I will seize up completely. Sorry to be a moaner this morning but it is really getting at me and I have so little energy to do the things I want to do. I am off the a pain specialist in a couple of weeks but feel a bit sceptical about this. I really want to know why I am in pain not just how to control it. Once I know what the pain is I usually can deal with it. 

    Hope everyone is having a great day. At least it is Friday here so DH will be around to help over the weekend.

    Big hugs

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    I am so sad right now. I am mourning for Elizabeth (Konakat) and I am also mourning for a young man I know. He passed away yesterday from colon ca at the age of 36, leaving a wife and 5 children. I cannot describe how awful it was to hear a father eulogize his son, and then a 15-year-old boy eulogize his father. Then I came home to the news of KK's passing.

    I just keep crying.


  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Oh Leah, I'm sorry.  Funerals are so very hard to get through, or they are for me, but ths one sounds especially hard.  And then to hear about Konakat.  {{{Hugs}}} to you, my friend.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Leah - I have found it is easier to deal with a loss like your friend and Elizabeth if I try to remember all the good or funny thngs they did that had an impact on my life.  It is more uplifting to celebrate a life lived and to realize they are in a place of no more pain from thier cancer.   Remember we are all here for you and each other as we recall all that she gave to us on our own journey.  {{{{{HIGS}}}}} 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Angry today................................cancer is catching up to me.........................I'm so pissed at all the people who think breast cancer is "the good cancer", Son of a bitch............its cancer.............stop telling me how lucky I am, and realize even though I might look fine....................sometimes I feel like "shit"..........................Don't  ask me "how I feel"..........if you had 1/2 a brain ;you would know radiation isn't just a bad sunburn.........................its f/n getting fried while you don't even know it...........................Holy shit.........where's the Vodka.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    duckyb - It is okay to be angry sending you lots of (((((((((((gentle hugs)))))))))) and hope you find the Vodka.  Try to get lots of rest and do drink lots of ........water. Those two things will help you heal.  

    Words cannot express all the love, encouragement and support all my BCO sisters have given me since the start of my journey.  I love you all and so appreciate your just always being there for me and each other.

     Reposted this to other threads so all my sisters would know what I am feeling.

  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105

    Hi all!

    With so much sadness today, I have a little good news.  The bone scan came back negative for cancer, just the arthritis.  Thanks to everyone for their prayers.  Tomorrow I have the auxilliary node biopsy -- one more hurdle.  The surgery for BMX with TE is scheduled for July 21st.  So am going thru with plans to go on a small vacation with my kids first week of July.  We are going to spend 2 days at the Kalahari Resort in Sandusky, OH.  Anyone ever been there?  It will probably be busy, but it should be fun and Hannah is especially looking forward to going.  Alyssa has been there before with one of her friends, so the place was at her suggestion. Everything is booked!

    3jays, hugs to you -- I know you are dealing with so much.  Then Elizabeth's passing so close to your sister's --- a lot to deal with.  Your are in my prayers.

    Isabella - my brother also has an extreme phobia of needles.  He had a small surgery a while ago, and when he saw the needle, he almost arrested.  Now anytime he has to have anything done, they don't let him see the needle!  He recently had surgery for prostate cancer, so I guess that tactic has worked for him.  His dentist gives him laughing gas to relax him before giving him any shots.  I cannot imagine that making someone with a needle phobia watch hundreds of people being stuck by needles would be of any help --- well, it seems crazy to me.  Tell your therapist that maybe watching HER being stuck again and again might help!  Maybe she would understand then!Wink

    Chrissy - You mentioned you were having MOH -- Is that micro skin grafting for skin cancer?? Do you/did you also have skin cancer? Is it connected at all to your BC? So sorry that you have to go through that in addition to everything else. And yet you still are here for any of us that need a shoulder to cry on. You are an amazing woman. Do you know that travelling to Australia someday is on my bucket list? Seeing your pictures and how beautiful it is makes me what to get there! 

    Ducky, I know how you feel. Someone told me today she was jealous because I was going to get new perky boobs! If only she could be so lucky! Yell

    I get inspiration from a little 8 year old boy, Ryan, who lives across the street.  He has a rare form of brain cancer.  He has had 5 surgeries and mutliple courses of chemo.  he was diagnosed when he was 4 or 5.  He complains when his mom won't let him go outside or he can't go to school.  My Hannah has been a consistent friend of his since they moved here 2 years ago.  She has gone with him to spend the night at his Dad's house when no one else would.  He told her she is the only friend who will come over and play when he can't go outside. And she sticks by him even amongst the teasing she gets from other kids about their friendship.  He is a tough little guy and has been through so much.  When I am feeling bad about my stuff, I think of Ryan and his spirit and strength through all of the pain in his little body.  Surely, if he can get through this, so can I!

    Love you all and special prayers today for the loss of Elizabeth and those she left behind. 


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Awe are not alone in thinking a lot of people need to be educated about BC but unfortunately, unless you actually walk this road being fully educated is just not going to happen.  I do agree with you, it is very frustrating to be asked 'how are you' and after treatment be told 'now you can put it behind you'.  It is never put behind us as it will always be a part of us.........but we can make what I call an 'adjusted' life that includes BC.  I feel a little sorry for the people who give banalaties as they are the ones who are actually missing out......we, who have BC have been given an opportunity to really appreciate all the things around us and really make the most of them while they are still just floating through life and missing out on a whole lot of beauty.  I call them, 'the blinkered ones'.

    Hope you managed to find the vodka and it did the trick for you!!!

    Amyjo, (((((((((HUGS))))))))).  You are a special part of all of us too.  Isn't it amazing that we can gain such friendship and support from men and women we have never met face to face?  The true miracle of the bonds that bind us.

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Phyllis we   Wow!  great news on your scans....although arthritis is not good it's a whole lot better than BC.  So glad things are moving along for you and everything is now booked......doesn't it feel better knowing that everything is in place?  Hope you enjoy your small vacation prior to surgery.

    You asked about the MOH surgery and the answer is yes it is the micro grafting surgery as I have had many skin cancers removed from my face and neck over the years but they have only been BCC (basel cell carcinomas) not melanomas.  They are not related to BC in anyway only to skin damage done by the sun as a teenager.  I was like all teenagers back then, I wanted to be nice and brown but having very fair skin all I got was very now I pay the price for my foolhardiness in wanting to follow fashion.  That's life and hindsight is always 20/  My bucket list trip is coming up in September.....I'm coming to the USA for the get together at Uncle Bill's in Missouri! and yes I'm way excited about it...I can't wait!

    That little boy near you is such a strong little soul!!!  His DX sounds very similar to my god daughters little boy.....he was Dx'd when he was only a year old but he gets outside to play as often as possible.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    So pleased Phyllis, I know how relieved I felt when told it was only arthritis.

    Chrissy, don't I know about skin cancers - I grew up in an area where there is extra ultr-violet and I was red-headed with fair feckly skin. We could burn Aussies. I really do need to go and get some other spots checked. Have had several removed mostly bcc thankfully: one was something else nasty but not melanoma.

    Dh has a needle aversion but has managed to get through all his ops on his heart etc, not sure how as he can't watch any medical programme. At one time he had to give himself injections everyday and wasn't sure how he would cope. They sent in two young pretty nurses to show him how and he said he wasn't going to be a sissy in front of them.But he still hates it and can't watch.

    I suppose I had better get something made for dinner, nothing flash tonight just lamb steaks and vegetables. DD and I are trying to cut wheat out of our diets IBS problems. Hers is severe - she has had it since a baby - the main problem is lactose. She is being very strict and will begin to reintroduce different foods in about a week to see what really upsets her system. I am just trying to limit things I know cause problem. Yesterday I had a chocolate brownie and cream and oh boy that was not good but I knew what had caused it.

    Big hugs.

  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154
    Isabella, there is a cream called EMLA that can be rubbed on the site of the injection and it numbs down several layers. Then you don't feel the needle. Maybe you can ask a doctor if it's available in the UK. Wink
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Finally caught up on reading. Whew!

    Chrissy, the MOH I think is what my DD had last week. We were at the surgeons office for 4 1/2 hours with me taking care of the baby while DD was inside. She had to have it done three times. Her stitches came out yesterday and the incision area looks okay, the area next to it looks bad as she had a big reaction to the tape. Add in her black eye from it all and she is quite a sight. Now she has to go to the dermatologist every six months for the rest of her life. They told her that because she is young she is more likely to get more of this BCC. She is very fair and never layed out in the sun,,  I suppose I need to go get looked at myself now.

    Hohanna, welcome. This is a good place. 

    ThreeJays I will keep you in prayer for a good outcome. 

    I decided to be intentional abpout which threads I am reading. I have felt very sad with KK's passing, very sad. The only way for me to go on with my life is to not spend too much time in sadness. I cut my favorite threads down to 9 from about 18 and I think that will help.  My two "older lady" threads and my" starting chemo in August 2010" threads are my go to's every day.

    Love and hugs 


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Ginger it does indeed sound like what your DD had.  After the healing has completed you will hardly notice where she had it done even though at the moment it doesn't seem that way.  I've had five so far but I make sure I get regular skin checks as you never know.

    KK's passing has indeed affected all of us.  She was a beautiful person and she supported so many with her ability to pull us out of our selves.  She was a wealth of information and didn't mind sharing the worst of what she was feeling so we were informed.  Her stories and love of chocolate, cake and icecream have become legendary and will be referred to often by those who knew her.  Our consolation is that she is no longer in pain and discomfort.  May she rest in peace.

    Ginger, we all have to do what ever is needed to make ourselves feel better and if that means you lessen the number in your favourites then that is what you must do.  Life is way too short for us to be doing things we don't want to do.  Hoping your mood lifts soon.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Getting near bedtime here. We have been playing cards, at least the living room is nice and warm. I do enjoy an open fire.

    Ginger, like you I have a limited number of favourites but I do wander off to the main list every day or so to see what is happening in general, however your are right that dwelling in the sadness is sometimes not helpful. 

    Must go and find my evening tablets - its quite a handful these days.

    Sleep well Chrissy, you have sometime before its your bedtime while those on the East coast of North America are starting their Friday, ours is almost over.

    Big hugs

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Sleep well Alyson.  (((((hugs)))))


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hi ladies..still in bed.. LOTS; im following a few threads you ladies mentioned. ALLYSON: even though im not feeling well; i do get up and do a little excesize everyday; or i do very much cripple up:and the le worsens. I've been visiting the thread for KK too much; so i had to stop yesterday. its' all too much for me to handle...

       Chrissy, good to see you Gal! im so sorry the news has hit you so hard.

       we've all had our choc and ice cream; and now, all we can do is stand "in her place" to help all the newbies.. for me, i need to "lighten up" my mood more, before i'll be able to TRY to carry on whay she did here...hahaha

      getting a NEW set of drugs today; hope they willo getting sick and tired of being so sick and tired!!!   love to all...3jays

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    (((3JAYS))) sending major hugs your way pal.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    The second I heard of Elizabeth's passing I dropped all her threads. I didn't want to read all the pain as I had my own to deal with. I did go onto the Ottawa Citizen and posted in her obituary file, but then read John's 'good-bye' to her and lost it at work......

    About kids and cancer, I know this may sound harsh, but that's the only life they've known, so to them it's normal. To those of us who've been normal for 40,50+ years, being hit with it is life-altering. Think of kids in Africa with no shoes....they'd probably hate having their feet bound up all day, and yet to us, we feel bad about their you know what I mean? Our normal is not someone else's normal. Did I just make my explanation worse?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi you didn't make your explanation worse I understood it fully and I have to agree.  What we perceive as strength they treat as normal.

    How are you faring?  Hope you are doing well at the moment.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I have put myself on stress-leave from my job. I need to take this time to heal my heart and soul. I don't know if I mentioned this already on this thread, so I apologize if I am repeating. I find that I am forgetting many, many things lately and think my brain is just too full at this point. I even looked at some kind of cream in the shower yesterday and wondered where the heck it came from and what it was and how it had gotten there. A couple minutes later I remembered buying it last month.....very scary!!!!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    No you hadn't mentioned it but thank you for doing do now.  I think we can all relate to the forgetfulness side of things due to stress and I know you have way more than most. I sure hope your sabatacal from work will give you the chance to destress some.   ((((((Hugs))))))) to you girl as we all need them sometimes.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    Barbe - I hope the sunshine and some rest helps you.

    This week I have noticed several major slips of the mind. How stupid did I feel taking a pair of capris back to the store. I thought that I had been given the wrong size getting a second pair of the same kind (different colour). Nope. I took back a pair of last year's pants. The new ones, the right size, were hanging happily in my closet. At least they were last year's from the same store.

    It's hard for many of us.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{BARBE}}} Hugs for you, friend.