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For Older People with Sense



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Vicki and welcome.  Wow you sure have been hit hard with those Dx's (diagnosis) but you have come to a great place for information, love and support and we wish you well for you surgery on Tuesday.  Please let us know how you get on.  Anything you need to know just ask and there will be someone who can give you and answer.

    How old are your grandchildren?  I have 4, all boys aged 12, 13, 14 and 15.   Oh yes!  they were indeed busy years!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning all  and Chrissy what were you doing up at that time????

    Welcome Vicki.

    This morning is Mainly Music with my GD  however DD is coming as well so she can take me over to see the BS. I am a little uptight this morning. Keep telling myself its just an infection in the lymph nodes.

    Happy 4 July to you all.

  • Chrissy,  I was just looking at the AAA magazine at my dad's and the majority of it this issue is Australia!   I left yard work at my house to come do yardwork at his digging up some  hosta to take back home with me  (they came from my yard to begin with) and am replacing them with some ferns.  He always says do whatever you like.  His only interests are the buckeye trees with are loaded with pods this year and his tomato plants. Just found out he doesn't get HBO so I will have to watch my shows on demand after I get back home. 

    Welcome the CLL under control? 

    Alyson, Hope all goes well with the BS.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Welcome, Vicki.  Sorry you have to be here of all places, but its the best place to be for information re:  breast cancer treatment and diagnosis.  There is a lot of support and love here and you will find it valuable.  Please let us know how your surgery goes and what your plan of action is for treatment.  I'll keep you in my thoughts on Tuesday.  Lynda (Dragonflymary)

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Thinking of you Alyson as you go to the BS.  Hugs being sent.

    Hi Marybe.  I'm beginning to think you're happier working in the yard than anywhere else!  We live in the shade and hostas and impatiens are the most successful things we grow.  

    Sorry to have to welcome you Vicki, but I know you'll like it here.  I personally think of this place as like a life-line, and I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that.  Will be thinking of you Tuesday.  I also had a lumpectomy and the waiting was much worse than the recovery.


  • vickilf
    vickilf Member Posts: 17

    my grandkids are 19, 17,17 13,13, and 11. Wow time goes  by fast.  I want to say thank you to everyone welcoming me this website.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Welcome Vicki, just jump right on in and ask or talk about anything you want.  We are all here to enourage, support and love each other.  Is your CLL under control?  You have really been hit with a lot of things.  My prayers are with you on Tuesday for your surgery.

    Marybe - there you go again doing so much.  Where do you find the energy to do all you do?  Glad Harley is such a good traveling companion for you, he is such a little cutie.

    Alyson - {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} and prayer that the swelling is nothing serious and just an infection that can be cleared up with antiBs.  If not you know we are all here for you.  Let us know what you need. 

    Chrissy - love the bonfire, I have the makings for s'mores!  What time should we start making them?

    I have 2 grown daughters and both of them are pregnant now. The oldest is due Aug 2nd and already has a 10  3/4 yr old boy and a 6 yr old girl. We do not know if she will be having a girl or a boy this time since they wanted it to be a surprise.  The youngest one is due Jan 21, 2012 and she already has 3 girls ages 4, 9, and 11.   When all are here we will have 7 grandchildren.  I am trying to figure out how to bottle their energy to pass out to all my BCO friends.

    Hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th.  

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Welcome Vicki.. my sons are 42,40,37 and grandkids 9and 4. Think that will be it for

    our group..

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    this house in Coronado is all decked out for the 4th of July parade

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey ladies, Allyson, candle is lit for your apppt. tues. more testing for me on tues, but just bloodwork. they're good, so im not too worried.. ent; and home . sitting it out tommorrow; i enjoyed my hamber tonight without the hoopla tommorrow!

        Vicki, welcome to the club none of us wanted to belong to.. i have 3 grands, one i don't see, 4; and aboy3, and a girl 11/2 that i see as much as i can!!!          i'll be thinking good thoughts for you for your surgery...keep coming back; its' a great groupa gals....3jaysmom

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Hi Vicki, you've come to a good place for warm support - the ladies on this thread are really nice, thoughtful and helpful, -- a very loving bunch of women.  So sorry you've had to join us though. Best of luck on Tuesday.

    Alyson, I'm glad you're getting checked out.  Marybe, do you ever slow down?  I get tired just thinking of all you do...

    My grandkids are 22, 19, 18, 17, 14, 11, 9.  My great-granddaughter is almost 4.  She's a real joy, and fun for all of us.  Really makes me think generationally -- like my great-grandmother's rocking chair is Addy's 4th-great grandma!  My 3rd-great grandma's writings and linens are Addy's 6th...

    Still busy cleaning, getting ready for summer guests and my bday party.  I realized that my usual spring/summer cleaning got pre-empted by bc last year....  Yikes!

    Have a great 4th!!  I'm particularly thinking of our men and women in uniform this weekend...

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Thanks folks - just an infection yeh.Feel quite tired now but so relieved. BS so so wonderful she says she is going to have champagne for me in January - it will be five years.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    high five alyson

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Yay Aly!!!

    Welcome Vicki. We are a fun group but sorry we have to meet this way.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Lisa! I caught you! That's the same picture you used last year, I remember it!!!

    Hi Vicki, I'm a new Nana. I have 3 grandsons, 10 months, 9 1/2 months and  almost 4 months!!!

  • OMG, this house in hot.  I don't know how my father stands it.  Upstairs we have cental air, sort of,'s the old unit Daddy used to have at his dental office and he retired something like 15 yrs ago and it was not a new unit then so you can imagine.  They lowered the ceiling to put in the duct work and in my opinion it just isn't powerful enough.  He's got window units on the lst floor and they do a fine job.  The 3rd floor?!....I have not ventured up there because it is probably an inferno.  It was 91 yesterday, but I guess isn't all that hot, but oh, the humidity.  I am going to dig up a big hosta this morning before the sun gets's one that gets huge...a Francis Williams.  Yes, I do love my yard work.....almost as much as cooking....and how sad, my job actually rates up there with the things I most love to do.  I am still very torn on the SS disability issue....I want it because I will come out much better than going with regular SS, but I also want it because I need the time to  do things I really want to do...things I have put off doing.  I was discussing it with my Dad last night and  he agrees I should go for it now if they will give it to me because even though he doesn't like to think it , waiting til I am 66 is not a reasonable projection.  He on the other hand is saying he thinks he is going to be looking at assisted living in another 10 yrs and his money is going to have run out!!   Daddy is 89 years old so I guess he is planning on 100.  I told him that is why we need to have him put the house in my sister's name so she can move back to OH and live with him....this is because she has had experience working in nursing homes and group homes and has a heck of a lot more patience than I do.  Although I will say I find it amazing that I can live with my dad's habits and idiosyncrasies a lot easier than I can my husband's.  My father thought the table cloth in the kitchen hung down to low so I see where he has just cut it off with the scissors and on the DR table there is a big hedge trimmer along with the miniature ironing board we bought when he visited me on Father's day so he can iron the collar of this one shirt he has......I wish I  had brought the camera, it sort of looks like a chainsaw and on a lace tablecloth it makes for an interesting picture.  Ahh, I love the man even though he does drive me nuts.  I guess when you are his age you have earned the right to do whatever you feel like. I probably should go to Lowes and get some paint and start on that room that goes up to the attic,but I am just not feeling inspired.  I have always been gung-ho on getting this place fixed up, but now that I am thinking I am not going to move back here, I am losing my drive.  Oh get this, my hometown has been # 1 in the state for unemployment as well as drug abuse for a long time....they had a special on A&E called Hillbilly Heroine where they featured this area, but since then I know they have shut down at least two pain clinics and arrested several doctors.  Well yesterday there was an article that we have been rated #1 for Pepsi consumption which I guess accounts for all those people I see without teeth at River Days (our local LaborDay festival).  But those things have nothing to do with my changing my mind about moving back here.....I just decided one day that I really like my house in Cincinnati and now most of my friends (other than you guys) are there, plus there Tim has the basement ( and sadlyI do need his insurance) and where would he go here?....the steps to the 3rd floor just about do him in and it is hot enough to fry a person up there.....hmmmm, maybe I should rethink this. 

    Hope you ladies have a great 4th if you are in this country and that the rest of you just have a good day wherever you are.  Now it is looking very overcast and I think possibly going to rain, but that will only mean we have to take umbrellas to the band is not going to keep my father home from that.....he loves his band music, especially John Phillip Sousa and Irving Berlin which they always play. 

    So glad you got your burger 3jays and glad it was only an infection Alyson. should tell your hubby you want a cleaning service to come in and get ready for your birthday can be part of your gift. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Marybe, you can't paint up near the attic, it's too hot for the paint to set properly. The can of pain would have the extreme temperature conditions on it. Trust it. I painted a cold room once and WHAT A DISASTER!!!!! The paint ran like tears and every other coat on top followed the same trails.....

    Don't you wonder what is going to start on fire in the attic??? Does he have those windmill fans on the roof to keep the air circulating in the attic?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    HAHAHAHA , just saw my type above 'can of pain'...hehehheheheheh I'm leaving it!!! Very appropriate!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    The show of force scares me...really!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I didn't look at it that way Barbe but I will change it.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    And a Happy Independence Day to all - "independent" having many nuances...

    ie: If you can run a vacuum from a walker, or manage for months with no hot water, you're independent...Wink

    Marybe, the cleaning service would come into a clean house, now.  Last week was floors (all Pergo except the baths & utility room).  Yesterday was all the windows, inside and out.  He did outside, including hosing off the house and scrubbing the decks and awnings & wiping down the gutters. I did the insides, including all the woodwork. Whew, that was a big job - But it looks great.  I've been doing some "big" job each day - almost every surface has been dusted or scrubbed, or picked up and put away, and now I am almost getting down to 'the pretties', and of course maintenance for the next couple weeks. Right now, everything just sparkles, all the wood surfaces gleam, etc.  One thing my mother, and his dad, taught was how to clean.... When we had our 'big' sailboat, we always got compliments about the condition of our boat.

    At least most of the bday meal is from a local deli, except SIL is bringing her excellent macaroni salad, and I'll make a couple gallons of my popular potato & dill pickle salad. So I won't have to cook too much, and then will most likely really enjoy cooking for the family who comes to be here for a few days. I'm surprised and of course secretly very pleased at the number of folks who are coming for a few hours or days...

    Of course, next weekend is his "trainee", and that will entail some extra work for a few days.  The last young man was a good conversationalist, plus he stayed at the local motel. For whatever reason, DH offered the spare room to this fellow, who accepted.  I just hope this guy is "a good guest." I've never met him.

    Tomorrow is 3-month Med. Onc checkup. I like her pretty well.  It's a no-tests visit, so I don't expect problems, although I've gotten a big knot on a thumb knuckle that is a bit worrisome.  I don't know anything about arthritis because fortunately my hands have always worked well, so I'm hoping that's what it is.  Had blood work & saw the heart doc last week after 6 months on statins - which have some of the same SE's as  AI's - including arthritic symptoms.  My total cholesterol went down so dramatically during that time, but the heart  doc just didn't want to hear about my SE's - wretched hip pain & joint & muscle pain that had not occurred with only the anastrazole during Aug-Dec... So, since the total cholesterol went down to 134 - yes134 - on the lowest dose statin along with adhering to a pretty good diet and exercise routine, I've decided on my own to halve the dose I'm taking, and within a week, the hip pain has much, much improved.  I'll let the onc know, and my PCP in a few weeks - the cardio just said to keep taking the full pills and come back in a year...ok.  I had them send a copy of the results to the MO.

     Our veggie garden is doing real well considering we had such a long winter.  We're eating salads now - yummy!  And the two rows of beets I planted to make beet pickles (one of my favorites) is doing well, so I have hopes for homemade beet pickles this year.  Most of the commercial canned or bottled ones are hardly worth eating - or they cost a fortune!  

    Take care, all. Alyson, Good News! Chrissy, do you ever sleep?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I LOVE pickled beets!! But I only eat them at buffets. I am paranoid about the staining ability of the juice. Never heard of beet pickles. Are they the same thing? What I eat are sliced..... Are they easy to can?

    Being Canadian, we don't grow up with war plane sights and guns and stuff so when we have air shows here, it really gets the adrenaline going!! I hate war. Thanks for changing the pic to the angry eagle Chrissy.....

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Barbe, they are the same as pickled beets.  Although you can take prime little ones and pickle them whole, they're mostly sliced, sometimes julienned.  You parboil them awhile to slip off the skins, slice and bottle them with a brine, and can do an "open-kettle boiling water bath" for the canning process.  The vinegar is acid-y enough you don't need a pressure canner.  I really like them - as you say, it can be a real mess, stain-wise. But I do ok with blackberries and elderberries, so knock wood, I can manage the beets this year without having a pink kitchen.

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    I make Harvard beets for my 96 year old father because he likes them (I don't). Every time it looks like there has been a murder in my kitchen.

  • Maya2
    Maya2 Member Posts: 244

    Happy Independence Day to my friends in the States!

    Nothing going on here, but Bastille Day is soon.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Maya2...................interested in your post about your supplement for bone health......can you send me a personal message about it............and was did your Doc's feel about you takng it..........sounds good from what your wrote......thanks

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138

    Happy Fourth of July to all.  I haven't been on in a long time but decided it was time.

    I had test results back an week ago Friday and found out that my liver is full of tumors again, a

    little larger than last time.  My onc said we could try something else besides Femara if I wanted

    to....  Didn't sound too hopeful.  The Femara worked a miracle for two years and he said that was

    time I wouldn't have had initially so I am assuming he doesn't have much hope that any of the

    others AI"s will do me any good.  I feel like I have been delegated to the not gonna make it


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    (((((DARLA))))))) try xeloda! I hear that works wonders on the liver. Reach out to Marybe. She has tried many chemos. HUGS!!!!!