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For Older People with Sense



  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Isabella, cats peeing on your plants! Haha I finally got rid of all of my floor plants because of the stupid cats insisting on peeing on them.My husband seems to be feeling well. He is using only the guest bath to keep his germs away. 

    Do the puppies come into the house to play with you? I would have myself surrounded by puppies 24-7 if I could.  My new puppy will come home the first week of July. My husband will hopefully be well by then. Myexisting dog is Harry, a 14 pound poodle mix rescue dog. He is my pal and I will work to make sure he and the puppy love one another. We have been taking Harry to dog training for months now to try to be sure he will be a good example for the puppy.  We live where we can't see any neighbors and can barely ever hear any road noise unless it is some sort of race car at 2 AM. So Harry barks at the small planes that come over. :) Alternately he barks at the windows after dark when my husband is traveling. It is pretty much pitch black here at night so peering out the windows to see whatever critter Harry is barking at is futile and a little scary to be honest.

    Leah, yes Grandchildren are the best!  

    Laters Ginger


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Looks like everyone has been busy today.  

    Chrissy - I did get a good nights rest which was nice for a change.

    Lynda - hope the vibrating car seat helps on your trip.  

    BarbA - You and Marty make such a cute couple.  You seem to be so happy together.  I am glad yo found each other.

    Cherie and Ginger - hope you two can get the MRSA cleared up in your families.  That is certainly no fun for you and I am so sorry you are having to deal with it.  I know you have been battling it for quite a while Cherie.  I want you both to get well soon.

    Isabella - I don't know how you do so much with the cows, puppies and kittens and lambs.  You have a lot going on and then to have to take so many showers a day because of either cows or hot flashes!  Make me tired just reading about it all.  Hope the cows are doing well, especially the two that have had difficult deliveries in the last few days.

    Leah - grandchildren are the best.  We just found out today that we have #7 on the way and is due to arrive on Jan. 21 2012!  Our youngest is expecting her 4th child.  Our oldest is expecting her 3rd child sometime between July 27th and August 2nd, that will be out 6th grandchild.  Whoever said children grow up, get married and multiple was not kidding!  Our little family is growing bigger and bigger. Don't know where we will put them all when they all come for holidays, but I am sure we will manage to find room for everyone.

    Hope everyone has a good week. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    good to catch up on my reading here. have had a nice chat with Marybe via phone. she's always surprised i answer quickly, and chipper... unfortunately, 5 am is the middle of my dsy,,! im hoping that will change with the new endocrinologist. seems bc of mrsa; they didn't do the right tests, and they thyroid may be mixed with the Mrsa dx/symptoms. who knows? as they deal w the thyroid; the infections may lessen. gonna keep on top of them all. if i get thyroid meds, im praying this exhaustion will lessen; then its a guarentee for Uncle Bills.. that, and seeing Fischer more often, are my short term goals. long term, im hoping to come to some understanding between Jay#1; and i. we need to find a peaceful resolution to our haranguing over visits with grandkids...{{{{{sigh}}}}} was great to see the candles for Elizabeth on the other thread; and i DO feel more settled..

       Isabella; you amaze me. ive birthed horses, and dogs, and that you're still  resecitating, and thrown them all around amazes me. i had a tear for babe, also; but she's going to a forever home, and away from the threat of the sausage dogs. you really saved her, when she needed it most.   im not on my other threads, much. the fatigue has def. gotten worse; hopeing for a change soon. this is a drag...!!!

       I have to make the 2 threads we all ended up on every day(night) or i feel lost... i swear; you girls are more REAL to me out there in cyber space, than the flesh and bone ple around me sometimes....hope everyone enjoyed Fathers' Day....night.....3jays

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I love you all,


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Me, too. I love all of my friends here!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    I am off for cataract surgery # 2 in a bit.    Happy Monday for all.   Hugs & Blessings, Nancy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    GramE good luck!  hope all goes as well as the first one did!!!  Thinking of you!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    3jays, I'm glad you talked to Marybe, I've been worried, doesn't she normally post here?

    Isabella, I read my DH your story and he made a good point. If the calf was without oxygen for so long, wouldn't it be brain-damaged and not be able to feed or thrive? It did finally get on it's legs, but as he said, "Will it be a stupid cow?"

    Amyjo nice to hear you DID get a good nights sleep!

    3jays, I told you the endo might be able to help you!! If you could get to the cottage, you and I could lie around and tell each other stories. The trip down will probably set me into an FM flare that will put me out of commission!! But I wanna go SO's my carrot!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    does anyone ever feel like this??

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    when I looked in the mirror this morning Lisa. (-;

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    That's a funk, for sure!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Lisa - dfSometimes I feel like that when I haven't gotten enough rest.  Some gal pals took me to lunch today so now I think I'll take a nap.  Catch everyone later.

    Amy Jo 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hope you got that nap Amy Jo and that you enjoyed lunch.

    Lovely sunny morning but it could be cool out there. Will go up to playgroup shortly DD is opening up so don't have to rush. Have Bea and Sam this afternoon while DD is having her hair done so hope it stays fine.

    Had better get dressed instead of sitting at the computer

    Big hugs

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Hells bells. I am still in the land of the hot flashes...its driving me mad !! My head seems to be leaking, and running down thru' my hair , and down my neck. I have rolled up kitchen paper under my shirt collar, so as to catch the thick of it before it soaks my clothes. Never been so bad, for so long...aaarrrggghhh.

    Had a very lazy day, I just do not feel like going outside at all in this state. Its quite humid out, so thats not helping ! I have had a few walks around to see how everything is getting on, but haven't stayed out longer than I needed.

    My calves are coming along very slowly, daren't let them outside yet, I haven't the slightest chance of catching up with them when they get into the in a straw yard they stay. I called out the vet. again mid-day. The one who had a bad birth is worrying me. He hasn't really stood up very long, just a few seconds of staggering is all he can do, then he flops out as if he's run a marathon. Not standing up means he hasn't found the teat yet, so 3 of us are taking turns to TRY and milk his mother, and get milk into him that way. As I can't bend for more than a couple of minutes at all, I am taking the lazy way, and using a feeding tube, straight into his stomach, the others will play around trying to get him to suck a bottle. I take a couple of minutes, the others are messing about half an hour !!! Vet. says persevere he SHOULD come OK. I hate it when I get told 'should' .He gave the calf more steroids, and gave me some packages of colostrum to use if I can't bother to try and get milk, in the night  ( Who said I would be getting up in the night ??? ) I look as if I shall have to now, tho' how I will pull myself out I do not know !!

    Barb...we often take a good time to get a calf or a lamb going, but not as long as yesterday. As you are working on them they will now and then gasp or cough, but you very rarely feel a heartbeat until they are going...sometimes there is always a very very faint irregular beat as you are banging away at them. It doesn't follow that a stupid animal will result, not like with a human where you only have about 4 mins. don't know why...they are animals same as we are. With lambs we have to get more physical, I suppose because they are much more easy to pick up than a calf. I will take a 'dead' lamb by its back legs, and swing it right round in a circle, around my head...a few times... and it will take a big gasp, and hey presto breaths. I bet many a doctor in a delivery room could make use of this manouver, tho' slinging a newborn baby around wouldn't go down too well, even tho' the results are quick and spectacular !!!

    I got my puppies off to their new homes...3 very delighted new owners. I feel like a parrot reeling off all they need to know. I give them diet sheets, as I am pretty sure they aren't taking it in as they get their hands on a new puppy. One puppy was the 3rd one this particular family had bought from me over the years, always nice to get returning customers...never worry about these sales, its always the 1st timers that have me jumping up and down everytime the 'phone goes for a few days ! Its hard to think some of my customers go back 45-50 years !!I keep thinking as I see them every few years 'oh, you're getting on a bit'...then I think  they must think that of me !!! I had a sad 'phone call at T/time. an old customer..she must be 75ish rang to say she could no longer cope with her dog, its nearly a year now, and would I take it back. ( this was her 4th dog from me ) I did try and dissuade her last year, as she looked frail, but she didn't want to be on her own...well, it didn't work out, so tomorrow I shall be going to fetch the little bitch back. We shall have tears, and I shall feel awful, but not as awful as she will be feeling. I shall TRY and keep my trap firmly shut, and not say 'don't worry, I'll bring her to see you now and then'  as I usually do in these situations. I just don't want anymore work. I shall have to keep the young dog, she doesn't want to be passed around. I have a young couple pestering the life out of me for 'an older dog'...but they have very young children, and this little dog has never lived with youngsters....just not the right situation for a little dog that will be upset enough at losing its owner, without a lively home being thrust on it !

    Had a few tears when I parted with Babe, part of me wanted to not let her go, but I would be signing her death warrant if I kept her. 

    Sort of mixed animal day here !!!


  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    Isabella - I love your lifestyle & your way of discribing your experiences put such delightful images in my mind - you have an excellent method of telling your stories.  It puts me in mind of the James Harriott books which I love.  I can't imagine where you might come up with the time but I would buy a book by you instantly!!  Thanks for sharing.


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Martha, you're right on target with Isabella!  I love her stories about her "life on the farm".  Really she already has a book in the pages of BCO, if she just deleted the personal references!  I'd buy it too!  She has such a gift for description and is so funny, too.

    Love the picture.  Some days that's just how I feel, too.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I was working at our library bookstore today and bought a kids book for

    my grandkids...,"Ludmilla" by Paul Gallico..when I got home and opened

    it up it had been signed by both Paul Galica and Baroness Ludmila" who

    was the "mother" of cool it that?

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Isabella, you have three times more energy than I., I hope your calf you worked on will survive and thrive.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oh my goodness!  So much happening!   Lisa love the Gorilla pic and I can sooo relate, some days that's just how I feel.

    Isabella sad about having to pick up that little dog and to say goodbye to the three puppies and the kitten but good to know that they will all have good homes.  That poor little calf!  I do hope it comes good and gains strength.  I just love your stories of your day to day happenings on the farm.  Reading them is as good as reading a good book.....I agree with everyone else, you should compile the stories and do a book I'm sure it would be a best seller!

    Well I'm back to the city again tomorrow to see the specialist and hopefully get these sitches out of my face.   I'm really hoping that the graft has taken as that is the main concern for me as I'm not sure what would be done if it hasn't.....I guess she would have to do another one with skin from elsewhere.....yuk!  I sure don't want that to happen! 

    Take care all and hoping you are all doing well!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Isabella - I hope the calf comes around and gains some strength so it can nurse and grow strong.  How does the mama cow react to her calf?  You have such a full life there on the farm.  I don't know how you manage to do all that you do.  I know i could not physically do 1/2 of the things you do on a regular basis.

    Lisa - how cool it is to have a signed copy of the book. One day I know the grandchildren will love the book and appreciate that it is a signed copy.  It is so great that you are helping to instill the love of reading in them.

    Martha - we have all been wanting Isabella to write a book about her life there on the farm with gypsie weddings and all the other interesting things that she does.

    Well it is late and I need to get to bed.  I did get a long, 4 hour, nap today and I enjoyed lunch with my friends.  We had a good visit together and I ate way too much.  Night all. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey ladies, juust checkin in...we've been

        Lisa, we've found some "wonders" also. Husband is always cking in the college library; and has gotten some amazing 1st editions, etc. what a find they are, and signedm, as well!

      Isabella:with the pups, as you know i'm sure, they get the stupid toads here, w/ neuro poison... so, we swing them down, with our fingers in their throat... then, flush w/ the hose, and swing again.. after much coughing , they begin to breathe ok.. then, to the vets for ivs to flush them out....

       thank Goodness, my 2 little ones aren't out EVER w/out me, or Mur, but we've had some close calls with some others over the years...

       drs. always "slap" the butt of a baby when they're not breathing... i fantasize they do EXACTLY what we do w/ the animals, when they take them from your room... had trouble w/ jay #3; and i bet the dr. swung him round somewhere. it all turned out ok, thank goodness... he's 32 now, and not stupid, to be sure... crazy, maybe, or maybe its just ME he's driven crazy over the yearhahaha

       Chrissy, prayers to you for tommorrow. i hope all has healed well, and you'll be gorgeous again... love to all 3jays

  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154

    Lisa, how in the world did you find my picture? I was having a bad hair day. All over!Wink

    I found out that the spots that keep popping to the surface near my incision are just pigmentation. Whew! Onc said these spots would have shown up eventually, rads just speed them up. Also, I was complaining about the gloppy Aquaphor and asked if I could just use the Aloe gel. The nurse said that would be perfectly fine. So now, I'm just gonna keep that gel in the fridge and use it frequently. And you know what? My boob feels better, is cooler and the sunburn is lighter. 

    GramE, prayers being sent for good results on your eye surgery. ((HUGS)) Keep us posted.

  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154
    chrissyb, I'm sending you prayers and hugs. Innocent
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Thankd Rohanna!  Glad your boob is feeling better......nothing worse than a sore

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    Cataract surgery went very well.   Today I go back to have it checked and get Rx for the drops needed for the next 4 weeks.    The other eye is perfect or close to perfect, so I know this one will be the same.    Then off to get a new pair of fancy sun glasses without prescription lenses...    

    Hugs for all, Nancy 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    glad to hear you are doing well after the  surgery Nancy..good to have that behind you now..

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey chrissy;you'll be up, and on your way soon.. hope all goes well. im hitting the sheets for now. [[[[[[[[[[[[[[hugs]]]]]]]]]]]]  3jays    glad your surgery went well Gram E...

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Congrats GramE!!!!!  It's good to have it all done and almost the report from the doc is favourable.

    Thanks 3jays......I'll be heading to bed in a couple of hours so I get enough sleep.  I'm going to try and go down and back in one day but should I find I'm too tired I'll stay overnight with my DD1.  Hope you are a bit better!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Congrats, Nancy!. {{{CHRISSY}}}

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Hello my cyber friends.  I feel like I've been off for weeks and am trying to catch up with everyone to find out what's going on in everyone's life.

    Life's been really busy lately with many, many breakdowns with any and all appliances I own.  Finally got my new wall oven but DH who said he was going to put it in now says he's afraid of setting fire to the house (it's propane) so I should set something up.  Called my plumber to ask if he could do it and he was on his way to the beach so no luck there.  Today, I'm going to bite the bullet and call Sears and pay the $200+ plus to have them put it in.

    Finally got a new fauce to replace our old one and we sprung a leak with our reverse osmosis system putting it in.  Somehow we got that fixed.  Last night my washing machine started having problems.  It's older but always worked well before (the other appliances must have told it what's been going on and to join in the fun their having with me)

    My DH took down all our shutters for me to paint so I'm trying to keep up with that and have been getting bids on a new roof since we now have sections that are down to the bare wood.  Whew! 

    Our little Olivia is doing great and I was able to babysit yesterday so daughter and husband could go to the movies.

    Healthwise, I won't know how I'm doing with my stalled Herceptin until after seeing Cardiologist today and seeing what he says.  Don't have an appointment with my ulcer dr. until 7/7 but that seems to be doing well.

    I am hoping everyone is doing well and will continue to read through all the posts to catch up.