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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • loriio
    loriio Member Posts: 55

    Brokendreams- glad you are feeling a little better this week.

    I had a TE fill today. My muscles are really fighting back on this one. Had to take the muscle relaxer and pain pill. Back on the couch so I can sleep sitting up. The good news is I can be called "voluptuous" for the first time in my life. :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Lori the voluptuous one I hope u can rest with u'r big bazoongas tonite. LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    I see no one as been here for a while, I gess everyone is sleeping well--Yea right, we're jst to lazy. Now my U is sticking too. Of course it's still early tho--only 11:15PM--so I guess it's kind of early.  Bt I just fond ot my cosin is getting her heart transplant tonite, if all goes well. How happy and sad, someone had to die first. OH what a situation. She had a battery heart for a while so we're all praying this will work ot. She's in her 50's so not so old That side of the family has heart problems--so my one cousin got lcky (not this one) heart and cancer--she's a winner. Well I have a feeling I'll be up for a while--I don't see this cosin alot, she lives like 50 miles from here, which is no reason really bt we do see each other and she's a doll. And this is worrysome--I know it's an operation that is now done alot, but still. OK I had to get this out even if no one reads it--jst ot of my system.

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418

    Your sister and her family are in my thoughts. I imagine there will be a long recovery time. I hope she has people close who can take care of her.  You may want to help out, but 100 mile round trip is just not doable on a frequent basis.  The thought of the operation makes my chest hurt.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Thank  notself---yea I can't help bt she has 7 bros and sisters living close there so she'll et plenty of help that way and this is my cosin bt we are a close family. rhanks aain.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    My thoughts and prayers are also with your cousin and the family. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Thanks chabba--the operation is over and went well--now we'll see how it really goes. My one cousin (her sister) and I were FBin alot during te night and my other cousin got involved and my chest hurts too notself.

    My keys are sticking like crazy so I try to go slower typing.--I'm not tat fast but my typing looks worse than usual LOL

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418

    Glad that the operation went well.  She probably has tubes and drains everywhere.  Will she have family staying in the hospital or are there restrictions?

    Once when my husband was in the hospital the IV drip was too slow to keep him hydrated. His eyes were sunken and his skin was pale. I smuggled about 4 ounces of water to him every time I was allowed to visit and it was just enough to catch him up with the IV. Finally I was visiting the same time as his doctor and I explained the situation.  The doctor wrote orders to increase the flow rate.  It only happened that once, but I watch for it every time he goes in.  He has eleven stents in his heart.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Notself---11 stents---OMG u both have so much happening to both of u. It's go to be hard to handle.

    Her husband can stay overnight plus she has 7 bros and sisters and old kids --she's in her 50's so she'll get plenty of help and I'm so glad she doesn't live very close--like I would be much help LOL

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Notself--if you notice anything that you don't agree with --first ask the primary nurse to address your concerns. If they don't, either ask for the charge nurse or doc to be called. If they refuse call the doc yourself--primary nurses who refuse to call the doc tend to change their mind real quick when they hear you're going to call the doc.---You had very legitimate concerns. But I don't know if he was nothing by mouth status--NPO(latin for nothing per os). If he was nothing by mouth--giving him fluids by mouth could cause complications. I know you intended well. But going the route I suggested is safer--sassy /sheila/sas--retired nurse.

     Camille---same as chabba-------hope the sx went well sounds like lots of help available.

     Cindi-I started the insomnia thread in a time that I couldn't sleep, you don't see me here much now b/c I can sleep better. Thanks to melatonin and ativan. Whole mind and body better. Good luck 

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418

    I talked to the nurses until I was blue.  The doctor wouldn't come until regular rounds only his rounds werent regular.  They could be in the morning or afternoon or anytime it was convenient. I spent 22 hours in the hospital in a broken recliner to catch him.  The doctor showed up during the 2 hours I was gone.  Extreme dehydration to the extent eyes are sunken in the sockets can cause clots  and complications.

    Needless to say, my husband has a new doctor and we drive 3 hours one way to another hospital.  This happened 10 years ago but sad to say, the original hospital has not improved.  Many people in our town travel hours to avoid this hospital.  Some go out of state.

    sas-schatzi,  Your points are well made.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    It's funny (not ha ha) but not that //////////alot of the Drs. are inept, but u just don't click with them. U have to feel comfortable and talking to tem when u want not when it's only at their convenience. I don't mean when they are in the middle of something urgent but a little more considerarion for their patient and family. After all what they do daily we don't know about. And sometimes they forget--there are mistakes made and if we're cstching them we should have the respect that we deserve.

     And I have no idea what ///////// this was about I just saw it. U can understand why Drs. really don't want to talk to me, yet they do. Well I have to get used to my new Drs. and they have to get used to my insanity along with physical things--I miss my old Drs. so much, hey got me thru the horror of this and so so caring. altho these drs. call me and are always taking tests and seem to be nice. I just feel strange with them. Oh well I'll get used to it--I have no choice.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hi folks early right now , but could be here late. I'll check inlater may be-------love to the southlanders that I haven't talked to in an age. Sheila

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi just checking in. My sleeplab was cancelled due to equipment problems. They are to call me back to re schedule but I think I need to call them since it was xyz calling for abc calling for nmno. Totlaly crazy.     

    Cami I hope all is well for you and your family.  

    Sassy keep on giving everyone hope and information, we need you.

    Night, I hope


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Ginger Thanks That was such a sweet thought, now your sleep study cancelled. Bummer. Ask them if the study can be done at home----they will not like this b/c they won't make as much money. But think about it, You're  not sleeping well at home, what happens when you try to sleep else where. DUH.  BUT at sleep study centers they can document stuff better----so ---the ideal would be have one in both places----then you would get the real analysis.True bummer  Ginger --your not sleeping well b/c of all the shit you have gone through. ALL the stuff. Well to opinionated ---BC sucks---In a mood---and it's 3:30 in the morning ----sure glad I starteed this thread LOL

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Yoo  hoo any one there----------

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chrissy or Alyson-------

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    okay I'll talk to myself---- used to be able to do this easily ---now --not---so, what's the problem---hmm don't know-----wish someone would show up particuraly Chrissy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    still talking to myself--- went to FB ---put on a tee shirt statment

    Pinktober Revolution

    What color do you

    associate with dead?

    Breast Cancer Kills

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Good Lord I do so hate the weekends , people off having fun with spouses and whomever. Be a widow or single female, You have to make stuff happen. It's not easy when you basically don't leave the house or duh.If you do a friends dinner, your basically home by 8-..... never  thought that would be a problem

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I am here getting start of a migraine, need to go take Imitrex generic before I cant see enough to find it. Sort of touvh tyoing here now.   Laters  damn blank spot. 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Ginger I'm sorry that u get those awful migraines--To me a headache is bad enough I can't imagine how awful it is to have one.

    Sas I've been sleeping a little better--don't know why, but when I wake up I'm trying  to just keep the lites off (well the TV is on) and not get involved with anything OH and I take more meds hahaha. My day has been crappy literally LOL and then we had tornado warnings . Years ago when u'd get a warning no one payed any attention to them--but now everyone is freaking out--it missed us and I don't think anyone actually had one but the winds were horrendous

    I know what u mean about the week-end everyone always seems busy and during the week everyone works so here I am. It's funny my cat was laying and spending a lot of time with me today---she seems to know when I have bad days, I swear she knows. See I am crazy.

    Oh my nails are doing what they did whike I was getting chemo with the fungus and lifting off the bed--I've tried over the counter stuff but nothing works and I've always kept my nails good as I could cuz I love to wear big rings so I showed the Dr. and she confirmed what it was but I have to take a med from her and it takes about 6 months. so she said it takes along time and said oh just cut u'r nails short--I said what u think I'm wasting money betting on 6 months of living?  I'll take the bet and she still didn't give them to me---maybe it interacts with one of the 15 drugs that I do take. LOL ???????? I always use to wear light nail polish, now I wear dark to cover the ridges that look like arsonic poisoning--I watch a lot of crime shows. Oh here's my Katie-Kat again. hahaha

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418


    Try soaking your finger tips in Betadine.  Let them air dry and do it morning and night.  Betadine is effective against bacteria, viruses and fungus.  It's cheap, no side effects, doesn't stain works.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Cami my DH took the medicine because his toenails were awful. He had to go in for blood tests to keep taking it.

     I lost all my toenails from chemo and they will comeback. That you have a fungus too is no fun. Using the same meds you do for athletes foot, lotions, sprays, powder it all has the same active ingredient and can help although it wont totally cure it. I picked up those funguses when I worked in Haiti and have flareups where ever my skin folds, same meds. 

    I hope it gets better soon.  

    My migraines work out okay as long as I have the meds I need because then I don't get the pain part. I am used to having to take a time out when they come, I do like this new medicine because it doesn't leave me as zoned put as my old meds did.  I feel terrible for people who don't have the right neds yet because they do hurt if you don't stop them. I love this new medicine so far but I would like them to stop coming so often. I have had one now Oct 2,3,5,7,10,13th. I am off Aromasin to see if it was the cause. It will take a while to tell. 

    Hope I don't see you tonight! lol


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh notself thank u so much--I had no idea what to use and I'll get it this week and let u know.

    And Ginger I'm glad u have good meds, I think u'r right so many people don't

    OK I hope too, not to see u tonight LOL

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418


    I hope it works for you.  You should know in a couple of days.  Even though it is dark redish brown, it dries much lighter and washes right out of clothes and towels.  Do not dilute it but use it full strength. It keeps working even after it dries.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    U'r a doll notself.--thanx again.

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418

    I hope it works for you.  Sweet Dreams

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OK here I am. Drat my plan didn't work tonite. I had to go to the bathroom. Surprize. I know I'm getting dehydrated--u know what they say babies and old people dehydrate fast. Well I'm no baby so tada. here I am and I've been drinking water like crazy but it doesn't always work. LOL

    Is anyone else around.?

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I am here cause it is only 11:30 here. I was watching the news which comes on here at 11 PM not like Illinois at 10:00  Here 10 is still prime time tv shows. 

    I hope you get back to sleep.   Zzzzz Zzzzzz Zzzzzzz
