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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    sassy, checked out the link, will need to look at it on Mac so I can save (iPad sucks).

    I remember chemo really messed up my brain, thinking and memory. Now realize I probably shouldn't have been driving, angels were watching over me (I have a bunch of personal ones). I remember in my chemo fog brain I could almost "see" the thought that when there was a red light, my brain would recognize it, then send a signal to my foot to press on the brake pedal. Like in slow motion. Tami is so much more subtle

    Oh, and after re-reading the past page or so, there were some things I wanted to post. Like the ladies yesterday were Whippetmom, Blessings2011, and HBCheryl. Was hoping a photo would appear somewhere on these threads, haven't seen one yet.

    Need to read back to remember what else.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    2nd here's the link I promised. it's re:tips


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    OMG! Wish I would have had those links earlier! Both for me and a friend who was diagnosed with female cancer back in Feb. Since she isn't BCO, would it be okay to copy/paste header info only to send to her (or others) after I strip of anything that can be taken personally and privately? Like make it totally anonymous? Come to think of it, I'm sure others do. Will need to save for my own use.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Brokendreams, how are you doing? Thinking of you

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    soteria, I remember now. You may 10 mg of melatonin? I only take 3 mg. Interesting

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    I've been reading here for a while, but rarely post. That may change. I'm a night owl. My DH works from 2:00 pm to 2:00 am. I always wait up for him, make him a snack, & watch a couple of programs. We always have our snack while watching Jeopardy. (DVR) We don't go to bed until 4 am or so.

    I do take 10 mgs of melatonin, but I've been taking it for years. I started with 1 mg, then worked up to 3, 5, now 10. It was suggested to me to start low and gradually work up to 10 mgs.

    Sassy I did check out the JDB GP link. Good one.

    I'm not such a prude that I get bent out of shape over a few 4 letter words. I just don't like to hear God's name used as part of a cuss word.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Soteria---you can see why the two links really compliment each other. Did you see where I put the tips link in the header box. it won't get lost. I did the same with Ma111's thread. Ma111's is a very important thread too. If you haven't perused it I highly suggest it. Pge 25-26 Bon did a synopsis of the first 24 pages. Hope to see you here regularly.

    It's now my permanent first go to home thread.--decision made and I'm happy with it.

    2nd the originator of the Tips thread specifically mentioned in the topic box about giving credit where credit is due. Take a look.

    I think the same with mine , but will think about it. I have been an author one time and then was plagiarized. I was not happy at the time. But this is different. So, let my brain work on it. Generally, I can expect an answer from my brain in a couple three days. Now that may make you laugh, but it so true. our brains do so much subconscious and conscious work that is below the actual thought we are dealing with, I have learned just to let it work a problem. Then up pops a solution. Takes the fussing out of it.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Sassy I did see the links. Thank you. I'll have to check out the Ma111.

    DH just got home about 2:30. I made him grilled cheese and we watched Jeopardy. He has to be back to work for another 10 hours at 10:00 am. So it's time for me to get in bed. I have to get up at 8:00.

    Have a restful night.



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Soteria, having a very bad bone muscle night. Probably b/c I've been here too long. Went from very comfortable 5-6/10 to neulasta level. I described that as "wolves gnawing at your bones and your still alive".

    Ma111's thread to some is very depressing b/c it's talking about preparing for death. I come from the point of view that everyone should be prepared b/c we know not the hour or moment.

    Have a good sleep and I will work on same--------soon.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning Sassy and Soteria! I'm not an Insomniac, but I'll bet I'm the earliest one UP! Ha!

    Just dropped in to say Hi.... Hope you all are doing a little better at least....!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    hi all, this is my first time here but popped in per SAS's invite.  Several people I know from other threads.

    I'm not an insomniac either but up really early this morning.  Why is it that M-F you just want to sleeeeep but Sat BING you're up before the birds?  Maybe a hold-over from my childhood and Sat morning cartoons LOL.

    I'm badger because Wisconsin is the Badger State.  It suits me too, I'm tenacious, tho' not very ferocious.

    L&H&P's to all  ♥

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Me too Badger! I go to bed early, and up with the .... no.... I mean up beFORE the birds!

    Sassy invited me also!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Most of the birds have flown south but we have a few intrepids left, like cardinals, sparrows & bluejays.  There's an old silver maple in our front yard that's frequented by woodpeckers.  They also like the old black walnut tree in the backyard.  So do the squirrels.  But they're all still asleep LOL.

    I wonder if Sat mornings are even special to kids any more, what with cable TV, cartoon network & internet.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    hi ladies, just checking in so you don't think I'm MIA! Welcome, Chevyboy and Badger, I recognize you from the other threads. Lurked on those a while (maybe even posted a bit in my early BCO days, but couldn't keep up or keep things straight, so I left). Sassy invited me here, too, I feel honored!

    Paula, glad you're speaking up, look forward to hearing from you more often. I think you definitely qualify to be here with those hours!

    I had a really rough week, so I crawled into bed about 7:30-8, I think. I just found out yesterday I had a bunch of scar tissue after last procedure which is the cause for my chest pain. So I slept with a heating pad and no pain. I wasn't even tired, but you know how that goes! Crashed! Woke up a couple times, looked at the clock and fell back to sleep. Told DH to make sure I was awake by 9 so I woke myself at 8:59, funny how the brain works,

    Gotta to some stretching then off to a discussion about health insurance - not sure I'll have any come the beginning of the year. Ugh! My life is in such chaos right now, feels like I'm barely hanging in. (I don't usually ask this, but for those of you who pray, please add me to your list, as I know it helps, and I need all the prayers and help I can get right now!) thanks bunches!

    Have a wonderful Saturday, everyone!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hi EVERYONE!. this called the insomnia thread, but threads evolve. They become what the users want. Overtime I wanted to be here in the day, so I wouldn't miss the night folks. I've always loved being able to talk with the southlanders--the Aussie's and Aucklanders. ChrissyB , Alyson, and Aussie Sheila.

    Of recent times for several reasons, it has become a safe haven. Add to that I am in a period of insomnia. This will be my permanent home base. I would like to have this evolve into a 24 hour thread. It is already, but this makes it official. :) For those that didn't notice I started the thread. so, changing the modus operandi is the prerogative of the originator.  I assert the prerogative LOL.

    I have and will invite some old friends to come and join us. If you wish to invite old friends to join us here do so :) Not that you would invite a negative person, but I would like to keep the kind fabric of this thread intact.

    Discussion will flow where it will as all threads do. In a 180 pages, there has never been a fight or nastiness. This will be a happy place. I hope with lots of laughing. Please, put this in your favs and visit. Talk of things ,needs, rants as  your mood or thoughts take you. Each person here has a history of helping others.

    Threads develop pseudo family groups. Fancy way to say we become like family. This family will have all the best a family has to offer, but none of the negatives.

    I'm adding the link as I will be pm'g some old friends. Badger and I use a sign off from a previous time L&H&P's--Love & hugs & prayer' s  It says allot for an abbreviation. L&H&P's sheila

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi everyone--I'm re-entering the group--I still don't sleep right all the time but a little better than before- I'm sorry but I'm not going to read all to catch up, LOL I'll go from here. If anyone here remembers me u'll know I'm the one who can't type.

    Oh go ahead Chevy say u'r up with the chickens. Or whatever the expression is. I know some of u (SAS) and will be nice meeting the rest, well I know not here actually cuz we all have a problem but u know what I mean.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853

    Hi There and THANKS so much for keeping this valuable thread moving right along. I moved recently and will start my new job on Monday in Fort Worth, TX. as a Registered Dietitian. I will be back on the Boards ASAP thereafter. Happy Holidaze! Peace, Prayers, Hugs, Love and Blessings to ALL plus your families, friends and co-workers.


    Edited by Mods to remove member's personal contact info

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853

    I have not been on the Boards for a while (but I am OK)! HappyThumbsUp


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    It's the Camster! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Hah! Okay Sass, you win!

    I AM the one that goes to sleep with the chickens..... Just don't tell Cammi.... And I wake up BEFORE anyone, or anything! Cam, you can type.... you just can't spell! although NOW that I KNOW you, please don't change.... Loopy Otherwise I won't even know it is you!

    I don't have any issues now... since cancer surgery Dec. 4 2009....

    2ndTime.... So your Onco score was 19? So was mine, but I opted not to do chemo.... did you have to have it? It doesn't look like you did, unless I am missing something... I had Tamoxifen, and that was enough! I fired that whole thought!

    And the heating pad helps you? THAT'S a blessing! Have they talked about massage yet? Or is that good.... ? Sass will know.... You must mind her...Ha!

    Sass, what is a modus apperendi, and also perogative, and originator? WTH! I'm no kind of dunce, but I just don't want to look up those words....! And psuedo? WHAT are you doing? I hardly know my own name, without those big words thrown in!

    Just thought I would mention that.....

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853

    Hello There Chevyboy,

    I hope you are safe, well and WARM!. Missed U all very much.


  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853

    I have not been on the Boards for a while (but I am OK)! HappyThumbsUp

    Missed U ALL VERY much too!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Chevy me changing is not an option anymore--Iyam what I yam.    Flowers is back, I'm so excited, I just can't hide it, I'm about to loose control--oops I just did.

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    Hi all, Thanks for the invite SAS. Most of the time I sleep pretty good but do have occasional spells of not sleeping. Will definitely check in here on nights when that happens. I will also read everyday and post once in awhile..

    Cindy AKA Squishy

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853

    2 funny Cami! Thanks.




  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Squishy a lot of us are in the same boat, and I've missed a lot around here tho. No Chevy not the Titanic just an expression, there is no boat or is there? Well anyway I'll check in more especially when I can sleep, cuz a lot of times I don't. I try to stay off the computer tho cuz it wakes me up more sometimes but not always.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    image Oops there it is.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529

    Turning up ( after a most wonderful invite ) to say hi  to all who are here.  Wonderful to be able to come to a cozy, comfy spot to share whatever comes up nicely in a great safe place.  There is so very much to be said about harmony, and acceptance of differences.  Often I think our differences actually do tend to bring us even closer.  Of course, always majorly helpful if harmony is your underlying motivation. 

    I always yearn a bit to be better than I was just because as in-perfect beings ,one always hopes that you certainly don't wish to be worse.  We only progress as souls and wonderful humans when we are reaching for what is positive  and though I've been known to stumble badly, I do tend to look for places that up-lift and display comfort, joy, love, and all the more positive aspects of a person's being ( spirit ).  I come today knowing it is here, and expecting it will always be here.

    Big warning:  I'm not known for keeping up well, but I am happy to be here and hope I don't turn up too many other faults.  Thanks so much for allowing me to spend some quality time here with good women.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    FLOWERS AND SQUISHY! The gangs all here! Ha, ha~ I'm just hopin' we don't all have to be insomniacs to post here....

    Hi Jackie! Yes, you and I know how it is to be somewhere that we don't feel comfortable.... "Harmony"..... We CAN'T lose with all these fun gals here!\

    Cammi has a boat? On a rock? I don't think you can do that!

    Crog, I was taking Tamoxifen, and then the SLEEP was really an issue.... Not to mention leg-cramps, warm waves, etc..... but I started taking Melatonin.... Then after awhile, it wreaked HAVOC, causing me to take like 4 ImmodiumAD a day!

    I finally stopped everything.... and it all quit! It's as if you take SOMEthing for "this" and everything else goes wrong!

    I feel bad for you gals still on active treatment.... Cam, are you still taking Aunti B's????

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    Chevy I take Anastrozole and I can't really blame not sleeping on that cause most of the time I really don't have a problem going to sleep. I know what you mean though about taking one pill to counter act another pill.

    Cindy AKA Squishy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    And so I sent DH to the store, because they had a few things on a good sale, and I wrote down Broccoli.... "just a bunch"....

    And the dear little thing came home with everything I sent him for.... even a "bunch of Brussells Sprouts!" A whole bunch of them.

    Needless to say, I'm cooking them..... I thought it was so funny..... ! He just said, "same thing."......Loopy