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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983

    Hi Linda! Nice to see you. I know you from Cindy's thread. So sad about her but I know it is what she wanted and that she did it her way.

    Holeinone, it will be the best birthday ever! Last birthday, I was getting ready to start my rads. Now, I will be celebrating life!

    Cami, send me some cookies, will ya? And those rum balls sound delish Badger! I am hungry (as usual but I blame it on the and I think I will pop some 100 calorie popcorn to take the edge off.

    Cheers everyone! Back to shoveling!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529

    Early afternoon to all......Chevy, I can't say I hear snow as such, but watching the big lazy flakes come down makes me feel like I can.  I have time to imagine what they are doing and sometimes even feel like I am right there with them.  I have been able to do this since I was very young.....become so into something that I become almost a part of it.  So....I don't hear a is more that I'm just a part of a snowflake that I see......and don't have to hear it....because I am it. 

    Wow !!! not sure I made a lot of sense there....but that is how it is for me. 

    We are pretty cold here right now.  Did have temps. yesterday afternoon that helped to melt a fair portion of the snow and we are grateful.  Unfortunately, the early evening and night time re-froze all that remained.  The roads are clear as is our deck and most of the wooden walkway.....but as for everywhere else, great caution is the order of the day.  A couple of times I got a panic moment feeling my feet slip.  Wonderful that I was able to regain control and stay up-right.  I have fallen a lot and worry, as I have managed to not accrue too many damages and I'd like to keep it that way. 

    Aussie....I thought of those cars in the news ( maybe not where you are ) but here in the States that had to be recalled for accelerators that stuck open....I was sitting reading and holding my breath for the impact.  I bet many of us have had that experience of watching another car move and somehow feeling it is us, and not them.  Weird. 

    Sure felt wonderful to have the day off yesterday......I am guaranteed my paycheck so don't have to worry that way and it is a true blessing.  This sort of thing could make me lazy though.

    I hope you all are going to have a wonderful, wonderful Sunday spent doing only what you want too.



  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    ok April485 so I am a year older than you. I see you are in CT and I am in Maine. So we are both in New England.... How much snow did you get. We got about a foot.

    Cindy AKA April2 or Squishy

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    april485 I also meant to mention that I used to read and correspond with Cindy. She helped me in more than one way. You are right she did it her way!!!!!

    Cindy AKA Squishy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Well that's the height of unmannerlyness, invite everyone to come---then I went to bed. Slept can't even count--from 9;30pm till 12 noon today.----14 1/2 hours. WOW-------so my conclusion that I needed to make this decision was correct or else I'm getting sick LOL. BUT the ice picks are gone. Going to catch uo on reading. There are ten pm's I might not catch up on them.

    For all that are here the first time, I do hope you come to visit. Insomnia need not be the cause----IT"s open 24 hours a day. L&H&P's sheila

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Maddy - big honkin' hugs...

    Badger - I am definitely finding a way to make those rum balls gluten-free. Oh, and DH is allergic to walnuts and pecans....MORE FOR ME!!!! Bwahahahahaha...

    Camillegal - I have made those 3 ingredient cookies with lemon cake mix, egg, and cool whip....YUMMY!

    Off to Trader Joe's to find ingredients for a green salad we're taking to a Christmas party tonight. I'd get a cheap bag of iceberg mix and a bottle of Kraft dressing, but I want to make it look just a BIT festive.... or not, depending on whether I decide to get out of my jammies very soon. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

    Hope all of you have a great rest of the day, no matter where you are.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893


    Aussie Sheila-------an awake nightmare WHEW scary. I hate the adrenaline rush that near accidents cause. The Adrenaline makes every cell hurt and ache for so long. Happy you are physically okay. Time and distance from event will take care of your mind. Wish both could happen quicker.

    GG-What a hell of a way to retire. Being the troubleshooter on a big problem that had to be solved quickly. Your cohorts will reminience about it for years to come. Very cool way to be remembered. Kudos!

    NS, Did you see where I put your three day method of trying to reset circadian rhythm in the topic box."Memeber Notself's three day plan". I've tried it and have had some success. But I have accepted for myself I have no idea what will happen with sleep or wakefulness. I did learn a few years ago to not make morning appointments if I have any control.

    Spookie, honey I didn't forget you, I got confused about the letter m in the friends list, started mixing up names, and couldn't remember if I sent someone an invite. So, I figured if I posted it on Cheesed ---you, Lovewins, Ro, Rocky Oops am I forgetting someone? If posted on Cheesed I'd catch you all. To much oxy to try and get the ice picks out of my shoulder. Maybe that's why I slept 14 plus hours. But it worked ice picks gone. Now if I can just stop myself from unhealing it.

    HBC long time.........your lunch sounds delightful can't wait for the pics. Come anytime methinks 24 hours a day will be just right.

    2nd you make my head spin. Thanks for clarifying on the "Mission Statement". LOL Fun Chatting. :)

    BD so sorry you are going through some rough bumps, but we are here for you. We should talk about the kidney stones I had two--sept and nov2012. I blame Aromasin & micalcin. Stopped both, surprised I still  had the second stone in Nov, but no problems since. Sept's stone I passed intact. It was beautiful--fushia, spiculated(like a black widow's egg sac), had an alabaster thing embedded in it, the shape of the tool icon. I studied it for many minutes-------THEN THREW IT AWAY------HAVE KNOW IDEA WHY I DIDN'T KEEP IT. Mystifying, 40 some years of collecting and straining patient urine to be analyzed and I THROW IT AWAY, mystifying.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    Teka, Yes you can hear some snow when it is coming down! I completely forgot about that. Has anyone been able to smell a rain storm before it comes? That's another wonderful experience. You can't smell them all but the ones you can are just wonderful. This thread is moving almost as fast as STFU! I recognize so many of you ladies.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    my math isn't as good as it used to be. I think I'm in the same age range as has been mentioned on the past couple of pages: in a couple weeks will be celebrating the 30th anniversary of my 29th birthday. I'm considering asking friends to join me to dinner to celebrate (specify no presents but maybe a nice card, note or letter to keep). Maybe throw in a white elephant exchange, especially after the holidays. Not comfortable having at my home, to meet at a restaurant. Would this be tacky? But then again, who am I kidding? Most "friends" have disappeared out of my life in the past year. So, party of one?

    This thread moves way too fast. My brain can't keep up! Lol! What is the reference to "cheesed"?

    Sassy, ah shucks, my friend, you make me blush. I enjoyed the chat, don't do that often enough.

    Blessings, thanks muchly! I'll take cyber hugs, they're the only ones I get lately.

    I remember hearing the softness and stillness of snow falling. I also love the smell before a rain storm. Simple pleasures.

    HBC, how was lunch? I will attend the next one. Ahem, maybe others in the area can join too.

    I know some of the threads do a roll call, does this one? Trying to update my list (cast of characters) to get to know everyone

    Well, looks like I'll be taking up space in the good old recliner tonite: took advantage of our near 80* weather and washer litter boxes outside, then got the crazy idea to do some more exercise and sweep leaves on the driveway and sidewalk. Probably not the brightest thing I could have done today. Maybe a hot shower and a glass of wine would help

    Oh, I keep forgetting, Sassy opened this thread 24/7/365 so I don't have to talk to myself at all hours. Need to make a mental note to quit rambling.....

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Is it bad luck to throw away a fortune cookie?  We got Chinese take out for supper tonight and they gave us two fortune cookies that we don't want.  What to do with them?  At the restaurant we'd break it open, read the fortune (and add the words "in bed" to it) then leave the uneaten cookie on the table. 

    Blessings, I looked for GF vanilla wafer cookies but didn't find any.  Please LMK if you do.

    Lilli, your snowflake story made sense to me.  I've had the feeling of being one with nature and it's glorious.

    Hey Linda, good to see ya.  Is the bonfire still going?  Haven't been there in ages.  L&H&P's to all  ♥ 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Linda so happy you joined us, come back often. Hope we can chat soon. You always lift me way up high and happy when we talk.

    April, on Xanax, You know I could talk forever, but i'll try to make it short. It's the one benzo that I 've seen more people addicted too than any other. AND they don't even realize it till they stop it intentionally or inadvertently. Some I've seen as drug seekers of the drug. I only became aware of it when I went back to floor nursing. It got to a point that during an admission, if they identified they had Xanax in their drug list. I would pay very close attention to last dose. Then immediately check admission orders to make sure it was ordered. If it wasn't on the admission orders. I'd finish the admission in case there was any other things that needed to be called for, but I made sure there was no disruption in timing and dose level. Withdrawal s/s's for the chronic user started pretty quick if there was a missed dose. It may have been only my particular experience with the drug. But we are all shaped by our experiences. I dislike the drug.

    I've only had one patient addicted to Ativan. Ativan is an amazing drug. I could go on very long why I respect the drug.

    Each of the benzo's has a particular characteristic that makes it the drug of choice for the need. Ativan -anxiety and control of s/s of withdrawal from other drugs and alcohol. Nurse lingo "Ativan is the nurse's best friend.", that's b/c it works so well and is so predictable.  Valium anxiety and muscle relaxant--only drug that can accomplish both. Other drugs like Soma, Baclofen, Flexeril, any other not mentioned can't old a candle to valium. Restoril--sleeper(nurse speak)--sleeping pill have no idea why it isn't used more. Compared to all the old and new sleepers. It's safe. Ambien scares the shit out of me. Just as choralhydrate did in the old days. Versed used for sedation----it's a dream, used by knowledgeable people.

    I've had another odd experience with another drug----happened in the same time period. I had a number of patients addicted to Phenergan. It's an antinausea drug, in the antihistamine family. So, it didn't fit in the category of abused drugs. But had ?number that I was suspicious b/c they would ask for their pain med and Phenergan by name. ODD. When I had sx one time I had Phenergan. Then I understood. It took me out into the universe in a wormhole tube. Like Jodie foster in Contact.  So much for a short answer well that's me LOL

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    kayB-s/s's -----signs---something we can see i.e  skin color changes, swelling, fast heart rate--pulse/ ossiloscope(ekg),oddles more.  Symptom --something the patient describes , but we can't see. i.e anxiety, numbness, jitteriness etc again oodles more. When individually talked of , and put together it helps towards a diagnosis. Each diagnosis generally has a certain set of s/s's that define it.

    That's why I love Ativan, it is a drug that works, but doesn't cause lots of side effect's--s.e.'s.  Just as you described it helped you sleep, but it didn't make you sleepy in the daytime. How and why of that is a wonderful part of the drug. Usually used from anywhere from 0.5mg to 2mg. I had to use it at 4mg with 10 mg of melatonin in the worst days of insomnia. In those days I was desperate for sleep.  Now, I basically don't use either. Sporadically, but very little. But I too, like to know that it's in the drawer. Soteria brought up about using Melatonin daily if it's going to be used. It's along time ago that I studied it. Need to relook.

    So happy you are here, the early days of the HOT FLASH FORUM---we did good work as a group. I thought it was a hoot that our small group was able to identify a few things that hadn't been identified. Remember contacting Dr. Freedman from Wayne State med school. That was fun. He'd worked on hot flashes for 25 years and we gave him several novel things to research. Cool.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Kay- you said it yourself "I haven't sleep walked or driven to grocery store in the middle of the night.".  It's not predictable. When a drug that alters brain work is not predictable. It's scary. Like a roofie, or a blackout with alcohol. 

     Either forgot or didn't know about the tx change. Likely forgot. Lets use this as an excuse to talk. L&H&P's sassy

    Should have done that long before this :) just for fun.................

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164

    back from San Diego, lunch as always was fun lots of talking and laughing with my BCO sisters and I took a bunch of roses from my garden so that SoCalLisa could photograph them, she is one amazing photographer. On the way back up the coast I stopped at the Carlsbad outlets and did some Christmas shopping, actually managed to get a couple of gifts at the Fossil store where almost everything was discounted 50%, now that is my kind of discount. I've been 'hot flashing' for over 10 years, will it ever end......

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    trying to concentrate, read, & catch up, but I keep getting off track, confused...busy weekend..I am still using the chemo brain excuse for most

    Someone asked about the vanilla wafers, I love those, you can buy them @ the store I shop, in the bulk section..we can't get the Mothers brand here, maybe they quit making them, not sure

    Cami, ya goofball, Idaho is the Gem state, land of the potato. We are attached to Canada to the north, in between Washington & Montana..mostly rural, the 2nd largest designated wilderness area in the US, Alaska # 1. Lots of recreation...cold, snowy winters..

    Sas, 14 hour shift for shut eye, I am jealous..your body obviously needed it.

    Linda, I am also a huge " Big Bang Theory" kids always comment, I can't believe you watch that.. I am usually a news junkie & Jepordy..but ya gotta love Sheldon

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164

    I've been watching Big Bang since the beginning and it's one of my faves, if you haven't seen it there is a new one called The Millers on CBS on Mondays and it's been really good so far, some real LOL moments. Sas 14 hours is impressive, I don't think I've gone longer than 5 hours straight in years.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971

    Hi kids...I wanna play too...thanks Miss Sassafras ......I maintain ALL crazy hours!

    Dont forget to check out my new thread on the Cruise for the Cure...would love for ALL of you to join me.....

  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    Got the Christmas tree all decorated, and lights hung in the windows. Lighted snowman and lighted deer family all set up on the front lawn. So thankful to be getting some energy back, and much less pain. Nice to read the posts and get caught up. I have also heard good things from people on Ativan. Never tried it myself. Have taken Ambian many times, but still had problems with sleep. Getting my first Prolia shot tomorrow morning, hoping for zero side effects since I am going to work right after the injection. After being on Arimidex for over 3 years I lost bone density and was diagnosed with osteoporosis this year. Tried reclast in the past but had bad side effects. So I hope Prolia does the trick and builds up the bone I lost in my spine.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Ramble on, Maddy - it all makes sense to me!!!

    badger - didn't find a ready-made gluten-free vanilla wafer, but did come across a Youtube video that has an easy recipe for them. I'll try it and let you know. Shoot, add enough rum and who cares what they taste like, right?

    sas-schatzi - I love my Norco/Valium cocktail at night. I first got this combo following BMX/recon when the pain was excruciating. I took the full dose of both, around the clock and finally got to the point where I was no longer chasing the pain. I continued to have both scrips refilled by my awesome docs, as they both knew I'd been through a Chronic Pain Management program, and was not abusing these drugs. Now I am taking them for severe joint and muscle pain associated with the AIs. I only take them at night, and only after I get to the point of losing sleep from pain. A month's Rx lasts me at least 2 months or more. But this is the combo that finally worked for me. (Kaiser switched all their Vicodin patients to Norco because of the reduced acetaminophen amount.) Actually, the Norco never takes my pain away, it just makes me not care that I have pain. And finally sleeping through the night allows me to function better - without drugs - the following day.

    hbcheryl - I remember Christmas shopping in San Diego - usually in shorts and a T-shirt. So glad you made it to the lunch.... I really hope I can go to the one in June.

    Hi, Holeinone - I'm looking for a place to buy gluten-free vanilla wafers so I can make badger's rum balls. Looks like I may have to make them from scratch.... oh well...

    brokendreams - may you have NO side effects from your Prolia shot tomorrow! I am so envious...I want lighted deer on my front lawn!!!


    Well, it's 12:30 a.m. so I guess I am officially an insomniac. DH is snoring away peacefully. We came home from the beach on Friday (nine hour drive), then spent two more hours in the truck driving up to the snow yesterday, and this morning I slept til 10:30!!! It was the Children's Christmas Choir (God bless the little darlings), and it's usually jam packed at church. I just had no desire to be there. I am in the most pain I've had since going off Anastrozole and starting Letrozole two months ago... but I'm sure it has to do with all that sitting.

    We went to a Christmas party tonight... small and cozy, and fun, fun people. But I ate too much, and I'm too tired to go in and take my makeup off, so here I sit at the computer. I think tomorrow is a pretty easy day, so maybe I can sleep in again. Do any of you get too tired to go to bed? For me, it's either that, or getting my second wind around 11 p.m.

    But I guess I should try. Hope all my sistahs out there are having a good evening!


  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    It's 1:30 am - I figure I'm doing good if I get to bed by 3:00 am. I've even got my early-bird dh & dd to leave me be....took a lot of years training. I've always been a night owl but, believe it or not, I've been making an effort lately to do a little better. My best job was the 2 years when I worked for a hospital in medical records - my hours were 9:00 pm-5:00 am. That was 13 years ago and my dh had an awful time getting used to it - hee hee. I'd had a lifetime of living with shift workers - my dad worked for the FAA and dh worked for the Weather Service and both worked different shifts all the time.

    We've had a skiff of snow here in WA - I don't miss it at all after 30+ years in Alaska! My son still lived in AK and is coming down for Christmas in a week. Take care NightOwls - sleep well....

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983

    Hi ladies,

    Last night was a good night to have insomnia since I got a lot done when hubby was snoring away. I wrapped quite a few gifts. Don't know where the burst of energy came from but I am going with it.

    Squishy, we got about 8 inches of snow. It was covered in a sheet of ice from the freezing rain that fell at the end. That was the worst part. It looks really pretty, but it is really cold so no melting will take place.

    Today I see my PM doctor for the first time in ages. Usually I see the PA but they called and said the Doc wanted to see me. I take Percocet for a bone on bone knee (and now the AI se's) so hopefully he is gonna leave my script alone cause it works perfect for me. I don't want anything long acting instead cause I work and I dose myself accordingly and it allows me to concentrate enough to work.

    Ok, gonna run and get in the shower. Have to leave in half an hour as my doc is 45 mins away and my appointment is for 7:50!

    Have a great day ladies!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Thanks Sass! I copied and pasted your advice about Valium and Xanax, and Ativan.... I'll save it in case I need it someday...

    I remember a gal talking about Ativan on these threads.... She had taken it, but could NOT recall doing anything with her Husband the night before! He complimented her on her amorous escapade! She didn't have a clue! And several other women joined in, on what THEY had done, but had no recollection!

    It's just so helpful that you gals CAN take something for your SE's.... it's like everything we do, to take care of something, makes something else go out of whack! Not exactly medical talk there, but it's true!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    good luck April, let us know?

    MM A true night owl. I always blessed you folks. For nurses----it meant the swing shifts weren't needed if they could hire folks to work straight nights.

    Blessings I'm also interested in hearing about prolia. Do you remember what happened with reclast. I chose miacalcin b/c I was afraid of the biphos. 's.   But fairly sure that's why I ended up with kidney stones.

    BD sounds like your feeling a bit better. Must be if your chasing deer around the front yard LOL Hey chickie cruise director extrodinaire see you there.

    Golf girl yes, that 14 hours sleep did wonders. When I woke up the total body pain party was over, Amazing, it was just over like a bad Saturday nite. Back to normal pain. YAY. BTW you get to use Chemo brain forever.

    Cheryl your so lucky another lunch so close to the last one. SoCal's pics are amazing. You'd think she was a teacher in it. She can catch an angle that makes the shots so alive and interesting.

    Cheryl and Linda

    ME TO ME TO-- big bang theory watcher here too. I just found it a few months ago b/c of DBF.After a few episodes I was hooked. I like the way they make the dialogue real. Leonards and Penny's responses especially. I looked up the other day about "Soft Kitty" to see if it was written by the shows writers  or if it was real. Real.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Wow Chevy are you talking about someone having blackout;s on Ativan or were you talking Ambien'.  I've never had a patient or anyone describe a blackout with Ativan. Please, tell me you miswrote that. That would be like breaking a huge plate glass window for me.

    EDIT: don't normally announce edits b/c they are usually done for spelling or grammar. BUT this ones IMPORTANT----CHEVY A FEW POST DOWN DID REMEMBER THAT IT WAS AMBIEM SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT. Hugely important to me b/c untold number of years of patient experience with Ativan. Then recent experience of my own. Ativan- Used as prescribed. it is a safe predictable drug. :) AMBIEN is not

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    I am a Big Bang Theory watcher too. Love it. It is nice to have a show that makes me laugh.... They say laughter is good medicine!!!!!

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    Cindy AKA Squishy

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Good morning All! Just a quick check as I have a f/u appt with BS today at 10 (need to leave by 9) so I need to get in the shower pronto. Seems like everything takes so much longer than it used to as I get distracted easily. Not much sleep (worries about what today will bring and pain) - didn't check into Insomniacs, afraid it would charge my batteries. At least DD finally had a decent attitude and spoke with me last night without anger or shouting. Even said good-bye as she was leaving for work.

    Hoping this is a good day and week for you all!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    2nd time for just a second there your f/u appointment had me confused. Thinking you were meaning something entirely different for fu. Lol

    I'm 7 months pfc tomorrow. I'm having a full body bone scan 2 weeks from today. My 3rd since this all started last year. My MO keeps looking for bone mets in my left shoulder & lower right spine. She promises if everything is good this time they'll give up the Hunt.

    I actually went to bed early last night....2 am! Woke up at 8:30 eager for coffee, then remembered its my Fosomax day, so coffee had to wait. More snow today. It's pretty, but I walk with a cane so I'm terrified of walking on it. I could drive through an icy blizzard, but walking...not so much.

    I love being able to come here any hour of the day or night and find you ladies. This has become my favorite thread.


  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Reading about the different drugs for sleep I interesting. Funny though to me...  as a tylenol will completely knock me on my ass and put me to sleep.  I can't take aspirin, but the natural form (white willow bark) I can take. It also relaxes me enough so tthat I'll go to sleep

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    GG AND Kay I used to take Tylenol for sleep. Feb 2006 I was dx'd as hypertensive. I was suspicious of Tylenol as it was the only drug I took. Googled Tylenol and hypertension. The first major peer reviewed article was from Aug 2005 Journal of Hypertension. It was a retrospective metanalysis study on women who used Tylenol or NSAIDS. Aspirin is  included in the classification of NSAIDS

    It showed that more women who used tylenol & NSAIDS on a routine basis developed irreversible hypertension than women who did not use these drugs

    The same method was used for a study on men. The same connection was found. It was published in 2007 forget what month.

    I used to have the attitude Tylenol  was effectively harmless, at one dose a night a few nights a week. I don't now. Bummer. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    GG interesting about the white willow bark. I wonder what it is about the processing that makes you not tolerate it? Curious. Would be nice to know for you in case it applies to any other drug?