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For Older People with Sense



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    some spring flowers around here

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Lisa - Wow, what a bounty of flowers.

    Mazie - Welcome back, you have been misses.  Do you have more pictures of Olivia Grace? 

    Nancy - glad your surgery went well.

    Rohanna - glad the boob is feeling better. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Marianne, welcome back. Try to take it easy. This has been a very hectic time for you.

    Lovely flowers, lisa, as usual! AJ, hope you are feeling better, gal pal. Don't be like me and Lisa and wake up at 3 in the morning. I hate that.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Well, finally I have laid to rest the 'older women' thread. I kept going back to peek, but it was just all about one stupid person repeating herself, how silly she must feel. I haven't been there for about 2 months now, so it has been struck off my favourites today.

    Quiet day here. I called at our local TKMax, and got myself a new bag, 4 bathmats (for the dogs to sleep on)  a feather duster, and a very pretty scarf. I am drawn to that place, always something out of the ordinary to find. Went and picked up the young dog that I have been asked to take back. She is very pretty, just under a year, and very upset, she doesn't understand why she has to leave the only person she's known, the peace and the quiet, and move in with my mob. I shalln't be selling her on, she will stay with me...tho' its going to be difficult at first. She hasn't been used to other dogs at all, and my dogs are used to living in a gang, always chasing one another in and out of the house, and round the garden. I can see her ending up with me in bed on a night !! The old lady who was giving her up was so upset, and I was just as bad. It upsets me to do this, as I think forward, and think one day that could be me, giving up my animals.

    I always remember a  very old lady who was getting quite frail, and had a dog of mine. I rang her up, and told her if ever the dog got too much for her, DO NOT forget I will take him back. Time passed, she got ill unbeknown to me, and eventually died. She hadn't contacted me, and I was too late. My MIL lived a few houses away from her, and knew she had died, but had not told me. MIL saw the vet come to the empty house where the dog had been locked in, and leave 10 mins later with the dog in a black plastic bag. I was in an awful state for weeks about that, but don't know what more I could have done to save the dog. Now I always shout up, and tell people to tell their relatives I will take their pet. Trouble is I am getting no younger now, and soon won't be able to keep on taking dogs in !! Goodness knows what'll happen to all my dogs. DD keeps telling me to cut down...she USED to be a dog lover, but has gradually got down to neither dog nor cat, and says she likes it that way. DS is miles away, and he won't be the least bit bothered what'll happen.

    My bad calving calf died this morning...what a waste of a little life. I was just going past his yard to let the hens out, and he was struggling to get up, shaking his head, and calling out. I had my coffee, went back to feed him an hour later, and he was stone cold dead.  A farmer friend has sold me 2 calves he had going spare, and I have put them into the yard, in place of the dead one, and the cow has taken them without a goes on !!

    Lisa, lovely do you see so many !

    GramE, glad you have your op. behind you now. That, and rads done, and you will be a new woman now !

    Amyjo...I don't do things on a regular basis anymore...I just hop in and out as I see a situation I can get involved in, and then have to spend more time resting up than I like to. I hate that others are doing my work. I pretend that I don't care, don't let anyone see I am mad and upset that I cannot jump over that gate, chase that cow, catch that sheep anymore !! I can't ever see myself working full time outside anymore, even when I have had my back op. Don't know if I shall get enough strength back to even handle dogs. 

    Its just got dark here, and its the longest day. Its just after 11pm, so its all downhill now to Christmas. Bed is calling me, an early night tonight, I am tired out and STILL sweating !!! So I suppose its more the shower calling me than my bed !!I have nice clean sheets tonight...again...sick of changing them. Used to be able to change a bed in a flash, now its more like 10 minutes..and I haven't turned my mattress in over a year now, and NO WAY will I ever be able to do it again...I do not recommend anyone to get old...or have a bad back.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Isabella - I was in tears about the calf.  It is so sad to see a little creature struggle so hard and then not make it.  I know how hard it is not to be able to do the thing you used to do and enjoyed doing.  And to have to depend on others to do the work for you.  You take care of yourself and let others help out in taking care of those lovely animals.  I agree that getting old is not recommended and it certainly is not for wimps.  Know that we love you and you try and stay cool and get lots of rest. I found that anything that stresses my body either physically or emotionally make the hot flashes worse.  I try to stay calm and keep the air turned down to between 70 (night) and 74 (day). No more throwing calves around my dear friend.  Love and lots of {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Oh Isabella, I'm so sorry about the calf.  The poor little thing had just been through too much.  And I know it's hard for you to not be able to do as much as you once did without even thinking.  In myself, I totally resent it, thinking this couldn't be me, not yet, but sometimes it truly is me.  So hard to accept for us all.

    Phyllis, I'm sorry I failed to comment about your wonderful bone scan results.  So happy it was "only" the arthritis!  I remember you were having the node biopsy last week.  Any word from that yet?  I'm thinking of you and praying for you, too.

    Wonderful news from you, Nancy and glad you're better too Rohanna. Yep, aquaphor is truly a gloppy mess.  I was told I could use Eucerin cream and alternated it with the glop, just doing the glop at night.

    Mazie, it has to be a Murphy's Law thing that all your appliances decide to go at the same time, and for some, the worst possible time.  Sorry you've got so much to cope with now, and a roof too.  Most of the houses in our cul-de-sac neighborhood were built by the same company, and about 2 years ago most of us had to get new roofs. We just replaced all the windows that open onto the deck with vinyl windows, so at least we won't have wood rot any more, but everything costs so much!

    Chrissy, sure hope you had good results today!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    glad to see everyone here tonight. am pooped, and will never remember who said what... Except, im sorry for the calf, Isabella. In nature, the weak ones don't make it, and there's always a good reson. still, its; hard. glad you got calfs for the mom, so she won't greive on top of that...

       i know how you feel; with all my sickness now, im hardly able to do a thing...certainly NOT what i used to,. i don't like this "new normal" at all. im not deciding that this is it, though. i'll get my thyroid sorted out, the infections gone, AND THEN see where i am.

         same with you. Don't decide whats' what till all the surgery, and healing from that is done. even though, you need to cut back, as one, healthy young (er) woman could not do what you expect from yourself!!!  rest, be well, and treat yourself gently...

       maybe a little baby girl by your side is just what the dr. ordered for you; sleeping in your bed, etc... the sausage dogs aren't any consolation for you, THATS for sure...the ruckus!!! so, maybe you and the new pup will do just fine together...whats' her name? its' so good of you to take her back..when i bred Dobies'; i had the same policy; that was a lifetime ago!!!   

       take care of all your tests, scans, dr. appts; ladies.. GramE glad yer done.Chrissy; waiting to hear if your home yet, and well......3jays

  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154

    Thanks for the good wishes everyone. I needed that!Laughing

    Isabella, I'm so sorry about the calf. I've always loved the weak or the runt in a litter and it's hard to let them go. I agree with 3jays, good to give the momma cow two new babies to love. Someday, I'm gonna cross the pond and give you a call. We'll hang out at the pub and swap animal stories. Oh, and can I have a toad in the hole? ((HUGS))

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hope everyone is doing OK today.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls, I'm home.....tired but home.  The doc was very happy with the look of the graft and complimented me on the way I had cleaned and dressed it.  She said that the graft has definitely taken and now it will just get better and better as time passes.  I have to keep it dressed for another two weeks but then I'm good to go and no more visits........yay!!!!  After I was done I decided to do my grocery shopping while I was in the city and then I drove staight home arriving about 6.30 tonight.  The groceries are all put away, dinner has been had and now I'm the feel of it, never to move again!  At least I can sleep tomorrow should I need it.

    Awe Isabella I'm so sorry to hear about the little calf, that is so sad after all your hard work.  At least the mom has two others to take the milk.  You will probably end up with a little's a shame that you are so far away as I would love to have her....I adore cavaliers!  Take it easy girl and give yourself a do tend to do too much at times.

    Mazie welcome back!  It's nice to see you!  Wow things sure have been happening around your place......don't you feel that the appliances have a conspiracy going sometimes as it seems that they all breakdown around the same time........and boy does that get expensive!  I sure hope you got it all sorted.  You won't know yourself with a new's such a good feeling experimenting and getting used to it!

    Lisa, as usual the flowers are gorgeous!  Are they from your garden or the neibourhood's garden?

    3jays have you got any news yet about seeing the endo?  I sure hope you get in soon!

    Kathy, Rohanna, Alyson, Amyjo, BarbA, Barbe, Nancy and Martha hope you are all doing just fine and enjoying your days.  If I have missed anyone I do apologise.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Chrissy, so glad all is well and you are now safely home and relaxing. Hope everyone has a fine day!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    Thanks for the good wishes.   I am wondering which body part decides to need work next...   Last year it was teeth, this year it is eyes.   Hugs and Blessings and smilies and more gentle hugs as we plod along.    Nancy

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    I hope I have more sense than I proved to have on Monday.

    Went for an MRI on my neck, supposedly.  Had to go to a town over 100kms away and had to get sons M.i.L to drive me there, which also included my daughter, her daughter and our grandson........bigger town = bigger shops!

    I have sinusitis and it is playing up on me at the moment with a continual drip into my throat which, when I breathe through my mouth, sends me into hacking coughing told the tech I may need a break at some point.  She said can't do, I must maintain the position. 

    After slotting me into the tunnel, with a restraining brace across my head and shoulders, she said she would be back in 30 mins, administer contrast and then repeat the process. I snuck an anaesthetic lozenge into my mouth before entering the room in the hope it would hold the coughs at bay.  So I lay there with my eyes shut and listening to the wizz-bangs through ear plugs and rubber muffs trying to 'zone out.'

    The machine would whirr for about five minutes, then the plank would move forward or backward two inches and each move would jerk me out of the zone.  Deep breathing and counting the breaths in and out did not have the required effect of calming me.  Each time the machine stopped whirring, I expected to be ejected for the dye injection. More often than not, I went further into the maw. 

    I was surprised to find that I didn't need to cough for quite a while, at least while the lozenge lasted.....but as it finally melted away, I found myself giving little grunts to try to clear my throat. Then, for some reason, I started to imagine lying there fighting to breathe only to find I couldn't escape and no-one took any notice.  How would I get out of there?

    The machine stopped whirring and, once more expecting to slide out, I heard the clicks that heralded another whirring session.

    I pressed the panic button and, on hearing no sound, I pressed, squeezed and nearly throttled it.  I find it passing strange after the event, that I did not call, shout or scream out at that time.

    Finally the tech came in and, after sliding out, I said that I needed to get out, I couldn't stay in there.  She told me that 'we' only had ten minutes more of my lower spine to be done before the dye job and then fifteen mins more inside the machine.  I was still lying on the plank in the restraint/brace while she asked if I was sure I didn't want to finish.  Trying not to panic in case she slotted me back in again, I answered with an adamant, 'NO!'

    I told her that I thought I could do this at the outset as I had had an MRI 18 months before, but I could not go back in there today, my stoicism was all used up.

    She gave up then and released me while telling me that we could continue another day with the help of a sedative.  I was agreeable to that so went out to the changing cubicle to get dressed.  While putting my watch back on, I glanced at it and was flabbergasted to see that I had been in there for 1hr 20mins! 

    How do these people run a business like that when they don't even know how much time each process takes? No wonder my hands were shaking like leaves in a hurricane and............when I  walked outside to wait for my ride, my legs were knocking like maraccas.

    For my healths' sake, I know I have to go back and I will but, I will need  a massive dose of the Valium she promised, to do it. 

    My common sense tells me that my reaction was not unusual, but I do feel as if I have taken a hit in the self esteem.  This was a simple, painless procedure and I will probably have to endure worse as time goes by, but I learned that day that I don't have to be strong for every process and I can say NO when things get beyond me, especially with professionals who are trying to help me, even if they have no concept of time. 



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Wow Shiela!  ((((Hugs))))  I don't know how you stayed in there that long!  I had an MRI on my jaw a while back and it took 30 mins and I was a heaving mess by the end of it.   I sure hope the Valium works for you next time.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Yikes Shiela! Holy cow.  I sure hope the valium works, and the next tech can tell time.  Bring her an extra watch, with an alarm set!  What an experience - I hope you've calmed down by now; I don't know how you managed.  I sympathize with the sinusitis, and have the same issues, ugh!

    Hope you all have a "good" day - however you define it!

  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154

    Chrissy, that is wonderful news! Take some "me" time!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Shelia - I cannot believe that the tech wanted you to continue.  I think I would ask for a different tech next time.  Tell them of your experience and maybe they will get the message through to the tech that they cannot just leave a patient in the machine and forget about them! 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Sheila I totally agree with all the others. What idiots.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Oh my goodness, Sheila, that was inexcusable.  Do ask for a different tech next time, preferably someone with a bit more sense and a lot more empathy.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737


    Sending big hugs, that was just horrible. You shouldn't have been left all that time. I wouldn't want to go back and certainly wouldn't want the same tech.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Aw, Sheila, I really felt for you. What a tinpot outfit they run ! Only had 1 MRI and I don't want to repeat the experience. I only got about 2' into the tube, when I had to shout at them to STOP. Went in a second time, eyes tight shut, and stayed that way all the time I was in. If I'd opened them I'd have been shouting and hollerin' to be let out, I'm sure.

    Chrissy, pleased your experience is over. Do these little treats never end ??? How far are you away from the 'big' city ? I do miss getting into the 'big' cities as much as I used to. I try and make Monday my day off...this is stupid thinking in action here. My ex sister-in-law was a hairdresser. Most hairdressers here take Monday as their day off. She was always off on a Monday, so I decided I would take Mondays as well...I didn't need a day off but I always used to stick to this and sneak away ! Now, as I have great trouble walking far, I just get on the Internet and root around...saves on petrol as well !!

    The July sales are just starting here....22 June...always used to start July 1st....but now all stores are trying to jump the gun. My emails are full off shops selling off cheap. I ordered a few things over last w/end. They tried to deliver today, and I was in bed, catching up on some zzzz's , and had no chance of clambering out of bed, getting decent, and getting the door open. I was mad, as I was waiting for my parcel. It is DDs party this Saturday night, and I'd been waiting for something I had ordered, to wear there. She has been to see me today, tells me they have built a stage in her field, and are having 2 groups. 'Bring a tent' was what she had come to tell me. ha ha and tents do not go together. I told her IF I stayed over I would want a BED....NO arguments....a sofa would do...but a tent ??? No way. But, I have to get back. Can't leave this place on its own, so it means no drinks for me.  I am always a bit apprehensive if ever I come in late, ( which is never really !!!! ) I have to drive down my lane, nearly a mile long, and at this time of year all the trees are in full leaf, and they meet in the middle for most of the way. Its like driving down a long, dark, tunnel. All the gates are locked and I have to get out and undo all the chains, all on my own now. At least there should be a couple of sheepdogs running loose inside the it means if they don't come out to greet me I get inside my car and drive the hell out of there in reverse as fast as I can !!!! I can see myself just staying here when Saturday comes ! 

    My new little dog is fast making herself at home. I thought, living in a one person household she wouldn't adjust to all my dogs. I have 16 in the kitchen at the moment, she is number 17. But she's been in and out of the garden all morning, slowly at first, then as she got bolder, flying in and out with the youngsters I have. I have a little 'gang' of 4 youngsters who just live to cause trouble...sometimes even I get cheesed off with their antics ! They will suddenly jump up, dash outside, go round and round my island borders, come inside, do 2 or 3 laps of the kitchen table, and back outside again...over and over. The older dogs just watch them in amazement. I have to go and shut the door to the garden when my 2 yr old G/daughter is here, they send her flying, and sometimes frighten her as they suddenly fly in from the garden. It was 'bone' day yesterday. I get 2 big tubs of bones from my butcher each week, G/son distributes them to one and all, and all apart from the youngsters, sit quietly and enjoy them. The youngsters argue and scrap and steal one anothers bones for most of the day. I have one particular bitch who 'collects' everyone elses bones, then sits at the side of them growling, and not allowing the others to get their bones back. I usually stand her antics for so long, then end up putting her in a pen on her own so everyone else can enjoy their treats.

    Its just starting to rain nicely need to go outside and water my baskets. We are forecast for unsettled weather all week now. Just what DD needs this w/end for an outdoor party !


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Isabella I swear you could compile your posts into a book about a day in the life of Rural England! It would sell and you could hire people tp run the farm and you could supervise.

  • Beetlebum
    Beetlebum Member Posts: 26

    Barbe:  I've had the same problem with memory.  My son says it probably because I'm tired or have alot on my mind.  But I just feel "foggy" sometimes.  I didn't know if it was the radiation or the arimidex.  Has anyone else noticed the foggy feeling?

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Beetlebum...............yes, only after I was almost kids called it  Radiation brain................fatigue, but nothing I can't handle.....

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Sheila.. im so sorry you had such a bad time. thats' why i have just ONE tech; at ONE facility that i wiill  go to for mine. I have to have a min. of one a year for my ms. last yr...3!! but, he stays the whole time, on the michrophone, talks to me, tells me you've got 10 more mins.. or how're ya doin.. im right here if you need me..etc.

      he gets the contrast in the vein, when theyhave such a hard time getting a vein for me. so, its' over 10 yrs niow.. its' a joke where i go now... They yell out.. TERRY..Mrs.\ here...and we all laff!!

      i really don't know what id do if he left!!!he lives in an exp part of town, and drives an exp car.. thats' his answer to me, so i'll be here for many more yrs yet...

       Isabella; im so glad your new girl is working out so well. they surprise us all the time..who knows? she may like the "gang" life better than the quiet one she had before! i had NO idea the body count in your kitchen was  so high!!! 17 !!! when my 2 are in my kitchen, its so small, ya can't even turn round...Wait to hear about it...

      no chrissy; the next appt i can get with an endo SO FAR is in August!!!!! im still arguing with the drs. daily. in the meantime, i'll argue with my GP..and HE  CAN order the tests. i'm sure he won't want to; he';ll poo poo it, but, i'll argue with him till he does.. or, gets me an endo ...

       in the meantime, since i flipped the chair the other night, im not "allowed" to go into Liv. Rm alone in the day, with noone to save me, but the dogs... DH orders. im following them, cause im just getting weaker by the day..GRRRRRRR  

       im glad your ok, and don't have to go back to the dermo. my dermo gave me new antis today, to fight the folliculitis. she says its' just a staph on the skin...same as in the nose: she said "rapidlyy" turning to MRSA again... hence, the antis. she thought she'd gotten it.. nope.. i can't take the cipro that'dd kick, off we go again.

       its' ok with me. im in bed, and staying there, for the most part. Murs' brought the laptop to the bedrm for now.. so, all will remain the same for awhile. maybe next wk some answers....

         glad to see you back, Mazie..missed you...........3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Bettlebum and welcome to our little group.  Nice to see you.

     Isabella I'm about a two hour drive from the big smoke but the drive is a good one and the scenery is gorgeous so I don't mind.  I sually have the radio blaring on the station that plays all the songs from my know, the ones that get you wriggling in your seat and bopping your head and tapping the steering wheel and people driving by you think you have some major medical problem?......yeah you got it.....those songs.....hahahaha!  I'm happy to hear that the new little girl seems to have made herself right at home.  It sound like she likes the pack

    3jays OMG girl!!!  will it never end for you?   August!  that's just crazy!  Sometimes I think these docs need a bomb up the bum to get them moving on clearing things in the too hard basket!  I sure hope you start to feel a bit beeter soon!

    Ducky and Beetlebum.......we call that CRS (can't remember sh*t) and that term gets used a lot in my houshold!

    Taking it easy today, I slept till lunch time but I think the tummy rumbles woke me up but boy, I sure could go back to bed and sleep more!  I won't or I may have trouble sleeping tonight.   I think I might go into the kitchen and do some cooking that way I am sure to stay awake.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Chrissy-------glad all went well and your home okay. Still eating the dumplings, but they are not as yummy as when first cooked. They have gotten tough, I figuired that is the way a dumpling will do-----Somethings get better with age and some don't. Haven't been going to insomniac thread much. It was so busy at first, but now has died down. I think people just have too many usual threads to keep up with. It can be hard. ------Glad your wound is healing so well --one less worry.

    Isabella sorry about the calf. I've read your posts, but haven't commented. You are an amazing woman to do all that you do. I agree with the comments that you could write a book.

    Mazie I agree with you on the appliances. Whenever my Dh and I would start a new project or buy anything new, we would calculate---- do we have minimun at least twice the amount of money available for whatever was going to go wrong b/c of the planned new whatever. It was Murphys Law as somelse suggested. Can't think of a time that it didn't work that way. Good luck with the new unplanned washer if the old can't be fixed.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Shiela, you can always join us here and make this your 'home' thread, you are more than welcome.  I have popped in to the insomniac thread and was meaning to write that recipe for you but I haven't made it for awhile and it was just one that I did out of my head so a little bit of this and a little bit of I would really have to think about quantities......but I will.....I

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I actually had to google 'what day is today?' on google the other day. (can't remember which day!!!) Try it. You will NOT get an answer!! I was panicking in front of the calendar at my computer. I've begun crossing out the days, but then wondered if I had crossed out that day or not. So I knew it was either the 21 or 22nd, but which one???? Now that I'm off work the days are all the same. If I check my night meds (which are in a plastic day-use contained) I can figure it out, but I thought the computer would have given me a faster answer. My DH doesn't get the same days off each week so it's confusing. He's been a marshall on the golf course for about a month now and just loving it. Thank God!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    HA!!! I just went to check to see if I could get the day put by the time I have on my tool bar at the bottom of my computer and it shows the DATE!! Woo hoo!!! I can feel really smart now. Today is the 23rd of June!!