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For Older People with Sense



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Just to confuse you Barbe, its the 24th here!! However I do have a page I check other world times and dates because that can be confusing especially if you want to call someone. 4.35pm at your place.

    I must get dressed - its 8.35am here.

    Hope you have all had agood day.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    barbe...I had to laugh at you not knowing the day or date...all days merge when you work from home...and I know you WILL be doing something, we never just sit, do we ?

    My latest CRS....thanks Chrissy.... I am getting all wound up for my big 5 hour appointment, the last appointment with the surgeon, and a lengthy pre-op, on the 31 st of this month, for my back op.... and would you believe THERE IS NO 31st of JUNE. Words fail me on my memory problems. I'd made a start on getting my clothes sorted out, cleaning my shoes...and, for nothing !!  And to cap it all, I have lost my hospital letter that is supposed to say 31st don't know if it was 31st May, and I have missed it, or will be 31st  July. And it gets better. My Dr gave me a prescription for 6 Valium tablets, a couple for a dummy run, to see how I react to them, then the rest when I finally go for my teeth extractions, and I have lost the bl**dy prescription now !! I just dare NOT ask her for a repeat, she just does not seem to like me. !!!! ( I lost my last months repeat prescription, and had to ring for a replacement ) Luckily she is leaving this week, but I am still going to ask the dentist to write me up a prescription...he said he would if my Dr wouldn't, so I have to fall on his mercy now. Might be easier to creep off down the grotty back streets somewhere and seek out a drug dealer for the sake of  6 flaming tablets !!! ( Yes, and I would get caught for sure, knowing my luck !!!!)

    I put things 'in a safe place' and just have no idea where these places are. I put things in little drawers, big drawers, middle sized drawers, in one of my many bags, in the kitchen cupboards, sometimes I even push things into sacks of dog biscuits. I long since gave up locking things in the safe, I could never remember the safe key hiding place !!!! ( DD has my safe key now, I am deemed unfit to keep it !!!!! at least DH could always remember things !!) Bit awkward if I get robbed, and asked for the key to the safe, and I say I keep it 12 miles away, no-one will ever believe that one !!! 

    Talking of DH and his memory reminds me that I almost killed him to say we will not be talking much in the future ! He turned up towards T/time, to look at the cows, and I mentioned that I wasn't coming out to look round with him because I was just doing my tea, scrambled egg on toast. Sudden, and very unexpected great big outpouring from DH about my lack of culinary skills, and how he had never had ONE decent meal in over 25 years !! NOT the thing to say to me !!  I was straight back at him, and we had a monster argument . If my cooking was SOOO bad why put up with it for 25 years ?? Why not just cut his losses after the first 2/3 weeks, and cook for himself. He was so used to his mother pandering to his moans and groans about food, plus she cooked as if it was 1950, that my quick meals didn't suit. Probably something to do with me working all hours of daylight, and 7 days a week, 12 months of the year, when he met me had a lot to do with it...NO time for cooking at all, and my habit of just grabbing a quick sandwich at the end of the day, was NOT at all to DHs liking !! 

    All in all I have had a very restful day...NOT. I remember asking my back surgeon what would happen if I didn't have the op. He said I would just gradually stop being able to walk...and to rest up whenever I got the chance.  My walking has gotten much worse since this last I have been TRYING to get some sort of rest daily. DH threw that up at me saying whenever he came up here I was 'stuck in bed'...which really got to me. I don't always get my 'rest' time until well after 6pm, always lots to do, so only take to my bed probably once a week thru' the day. If the doors are locked and I don't answer the doorbell its probably because I don't want to and am holed up in my sewing room, listening to the radio !

    I slammed the door on DH and told him to go home, and NOT to come here again. He cannot get into the house as I changed the locks on him months ago, and he wasn't too pleased with me about that ! I didn't want to have the BIG fallout... wanted to remain on speaking terms, but looks like this could be it now ...YES !!!  DH has 2 ops. himself next week. One on Monday for a second go at sorting his frozen shoulder out, the first op. didn't work properly, and the second is on July 5th or 6th to have his knee cleaned out. Both times he has asked me to be his driver, but he can go and get a flaming taxi now. If he is holding monster resentments against me I see no need at all to help him out !

    We are having terrible weather, rain lashing down, so cold and miserable. Just pleased to be inside now. I planted tomatoes, peppers, a chilli and some french beans in pots on my terrace. It's a suntrap ( when we have sun) and is sheltered from the wind by a low wall....but they are just not doing well in this cold weather. Contrary to popular belief I actually do like cooking Chinese and Indian, when I have the time...but, DH doesn't like 'foreign muck' !!! words fail me sometimes..


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey ladies, Isabella: proof positive!!! there was a reason you wanted to get rid of him!!!

        its' always amazing to me that ple are friendly with their exes. i never even tried to get along with ex boyfriends, and my ex husband was abusive; and he disappearred from my boys life shortly after we divorced. i encouraged my boys to remain in his life; but they said if he wasn't interested, they weren't either!

       i have a special draw where all my stuff is hidden... just the one draw. cause anymore, and i'd never know where, either. we have a safe and the key is in that drawer, also!!!

       so, youu're far from alone, dear girl... i hope you figure out about your back op; we ALL want to see you get it, perhaps you need to hire more help round the farm... it'll lighten your load now, so you could rest; and after surgery, you certainly can't do what all you do now...just sayin....

          I talked to Marybe tonight; and she was a little shook. Apparently there was another death here, a lady on the Halven thread... so, she got pretty shook...keep her in your thoughts. she works so hard, and worries about all of us...

       thank you dear ladies, for this thread. these days things seem so discouraging, and its' a bright spot to come here, and hear you all     be well...........3jays

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh Isabella, I so hope you can get your back done up. Don't worry about DH, he can fend for himself.

    {{{MARYBE}}} I am sending you gentle hugs and prayers for peace.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    ...words will never fail you Isabella!!! That is what we treasure about your posts...

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Well, here I am behind again reading the posts.

    This is a week that was great and the pits.  The great and most important part is that the Cardiologist read my echo and said my ejection rate is high enough to continue Herceptin so I'm headed to Hopkins in an hour for that.  I did lose two weeks waiting for all this.

    My oven - no, it's not in yet.  I waited till late yesterday only to get a phone call from the Sears installer saying they can't touch it since my gas is propane.  So, now I have my propane company coming Monday.

    Our new roof?  Who knows.  They were supposed to be here at 7am yesterday.  I called twice and finally at 10am they called to say they didn't want to do it since it may rain.  I told him I understood but that I would have appreciated a call before 7 to know that it's not happening.  Today, the owner of the roofing co. called to say that "maybe rain today" so they will shoot for Monday.

    Well, yesterday was one of the first days I've taken an Ativan in months but it did help to mellow my out.

    I'm on my way to get showered and dressed to get on the road and am hoping for a good day since I still can't cook and won't have my roof exposed if it rains, so, it's all good.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Marianne - Glad it was mostly good news for this week.  Hopefully next week you will get the new roof and get your new stove installed.

    Marybe - praying for you me dear friend.  {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}.  Let us know how you are doing. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Barbe if it weren't for the day and date on my computer and the diary function with alarm on my phone I'd never know what day it was!   You are so not alone with that.

    Alyson how's your back doing?  Are you getting any relief?  I sure hope so!

    Oh Isabella!  I sure hope you got that appointment time sorted as you really need that op!  I have a small basket that sits on a shelf in the dinning room and any and all important things that need to be kept on hand go in there.....for other important papers and things I have a zippered compendium that is kept in another cupboard so I can always put my hand on important papers.  I would have done the same as you did to DH if my DH ever complained about my cooking or anything else for that matter!  You really are better off without him.

    Marianne....yay!!! on your results from the heart specialist, that is great news!  I know how you feel about your oven not being in, it's such a hard thing to see and not be able to use.  Hope Monday sees it in and hooked up to the gas!

    3jays, Marybe and Amyjo I sure hope you are feeling better and resting as needed.

    Just taking it easy since returning from the city the drive down and back in one day was I think a little bit too much and I won't be doing that again.  The ear is feeling great and I even slept on it last night so that tells me that it is definitely on the mend.  I had fun creating in the kitchen the other night and came up with a yummy pilaff using morrocan spices.......I must remember what I did so I can make it again as it was so yummmmmmm!!!!

    Enjoy your Friday night and your weekend!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105

    Hi All!

    First the good news.  The axilla node biopsy was negative! Smile.  Since they don't know if it was a sentinal node or not, they will still be doing a sentinal node biopsy when they do the surgery on July 21st.  When they did the node biopsy, they had me in a kind of twisted position so they could get the proper angle, but as I was shifting on the table, my back made this audible popping sound and afterwards, I was in so much back pain, I was in tears!  That was a week ago, and this is the first time I felt up to sitting at the computer and typing.  I did go to work every day, so by the time I got home, I just took the pain pills, put a pain patch on it an went to bed.  My oldest daughter (15), was a trooper and fed the little one and took care of things.  I was so happy that the node was negative!  Good news twice in a row.

    Isabella, I agree with all the comments about your stories.  I grew up on a large farm with cows, pigs, sheep, crops and --- our primary source of income-- we raised turkeys!  Your stories bring back so many memories.  And I love the way you tell a story --- I too would buy your book.  I can almost her your British accent as I read your posts.  Another thing, I used to volunteer for canine rescue before I got my kids, so I understand how you feel about your animals.  I fostered 27 dogs in my home (not all at once) and helped to place about 100 other dogs into new homes.  My problem was that I always got attached and found it hard to say goodbye when they were placed.  I adopted my Rosebud (she died in 2009 at the age of 14) when I couldn't give her up after fostering her.  She almost died in my arms and what I did, I am told saved her life.  She had pneumonia and was coughing and wheezing.  She was in such bad shape that the vet said her would put her down.  I had become very attached to her and since she was just 4 months od and so sweet, I just couldn't let her go.  The vet said to go ahead and take her home, but if she did make it through the night, to bring her in in the morninig.  I put her in a crate and covered it with towels and put a vaporizer on and pointed it into the crate.  I stayed up with her all night and held her as she coughed up all the gunk in her lungs.  I woke up with her in the morning licking my face and wanting to go out!  I took her to the vet as she did make it through the night!  He said I was playing a trick on him and asked if I had switched dogs!  I told him what I did, and he said that was what saved her life.  After that, I just couldn't give her to someone else, and the rescue league I volunteered with gave her to me free of charge.  She was the best dog!  I was so sad when she died 2 years ago and I miss her so still.  She will alway be in my heart!

    Leah, let us know when you have a surgery date.  Early fall seems like a long wait, but the time will pass quicker than you think. I so understand what you mean about your life being on hold and it being hard to move on while you wait for the surgery. I will pray for you!


    And thanks to all for their words of encouragement and prayers and well wishes.  It all helps with getting through all of this. Next step is the BMX with immediate recon with TE's.  Surgery is July 21.  My SIL and DB will be coming the night before the surgery.  SIL will go to the hospital with me and DB will stay with the girls.  He will also do a list of repairs for me on the house while he is here.  They will stay through the weekend.  Then mid-week of the following week, my sister will come to stay a few days and take me to the first Dr. appt. She will take the girls with her up north for the weekend.  I might go along too if the Dr. says ok.  They promise me they will pamper the heck outta me!  I will just have to see if I feel up to it. My church family will fill in the gap with my good friend Merideth being the point person to arrange everything from meals, to taking kids places and getting me to appts.  Dr. says I will be off 4 to 6 weeks from work.  I found out that the sick pay will have no taxes taken out, so it may not be as bad as I originally expected. Any advise on what I should do to prep the house, what I should get, etc would be appreciated!

    Hugs to all,


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    somuch chatting , ladies, i love it, but can't keep up...

       Mazie, so glad you can continue tx now. the rest will go slowly, but shurely...{{{{{{sigh}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

      Chrissy; glad yor ears healing, and you're still enjoying the stove. it would be a complete waste here, im afraid...

      Amy jo; hope the pain regimen is still holding for you. csn't wait to meet you in Sept!!!

       Yeah, phyllis just hope your back gets better bf surgery. ive added you to the prayer list...

       wishing you all a good weekend , and hoping you can enjoy it a little without bc interfering in it!   .......3jays

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi Mom of Two, Belated welcome. 

    I recall there are lists containing the info you are looking for here on this site. I don't recall where but someone will come along soon who will help you out.

    Take it day by day and you will get through it all. 


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    Momoftwo - it sounds as if you have a really excellent support system in place. When my sister who is a nurse came to stay a few days after my surgery, she cleverly brought an over the counter assist for the inevitable constipation. That never would have occurred to me. Also, I bought some inexpensive really big men's shirts to wear for the first while. I didn't have reconstruction and can only imagine that you will want to wear something quite loose at first.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Phyllis, the thread you are after to give you the list of what is good to do before surgery is

    Shopping/packing/to-do list for surgery + recovery....

    Hope that works but if not, you will find the thread at the top of the list under Surgery, before, during and after.

    I just checked to see if it works as a link but it doesn't but if you hilight, right click, search with will get the google web page that has it listed.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Phyllis - One thing that in not on the list is a bell. My DD#1 got me a little silver bell to ring when every I need anything even just ot talk to someone.  It was a lot easier to ring the bell than try to yell when I needed any help.  Looks like your support system is in place and that is an improtant part of the recovery process.  Take care and keep us informed on how you are doing.

    3jays - I can hardly wait until Sept to meet you and Chrissy and see BarbA and Marybe again.  Hope you get to feeling better soon and the drs can get your health in better shape so you can really enjoy our time together.

    Chrissy - Just wanted to thank you again for starting this thread.  It is so nice to have a safe, encouraging, uplifting place full of friends to share this journey with.  Love you my friend.

    My pain management plan is working well as I am able to do more things now and my energy level is also improving.  DH still worries too much about me and is always tellimg me to not over do things and make myself too tired.  I love that man with all my heart, but sometimes he makes me crazy because he is so overprotective. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    AmyJo, my DH is like tyhat also. How blessed we are.

    Phyllis, you are very lucky to have a great family.

    ((3jays)) thinking of you.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I tell my DH to let me do what I think I can, while I can. He knows I know when to let my body crash and rest. I do get occassional bursts of energy.....really!!!

    Amyjo, I hope to meet you in September, too!!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Barbe - I talked to BarbA this evening and we both are so excited about Sept.  It will be good to see some new sisters.  My DH does let me do most of the things I want to do, he just does not want me to over do things and make myself too tired.  When I listen to him I can so some things everyday, but when I keep going and over do it then I am out of commission for a couple of days.

    Marybe - Thinking about you my dear friend.  Hope you are okay, I know the last few days have been really hard for you.  Remember I love you and care about you. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Adding my HUGS for {{{MARYBE}}}. Miss you gal pal.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Crashed and burned yesterday....ended up in hospital. What a day.

    Started out as usual, not an early start, about Usual Saturday morning houseful , all breakfasting, coffeeing and chattering. Started to drive me crazy...I wanted all to go home and leave me alone. My heart started to do a dance, I ended up on the floor...DD called ambulance...AGAINST my wishes, and I was carted off.

    All I wanted was some peace and quiet, NOT 9 people closing in on me ! Somehow, without upset, I have to STOP this mothers meeting at my house each week. I want a couple of quiet cups of coffee, and to just get on with slowly feeding my animals. The kitchen becomes a hive of activity, nothing gets sorted out for all the chattering, and I end up getting in a tizzy wishing all would give me some space to do my own thing. I am just getting over a fibromyalgia flare, its been bad most of the week, and in all the confusion I forgot to take the painkillers and beta blockers I take each I suppose that set me off. I was checked out in hospital, had ECG...had to wait for consultant to come and see me since I refused blood test. DD and G/sons buzzing around me like flies. I managed to ask a nurse to get them outside for a while, and settled a bit, so that when consultant came I was signing myself out. I am told I have ... Supraventricular tachycardia (sp?) which seems to mean irregular heartbeat ! I do not like hospitals.

    I was home for about 5pm....what a wasted trip. Had all dogs, cats and puppies to check , SOMEONE had fed them all for me, I don't know who, AND cleared up all the mess of the Saturday breakfast. It was lovely to get in and be peaceful again. The 'phone did not stop on and off all evening, but I only answered it once. DD had her party last night, so I was safe from her and the G/sons bothering me, the 'phone started again at 10am, so I have taken it off the cradle.   I rang DD and told her I was fine, and going back to bed...which I wasn't, I just wanted the house to myself. I've spent the day sitting out in the garden reading...and had a lovely long soak in the bath.

    I shall get DD, no doubt, in the morning...but I am planning on a short trip to town so maybe can get off before she catches me ! I have forgotten my DILs birthday this last Thursday, a cardinal sin !!! so have to go get her a card and present and get them in the post as soon as I can. I have an awful feeling I have also forgotten another B/day, but can't think who I have missed without looking in my book ! There get so many B/days to remember . The G/son who helps me's girlfriend has her 18th B/day in 2 weeks, a big 'do' which I don't want to go to, but suppose I shall have to. She has just finished her college course, and is a qualified beauty therapist now. She is full of all the work she is going to get now, and all the money she is going to earn. The people who run these colleges should be strung up for putting ideas into the young ones heads. Here we are in the middle of a very bad recession, and all these kids churning out of college with dubious certificates think there is work galore for them. Last year this same young lady turned out of college with a 'certificate' to say she had qualified as a dancer !!!! She was going to get loads of work in theatres and on TV up and down the land, and got nothing !!! She works so hard and throws her all into it, and just does not believe no-one wants to give her any work. 

    Right. an early night for me tonight, and an early start in the morning I hope.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{ISABELLA}}}} Please take care of you. You are the glue that holds your farm together. Gentle hugs for you!!

  • Oh, Isabella I have been hoping to see a post from you telling all about the festivities at your daughter's birthday bash, NOT one saying you had ended up in the hospital.  Just tell them point blank you need a little peace and quite and cannot handle the stress that goes with having a crowd in your kitchen.  They should be able to understand that.  I am glad someone at least cleaned up the dishes and fed the animals for you. 

    I do not know if the chemo is getting to me, if it's my frame of mind, or I just can't do things the way I used to, but the bit of yard work I did yesterday and then this afternoon wore me out.  Any thoughts of my husband doing it, is a pipe dream and I pretty much went over all the places that guy we hired supposedly weeded and dug out the roots that were still there....all he did was break them off and a fat lot of good that is going to to.  I was thinking Wow, this is exhausting and it's really wearing me out, but at least if I am doing it myself, I am doing it right and I get a lot of satisfaction out of things like that.  So tonight it's to bed early to watch True Blood....cannot believe I am excited about a tv show returning, but I am.  I think I will sleep well and soundly tonight.

    Thanks for thinking of me and the hugs, ladies.  Hope your service goes well, Phyllis. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    (((HUGS)) to my gal pal, Marybe!!

  • Fitz33
    Fitz33 Member Posts: 123

    So, you've met my relatives....

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi all,

    Marybe I felt so bad for you when the "gardener" pulled out, broke off, your lovely plants.  You must have been happy to see you still had something left to work with.I hope you still get some flowers this year. I am restricted here in thePacific Northwest due to the rainy climate and our local deer population. I also cannot feed the birds because our local bear will make us a stop as he does his neighborhood rounds.

    Isabella I am happy you are home and getting settled back into your own routine.  I think one of the things I loved about my Grandma's farm was the rhythm of the day, its regularity. It felt right. 

    Amyjo, you have a bell! I think I love your husband, mine is actually very good too. My husband is cooking dinner as I write, rice and grilled shrimp. He has learned to cook a few things since last year when this all started and I appreciate it so much. 

    I am getting some hot flashes from the Arimidex. Not too bad so far but uncomfortable. I take Effexor and that is supposed to help so maybe they won't get any worse.  I am trying to be more positive about the Arimidex. From now on I am going to say that I GET to take arimidex for the next 5 years. I am told that it gives me a 5% greater chance to not have a cancer again. I am still losing toenails. It is seven or eight now and I hope no more. I have a bunch of summer sandals, being from Chicago where summer is hot! Here we are still rejoicing when it hits 70*! 80* is rather unbelievably referred to as hot!  I suppose I might not even notice I am not wearing my sandals. 

    I hope you all are having a nice Sunday and will feel refreshed for the week ahead. 

    Hugs Ginger

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Isabella - tell you family if they love you to take a hike, away from you, until they are invited to come back.  Anyone that is not family you should tell to just get out of you house.  You need to take care of yourself and let them handle their own problems and fix their own messes.  

    Marybe - it is so good to see you posting again. I have missed you. You need to learn how to slow down and not try to do so much.  Maybe it is time to think about retiring since you are trying to redo your Dad's house and take care of your current place too. I don't know how you do it all.  I get tired just thinking about it all.  I can definately relate to getting tired easier. I am sorry the guy you hired to do the weeding did such a bad job.  Just take time to get the rest you need and you will be able to do a little everyday instead of trying to do it all one time and then winding up in bed for 3 or 4 days.  I am trying to learn that lesson too.  Take care my dear friend, I want you to be healthy and full of energy when we meet in September. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    today  has been an odd day for me; i think im worn out emotionally, with feeling so weak.. in spite of that, i "pushed " myself, saw my son in his new 1/2 way house yesterday; did lunch, and then grocery shoppoing for him. also bought him a new phone; i want him to have a place "work" can call to hire him, and he 's the one who calls his old mother, so he's the one who will USE the phone... left us broke till payday, but it was well worth it. for the being out, not so much.

        today Mur took me to Flanagans' for dinner, my fav... that was the last of my "pin" money, but i enjoyed it tremendously!!!

       i thought of youu, when i cleaned the ldm rugs,, im telling you to slow down!!! if i looked better, i would've had mur take a pic.. me, pushing the hoover, and holding on one handed to a walker... but, he spilled spaghetti sauce last night, and is USELESS in house work... now, another night i'll be up; but a good rest tommorrow.

       this wk i have dr appts everyday of the week!!!! please pray that tuesday the gp takes me seriously, and gets my thyroid tests started. im so afrai he'll blow me off, and i'll have to wait till Aug. to see the endo...    please, God, i need to get started on a good road. im going to shell knob, on my knees if i have to!!.............3jays

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    BIg hugs Isabella,Marybe and 3jays. (((((((((hugs)))))))))). Do look after yourselves and not do too much. Listen to Amyjo's wise words, though I think she can overdo things as well. (((Amyjo)))

    Cold here today and the ski fields have had the much needed snow which is why it is cold. I have managed to get a chest infection so trying to keep warm.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Oh Isabella, what a thing to happen!  I can certainly understand your forgetting to take your meds in all the uproar, and maybe now they'll realize that you just can't tolerate the invasion.  And if they don't, just tell them! Perhaps some realization that the invasion might be too much for you is beginning to dawn on them since at least the kitchen had been cleaned up and the animals fed.  Hope so, anyway.

    Marybe, I was so glad to see you posting.  I too have missed you.  I'll add my voice to AmyJo's and say I think maybe you should slow down some too at least while you're coping with the issues you have now with your treatment.  I know from reading that you're a very conscientious person and therefore have a hard time doing less than than the best, but maybe you could give yourself a little slack around the yard?  Hugs to you, and please try to be as gentle with yourself as you can, just for now.

    3jays, I'm glad you got out and saw your son, and got the phone for him.  I'd have done the same for mine. Hopefully the halfway house will be a jumping off place to a new life for him.  Glad you and Murray enjoyed Flanagan's. We don't have one here, but I've eaten there a few times when in other places for meetings and it's really good.  Now you're going to be the 3rd person I'm asking to slow down!  Vacuuming while holding on to your walker?  You've just been through such a bad time and I know you're still grieving, and I keep you in my prayers.  I do hope the dr will listen to you on Tuesday!

    Ginger, I'm on arimidex also and don't like it, but taking it anyway.  I've had a few hot flashes but nothing intolerable.  My main complaints are bone pain and stiffness.  Onco wants me to have a Reclast infusion because I have osteopenia and arimidex as he says is "hard on bones".  I've visited the bone thread here and also researched Reclast and think it's a catch 22 situation.  Damned if you do and damned if you don't.  None of this would have come up but my last bone scan showed the osteopenia.  Some drs don't even treat osteopenia.  I plan to take my own sweet time deciding.

    AmyJo, my DH is much like yours, very solicitous.  He's been my rock through all of this, not only the breast cancer, but also through my sister's complications with her treatment and the deaths of my father and Aunt Kate.  He retired a couple of years before I did, and he'd drive down every week to check on Dad and Kate when I couldn't take off work, wrote Dad's checks to pay bills, and took them to dr's, etc.  

    Hope all of us have a good week!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey Kathy; thank you so much; i know you and a lotta ladies are praying for me. Believe me some days, thats' what keeps me going. i know there's intercession for me , and that Hes' listening. you guys are SUCH a comfort to me!!!

       yep, it caught up with me today.. I actually put my sisters' # in the phone, and right before i pressed the button to call and ask her her exp w/ thyroid, i realized it was a long distance # that I can't reach catches you iat the weirdest moments.... but, it was a relief for her, so i'm comforted in that..........3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    (((((((For everyone))))))))))

    Isabella you have to get some sort of system going that helps you remember your meds!  Spending the day in hospital is not a good thing but at least you got the kitchen cleaned and the animals fed.  Any more news on that back op?

    Amyjo and Marybe will you two slow down a bit?  You are putting us all to shame with the things you do!  You both need to rest a little more and allow your body to heal................but I do agree it's hard to stop when you are very involved with doing something.

    3jays..............You sure are battling....gosh I hope you get some help soon this has gone on waaaay too long. We need you fit and well or as well as possible for Uncle Bill's.  Vaccuuming while holding onto your walker?  Now that's a funny picture!

    Ginger I sure hope those fulshes settle a bit for you they are the pits in the hot weather! 

    Kathy It's always good to know you can rely on your DH to do the things you can't.

    I've had a very relaxing few days just hanging around.  I need to drive over to Clare to have a blood draw done so my BS has the results when I go see him on the 7/7.  Yup it that time agin, mamogram on the one and only!  Not particularly worried at all it's just a pain in the b*tt that I need to go to the city .....again.

    ope you all had a great weekend and have an even better week.

    Love n hugs to all.   Chrissy