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For Older People with Sense



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    Lassie, I write notes to myself all the time then I lose them. Yell
  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Or forget to check the notes.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Or seeing, but not recognizing the note you wrote.

    Barbe, AJ, 3jays, Ducky, all, I hope you are feeling better, getting some relief & respite.

    My back went out yesterday for no apparent reason. Today is still not good. Today was blood tests for the heart doc next week; I'll be interested to see what Arimidex does to my already high cholesterol.

    Trying to figure out another train trip -- I mentioned on BarbA's thread that we took our dinner train trip around Mt. Shasta last weekend, and we got to ride & dine in a private car leased for the "tour" - it was fantastic, and I really do want to add some train travel plans to my life.

    Garden is doing well; DH is involved & so the water is on automatic; he has mulched with black fabric, and it won't be a lot of work.  He also surprised me last weekend by presenting me with handmade invitations to my bday party next month, here.  Supposedly not much work for me (we'll see -- I was hoping for a helicopter ride and dinner out with friends).  It's the first bday party for me in a half-century, so we'll see who comes... I can't fault him for the thought, and am just going to try to enjoy myself & not stress.  In a few weeks, You can remind me I said that.

    Treat of the week is we have Forest Service crews across the street -- it's national forest land -- doing some prescribed burning of underbrush & overgrowth (this will be a huge help to our forest health, and has been years in the planning, obstructed at every turn by attorneys for "the other side" for several years.  There're about 40 young men & women firefighters out there now, working hard and creating a fuel break for our town.  We are so happy to see them; and a few smokey days now is nothing compared to what a wildfire would be.  

    Have a good weekend all. I'm going to try to revitalize my back with a heat wrap, and work outside awhile.  

    KKs death touched me too; she was beloved by thousands of us. Too sad.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    L_C, so sorry about the back. Missed you!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hi guys, things just get more confusing as i go along, it seems... the new IDC CDC  dr doesn't want to see me. says he can't help me. thyroid came back hypER, he doesn't understand wth is going on, either.. he thinks Maybe?? my adrenals are being burned out... suggested another dr...endocrinologist.. so, off we go again.

       i have to get to the bottom of this, i feel like im just "wasting" away... but, my weight is growing, not going down as it would for the condition...very perplexing.. just will going to drs till someome "gets it"they all blame it on MS>>MS dr. says NO, its not...and the wheel turns...

       im getting really discouraged, but still have to keep on going. interestingly, dr. said my body shows no sign of infection, yet they cultured MRSA.. hes totally un much for the wiz from Zurich!!!

       hope all are well. Barbe...please take extra good care of yourself...        3jays

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    (((((((((((3jays))))))))))))))) I do hope things pan out soon for you. It must be so bad when even the docs don't seem to give you a clear answer. Did you ever imagine 20/30 years ago, when you were hellraising that you'd come to this !!!! I didn't.  I wasn't EVER going to get old.

    rohanna...Emla is my constant companion...I won't leave home without it, have it in all my bags, and car, so if I forget my bag there is always a supply in the car...Never had to call on it yet, but one day, you never know !!

    I have had a mystery appointment pop thru' my letterbox this morning, as if I didn't have enough visits to hospitals to contend with. I got an appointment to go and see a rheumatologist...first time it had been mentioned that I need a rheumy, at an obscure hospital miles from me. I haven't had time to turn around today, so didn't get round to ringing the hospital to ask what it is all about...NOT that they'll be able to give info. out over the 'phone, so I think I will probably be better writing to them for an answer. The girls that answer the 'phones all seem to be about 15, are bad mannered, and are instructed not to go into any details ! I like to get a nice 40/50 something lady, who will chat away, and look up things in your notes for you, but they cost much more money than the silly little airhead girls, so are few and far between. The last time I was queueing up at my hospital the 15 year old was busy playing games on the computer, and as soon as an older nurse or doctor came on the scene she hurriedly flicked back to her work !!

    I went back to my bed this morning. I got up, fed all dogs and cats, locked the doors and stayed there until 1pm. A good rest eased my fibro flare a little, and when I did get up I did very little...cancelled all I had planned to do, and just sat sorting out some papers....nothing to get me moving around.

    Barbe...a break from your job will do you good, take advantage of it and look after yourself while you can...I know we all feel we need to do something, but just now and the it helps to get that time out.

    Phyllis...Ryan sounds a little sweetie, and your DD is doing a fantastic job helping him. He must feel so isolated not being able to join in with the others.

    Well, I am just going to go outside and read the riot act to my dogs. The yapping has gone round and round, from one dog to another for over an hour now. All caused by one very noisy sheep dog that is here to stay for 3 she'd better shut up and get used to it !!!! She comes 3 times a year, and is always a noisy influence on everything else here. If I don't go outside and bellow at them all they could go on for hours ! Just me stepping outside and the floodlights going on at this time of night is usually all it takes to shut my own dogs up, but the boarders are not used to my routine. Next line is go outside and pick up very big yard brush and slam it on an empty kennel front. That always works ! Especially if I am woken from my bed at 2-3 am. by persistent yapping. Good job I have no neighbours !! I'd be a very good floor show....especially in my usually tatty pj's. I wear anything and everything, and have long since given up on matching a pair up. I have 2 drawers full of brand new pj's 'ready to go into hospital' !! I sort of overdosed on buying them all last year, fully expecting to be getting the call to go in. I just could not walk past pj's in the shops, and now they're all sat there in neat little piles in the drawers, and I look like a tramp wearing up all the old ones. 


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    lassie - I now use my iPad to keep track of everthing.  My DH says it is my brain.  

    3jays - hope you are feeling better and that soon there will be a doctor that will get it and find the source of the MRSA.  I know you must be so frustrated with all of this.  {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}} my friend.

    Chrissy - I am always amazed at the deep friendship we develope here with each other.  It is the only good thing about having BC.  I love you my friend and will be so glad to see you in Sept.

    L_C - Sorry to hear about you back, hope it gets to feeling better soon.

    Isabella - you are so funny in your descriptions of your life on the farm.  Stop saving the new pjs for the hospital and start wearing them.  It makes me feel good to have on pretty pjs for no special reason.

     Barbe - you have a valid point about the children.

    BarbA - How are you doing sweetie?  I know you have a lot of stress with your job lately.  Take care of yourself. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Saw this on the way home from the store today..

    I did take the time to stop and smell them, and

    take a picture..hugs everyone

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Hugs Lisa and a thank you for another beautiful rose.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Haha, Isabella I bought a bunch of house coats. Knit fabric, zip front, flattering colors. My DD was helping me in my closet and wanted to know why I had some many robes? Same explanation as you, take the purple one, if I wear it I will have to wash it and then the color will fade and not look so pretty anymore.

    3Jays. maybe the endcronologist will solve the puzzle for you.  Will you MS Doc teleconference with others? Maybe two heads and all that....

     I am a June birthday and love pictures of roses and floral prints and floral fabric prints all with roses.

    Please tell us all more about your train travel. I love the TV shows about train travel in europe and asia. Always sortof mysterious and a grand adventure. 

    My husband has a face infection from a little shaving cut. He was sort of hiding his face from me, turns his head and viola he looks like he hasa golf ball in his cheek. He is now on Keflex and they say the lab results will be back onMonday either strep or staph. I am worried for him to touch anything in thehouse as I want neither of those bugs on me!  He had a similar infection on his lip a few months ago, I hope there is no connection. He is overweight but otherwise has been healthy. I am worried if he got sick what on earth we would do. Getting older has its pleasures b ut not illness. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    i was  posting, and i lost it all.. i know about the pjs. i have a bag already packed, and ready, but noones' been interested enough to put me in!! i wear one okld top, and any bottoms. its' so hot here, they;re torn up; but cool...

        Gingerbrew, thanks for the explanation in FB i can't figure out whos' who anymore...

       be sure you dont use any common towels or wash  cloths of your DH, and wash alone in hot   hot water. thats our recent outbreak started. i got folliculitis, murs turned to MRSA, cause he picked it. i bleached the bath well, and am still washing everything, sheets, and all.

       hope you all have a great wkend......3jays

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Oh dear 3jays!! I didn't realize even Murs has MRSA!!? Do the docs know that too? Maybe you guys area just passing it back and forth like a yeast infection....? An endo might do you some good. So friggin' frustrating, eh? I've had 2 back surgeons refuse to operate on me because they both say they can't guarantee they'll make me pain free!! I say that any relief is better, but I guess they want to bat only 100% and they dropped me.

    Amyjo, you made me smile about your brain...I can't wait to see your brain at the cabin! heheheheehh

    Isabella, if you wear old jammies, what do you dust and do scrub washes with? Your new ones? I know what you mean though, old jammies are SO much softer than new ones. Why not just wash the new ones a bunch of times, then the seams won't be so stiff. The rheumatologist would be for your FM. Take the appointment!! Get some drugs that will keep you moving. I have to, otherwise I stay in bed and then I get depressed and don't want to get OUT of bed.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Flannel Jammies - my old ones are like gauze and are for summer. New ones are delish in winter.

    Well rats, this incarnation for a post doesn't have a cursor showing, so I have no idea where I am...

    3Jays, (( )) I'm sending best thoughts to you!

    Losing the computer was a virtual lobotomy. Yikes.  I think DH has me about back together, and better than ever. Anxious, but that's how these things go...

    Ginger, the train trip was great fun. This particular tour started in the Bay area on Friday; and passengers could board at various spots along the route including Sacramento & Chico. Then the train stopped at Dunsmuir, just south of Shasta, for the night and all the passengers except the one private car went into motels for the night. Saturday was Dunsmuir's train festival, which was great fun & very interesting history & lots of rr cars to explore. Sat. afternoon we boarded for the dinner tour which went up to the base of Mt. Shasta and was supposed to be 3 hrs but ended up being 4 because there was a glitch on the line after we were at the end-point wye and we were delayed an hour. That was just fine!  We had originally purchased tickets for a California Zephyr dome car seat, but got bumped and ended up in this private rail car, first behind the engine.  Very smooth ride, and interesting interior.  The owner was about our age, ex-Marine, Viet Nam vet, self-made businessman.  He bought the car about 7 years ago and fixed it up because it was decayed.  He puts about 70,000 miles a year on the car, and hires out each year to the Canadian govt when they do maneuvers - he said that was cross-country for 40 days -- sounded like a real adventure.  For this trip, he had brought 7or 8 friends along including 3 crew and they had room for 8 of us dinner passengers to do a 2nd seating for the formal meal - which was delicious and actually quite elegant.  Now, the lounge part of the private car was pretty much a "man cave" with big overstuffed furniture and somewhat "casual".  Then there were private staterooms, a terrific stainless steel galley, and crew qtrs.  The company was most interesting - lots of good stories and laughter.  Standing out on the "balcony" (I don't know what it's called) and riding in the wind, up close and personal -- it was just terrific.  One of the fun things was being the person on the inside when all the kids and folks were stopped watching and waving at the passenger train!  So, that's my train story for today.  I would love to take more train trips, but I fear that renting a private car is out of my reach but not my dreams.

    Best to all, hope you find reason to laugh today and that something makes you feel good.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    I remember quite a few train trips growing up between Spokane WA and Bismark ND, most on the vistadome.  There was one particularly memorable trip when I was in Junior High (I think) from Bismark to Dad's home town (population 70 or so) on one of the last regularly scheduled coal fired steam engine trains.  You could lower the windows when it got too hot but then you got covered in soot from the engine.

    My last train trip was just a few years ago - Amtrack to SanFrancisco and return by cruise ship.  The food on the train was wonderful, better than the ship!

    My worst trip was at Christmas 1965.  I had planned to fly from Seattle to Spokane but the flight was cancelled due to weather.  They put us on a train that was standing room only, and I was a standee, Until they opened up the smoking lounge about three or fours hours into the trip.  I think they picked up the car along the way.  One other passenger and I commandeered a bathroom during the first part of standing room only.  We took half hour turns sitting on the pot.  Luckily no one came along wanting to use it!  Everyone was probably afraid of losing their seat if the got up to go!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    chabba, my worse train trip was like yours..snow cancelled my flight from Columbus O to NYC in the early sixties and standing room only and a stampede to get that..yikes, no water but some man had little bottles of scotch and we all drank took almost two days due to snow on the track. Finally, one stop actually had some water and sandwiches..they didn't last long...needless to say I was wiped out when I got to Pennsy station in NYC and had to get to NY Central station with  no money

    at 3am in the morning...I did have a ticket to my town and that was it...a horrible experience  but thank goodness I was only 21 at the time..

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    My husband got a call this AM. He does have MRSA.  We were at a hospital on tuesday where my SIL had surgery. Maybe he got it there. The swollen face started on thursday.

     Any ideas on what to do with this will be helpful. MRSA is something I never read about or have any experience with.  I think my fear at this moment is that my husbands face will become an open sore. It is purple today in the middle of the swollen area. It was just swollen larger yesterday but not purple. 

    Dang it. 

    Hugs Ginger

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Ginger, a new medicine was just approved I think that works on this..

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Ginger, sorry for your new troubles and hoping your DH recovers soon.  Here's the CDC- caregiver's page for MRSA, and there was some other info linked; maybe it will help.  Bleach, alcohol, & Lysol are still some of the best disinfectants it seems.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Lisa - love the rose and glad you stopped to smell them and take the picture.  I have not been on a train in the USA, but have been on one when I went to Eurpoe in 1968 with a bunch of other kids from the college I would be attending in the Fall.  We were all in the choir and would be singing at the World Baptist Youth Alliance conference in Bern, Switzerland.  It was a lot of fun especially the train trip from Bren to Paris.  I would love to go on a train trip here in the states or maybe even Canada.  At least I would like to take a train tour if only for a few hours. 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Ginger - hope you can get the MRSA cleared out of your home and family soon.  That is something that none of us need and you already have so much to deal with. Take care of yourself.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    there is something about a lilac rose..

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    When I took this picture a train was going by and I thought how neat it would be to

    take the passenger train if it came here..

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Beautiful pictures, love the scenic one with the mountains in the background and river running beside the train tracks.  It is getting late so I will be off to bed soon.  Hope everyone has a restful night.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Ginger.. if your husband isn't allergic; a simple rx for cipro floxin usually gets it 1st time. unfortunatley, im allergic to both... wash all things you use together in hot water, twice. (i know its a pain)    also at home depo a brand named ODO BAN sells a spray that works on the MRSA staph... spray the bath, any tile you have anywhere... its cleaned up MUR, but not me, yet.. he can take cipro-floxin.

       the dr. should do a sample send it to a lab; and they'll test what drug it responds to. they go the cipro; and then change it if need be; when that comes in. i usually will get clidamycin; not as effective, and noones  given me that, yet...dorks...

       i hope you can get rid of it soon... stay out of the hospitals.. that IS where it comes from, mostly. something you touch. course, publix is just as bad.. its' just getting more and more frequent.. sorry ya got this. its' a PIA for sure!!!      3jays

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Ginger, so sorry to hear that. Hopefully, he will knock it right back with anti-b's.

    Lisa, lavender roses smell divine. I had lavender roses for my bridal bouquet on marriage 1. Marriage 2 (the real one) was orange calla lillies.

    You can see part of the bouquet in this pic.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I had a 'practice' and a 'real' marriage too, Barbara!!! I know just what you mean...

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I haven't been on a train trip since I was a kid.  The last one I remember was with a steam train!  I can still recall the smell of the burning coal!

    Great pic as usual Lisa.....that rose is it the one called Blue Moon?  That has such a delicious perfume.

    BarbA, you can feel the love in your pic, lovely!

    Ginger, I sure hope you manage to get a handle on your DH's MRSA super quick as that is something you definitely don't want to get.

    Isabella, I too love my old jammies they are so much more comfortable than new ones.  I don't think it's because they have been through the wash a few times I really think it's because they wear in and mould to your body more easily.......I'm all for comfort!

    3jays I sure hope you start to feel better soon....this has gone on way too long!  Maybe an endo will get to the bottom of it, anyways heres hoping!

    Barbe, love is good no matter how many times it takes to find it!

    Amyjo, I sure hope you had a restful night!

    Chabba, LOL at your train story and sitting on the potty for a seat......still chuckling lol

    Lost_Creek so glad you've got your computer up and running.  Did you manage to keep all your files?  I sure hope so as the loss of all that information would be devistating.

    I took the dressing of my face today so I could clean and renew.  While it was Of I had a good ole gander (look) at what was done....I look like I have a zipper down the side of my cheek where the graft was taken and I have a cotton ball sewn to the top of my ear over the graft so I can't see that.  It looks nice and clean with no sign of infection so that means it is healing nicely....for that I'm very happy.

    Hope everyone has a lovely Father's Day!

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Lisa, the purple rose is just gorgeous!  It reminds me of my grandmother.  Re:  MRSA, the community-acquired is easier to get rid of then the hospital kind.  The Cipro is good for community-acquired but for the hospital kind they used to use IV Vancomycin.  Hope this MRSA responds to Cipro or something similar.  (I used to be and infection control nurse).  Either way it's not something anyone needs on top of BC. 

    Getting ready for a road trip.  I bought a vibrating car seat for my back in the car.  Hope it works!  Wish we were going by train!

    Lynda (Dragon)

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Ginger, so sorry about the MRSA...3jays will put you on the right road. for sure. There is a real big 'thing' here about seems to be quite a problem in hospitals.

    I had salmonella about 30 years ago, and that was a nightmare. I was really ill with it, probably the worst illness I have picked up. No-one else in the family got it, but we were treated like lepers, no children accepted at school 'til I was clear (REALLY good for me when I was laid flat out in bed, trying to sort out 2 fed up children ) We all had to 'do' a little sample, and leave outside the door every 3 days. I think I was about 6-7 weeks getting over that little lot. It lost me a bunch of weight, but not to be recommended !

    I have been busy with my cows all day ....2 calvings, 1 vet visit. I didn't get up very early today, and certainly didn't rush to get outside. I was busy drinking coffee 'til 10.30. When I did get out I saw 2 cows looking decidedly stupid, as they do...Nobody here, my helper had been and gone, not noticing the situation that was starting to develop. I was only expecting 1 cow to calve, but, no, 2 were at it ! The unexpected one calved about 11.30, straightforward, then as I was cleaning up her mess the other one started mooing and looked in some distress. I sort of knew she was going to be trouble, things just didn't look right, and she certainly shouldn't have been making such a commotion, so I called the vet. He arrived 90 mins later,( he'd just had to deliver another calf by caesarean, so was held up.) Out came his magic suction machine, and out plopped a very distressed calf, not breathing.  Now this was something I could do, as the heavy stuff was out of the way, so I was giving heart massage, mouth to mouth , sticking straw up its nose, then on to the icy cold water, then vet and I had to lift it up and throw it up onto the top of a low wall to try and stimulate its heart ...then back to heart compressions and mouth to mouth ( blech) I timed it, we were working on the calf 25 minutes, I was absolutely all in. A couple of years ago I would have gone and done a days work after this, but NOT NOW. We eventually got the calf going, and it took it 3 hours to get stood up on its legs (normally about 20 mins)

    The vet said if he'd been held up in traffic the calf would not have made it. So now I have 3 babies to watch over, the cows do a fantastic job, and are very good mothers, but I still like to be in and out every 2-3 to think I am in charge, when its not that way at all !  I was just too wacked to do anything else this afternoon, other than bath 3 puppies who are sold, and going tomorrow. If I leave it 'til tomorrow something is sure to happen, and I won't let a puppy leave me unless it is sparkling ! One of the new puppy owners is taking a kitten. I only have one, a little black one abandoned by its stupid mother. She had 2 kittens, loved one, but not the second. She had gone wandering off twice, her little favourite in tow, leaving the one she didn't like to fend for itself, so third time I heard its wailing I brought it into the house, and have been hand rearing it. I would have loved to have kept it, but the Sausage dogs would kill it if I brought it into the kitchen, and it would have been too tame to live in the farmyard, and would have been run over in a flash. When someone asked me if I had any kittens I jumped at it.....but I know I shall be shedding tears as it goes off to its new home tomorrow !!! I have called her idea why, but she meows loudly whenever she hears me shout 'Tea up, Babe' !!!  Kittens are so cute and helpless, why they have to turn in to cats that pee all over my plants I do not know !!!!

    Second shower of the day coming up right now, I have had a change of clothes but can still smell cows....I just couldn't take myself into the sitting room until I have had yet another scrubbing session, so have been sitting at my pc all evening !  That sounds like a good excuse, doesn't it, now I no longer have to find an excuse for spending the evening on the pc I can find many !! Some days when I wanted some pc time I would spend ages thru' the day thinking of a good excuse DH would suck up...he never liked sitting alone on an evening....even tho' he would be fast asleep within half an hour ( then I could creep out quietly and he never noticed, anything to keep the peace !!!!) 


  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Let me tell you, grandchildren can cure any sadness. Both my married daughters and their families were here for Sabbath, which meant 5 of my 6 grandchildren were here. Just cuddling with them and watching their antics was wonderful!

    I saw the PS today and we're going to go ahead with the surgery. I'll be having a prophy mast on the non-bc side plus bilat DIEP (did I say this in another post? Probably.) When I was dx with mets a year ago I was in the planning stages for the surgery so it was put on hold. At the time the PS was reluctant to consider the surgery since he was afraid it would lower my immune system to a point that the mets would take over but the onc says that since I'm responding so well to the Femara and Aredia there is no medical reason not to do the surgery. In a way it sounds a little strange to say that going ahead and having surgery is making me so happy, but in a lot of ways it's not. I feel like I've been marking time since the mets dx, not being able  to get on with my life, and the surgery makes me feel like now I can go on with my life, that I will be able to feel normal. I'll see the PS again in a few weeks and see the BS on the same day. I don't know yet when the surgery will be; the scheduling is done by the hospital so I'll know when I hear from them. I think it will be sometime in the late fall.

    Phyllis, I'm glad you to hear that it's arthritis in you bones and not BC. This disease is so weird. What else would make us tell a friend that we're glad they have arthrits - and the friend agrees!

    Isabella, I love reading about your life. Pet the calves for me (does one pet calves?) as well as the puppies and the kitten.
