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For Older People with Sense



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Isabella, I am sorry you are still ailing. Your DH is really a DH and I don't mean dear. Good idea taking the troublemakers with you.

    Marybe, on pins and needles for mecca. Hugs, gal pal.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Marybe - glad you are up to doing a little of your normal routine.

    Isabella - you need to ask for help when you need it and be specific as to what you want help with. Sorry you are not feeling well, but at least the pups are behaving for the time being.  I think they sense when the ones that love them are not well.  Good idea to take the 2 touble makers out of the mix.  Your D@%#*&!H can fend for himself.  Take care dear one. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    i really can't comment on anything tonight. got a shock when i went to the dr. thats' been handling the infections for years...

         he said everyone (including me ) has jumped the gun, and that they need to look for the reason my TSH jumped so much, so quickly...make sense, but i feel pretty hopeless right now..

       tommorrow i go to get an ultrasound of my thyroid, then, he wants me to see the idc dr. he thinks nhe gave me the bums rush, and that it lies in infectious disease, somewhere... he looked at my prev TSH: which i didn't have.. since MAY i went from a 2 to a 5; and thats' VERY serious, i am told... so, here we go again....

       i just feel so discouraged. he told me to STOP  the synthyroid, till we know i need thsat, and not some vanco; or whatever. so, its' all on hold again, for further testing...worse, i know have to wait for 2 weeks, bc i took synthyroid for 3 days, and the TSH will be affected...the ultrasound may find physical things wrong with thyroid/from nodes, all the way to cancer... onto the roller coaster i go, again, with uncooperative drs.; and noone really overseeing it...

       so, after, ultrasound, its' back to the IDC dr., and my ent will do a conference call with him... if he agrees. i need more prayer than i thought, apparently....

       all my friends are here, on this site, what i  wouldn't give for a friend HERE; or my boys to give a damn!!!  it is what it is, though...onward........3jays

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    3jays - I am so very sorry to hear that you are having to go through all of this yet again.  I wish I could be there with you to help even if it was to just hold you hand.  Know that all my thoughs and prayers are with you and I will put you on all the church prayer chains I can find.  I know this is so difficult for you.  I think BarbA is planning on coming to see you over the 4th weekend sometime.  Know that my spirit is there too.  Love you dear one.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    3jays, I too am so sorry to hear this, when you (and all of us) were feeling so hopeful.  It does seem like a case of no dr knowing what another is saying or doing, and I so hope they will confer and work together to most benefit you.  How I wish I could transport myself to your side. Hugs and love (and many prayers) going your way.


  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    {{{{{ ♥ 3jays ♥ }}}}}

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi all sorry to go MIA but I'm back.  

    3jays I praying like mad that you get some good info....what is it with those docs, they are all contradicting each oher and doing you not one bit of good for you.  Hang in there girl you've got to be good for Mecca!

    Marybe so glad you are feeling more like did say when you were having your scans but I have it soon?

    Isabella sure hope you are feeling better soon and don't let that D(?)H get under your skin.

    Phyllis it just aweful when you can't rely on family to do right by you......unfortunately, some people are givers and others takers and it sounds like your sister is a taker.  Just know that we are always here for you.

    Kathy I have osteopenia but I don't use any of the so called bone building meds but I do use the Alternatives to strengthen far so good.  Hope you find what works for you.

    You will be pleased to know that my friend came through the surgery just fine and is heading back to the city this weekend for her nuclear treatment.  She says to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.'

    I'm heading back to the city on Tuesday for my check up mamo and to see the BS.  I'm not expecting any problems, in fact I feel it's a waste of time but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do....ho hum!

    Love n hugs all.  Chrissy

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{{3jays}}}} I am coming to see you Tuesday if you are up to it. {{{HUGS}}}

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Oh for heavens sake 3jays!! Are you telling me no one has ultrasounded your thyroid?????? Stupid people!

    Isabella, use my tip. Sleep on a large bath towel and one over your pillow too. You will be able to sleep right through a flash....

  • Maya2
    Maya2 Member Posts: 244

    (((3jays)))  Keeping candle lit.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Maya, dashed off an email bf doing the ultrasound...

       thanks for the prayers and well wishes, candles lit, ladies.. im down, but (I hope ) not out!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>3jays

  • Nope, you aren't out, 3jays.....Far from it.   You have all of us holding you up. 

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    All of us 3jays!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    All of us 3 jays!

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    All of us 3jays!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    thank you for that, ladies.. i KNOW thats' true.. had ultrasound; the tech highlighted a LOT of spots..which means nothing to me... when i asked, (I know they're not allowed to say) he said "the radiologist has a few spots he'll need to check..and then...he says "you DID have breast cancer, right? is

     said yyes..then, he says, "when they removed some of your epiglottimis, was that cancerous, also?"

        i;m not wishing for cancer, buut, my DIL has survived thryoid cancer 2xs; so i know even at its worst; its doable...has anyone ever heard bc to cause mets to the thyroid? i've not; but anythings possible...bc mets would, of course, change tx...but cart before th e horse!!

        we will  get the results in 4 days, 'cause of 4th of July.. in the meantime; onco wants me in on tues for bloodwork. she wouldn't tell me whats wrong, she wants to repeat some tests..

       i look at it this way....somene's finally DOIG something... doesn't gaurentee me getting to an endo; but its' a better chance now, at least...

         Enough worrying: whats' everyone doing for the 4th? im hoping to see grands, but don't think i will... therefore, Flanigans, for a juicey (not on the bc diet) and a big ceasar salad!!!back to bed...     3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Awe 3jays....(((((hugs))))) to you lovely girl.   One thing for sure is now they seem to be taking you last!    I'm with you!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Big hugs 3jays.

    I have been sensible for once and went to the doctor yesterday. (My doc was away and got this lovely young man who was so sweet.) Have had funny swelling sort of under my arm on the non BC side which I have tried to ignore for the last couple of weeks. I decided it was just a swollen lymph node and would go down but it hasn't. Dr thought it needed looking at and so will see BS on Monday, dr wanted me to have tests first then see BS but when I rang to make appointment they said no see BS first and she will probably want an ultrasound done.

    But I wasn't sensible and didn't wear my sleeve to the gym so my LE is not good, oh well.

    Hope you all have a good holiday weekend.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Big hugs 3jays. I am hoping to see you on Tuesday when we drive back from Miami Beach. I will call you this afternoon. DH is playing at a local beach bar this afternoon/evening then they will shoot off fireworks then tomorrow we are heading to Miami Beach to see my maid of honor and her BF. So fireworks on Miami Beach Sunday and Monday. Should be fun.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Yay Alyson, you did a good thing!!!

    Well the rain that has been threatening all week has finally arrived!  Hard and heavy to begin with but gentle and steady right now.......good for the garden, it will give it a really good soak.  

     Hope you girls in Canada a enjoying your National Day and you girls in the USA have a Happy Independence Day!!!  What ever your plans I hope you really enjoy yourselves!

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234

    Happy 4th weekend and Canada National Day to all.  Enjoy it, everyone!

    Love to all,


  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    3jays, Isabella and Phyllis, my love and thoughts to you.  Phyllis, sorry about your family.  3jays your doctor is a tough one.  I hate any kind of medical interaction.  Isabella, sorry you're feeling so badly.  If I had 2 sausage dogs I would definitely take them to my bed! 

    Just back from a trip to California to visit my son and some friends.  We have one of those old Airstream trailers and it's a cozy little bungalow!  It was 106 degrees in Sacramento, then later rained cats and dogs.  Good to see old friends, but a little depressing as they're mostly at least 10 yrs. older than I am and still doing lots of things--working, traveling, etc.  I had a little moment of self pity as I seem so much more "rickety" than they are!!  Couldn't breathe down there as this is the allergy season.  And now I have pain in my left hip for some reason.  Did have some great food though! 

    Glad to be home in Portland--Oregon feels much more like home to me now as we've been here 5 yrs.  It's so green, especially this time of year.  We're going on the road again, this time to the Sisters Quilt Show in Sisters Oregon.  Going with DD2, and her family.  Two kids along which will be fun.

    Hope everyone has a great 4th July.

    Best thing about travelling?  My dog Ozzy gets to sleep on the bed in the trailer and cuddles up all night.  Something about a dog on the bed just makes me happy.

    Love to all,

    Lynda (Dragonflymary) 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    3jays - Glad someone is finally doing something, I hope it leads to finding out what is really happening with everything. 

    Lynda - sound like you are doing a lot of traveling for someone that is rickety.  

    Alyson - you did the right thing by going to get checked out.

    Looks like we will be staying close to home. DH has to work on the 4th so we will just be going to the neighborhood party at the pool from 4 - 7 then home to watch fireworks on TV.  Hope everyone has a wonderful safe holiday where ever you are and whatever holiday you are celebrating. 

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Amyjo, you're right!  I can still travel and should stop complaining.  Plus I have a cute dog!

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Hugs to you 3jays, and hope you have a good time at Flanagan's.

    And Alyson, good you're getting that place checked--hugs to you too.

    Glad you're back and I hope out of such heat, Lynda.  I love a dog on the bed too even if I have to sometimes fight my way into the bed!  Our dog Bud  thinks his place is wedged between me and DH and he sleeps like a stone.

    We usually watch the fireworks on TV now, too, AmyJo,  Those in Charlotte are spectacular, but not worth the hassle of driving to what's a mob scene there, and Monday night we're also keeping GS overnight--hopefully it'll be an early to bed night for us.  That is, IF he'll stay in the crib. 


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey ladies... dragonfly - Lynda.. we;re softies here.. the dogs get WHEREVER they want to sleep on the bed, and we adjust.. of course, they only weigh 5 lbs each...but, my little girl, who's now blind, has to wedge her pws against you..(the vet that helps "ground"her to where she is.. what a PIN!!! but, they're so good to us with all their love, they can do whatever they want, and get away with it!!! how big is your furbaby?  i also understand, i'm more rickety than the ple in my over 55 comm...they're in their 80's most of them, and i'm the one with a walker a9not bc related..) but, then, i'm listening to Lady Gaga, and Beyounce on my CD; so i think its' physical, not age related.. inm my mind, im still 18' certainly NOT physically though...    happy celebrations, ladies, wherever you are!!!  3jays

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    3jays, my little boy is 15 pounds!  He came to us when he weighed only 2 1/2 pounds and I would give anything to go back to just one day of when he was a puppy, he was sooooo cute.  He's a couch potato now and that's good as we don't have much lawn.  My old dog was almost blind too and she lived to be 14.  We did all kinds of nursing care including IVs until she finally died.  Just hated to let her go but she was not having much of a life at the end. 

    Happy 4th to all!

    Love, Lynda

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls, I hope you are all enjoying your 4th July celebrations and to kick things off I though I'd set the bonfire

     and start the Fireworks


    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • vickilf
    vickilf Member Posts: 17

    I was diagnosed last year in March with CLL  Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia which was a big shock and now JUne of this year with IDC another big shock.

    I have a lumpectomy on this coming tues and will find out more.

    I have two grown boys and 1 girl and six grandkids. I still work two steady jobs and also clean, repair and manage 2 rental houses.

    Nice to meet everyone.
