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For Older People with Sense



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Yikes!!! We ALL did silly over-work things on the weekend except Chrissy, who had the sense to do what her doc told her!!

    Marybe, bending over for the weeds is probably THE hardest job!!! Didn't you get light-headed??

    And 3jays, didn't Mur hide-away rather than watch you vacuum holding on to your walker???

    I did a dumb thing yesterday and saw a pattern repeated!! My ex-H would mow everyone's lawns except ours, so I did ALL the yardwork. Everyone thought HE was soooooooo good. So yesterday I was at my son's house and his lawn needed doing. My son does work hard and was about to watch HIS son for the first time while his wife went to a wedding shower. I love mowing, but kinda wanted to shame my son into mowing, so I said I'd mow his lawn. He jumped at the opportunity, ran to the side of the house, brought out the mower and got it going!! I mowed the front lawn, watching out for dog shit as I was instructed.

    Then my son came out and said he'd take the mower across the street to the older gentlemen's house to mow it and then 'I could do the backyard of my sons house!!!" So while my son was across the street mowing the old man's lawn I decided that was enough. When he returned with the mower I said I'd had enough and hadn't stopped sweating from doing the front yard. He said no prob, so we watched a video. Patterns repeated!! But, I WAS proud of him mowing the older man's lawn..... mixed emotions.

    Of course I paid dearly for that mowing session.....we truly are our own worst enemies!!!

    I pray we all get a bit of a break as summer continues to creep onward.....

  • suzanneinphoenix
    suzanneinphoenix Member Posts: 34
    LOVE the shot, Lisa!  I do feel yes.  She has more hair than me Frown
  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    I obviously did not have much sense Saturday and thought sitting in the shade under a tree would prevent sunburn.   Of course I also did not put any sunscreen on - I know, no common sense....    Weird that only from the elbow to the edge of my tshirt on upper arm was deep red when I finally went inside after about 4 hours.    Face, neck, legs all had nothing.  

    I put the sunscreen in my car so any time I am out and about it goes on.   Maybe that can get me back into the sensible group...       Hugs for all, Nancy 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Just stopping in because I can't sleep.  I overdid it again today.  I know, I know I need to slow down and not try to do so muchm but there is so much that needs to be done.  My DH has long since given up on telling me to come to bed tonight.  This is the first time I have had trouble with getting to sleep, usually the norm is trying to stay awake!  I am supposed to go to Sanford, NC later today and that is when I will probably be sleepy.  I do need to try and go to bed so, I'll catch you all later.

    Hope everyone has a good Tuesday. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    i don't feel so bad in the "overdoing" dept. now.... i spent the whole day in bed, paying for the wkend. not sleeping, but keeping my feet up, reading a book.... 1st drs. appt done today: my dr. left, and won't be back till july....i won't see his partner, so we'll look for another eye dr. in the meantime. just keep using the drops in my eye (for staph) sparingly....

        tommmorrow is the GP; the one i hope will listen..then wed onco; i can't WAIT to tell her what i think about the np refusing me tests... then, the ent thursday...nice week,,, hope someone listens, soon, or its the ER for me, and thats a huge PIA!!!im thinking positive, and hope the huge bruises i have from tipping the chair over will convince him...............3jays

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    GramE - you always need to put sunscreen on. I live in FL and I know. Learned the hard way while sitting under an umbrella.  

    Oh Cherie, I am praying hard for you! And AmyJo, I am lashing you with a wet noodle. Take care of yourself! I want to see you in Missouri.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    BarbA - There is no way I will miss Missouri!  Already made my reservation and paid for the ticket. Smile  It is ok to lash me with a wet noodle, sometimes I might even deserve a slap to the back of my head, NCIS Jethro style. Today is a fun day with "adopted" daughter and her 3 precious kids.  I will be posting pictures later this evening.  They live in Sanford, a little over an hour away, close to Fort Bragg.  Her DH is in the military and she is one of my DD#1 BFFs.  I met them when we went to Germany before our only GS, Matthew, was born and he will be 11 in Nov. Now they have a 9 year old girl and 6 year old twins.  I should be back home in plenty of time to get an afternoon nap.  So maybe I will be back on my regular rest schedule and no more staying up until 2:30 in the morning.

    Cherie - Saying lots of prayers for you and that the drs, will all listen to you and do whatever it takes to get you well.  You have no business overdoing it.  And yes, I am a great one to be talking about overdoing it.  But I am trying to be better so BarbA does not have to come lash me with that wet noodle!  However I would like to see her and any noodles need to be eaten.Innocent

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Isabella, I hope you're feeling better - maybe your episode taught your family to treat you a bit better. Here's hoping.

    3jays, I think of you and surely do hope your docs get it right, once and for all.

    Marybe, you're never far from my thoughts. You are so dear.

    Chrissy, thanks so much for starting this thread. As a sailor, I particularly like the latest photo.

    Ginger - your area sounds similar to mine. Our veggie garden has 8' fencing to keep out the deer. The local bear keeps going over/through my neighbors chain link fence, but so far is staying out of my yard. Maybe my 135# German Shepherd helps - but the neighbors have dogs too, so I'm not sure if maybe their garbage can smells 'better' than mine or what.

    Amyjo, your trip today sounds like fun.  Fun can be restful in itself, but a good night's sleep can work wonders.

    To all, my best wishes.

    Me, I'm tired and grumpy today.  Ever since DH sprung on me that he's giving me a bday party, "and you won't have to work hard at all" -- well, ever since then, we've been in high gear clearing, cleaning, scrubbing, working outside and in.  I had my today all planned out to go down to the valley & shop -- it's unseasonably cool and a perfect time to go to town (it's usually really hot down there in summer, and I go to town at 6:30 & home by 10) - but instead I awoke to a note that says we need to do some last-minute weed-burning this a.m. before I go.  He torches the dried, mown weeds then I follow with a garden hose.  We have to do it by July 1, when the burn ban takes effect. 

    Sigh.  I just hate it when somebody else thinks they should think for me - Plus, next (not this) weekend before the party, he has scheduled someone from work to come spend the weekend and he is going to do some training.  Normally I love this routine when the younger men come up here for training (DH telecommutes) -- and don't mind cooking a meal or offering the spare room.  This time, I'm getting the spare room ready for guests, but the young man will be staying over.  So, it's double the work.  I dearly love this man of mine, but feel like he's hijacked my summer.  I'm sure this too will pass, I'll love the guests, and so on, but today, I'm just gimped & grumped up.

    On a bright note, the yard looks good, the house is getting sparkley, flowers are thriving; and we're starting to eat a bit from the garden.

    Hope you can all find something that gives you pleasure today.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    L_C - today was fun.  I had such a good time with Alicia and the kids.  i met her Mom, and she is a lovely lady and because of her health she has moved in the Tony and Alicia.  Are you on facebook?  I will be posting some pictures of the day on my photos there.  I will try to get one or two put here later.  I got home in time to beat the storms and to get a good nap before DH got home.

    So sorry your DH planned so much for you to do.  Bless their hearts, but men just don't get how much work is really involved in getting ready for anything.  Try to get some rest and not get too stressed. 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Boniface Kids.  These are my "adopted" grandchildren, they even call me grammie and want grammie kisses when I see them.  We had a good day playing today.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Wish we had a 'like' button. Just so cute.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    So cute, AmyJo.  Glad you had such a good day!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    oh, Amy JO; don't the little ones just life your spirits.. i haven't seen my beloveds for 2 weeks, now, and i'm feeling it. My DIL's family are all in for her Granddads; funeral; and my son won't have us mix... so, next week for sure, we'll pick him up at school, and "steal"' a fe  w hours...

         todays dr. appt was exhausting..  at 1st; he did exactly what i'd  expected.. he  started to blow me off, saying it wasn't THAT much of a problem... and i just had a meltdon ...sobbing, the whole bit... this is the dr that was so helpful in the beg. of BC; and is now convinced I'll die, bc  i don't take tamoxifen... he's really hardheaded, and real old fashioned... Mur told him if he wasn't going to do anything, thren he needed to write an rx for a day nurse.. that i simply couldn't get up and around by myself in the day; and he had to work..the dr says "she needs to go in the pool and excersize... so, we tell him; please listen...3mos ago; she was going in the pool, taking pt, and DOIN ZUMBA!!!now, she can't get out of bed!!!

       so, maybe bc mur, who never gets riled, did, he started listening. 1st, he asked about depression.. i told him of course, im depressed, none of you drs will listen to me..,!!!

       he then tells me that the nurse from cleveland clinc one of the best hosp in the country explained it wrong to me.  its' NOT HYPER thyroid, its HYPO thyroid, and thats' why im so tired... so, i whipped out all my research to him... susepetibility to infection, tired, mood changes, hair thinning, weight gain unexplained  in the area they said was chemo bloat etc... THEN he listened... it took me a while to talk to him, cause i had a complete meltdown when he poo pooed me.

      then, he read my chart carefully ( why don't they do that bf???) and he said... ohh, you already have adrenal exhaustion and am being txed for it... no wonder hypo would be more severe...THEN, and only THEN, did he agree to start me on synthyroid... so, say prayers hard, ladies, light candles, if thats' your thing, anything... i NEED this to work, i want my post bc life back!!! i'll settle for post bc; not even pre bc.... i WANT to go to Uncle  Bills'  sooo very badly!!!!

      marybe and i said the other night, its' not Uncle Bills, anymore, we're gonna call it MECCA,,,cause so many of us dearly want to make the pilgrimage.

       i want to meet all you lovely ladies IN PERSON, and  i'm so worried about seeing marybe, so it just HAs to work!!!!'s to sept!!!   3jaysedited for spelling

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hey there 3jays, sending huge gentle hugs. Will light a candle for you on Sunday but here's one for you now.

    Two blessings for you. Kia Kaha - be strong and  Beannachd Dia dhuit my dear friend.

  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105

    Isabella, take care of yourself!  SVT is nothing to take lightly.  It is basically caused by an arithmia, but is the result of a super rapid heart rate.  The trouble is that your heart is beating so fast that the blood cannot circulate through it properly.  Left unchecked, it can have serious consequences.  This is what hospitalized me and knocked me off of my feet for 2 months in 2005 and 2006.  I now take a beta blocker (topral XL) and an antiarrhythmic drug (Verapamil) to slow my heart rate.  They also help to keep my BP in check and my heart rate is well controlled. Please take your meds, girl! 

    I have had a rough week of it emotionally.  My SIL is definitely coming for the surgery and she and my brother will be here through the weekend.  However, my sister is balking at coming during the week after.  She asked me to see if I can get someone else to take me to my 1st Dr. appt after the surgery.  I am sure I can get someone, but I am upset with her.  I have always tried to be there for family when I can.  For this sister, in addition to other things,  I came and stayed at her house and took care of her 1st daughter when she was in the hospital having number 2.  And I took her youngest daughter on a trip to Europe with me (before I had kids of my own).  Am I asking too much to ask her to stay here for a few days to help out after surgery?   When my other sister who had BC had her surgery, everyone in the family came to the hospital to support her.  I took a week off of work to stay with her and helped her to shower and I attended to her drains and changed her dressings. Now it is my turn, and my cancer is inconvenient for everyone.  The timing isn't good.  I guess I am lucky my SIL is willing to help during the first few days. Maybe I am being unreasonable.  There is a big family gathering at my other brother's house the weekend after surgery. I am not expecting to be able to go, but I wanted my sister to spend a couple of days here helping me and then to take the girls to the family event.  It is just too, much trouble I guess. Her excuse is that they have an old dog and it would be too much for her to have to travel all the way to my house.  They would have to get someone to watch their dog.

    Oh well, here I go venting again and feeling sorry for myself!  What gets me is that if, heaven forbid, something were to go wrong, my kids do not see enough of any of my family and they would not feel comfortable having to go live with any of them.  I need a better back up plan!

    3jays, keep on those Drs!  I wish you were having an easier time of it.  I wish you didn't have to go through any of this.  You are in my thoughts and prayers. 

    I wish there was a way for me to be able to come to Uncle Bill's in September.  I would love to meet you guys.  I am going nuts with the waiting for surgery.  3 more weeks!  At least next week I will be able to spend some quality time with the girls.  I have been such an emotional wreck, crying all of time, so tired but cannot sleep.  My back is still killing me.  I think if I tried to walk a straight line, I would end up walking in a complete circle cuz I am so off balance.  To look at me, you would think I am drinking cuz I am always tilted!  Oh well, I guess what doesn't kill you will make you stronger!

    Take care of yourselfs, everyone!  And thanks for listening again.  (((((Hugs))))) to everyone who needs it!


  • agada
    agada Member Posts: 26

    Everyone is born creative, we just have to remember that.  Yarka Russian paints are almost pure pigment, a little practice with them and you will be off and running.  don't forget to gently wet your paper and let it dry before you try watercolors.  Yeah, I have a really lovely friend in California who cares about my situation and sends my the best of everything. 


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Phyllis, you can come here and blow off any time you want. I don't think expecting family to rally round is unreasonable and you are perfectly OK feeling sad about it. (((HUGS)))

    {{{3jays))) I so hope this will help you!!! Prayers going up!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    ((((Phyllis)))) Rant away, you need too.

    Barbara I presume you are getting up as I am about to turn my laptop off and go to bed.

    See you in the morning (Thursday for me)

  • Maya2
    Maya2 Member Posts: 244

    QCA:  Onco wants me to have a Reclast infusion because I have osteopenia and arimidex as he says is "hard on bones".  I've visited the bone thread here and also researched Reclast and think it's a catch 22 situation.

    I take strontium and increased by bone density by 7% in my spine and 5% in hips within one year. Even better the second year. If you would like some of the articles and studies, send me a PM and I'll be happy to send them to you. I've had no SE. It costs me about $6 per month for an Amazon subscription and I get the Doctor's Best brand. I've checked the US Amazon and they do have it. I no longer have osteopenia, just normal healthy bone.

    3jays: Good for you and Mur! Sometimes doctors have to be made to listen. I'm keeping your candle lit.

    Phyllis: Sorry your family is not playing fair. I experienced the same thing and I don't communicate with them anymore. Sadly, we hear this story way too often.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Phyllis - rant away dear friend.  My family does not ever have time for me unless they need something from me.  Needless to say now that my parents are all gone I no longer have to "play nice" with them.  So I will most probably never see any of them again once all the estate stuff is finished.  I am fine with that as our lives are so completely different.  Other than being related by blodd we have nothing in common.  I am much closer to some of the women her than I have ever been to any of my siblings.

    I am very fortunate that my daughters dorpped everything going on in their lives to come take care of me. They arrived the day before my surgery and stayed until I could manage on my own with the help of my DH.  The oldest daughter was here 2 1/2 weeks and the younger one was here a little over a week.  Their husbands had to handle childrens schedules, pets, household chores and everything else while my daughters were here.  They were good guys and were fine with letting their wives leave to take care of me.

    3jays - I am so glad Mur stepped in and helped the dr. understand that you needed help. And that the dr finally looked at your whole chart and began to understand what was going on with you physically.  I am praying that the meds work and that you regain some of the QOL that you had before all of these issues started.  I will see you at our MECCA in Sept. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey gals... Chrissy; praying for your friend tommorrow. hope your ear is ok...

       thanks for the cnadle, and prayers, wishes..Alyson..

     Maya; love ya girl, yer always thinking of me! and

     Phylliss, i think it just stinks your sister finds your cancer sure YOU do, also.. we do this on another thread... when i get po'd and you have every right an old dog my arse.... we throw them under the bus, feel free.............3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    im throwin all the jerk drs. under, too...hahah3jays
  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    3jays, at last he listened!  I'm so glad normally unflappable Mur got riled and let him know it!  It would be so wonderful if the thyroid med worked miracles, wouldn't it?  That's what I'll be praying for now.

    Phyllis, no you are not asking too much from your family, and I'm sorry your sister is being difficult.  It is she who is being unreasonable, not you.  Rants are always welcome here,  We all do it and we always listen, too.  Perhaps you could get some volunteers from your friends or church? 

    Hey to Alyson, Lost Creek, Barb and Barbe.  I'm sorry about your DH's friend, Alyson, that's a big surgery.  

    Thanks for the suggestion Maya!  I'll PM you.  Anything to avoid reclast for now.

    Sorry if I've failed to mention everybody, but you know what will happen if I go back.


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    I was still writing when you posted, AmyJo, but wanted to say that you've obviously raised some exceptional daughters.  Mine is the same way and we are both so blessed, and know it.

    I guess it's as hot in Raleigh as it is here, much TOO hot.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    allyson, i'll be praying for your DH friend. it is a big surgery; but pretty commonplace now. my dad, and Murs dad did ok. hope same for your friend.........3jays

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    3Jays, I am SO HAPPY you got the Doctor to listen to you!     I hope the meds start to work and do just the right job for you. Maybe you will be out tap dancing soon. :)

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    thanks, Ginger.. i'll be happy going to the pool with my beloveds again...thanks for thinking of me.......3jays

  • 3 jays,   I am soooooo happy the wheels are finally turning and going in the right direction.  You sounded so much more upbeat on the phone last night and that makes me happy.

    lostcreek,   How sweet of you to think of me as dear.....obviously you have not taken to heart some of my posts about my husband.  I hope your birthday party is a huge success, but am sorry it is just meaning more work for you.  It is so typical of men to come up with these plans and then expect the woman to do the actual work. 

    Phyllis, So sorry your sister is being like that....she needs to be reminded of things you did above and beyond the call of duty in the past, but probably doing that would only stir up a fight and you don't need that now on top of everything else.  Thank God for your SIL. Hopefully all will go smoothly and you will have a speedy recovery.  You are not feeling sorry for yourself, you are just getting hit in the face with some reality that sometimes family can be not all we hope for.

    I am not going to work today until 2 so that means I will have been off a total of two days.....some of it due to the fact I was just not feeling up to snufff and some of it due to scheduling.  I wrote about this on Spirited and lively older ladies so won't repeat myself here.  But I am happy to say I am feeling as normal as normal is for me these days today.  And I got some sun and also did some reading in my time off so all of that is good. 

    The weather here today is beautiful.  Have a great day my friends.    MB

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Marybe glad to see you posting here again!! I can't possibly follow the "lively" thread, so I stay over here with the other slow ones......

    Phyllis you are NOT asking to much. Lower your expectations though sweetie, it looks like you are expecting too much. I had to learn that the hard way too. I was alone to heal and it was better in a way. I could fall asleep on the couch or my bed, didn't matter. Could eat what/when I wanted, too. I guess I'm the kind of animal that would go to a hole in a tree in the forest.... Some people need someone around them, but you may find that the first week is enough and you don't even WANT your sister for the second week! If she changes her mind, tell her that you just asked to be nice, but your SIL had already taken good enough care of you. WaBam!!

    Praying for Mecca 'cause that means I am ambulatory.....!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    I'm one of those who likes my own company when I am not feeling well.  I just like that others could come and feed the animals and fill the 'fridge...but I do like to be left alone in my bedroom without someone always tapping at the door to 'see if you're OK' Don't even want feeding. I like to raid the 'fridge when I feel that way out, and not when others think I might be starving. My DD was very good when I had my BMX, but she spent more time watching TV and smoking than sweeping floors and doing laundry ! Just wish she'd have done what needed to be done, then gone to smoke in her own house. She knows I don't normally have smoking in my house, but it all seemed forgotten then...maybe she thought I had lost my sense of smell at that time !

    Could really do with her help a bit this week, still not up to scratch, but don't like to ask ! I'm just getting what has to be done and going back to my bed, where I fall asleep, then can't sleep at night !! Still doing a dance with the hot flashes...which means extra bed linen to wash. My hair is a total mess. just hung there, cannot be bothered to do anything with it, and certainly can't get to a hairdresser and sit in comfort with a hot dryer wafting round my head !

    Had DH having a major rant at me because I wouldn't be his driver for his frozen shoulder op. this last Tuesday, and his forthcoming knee op. next Monday !! I put the 'phone down on him in the end. He can get a taxi, I am beyond sick of him at the moment !! I was hoping the spat we had last week would have stopped all contact. Well, from his side it has, he knows I haven't been very well, and has not offered help, yet when he wants me to get out of bed at 5am to get him to hospital 2 days ago he is on the 'phone to me !!

    My dogs are all behaving themselves while I am upstairs. I was expecting trouble from them, leaving them to their own devices for most of the day, but they just tend to lay out and sleep. I have left one door open for if they need to have a trip round the garden, but even the lively youngsters are not causing much trouble...that I can hear !!! I am taking 2 Sausage dogs up to bed with me. If there is to be trouble it will be these 2 that will cause it !! They are enjoying being singled out and allowed upstairs with me....if only they knew they are upstairs to save themselves from being throttled by me for troublecausing...little devils.
