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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    gee whiz! Gone a couple hours and there's pages to read! Sheesh! I need to get caught and learn all the newbies to this thread. Oh, I have auto notification when someone posts to this thread, get email on my phone - holy cr*p, 35 messages from this thread! Glad it's the only BCO thread (did it for the wee hours) I keep track of.

    Ok, gotta get to reading!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Maddy, I jumped in at the end of 180 pages, there was no way to get caught up.  This thread is moving fast now.  There will probably be hundreds of posts by the time I get back from C-Mas vacation. 

    Right now I'm headed to the kitchen to finish making rum balls.  They're best after a few days in the 'fridge. Loopy  

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Chevyboy, just trying to catch up.

    Yes, I did not do chemo this time. I did do it the first mx, only found out AFTER I lost all my hair that I probably didn't need to do it at all (long sad story, start the violins). And yes, the heating pad helped so much, no to little pain today. PT showed me how to do my own massage, it just feels weird.

    And, YES, I do intend to listen to Dr Sassy, she knows her stuff

    Back to reading...

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Blessings, you made me blush and brought a tear or two to my eyes, you (and the other 2 BCO ladies) were what I needed to brighten up my day, week, month and holiday season! I was honored to be with such wonderful ladies! My almost-2 hour commute home (I didn't believe it took that long but I checked my phone, from the call as I left to the text when I got home) just sailed on by - I cranked up the music and I was already on a high being with you all! The name Blessings really suits you! Glad you got your sewing done.

    (PS, no hurry on the photo)

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    I recognize a lot of names from other threads and look forward to getting to know everyone in this different venue. Loving Sassy's mission statement.

    To be honest, I'm fairly new here too. Tamoxifen (and a whole sh*tload of stress right now) has kept me awake to late hours, sometimes sleepless nights so Insomniacs has been a wonderful retreat for me. Not much direct companionship in my life right now so I've appreciated a safe warm place to hang out - whatever the hours. Some nights I crash early due to exhaustion. Between sleep issues and stress, been having some brain processing issues (which Dr Sassy has kindly helped with) so if something I post doesn't make sense, you can understand. And with autocorrect, things come out really goofy!

    I'm fading fast..... Good night all, or for those EST, happy Sunday!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Sas, thanks for telling me about this thread. A solution to all the posts being hours earlier, at last. I have felt like everyone else was already in bed when I start reading.

    Alyson, Sympathies for hot and humid. We lived in Houston, Tx for years where it gets very hot and very humid. We're back to normal weather for us. It's in the 40's and raining.

    I know snow can be a huge headache, but I spent my childhood longing for a white Christmas. I'm 73 and I've had 3 so far. All as an adult. I'm sure it would have been more fun when I was small.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164

    well it's been a looonnnnggggg time since I've been an insomniac but I've been hanging around with 2nd time so I'm gonna jump back in, had a fabulous lunch with Blessings and 2nd time this week was sorry I had to go back to work as I was enjoying myself immensely, nice to be back Sas

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    yay, Cheryl, glad to see you here! (and there, tee hee). Nerdy - me, without contacts

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    so it's almost midnight here - the firewall conversion is over - and for the most part good. The first attempt fell on its face because a route got left off, but we (actually it was me Happy) figured out the problem and we talked everyone into taking another shot at it. It's good. I've called my hubby to come pick me up. I'm done in.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    great job, GG! Since everyone else is probably asleep please accept the congrats from me! Was it a midnight deadline? Whatever, it's done, sleep well.

    Chabba, keeping you and your DH in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing him a speedy recovery. H&L&P's

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418

    It's 3:30am.  It's been a while since I haven't slept through the night. 

    Gardengumby, congrats on the project.  I hope you are having a good night's sleep.

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    Hi from down under, ladies, I think I am going to be awake most of the night tonight, it's now 8pm Sunday here so not long to go.

    I will be reliving the experience of driving toward a brick wall with both feet on the brake and nothing stopping me.

    I was turning into a supermarket parking spot this afternoon which happened to be at right angles to the buildings wall.

    Even tho' I was travelling very slowly, the car seemed to suddenly speed up heading straight for the wall.  Mind you, there was an eight inch step up to a footpath that should have stopped me....but the crunch never came.

    It seems that as I had stopped already/correctly, I turned to look at my daughter in the passenger seat, just as the car next to me suddenly started backing out.

    This caused my mind to believe that I was heading for the wall in front of us and my feet to go for the brakes.

    I was just about to scream in terror.....when I realised we were fully stationary Shocked

    I keep getting flashbacks every so often, so I guess the night ahead will be spent full of that nightmare.

    I hope I don't wake up screaming about it at some point. If I was still taking Femara, I could guarantee it.

    Will let you know how the night goes same time tomorrow.


  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    Hi all,

    Thanks for the invite Sas....and concerns 2nd time around. Been a tough few weeks plus. Time got away from me. Two surgeries, kidney stone, stents, fevers, infections......hopefully all behind me now. started back to work only a few hours so far, but will be a full work week next week. Feeling extremely tired.

    Nice to see so many people on this thread. Many I recall from other threads. Going to try and get sleep. It's almost 3am here in California.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    GG Congratultions on this project--u deserve the rest now.

    I love to hear when the BCO ladies meet up it so warm and fuzzy feeling--I'm glad for all of u.

    aussie what a terrible feeling u must have had I still would be freakin' out too.

    Dreams u have been thru so much lately, u have to be exhausted I hope u rest well, u'r body need it for healing.

    I have to get used to all the new names I have to learn so give me time--memory is not great--haha like I have to explain that one.

    It's getting colder here, we did have about 4 more inches of snow, now the winds are bringing in more cold for a while so I'm staying all snuggled up and to myself--I'm glad I don't have to go out in this. The wind make it so bitter on my sensitive skin. ooooo, Right

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Cammi! You're UP! Or did you ever go to bed? I have read all the posts, now I have to type to all the new sleepless gals..Ha!

    YOU guys are going to bed, probably, when I am getting up! I usually am up by 4... It's must an inherited WAKE UP gene...

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983

    Good morning ladies! Sassy, thanks for the invite. I had not signed on to the computer for a full 24 hours (a new rule for the weekend cause it can be such a time waster for me personally..LOL) and so I just saw the invite. I am often up very very late (and I get up very early) so this is ideal for me.

    The "anniversary" of this thread is coincidentally my birthday! (April 8th) so we most definitely have to have a party.

    Prayers for Chabba and her husband. I HATE hearing things like this although as a "grownup" (I am pushing 60 and still having a hard time with this concept since I am the proverbial Peter Pan although not as bad as Chevy..HA) I know these things are going to happen and with more frequency in my world. I still hate it. I hope Chabba is hanging in there.

    Sas, you are such a wealth of medical information! Why is Ativan better than Xanax if you don't mind me asking. My doctor gave me Ativan for the occasional times I can't cope and need some help (the litany of things going on in my life are too numerous to get in to here) but I take it so rarely because I am afraid of dependency. Is Ativan less likely to cause dependency than Xanax?

    Ok, going to get myself a third cup of coffee and start some laundry now that hubby is up.

    Hugs to all and thanks for the invite. I love meeting new people and fwiw, although I love the STFU thread, it is very very hard to keep up over there!!Winking

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Yes I'm up but I promised Joey we'd bake cookies today--I haven't baked in forever. Oh geeze Cookies especially I don't like the timing part-1 minute to long and poof they're ruined, at least years ago when I'd burn anything my dad would love it, he loved burnt toast too, he said it was good for digestion ??? yea right, but at least nothing went to waste. That's why I make no bake cookies, but Joey and I are going to try these I got the recipe off of FB, 2 ingredients got my attention, simple for that part. Next week-end Leslie's GF is coming over for a fun cookie bake so they'll make some fun ones and Joey loves to bake so he's looking forward to that. My DD uses that parchment paper seems to work good, never used that before but it bakes more evenly and easy to slide right off. Maybe that will help me with the timing.

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    April we are almost twins... Ha ha. My birthday is April 9th and I will be sixty on my next birthday. Well I guess I am asuming you are going to be sixty on your next birthday as you said you were pushing 60........

    Cindy AKA Squishy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    FLOWERS!!! Hey again! So you can tell us all the good things to eat, and leave alone the other stuff, right? We need advice here! image

    I think I have gotten to a certain point here, or age, where I think, "why CAN'T I eat this?" I seem to be doing a good job of maintaining my weight... So there you go!

    If Chocolate Cokes and one dark chocolate covered almond/cherry cluster from Costco tastes good, I'm right ON it!

    Oh, little Flowers, yes, I saw your personal info.... I was sort of worried, because I don't think we should do that.... You know any old cranky, or ne'rdowell person can read us, and they could haunt us for eternity! You are so trusting! You must be young....Ha!

    Little Cammi! You lost control? Ha, ha! You are like a little guardian angel flying all around me! Around all of us! And your mission in life is to just stay the way you are.... and help me feed chickens.

    Squishy, how did you get your name? Okay, tell us.... We won't tell.

    Sass, how is Chabba? Have you heard anything else yet? It was his heart? Geez, it's just like we are all family here, and we get to liking these gals, and hate to see things go wrong.

    Morning Galsal! Another Floridian, I see! You guys are just too lucky. I mean if I were YOUNGER, yes, maybe I would go tromp around in the snow.... (I said TROMP, not TRAMP, Cammi).... And I never paid any attention to it! But now I try and dodge the snow-flakes. Actually the snow is fine, it's when it gets down below ...0.... and stays there!

    Teka, you can "hear the faint sound of..... snow"? You're KIDDING, right? I have never heard snow.... maybe rain, but not snow.... Maybe when the wind is blowing 50 miles an hour, and there is ice AND snow blowing against the house, I MIGHT! Ha, ha! (You can hear snow.... ) Man, I can't hear THUNDER unless my head is out the door!

    Jackie, can YOU hear snow? Can you other gals? I'm so bummed! I thought I was doing good to hear my HUSBAND talk to me... which I can't usually. But I SLEEP good... Ha, ha!

    Maybe I'll go in again in February.... It will be 2 years with these hearing aids.... I'll just march right up to her and say I want to hear the damn snow! Or "I want to hear SOMEthing!" It's kind of funny, kind of.

    Morning Holeinone! How fun you are HERE! And yes, I have noticed that too! That Cammi's spelling is improving. Maybe she is taking classes? I'll bet it's Joey! I mean that kid probably looks at her typing and just shivers! He must give her lessons.

    And don't go a gettin' stressed! You are too young... save that for later.

    On Noooooooo! Don't do rads.... Don't even GO there! They make you tired! Tell them you have taken a survey, and we don't LIKE those! But they help! Rads are just FOR Insomniacs! They make you sleep.... while walking, talking, ANYthing! You will sleep, my lovely! So do them! I was just kidding before.

    Oh???? Jackie! (Lillibelle) You used a big word... WHAT the heck is

    dichotomy???? Cam, did you see THAT??? I mean even I don't have a clue! Is that like what is wrong with my hands??? Dishydrotic Eczema? (Even spell-check can't fix THAT one.)

    And "zestfully"???????? I feel like I am in school! Ha, ha.... just kidding little kiddle.... You know I love you!

    Yes Cam, Idaho is a snowy State! WHERE have you been? Idaho is exactly where it's supposed to be.... On the left side of your map, kind of up above Colorado... Also having the Rocky Mountains close by!

    ("the rest are iffy"..... DANG girl! Well so much for your Geography lessons! Call Joey.... You just crack me up!

    Little Gardens! Glad your project is almost finished! That has to make you feel good, not to mentioned relieved! Man, I feel good just getting a DRAWER cleaned out!

    Hi Blessings! Your name is kind of familiar! And I know what a "serger" is! I don't know what it DOES exactly, but I know the name! Ask Cammi! She will be all over that one. I haven't been to San Diego, but my folks lived in the Bay Area, in Richmond.... I LOVED San Francisco... It was magical.... maybe it is the memories going there to visit them, and down to Fisherman's Wharf... And then taking my Grand-sons there!

    Morning Kathindc! AND Spookie! How fun! Don't "snif".... It makes us feel bad! Of COURSE you can come out and play! Do you like chickens??? JUST kidding...

    Hi Alyson! YOU like chickens... Ha! And you SAID.... with a little smile in your voice..... "It is hot and humid here today!" And we are all sitting here with our long under-wear on, muck-lucks, and ear-muffs!

    Okay 2nd-time/_around.... Can I just shorten that to ..... "2"....? Or maybe second? Or what? Does my keyboard DO those things? image

    If Cammi sees that, she will be lost.... THEN I'll have to go back and find her....

    Badger makes rum-balls! SURE she does... Trying to show us all up, eh? So I make snow-balls! Does that count? Nah, I don't even do that anymore.... I just wanted to feel included.... Oh WAIT! You said that "Maddy" is 2/nd_Time/aground? Oh yay! We will call you Maddy now! No backing out of THAT one! Here I was going all crazy, trying to type your name, and you are "Maddy!"

    And yes, Maddy, I tried to massage my new scars also... but they HURT, so I gave THAT one up.... I'm okay now though...

    So sleep is an issue with Tamoxifen? WHO KNEW???? I mean I am just being facetious with that one.... You will never EVER sleep again in your LIFE while ingesting Tamoxifen... Don't even try.... It is a lesson in futility. Okay try, but I warned you.... Give it maybe 2 years, and then those SE's will go away, to make room for new and different ones!

    Morning HBCHERYL! Can I just call you Cheryl? First it's Maddy, now I have another hard name to remember...Ha! Another California girl, eh? You are soooooo lucky.... We were born and raised here in Denver... and we never skied! Ha! Didn't do winter sports... I do summer gardening! I do winter "stay close to home" sports!

    Littlegardens...! Congratulations! Man, you were up late! So you say the "firewall conversion is over".... (I GOT that one...) then taking us to "a route got left off" like me and Cammi have a CLUE as to what you are talking about. But you must be bordering on genius to get all that figured out!

    Morning to Notself and Aussie! nice to see you here.... But Aussie, that would have scared the pants off of me! (shut up Cammi) !!! Was that feeling like a Panic Attack? WHAT are you TAKING girl? I would assume it is the meds.... or something?

    Sassy, look that one up! You have to fix us when we are out of whack! Nurse Sass.... Yes, we depend on you! Do you remember that movie with Jack Nicholson, and that Nurse Ratchet? We like you better!

    Brokendreams! What IS this, a California Dreamin' thread? Ha, ha! So many gals live over there! Cammi, that is on the far left side of your map.... next to what looks like water....

    Hello again April! You are pushing 60? Hell, I been there, done that, and pushed it CLEAR out of the way... I've even mastered 70! So we all know I am the oldest one here... Won't be long I will be sneaking up on 80..... Now THAT is old... sounds REALLY old. But I'll let y'all know, when I get there...Ha!

    Cammi! Don't get near a stove.... Let your little Joey do it all! Better yet, go BUY him cookies. So what are the "2 ingredients" for your cookes??? Mashed up cookies and ......water?

    Yes, Parchment paper is sort of like wax-paper... Only different. Do you use that with "no-bake" cookies? If you just go get news-paper, and spread butter on that, it will work just fine!

    Squishy..... ! You girls really ARE Sisters, Ha! So we can name you April 2!

    Okay all.... love you all! xoxoxo

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    Chevy. Yes I guess I could be called April2... Ha ha. My granddaughters named my leg Squishy cause of my right leg being amputated. They said it felt squishy. Some people call their stumps stumpy, well mine is squishy. That's how that name came to be.... When I was first on the thread STFU there was talk of alternate names so I started using Squishy as one of my alternate names..

    Cindy AKA Squishey or April2

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    It's 8:00 am est here in Central Ohio. I'm bundled up having my morning coffee. I went to bed before 2am, as I leave for church at 10 on Sundays. We had a really cold rain here yesterday. I'm not sure how as it never got above 30, so I'm really concerned how icy it will be today. I don't mind driving on snow or ice, but walking on it scares the crap out of me. I use a cane and if it slides there's a chance I go with it.

    Ironic the Saturdays are when I go to bed somewhat early. I rarely turn in before 4:30 am the rest of the week. Yet I'm always up by 9:00. I do love my afternoon naps though.

    Sheila I've many times when falling asleep jerked awake thinking my car was about to plow into the rear of a stopped car. Some people jerk awake thinking they're falling. I think I'm some kind of Speed Racer.

    I've been watching some of the final funeral coverage of Nelson Mandela. Very touching. He was a great man who's life touched many millions.

    Any day we'll probably hear of the passing of another 95 year old man who's life has also touched millions...Billy Graham. I imagine there's nothing he'd like better than to leave this life for the one he's headed to.

    Have a very blessed day Girls. I'll check in later.


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    good morning and hey to all my friends here, old and new LOL.  I'm 54 and about to have 4th anniv of BC dx. 

    Mom will call soon for our weekly chat and we have a lot to talk about.  I fly to FL Thurs and will be helping sort, clean and pack for a move to WI this spring.  So hard to choose which of a lifetime's treasured posessions will go with her into a 750-sq ft independent living apt.  Will be off-line here from probably Tues until right before NYE. 

    OK there's the phone - TTFN!  ♥ to all

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Teka! You're KIDDING, right? A WHAT kind of OWL? Ha, ha!

    Can ANYone hear snow falling, or falling snow? You must have bionic hearing! And you don't confuse me, anymore than normal.... (shut up cammi).... I'll just be the confusee....

    Badger! Can YOU hear snow doing ANYthing? I'm going to go outdoors, in the snow, next time, and LISTEN..... I'll let you know.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164

    Snow what is this thing called snow, it's just been brrrrrrr cold here lately buy that has turned around and the sun is out so we'll be sending it east to melt some of that snow for you Winking Went to bed and slept well but of course awake at 4.45am, seems my bladder gets me up whether I want to get up or not!

    Sheila that has happened to me as well, it's dangled frightening as you keep jabbing your foot on the brake to stop but huh you're already stopped.... Chevy you can call me anything you like as long as you don't call me late for dinner or for chocolateWinking I have bought exactly one Christmas gift but I did go to Cost Plus and buy all the stocking stuffer chocolates and of course I've had to test a few just to make sure they're not 'off' but next weekend I will have to seriously get into bake mode and do cookies, I just make one kind but make they are little so I have to do hundreds and of course there is a lot of test eating going on at the same time!!!!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    good morning all! 2nd_time_around, 2TA, 2nd, or whomever checking in! Like Cheryl said, just don't call me late for chocolate! Difficult night of sleep, couldn't find my heating pad, problems with DH and DD last night, I'm exhausted. Wanted to go meet up to have lunch with SD ladies (and Cheryl) but DH is already pulling an attitude. Feels like my tether is too short. He was complaining I was out too many hours at a health insurance presentation yesterday, didn't know I had a time limit! A friend had an impromptu get together last night, he was grumbling about that. Can't a girl get a break? I never seem to leave the house any more except for medical/PT appts and trips to the grocery store (no money for Christmas shopping), my "friends" have abandoned me, miss working to be with real people and the job search is long, frustrating and not productive. Am told I could pass for 40's (closer to 60 though), but was literally the "token old person" at my previous job where they were setting up to let me go before BC DX (reason for leaving previous job looks better with medical then let go/fired). Okay, off this negative attitude now...

    I may need to post often today to keep my sanity in check. This thread moves so quickly now, don't know if I can keep up!

    This is the thread that Sassy built..... Nerdy

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    OK I'm back.  AussieSheila, what a frightening optical illusion.  Would've shaken me up too!

    Chevy, sometimes I can hear snow falling, or maybe it's the increasing absence of sound. Snow muffles the world.  When it's just me, the house is quiet.  I don't watch much TV and may play some music, but like to be able to hear the sounds of the house and the neighborhood.  Do you ever play 'name that noise' at your house?

    Maddy, I have had the very great pleasure of meeting about a dozen BCO sisters IRL and it's always special.  May get to meet Sassy this month woo-hoo!

    Rum balls are easy!  Melt 6 oz choc bits and stir in 1/2 cup sugar, 1/3 cup white rum, and 3 Tbsp corn syrup.  Fold in 2 cups crushed vanilla wafer cookies and 1 cup finely ground walnuts.  Shape into 1" balls.  Store in an airtight container in the 'fridge.  Best after a couple of days.  Makes ~ 4 doz.  I ground up too many walnuts in the food pro so had enough to roll the rum balls in.  Tried one just now for quality control purposes, and it's delish.  Not too strong but a nice hint of rum.  Loopy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OMG I'm so far behind here WTF if Chevy hadn't talked that much I would be caught up and remember who's saying what. I have forgotten, Sound familiar?

    Chevy if it's quiet u can hear the snow like feathering down ever so slightly.Of course u can't Tami made u not hear anymore. Who's going to CA and lucky enough to live there now? I shouldn't complain, not working so I don't have to leave my home, well I work from home some but I don't have to leave. Someone said they miss working, I never have missed it, but I'm really alone so I have no one to account to--I don't mean it's bad to have a husband, I just mean if I feel like  bitch I can be all right with it and no repurcusions or need to feel like I have to do something when I don't want to. I hope I explained myself OK cuz I', not against husbands, hey I had a couple but right now I just feel the need not to answer to anyone for anything. I'm very lazy so it's fine I don't work. I do still see the friends from work that I've had for over 20 years and that's all I care about.

    Oh my 3 ingredients for these cookies are cake mix--we bought lemon--, and egg and 8 oz of cool whip--that's it, so I hope I don't mess this up, I'll blame Joey. It doesn't sy but I think u stir by hand cuz if u use a mixer wouldn't it be to thin maybe, IDK Instructions have to be completely clear for me.

    OK I'll check back later

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983

    Wow, this thread is moving fast too! Hey Squishy, we are almost BD twins but I will be 59 this coming April. By "pushing 60" I meant I am most definitely on the other side of 55..LOL I do have one more year left before I am officially 60. I remember when my Mom turned 60 and she kept saying "I can't believe I am now in my 60's!" She passed in 2012 when she was "pushing" 83 so I am betting that 60 looked really young to her near the end..LOL

    To the rest of you - STFU! HA! Just kidding of course! So many posts in a very short time but I suspect it was due to all of Sassy's invites to many of us.

    Chevy, I still can't believe how old you are cause you act like a teenager most of the time. xoxo

    To all of you that I don't know from the STFU thread, it is very nice to meet you!

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    April485, you & I are birthday twins. I turn 59 in May...I am not a big b-day person as far as celebrating, but this year will be different. I am hoping to have a little hair, a lot would be better, and be back in the swing of life.

    Trying to read all the posts & become part of this fabulous group

    Cami, can't wait to hear how those cookies turn let us know

    Badger, thx for the rum ball recipe, I am going to make those, I need to try something new

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    SAS, thanks for the invite to this thread! And what a cast of characters I see - so many familiar names that I have lost touch with over the past few months. I have hit a few rough patches and mostly hanging out in Stage IV boards, but have really missed what is going on with all of you, so it will take a while to catch up. And boy, does this thread move fast! I just opened my PM today, and already there are 3 more pages to read!

    I have been filling my time with art lessons and choir, hosted my family for Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday of the year!) and generally finding those waves of joy and gratitude cycling with the waves of grief and anger, and tempering it by watching "The Big Bang Theory" at least 2 hours a day, getting my belly laughs.

    As Sassy says, L&H&Ps to all of you. Will check back in as often as I can, and thinking of all of you each day.