INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    Well, I have put a colour through through my hair and waiting for it to take, everyone (DH & DD) gone to bed, even put the dog downstairs and kissed him goodnight.

    Did you have much trouble getting the mac nuts out of their shells Chrissy? Kellie and I wait until the hottest day of the year and take bucket-loads of them under the house and, while I hammer them, she picks the shell off the nut.  If some of them are a bit fresh/green they stick to the shell and get crushed and others get grabbed by the dog.  Dogs are supposed to be allergic to Macadamias, but this dog will crack them himself to get at them.  It makes me cringe to hear him cracking them in his teeth.

    It looks like we are going to have a bumper crop of mangoes this year too, but with all this kerfuffle about the Hendra virus, I might not be eating any of those this year. We get the bats as soon as the manoes give off any scent, which can be for about  10-12 wks. Such a waste of good fruit. Gotta go wash my hair out, probably not back till tomorrow.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hope the colour turns out good!!!  

     The nuts came out of the shells just fine and they are so yummmmm!!!  The best I've ever had!!  so creamy!!!!  You've spoiled me..... lol.... and I porbably won't want to buy them anymore as they won't be as fresh!

    Shame about the mangoes.....I love them too and treat myself to two for the year as they are usually aroung the $4 or $5 a piece so can only afford the treat occasionally.  But when I lived in Queensland I had a huge mangoe tree in my back yard so I managed to eat   I remember when my son was about four and I was standing over the sink eating a very juicy mango he ask what I was doing so I told him.  He asked could he have some and I said sure but you don't like them.   His answer to me was 'I don't mind the taste, it's just the flavour I don't like'.  Poor little boy wondered why I roared with laughter.  I gave him a piece but aparentley the flavour was stronger than the taste as it got handed back pretty quick.


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164

    Hi Chrissy,

    I've actually slept the last couple of nights, woohooooo.  I love Mangos, over here when in season you get them for around 70 cents I got some at a Korean market last week 69 cents each lovely and juicy.   How lovely to have fresh macadamias mmmmm.  We had a plum tree in our back yard when I was a kid so that's what I ate heaps of used to climb up to pick and it was one for me one for the bucket.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Lol Cheryl, I remember growing up with a backyard full of fruit trees, peaches, nectarines, oranges, mandarines, grapes, apricots, figs and mulberries.   Most summers I had no trouble pooping as I ate almost nothing but fruit!

    Glad to hear you have managed to sleep!  Now that's a good thing!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    Isn't it funny, when I think of the amount of plums I would eat at one go no wonder my system was nice and clear in the summerLaughing.  We also had an orange tree only trouble it was a marmalade orange tree so they were bitter as all heck but to watch people peel one and put it in their mouth and then shiver....   Yes it has been great, two full nights of sleep and it's hot so I've had the fan blowing on me maybe thats my problem the hot flashes keeping me up all night.
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Cheryl, I sleep with my face literally in the window so I can get the really cold frosty air on it through the night.  Since I started doing that, I am sleeping way better and I don't go through the blankets on, blankets off routine which equals fewer disturbances and more sleep!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164

    Ha no kidding I'm usually blankets on, blankets off, nightgown on, nightgown off - sure hope there's no earthquake when that happens!!  I saw the other night where you've got the travel insurance and I wanted to say how wise that is.  My friend came from England and threw his back out he got all kinds of treatment and the medical center just took care of the insurance company, we photocopied all of his paperwork to have just in case but nope they took care of every dime.  Are you on a countdown for your trip yet, and how long in Singapore, Hong Kong and UK before you hit our shores.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    The first two are just a few hours in the terminal but I will be in London for two days and will get to the USA on the 2nd September.  So yep, the count down has begun!!!!!   I keep making lists of what I need to do and what I need to take and what I need to get but I keep forgetting where I put them so I have to start all over a again!   Now that's a bit of a worry!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164

    If you forget anything don't worry, we have shops hereSmile

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I'm looking forward to experiencing places like Wallmart and checking out a big mall.  We have them here but they are not on the scale that you have over there.  We also have KMart but again it looks like a corner store in comparison to Wallmart.    It doesn't take much to amuse

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164

    Oh they need to take you to not just a Wal Mart but a Wal Mart Superstore, and Target I go back and forth between the two, oh and I love TJ Maxx , you'll have so much fun just wandering around and let me make a suggestion.  When I travel I take a duffle bag rolled up in my suitcase and that gives me an extra bag without carrying one or sometimes I do suitcase inside suitcase so I have a spare for the shopping.  Okay my night is over I need to get up and get ready for work, talk to you later.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Thanks for the info Cheryl!  Enjoy your day! and I'll catch you later.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    and of course, we have the saw grass mall here, which is on ACRES, Chrissy, and i have a LIST of consignment stores for'll have to ship those wonders home, for sure, and mangoes are not that exp. here, and an organic fruit shop right around the corner, with a french and an english tea store in the same strip mall.. we'll see lots, my girl, no worries. i just gotta get my "sea " legs better..but just for the BIG shopping.. i even drove myself to/from the dr. yesterday..not by choice Mur had a fender bender coming home, too exp to call a taxi, so i crept to the hospital.. im sure ple were bitc** about "old lady drivers" but i made it both ways without anything! better than Mur did..

    and he hit (bumped) a student in a new the ins will be covering that one.. noone hurt, just an angry kid..who was cited for stopping in traffic.. thank you God....    (sigh)...........3jays

  • anumacha
    anumacha Member Posts: 61

    I am so tired but I am awake. I made a summer  salad my nana used to make - no lettuce or cabbage. I cut up tomatoes, cucumbers, onion, banana peppers (pickled last year), green pepper, and celery; a TBS olive oil, plus Italian dressing or caesar. Mix and let it marinate overnight. This is what I love crusty french bread with it! I was bad I had salad n slice of pizza!

    Chrissy can you send my your list of supplements in PM?

    Boss comes back fri, but he will do pay roll tomorrow. I feel like I am doing overtime ...I will have to clean my area Fri cause the guy covering misses a lot of stuff. I guess the room I need to clean is not ready yet. I cant believe that rooms have not been done for yrs, these guys love having someone just ask them and clean not just their floors but everything. The guys just never ask them...they will even say you dont have to do my desk.

    The cat won but I stick his meds in the gravy with his share of kitty food but it has to chunky fish n sauce .Then he wants treats, silly cat. It will be close to 100 so I leave my air on. I have friends that wont leave the air on...these guys stay in my room in my bed with the air on. Hot like really cold weather is bad for my asthma & COPD. Our security guard Pam, has to check trucks and us in and out at lunch time 10 am to 1 pm, in this heat I stopped for ice tea for both of us. She has been at this job for years and she said I am the only person thathas ever brought her something cold on a really hot day.

    I still have a small bag of lettuce, so  might get the mozzarella out of the freezer...fry up some pepperoni until crisp, put in on a paper towel to get grease off. Add 2 to 3 Tbs of olive oil to grease in pan from pepperoni and sautee onion and sweet peppers, add italian dressing, pour on salad in bowl and toss the top with pepperoni that is crisp and lots of mozzarella.

    Cats are waiting for chicken ...maybe to morrow.

     I am off to bed . Hopefully we will all get some sleep!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Anum, I hope you get some sleep as you can't work with no sleep.  I've PM'd you my list.  I think I've included

    Sleep Well!!!!   Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    One MRI done and dusted!  Two little white pills and no stressing out today.

    Now to wait for Onc to ring with results, fingers and toes crossed. DH had to wake me up this morning, as I was enjoying a really deep sleep, quite rare these days.  

    Funny thing, I went in to the Rad office by the front door while DH drove off to find a parking spot and, when I was taken through the rabbit warren that these medical places are, I arrived at the MRI rooms to find hubby sitting there waiting for me!  I don't know how he found his way there, but he was so sure he had come the right way because I told him how to get there..........errrr....I didn't know that way to start with.  He sat there for nearly two hours waiting for me to finish.........greater love hath no man etc.,....


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Aussie, thank goodness that is done and dusted!!!!   You did good!!!!!!   Shame your DD had to wake you from a deep sleep particularly because they don't happen all that often.  Good on your DH for having the patience to sit and wait for you ehile you were getting your MRI.  I think mine would tell me he was off to do something else and would be back about the time I'd be done!  He doesn't have the patience.......even when I've been in hospital and he's come to visit, about fifteen minutes is his limit before he's had to go.....I always say he has ants in his pants bitting his behind so he can't sit still!!!

     Give yourself a pat on the back for getting through the MRI and do let us know if everything is okay.

    Love n huga.  Chrissy

  • thats-life-
    thats-life- Member Posts: 169

    hi all, hi aussie, well done with the mri, i had to have a little break when i had mine, started hyperventilating, bit claustrophobic, but they said it is common...glad you got through it so well...hi chrissy..i saw the onc today re skull pain, have a bone scan next week now as well as the ct...results aug a nervous 2 weeks still thinking about the trip to the outback...meanwhile you must be getting excited about the US!

  • thats-life-
    thats-life- Member Posts: 169

    how are you sas? hope you are well..i miss your loving, informative, zany self.

    oncs are starting me on zoladex injections at my next visit..have you heard much about it. tried to search it here on the board but not much info

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi TL good to hear that you've got a bone scan and CT organised but a bummer that you have to wait for the results until Aug 1st.  The trip on the Ghan would be great but the pennies would have to be saved to go.  I guess it's good to have something to really look foreward to and an adventure has to be the best!

    Oh yeah! I'm really getting excited now as everything is starting to come together so now it's a bit more than a wish, it's a reality.  Everything should be completed in about two weeks so then it will just mean I have to pack my suitcase!! 

  • thats-life-
    thats-life- Member Posts: 169

    wow, it will be lovely for you to meet your friends from the board, how special. im having coffee at my place with my stage IV buddy who i met recently when they tried to start an advanced cancer group for women in my town....she lives down the coast, but is driving in to catch i am looking forward to that. i dont know what to serve her for lunch/morning tea...any ideas chrissy? its cold and rainy here so something warm and cosyish maybe?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    TL, put on a pot of quick veg soup, grab some yummy crusty bread to go with it with a pot of good coffee to follow.  Goes down well when the weather is a bit iffy.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I'm really looking foreward to meeting everyone in the USA.  I already feel as if I've known them for years so this is something rather special.  I'm glad you have made a friend who is also stage IV as it's important to be able to talk to others who are where you are.  I think it's called comparing that's what makes it so comforting.

  • thats-life-
    thats-life- Member Posts: 169

    sounds nice chrissy, good idea..think i will try to wind down now, havent slept much, last night was 2am ish..TL x

  • thats-life-
    thats-life- Member Posts: 169

    so true chrissy, we form a bond that is off to make a cup of tea and taking it to bed :)

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Sleep well TL!  I'll catch you tomorrow!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • thats-life-
    thats-life- Member Posts: 169

    hmm tea and sleep dont mix any more

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I hear you, that's why my last warm drink is

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Obviously all the US girls are asleep and the Aussies are off doing other things. Will check back later.

  • thats-life-
    thats-life- Member Posts: 169

    chrissy, i didnt sleep until afetr 2am!..i want your opinion, i am thinking of changing my user name...i was about to post on a very sad post, but i realised under the circumstances my user name would sound flippant i didnt post..i chose it because of the frank sinatra song 'riding high in april, shot down in may..' etc, which i love...but its not feeling right. so what about TL..which you girls have nicknamed me, or Tlife.....?