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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Notself u'r almost done yyyaaayyy--Good for u. I have I have 3 1/2 yrs to go. GRRRR and I'm still seeing Drs. like crazy--I hat this crazy disease--still have D all the time--now my blood panel is getting screwed up, and my onc had me have a bone scan, altho it was OK she want me to see her in Jan there was some nodule on my rib, but she said not to worry she'll check it again so I'm not worrying. But I really think alot of how I feel is Aromasin--but now I have to se another specialist again for my diarrhea--same tests different Dr. Aren't YOU sorry u asked.

    Everhone one say OK--not me I tell it like it is. LOL

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418

    If we can't listen to each other vent about the primitive treatments we must endure, then what is the purpose of posting?  I know that in 100 years, people will look back with compassion and horror at what people were subjected to in the name of treatment. Even so, I am so glad that we have even these methods rather than none at all..

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi all, I cannot blame my crazy sleep on Aromasin since I have been off for two monts. I will probably go back on something this week I just dont know which one. My migraines which had gone to every other day on the Aromaisn have gone down to once every other week os so now. 

    My ability to stay asleep if I am awakened in the night is getting increasingly bad.   

    If I take 2mg Lorazapam to sleep I am so groggy the next day but I do fall asleep pretty soon. If I only take 1 mg I dont fall asleep. I am just a mess. I really DO NOt Like this waking up after 5 hours  and staying awake just laying there. I really am best, or human, after 8 hours.  Too many and I am likely to get a migraine, have for 40 years in that situation.   Growl grr  

    I always used to think that older people didn't need as much sleep! I am so ignorant. 

    Love you all Ginger

  • TKSit
    TKSit Member Posts: 33

    Wish I had found this thread last night at 2 am. Laying there, wondering if my 10mg of Ambien isn't working anymore? I will check this thread if I have more problems, just be warned, the ambien makes me do weird stuff! I promised myself not to post on Facebook after I have take my dose at night. I will just come here to chat, so be ready for so crazy talk, ladies!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    haha, maybe put a warning on your BCO signature so people will know. I already do crazy in my sleep so I sure don't need a pill to asist. My friend came out of her bedroom and statred to take off her clothes infront of house guests. Totally not a person to do this ever, ever.   

    Sleep well


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Ginger , Alyson, ChrissyB, Cami, TKSit Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm sleeping much better Yay, don't come often now. I'd blush if I told you why-Oh my.

    TKSit, when no one was here, I'd just talk to them like they were. OR I just talk to myself LOL. This is a great place to meet the Southlanders>>Australians, New Zealanders, Aucklanders. A way to catch them, is to post a YOO-Hoo, hit submit, that puts the topic in the "active topics" , Many people watch that when they are up at odd hours for them and they are trying to find someone to talk too. Hope your sleep improves. :) sassy

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418

    Now that I quit aromasin, I am sleeping better.  Some nights I don't sleep but one or two hours but those nights are now rare.  Occasionally I can't get back to sleep after I wake but not often.  I have started taking one or two cups of Chamomile Tea every evening and I read in bed for 20 min.  Both seem to be helping.

    My headaches are gone.  My muscle and bone pain is gone.  Now I am stiff because I am more active and I love the feeling! My hair is still falling out.  I hope that stops soon.

    Good luck to all in finding something that works.

  • TKSit
    TKSit Member Posts: 33

    Kinda looking forward to some insomnia now! Sassy-if you find yourself not sleepong well again, visit this thread and give us the scoop on the "blush" worthy info :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    TKS- Love& sex>>who knew, it cured my depression, insomnia, and not getting off the couch

    Notself, Happy New Year < off Aromasin too......heading towards normal.

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418

    Happy New Year to us all.  I think 2013 is our lucky number.  Laughing

  • TKSit
    TKSit Member Posts: 33


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hello some one is awake like us.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    TSK,here's a link to a thread that has allot of the southlanders. Sometimes in the middle of the night I would check certain threads, this was one--"Topic: For Older People with more Sense".

    I'm going to go get a few more :)

    This thread is OMG THEY FOUND A CURE FOR STUPID, the link is to the current page. Put it in your FAVS if it's not already there. When you can start from page one. It has some of the best comedy writing since the original Saturday Night Live.  Once you start reading you'll have to force yourself to stop.

    This thread is "A PLACE TO TALK OF DEATH AND DYING ISSUES". Sounds morbid, but what this thread really does is talk of life issues. Sharing stories. Many suggestions of things that should be done by anyone, not just those that have had a life changing event as we have had. Ma111 who started the thread, passed this summer, BON is watching over it. Says it for Stage 4's only. It's not, they welcome everyone.

    This thread is"BONFIRE OF THE GODDESSES". A place to rant when you need it. There are two fires that you can throwthings into 1. the HOT FIRE-- thoughts, people(in effigy), anger, Stupids. 2, the SWEET FIRE--where we sit with each other and celebrate.

    This thread is "YOU KNOW YOUR A CANCER PATIENT WHEN". It's a rant and mocking page of the stupid things that people say and do to cancer patients. Good place to get a laugh at the expensive of the STUPIDS.

    This thread I started when I was new to posting. "JUST DIAGNOSED-GET PREPARED". It's very practical stuff about being a cancer patient. Simple things like "get a fax machine". Many members have added stuff along the way, that made their life easier, that they wanted to share with all.

    This thread I wrote recently. It's not gotten much use, but you may find it useful. Read the directions in the header carefully. The reason for so little traffic(that's the term for a thread that isn't very active) is b/c 1. It's not useful to those that have viewed it. 2. When you set up your own BOX, when you add things by the edit action, it's not shown as a post, therefore, doesn't show up in the Active Topics list. For me it's a place to put things like this post. So rather than reinvent the wheel each time, I can go and cut and paste. Wish I thought of it eons ago.

  • TKSit
    TKSit Member Posts: 33

    Alyson-sorry I missed you. Got started on a new book and finally got sleepy.

    SAS-Thanks for all the great info above. I have been on a few of those threads and really enjoyed them. Thank you, especially, for the Death and Dying thread info. I have wanted to explore that thread, but just haven't had the guts. Glad to know that the discussion focuses on life too!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    TSK Happy dance.  On the death and dying thread. BON had created a list of things for her bag pg 18. Again if everyone had a bag prepared, there would never be confusion after someones demise from anything. Sudden death from anything where the person wasn't prepared can create havoc for months to years for family members. Had a friend with 3 small kids  whose Dh had a fatal heart attack. NO Will & they didn't have the wording correct on the house deed. She had a hell of a time with probate. Another friend, they forgot to check that both names were on the bank account. He passed. She had no access to the bank account. ERgghh.

    This thread is a valuable source for much much more. Glad you are going to use it.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    A place to talk to others or your self. I'll be by myself now b/c the northlanders are a bed. The southlanders are just getting tea and most likely not signed on. So, what shall I talk of, sad thoughts that a dear friend just learned of mets.......a glowing person, a person of spirit, a kind giving one, that thought of others before her self. Breaks my heart. She has given her life to teaching of Pharmaceuticals. Yet the pharma industry can't correct her problem. WE are in a period of great advancement , yet 100 years from now will appear as barbaric. What do we feel about this? Knowing that we are the brink of change, but many will not survive to see that change.

    We grieve the diagnosis. We grieve what we must do to survive the diagnosis. We grieve our treatments. We grieve our demise.  We grieve those that we have known through here that have passed. We grieve.

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305

    Yeah Sas. I had a grieving period today. It was brought on by a movie. I was totally freaking that there is nothing after this life, that I lived through all the shit I lived through . . . for nothing. And of course I got into the whole it's not fair thing too. I sure hope there is something after life, because seriously, my life has sucked big time. I guess it is my fault. Who else can be blamed? I've nothing to show for my life, and I feel that it is nearly over.

    Oh well. Let me go grab my stew.

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418


    Don't underrate yourself.  Every kindness that you have done affects the lives of many people.  Most action is neutral or centered on our own needs.  Kindness is not as common as one would like.  Your contributions of kind acts, kind thoughts, kind words have tremendous impact.

    Western religion teaches us to ignore our good deeds and focus on mistakes and omissions.  IMO, this is a$$ backwards.  It is our acts of kindness that we should remember.  This gives us the self confidence and courage to face every day.

    Breathe deep and smile.  You'll feel better.

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305

    Thanks notself. I'm fine. It was intense but only lasted about a half hour to an hour. My cockatiel sat quietly on my tummy and stared at me while I wailed. He is such a good boy.

    Have a good night.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    time and distance-----two factors of change-----the orher is circumstance.  The affect and the effect of the three what a difference can be made when we --use them versus  them using us

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Found somthing while looking for something for someonelse. Has to do with Circadian rhythms, a new drug class, and melatonin.Sassy

    AP-HP Hôpital Raymond Poincaré, Physiology Department, 92380 Garches, Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines University, France.


    The master biological clock situated in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus plays a vital role in orchestrating the circadian rhythms of multiple biological processes. Increasing evidence points to a role of the biological clock in the development of depression. In seasonal depression and in bipolar disorders it seems likely that the circadian system plays a vital role in the genesis of the disorder. For major unipolar depressive disorder (MDD) available data suggest a primary involvement of the circadian system but further and larger studies are necessary to conclude. Melatonin and melatonin agonists have chronobiotic effects, which mean that they can readjust the circadian system. Seasonal affective disorders and mood disturbances caused by circadian malfunction are theoretically treatable by manipulating the circadian system using chronobiotic drugs, chronotherapy or bright light therapy. In MDD, melatonin alone has no antidepressant action but novel melatoninergic compounds demonstrate antidepressant properties. Of these, the most advanced is the novel melatonin agonist agomelatine, which combines joint MT1 and MT2 agonism with 5-HT(2C) receptor antagonism. Adding a chronobiotic effect to the inhibition of 5-HT(2C) receptors may explain the rapid impact of agomelatine on depression, since studies showed that agomelatine had an early impact on sleep quality and alertness at awakening. Further studies are necessary in order to better characterize the effect of agomelatine and other novel melatoninergic drugs on the circadian system of MDD patients. In summary, antidepressants with intrinsic chronobiotic properties offer a novel approach to treatment of depression.

    <dl class="rprtid">PMID:21476953[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]</dl>


    Agometaline--This drug is approved in Europe and Australia and is not approved in the USA. Wiki gives a synopsis of info:


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Article --"how to naturally reset your circadian rhythm with food"

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 126

    Hi, anyone home?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    HVV I'm here if you are still around.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I have used some melatonin lately and am happy with it so far. I nod off to sleep and dont wake up drowsy.  

    My DD helped me figure out how to return my sleep coma tv shopping. It actually added up to more then $600. if I hadn't done the returns which they do not make easy to do. One of them even had an add on delivery over months where you would pay $65. a month more direct from youu charge account.   All that on 2 mg of Lorazapam 8 hours earlier.  

    Why on earth did I think I would want spray on makeup? It was insane, or how about  $129.00 a month face creams or suspiciously heavy pearl necklace. These are not things I would ever buy like this. I was conscious but not really. I mean seriously what on earth!  

    Hugs Ginger 

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305

    LOL Ginger!!!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Wonderful to find a place for insomniacs. I wake up in the middle of the night all the time. Now I know who to come bother. Cool.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    The girls from down under usually stop by if anyone is on this thread. Enjoy. 

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418

    Now that I am finished with 5 years of aromatase inhibitors, I have fewer sleepless nights.  Here's hoping that they become fewer still.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Taht was stupid went away to read something and lost what I had written, middle of the day here.

    Notself was pleased to finish AIs, my onc does not believe in continuing longer- anyway I was on a trial so it really continues for another five years.

    Will check inafter I have made lunch.

    Big hugs