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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Thanks Sas, all this information, looks like we all have "homework" to get ourselves Can you imagine going through this bc nightmare without the technology of the Internet? I have never been online as much as I have been since my dx. Also I never had this much down time, staying home, not working..

    Cami, loved your comment about working for the government..

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983

    Hey Sas, since I don't have time to read the actual articles right now (at work in a pretty bad snow storm for pete's would think they would let us leave early!) just how old is "older ladies?" TIA xoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    So Sass.... Does this mean that if we don't take any other meds, that we should take 1/2 or 1 Aspirin a day, to keep from getting strokes?

    They think my hearing loss was due to "a certain gene in SOME women, taking Tamoxifen, which then caused a small infarction, in the 8th Cranial Nerve, in the brain stem, affecting the auditory nerve..... so I lost my hearing, due to a stroke, which they DO warn about on the Tamoxifen labels....

    Would taking Aspirin NOW, maybe prevent this from happening again?

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    hmmm, interesting

    Officially, I can't keep up! Was different when I was awake for long hours in the wee hours. Seems like when this thread was quiet (and I was talking to myself) I was wide awake. For the past week or so, it's like I can't get enough sleep! Actually falling off to sleep before midnight, sleeping at least 6 hours, more when possible.

    Sassy, thanks for the def of hypertension and links to meds. A lot to ask my MO when I see him next month. Also, the link for cheezed, I kept searching for "cheesed" no wonder I didn't find it! Goodness, forgot what else I was going to respond to!

    Funny thing happened last night (I think). When someone snores, their mouth is open right? I fell asleep with DH last night (not a useful occurrence for me). He woke me up saying I was snoring (I do snore when when I'm really tired) but my lips were stuck together and had to peel them apart. Huh? Grabbed my heating pad and moved to the guest room

    Need to spend time job hunting today. BBL

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    I developed DVT towards the end of AC. I took Lovenox injections twice daily for 4 months, until I ran out of funding. I only have Medicare. My MO wanted me to continue for 2 more months, but I had no choice but to stop, so I started taking 81 mg aspirin (enteric) every day.

    I take generic Tylenol a couple times a day for DJD. Everything else....ibuprofen, aleve, hydrocodone, etc tears my stomach up.


  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Paula, didn't they put you on warfarin for the DVT? Warfarin is VERY inexpensive. I was on shots for a couple weeks (I cannot remember the name now, it started with an "F") - but it was HORRIBLY expensive. With insurance a weeks supply was $100. After those first couple weeks, though, they had me on warfarin which was like $8 a month without insurance. I was on that for 4 or 5 months. Now, I take one white willow bark a day (natural form of aspirin - I can't take the regular kind, nor any NSAID) and when I fly I wear compression and try to pace through the plane as much as possible....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Holy Chit--I fell so sound asleep and when I woke up to come here I thought Oh Sas I should have gotten a medical degree instead of smoking pot behind garages. But I actually know about aspirin and thinning of blood, and stuff like that only out of doing it, I learned.Anyhow, Sas u r amazing with all the info u provide. Thank you 

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    2nd-time. I snore through my nose....

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529

    I'm late as usual but I really like being able to read a lot of medical info too.  I'm not very good anymore at looking things up.......all the medical insults I think..... I do recall when I had A & P in Medical Corpsman school at San Antonio, Tx ( that's anatomy and physiology ) that one of the trainers said ( now I took these classes just a short while after dirt was discovered ) when you are using drugs also know that for every good effect, your going to have a bad one that you will have to watch out for......and for this reason, the less you take, and the later you are able to go without having to resort to  "pills" the better.  He was not in any way against their use, but trying to instill in us that we needed to use great care where "medications of all types " were concerned.

    I think there was a time ( someone above I think may have mentioned how many OTC drugs there are ) when people just felt there was a pill for just about anything.....and actually there is pretty much. those days, your family Dr. dispensed what you needed and you took it till you were well............and then you didn't take it anymore. 

    Though there are soooo many drugs out there......listening to them being touted on the t.v. is always interesting.  They tell you every little thing ( and should ) but my hubby and I look at each other and say...I wouldn't take that crap if you held a gun to my head.   These things always had the potential to go "bad" on you --- but our Dr.'s long ago never told you all that stuff --- so we just took it and most had no issues.  Still, I have a lot of thoughts about the 'newer' drugs.  They don't always get tested like they should.   There is a lot of money to be made in this field --- and I often think the older tried and true and often much better understood for reactions/se's etc. 

    I'm rambling and don't know why so I'm going to go watch some t.v. I think. 

    See you all later.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chevy, Ha, you know I wouldn't say what to take LOL. Talk with your doc. The reason I wrote the description from 81mg to 325mg. Is the American Heart Association which is the source for how much aspirin should be taken. The AHA "Changes Dose so often" it falls in the category of "what are we saying this year". The importance of this is understanding that dose change controversy.. As people discuss their meds, one doc may have the practice of instructing patients to take 325mg., another doc prescribes 81mg. You look at each other and wonder why. Now you know why. Ah-HAH Plus ask your doc what they recommend on a plane trip or long drive------that could be different (hint might be a tad higher than the daily dose, maybe the same). Plus, those that have Atrial fib or a pig valve may be on a different dose plus a blood thinner.

    April-hahahah I already forget except I am in the older lady category. The articles both have it. Younger I think was 35-45, older 45 and above. BUT don't quote me.

    This points out that when you think you know something, always take the time to find the original material. I either forgot or didn't catch that no difference for us older ladies regarding aspirin. Very important.

    Aspirin is good for preventing strokes, but also clots that affect and artery or vein anywhere in the body. There is literature that describes it as being protective against a couple of other things, but will find source before I mention.

    Trivial pursuit: Within one or 2 years of the connection between aspirin and____________(disease that children get if given aspirin with a virus) That was killing children. It looked like the end for aspirin products. Then the research came out about it's positive affect on preventing clots all over the body. YOO-HOO wish I bought stock before that first publication.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chit, this is moving to fast, I have to go back and make sure I covered all the questions right. If your question isn't covered and I still miss it -----make sure I get it.........................Off to cook dinner have to say at least one L&H&P's a day........sassy

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    Trivial Pursuit answer is Reyes.     What do I win..  Hahaha. I for one am glad that aspirin is ok for "older women".....

    Cindy AKA Squishy

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    thanks Sassie for the invite...been reading!!! BBL

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    a former stupidvisor was popping Tylenol for pain like candy for many years. Now she has stage 4 liver disease, is on transplant list. 

    Warfarin is on the $4 list at Walmart, no insurance necessary for that, but do need regular PT/INR test to stay in range. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    gardengumby usually the Lovenox injections are only taken for 10 days or so, but because my MO believed strongly that DVT was caused by AC chemo, and I still had 12 weeks of Taxol to go, she wanted me on the injections for 6 months. When I ran out of funding, I asked about Warfarin, but she said, "no." I'm not sure why, but I felt I should be doing something so I take the low dose aspirin.

    It's technically not even winter yet and I'm already sick of it. We've had January weather here in Ohio since mid-November....snow, ice, & freezing weather.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    And those Lovenox injections Hurt and leave bruises. 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    I thought the answer to the trivia was Guellein Barre. My spelling is questionable here.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971

    Miss Sassy....


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

     Squishy---------ROTFLOL----------Reyes it is ---------Hey I left it blank cuz I couldn't remember-------Didn't think of a prize.    

    Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy wonv, Squishy won, Squishy won, Squishy won

    How's that:)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chickie do a spectacular foooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrr Squishy!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Spooke-----------yes, Tylenol and NSAIDs taken in higher does than recommended are toxic to the liver big time. BIG TIME

    AND             KIDNEY

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Good night for this hour . Won't know till morning if I slept. For those that meet in the night enjoy each other. L&H&P's that's 2 for the night :) sassy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    If Ziggypop comes here, I think she will be a pee your pants comic---let's hope----------HEH I'm not shy ya'll PM and ask her to come. I'll bring her post from the constipation thread and you will so get why I think she's a hoot.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    sorry maybe my heads in the pooper, but I thought this was funny. Course I've read the entire constipation thread. Duh--I started that one too. No reflection on anyone here.

    1375297_749970688352343_1666794167_n ziggypop Joined: Oct 2013Posts: 240

    Post a reply Report this Post

    Dec 16, 2013 03:16pm ziggypop wrote:

    Well, shit. I have nothing to add, other than to say this is a pretty shitty conversation yall are having. :

    My response to her was:

    Ziggypop, OMG you get this thread. Please, please, become a routine bumper, and add what ever pops out of your trunk as a thought. It so eases the pain of whatever isn't passing. A poop or pun here or there is a mercy we pray forLoopy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Okay nightowling it.............. DBF didn't get that a kiss goodnight was as more important than sex. Guys what can I say. They have no sense of priorities.

    Will go back and read and if I can stay serious, i'll give it a try.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Cami. I get your medical term --icky- and will add yucky, pukey, sucky, Total body pain party(TBBP)---correct term is chronic widespread pain---I like mine better, Forget now others I've used , but I'm sure there are others that have many very good descriptive terms. That if the medical listener, listened too, they would understand the conveyed meaning. Don't give up medical people can learn.

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404

    So, are you guys here all night?  Are you tolerant of the ranting of a person whose lost their mind from no  I just had my exchange surgery 2 weeks ago today, and I am weaning off pain meds, and have insomnia big time, plus the worry that this darn tightness across my chest will not go away.  I am tired of surgery, and it seems like I am looking at another one fairly soon. 

    So, who has a home remedy for getting the adhesive off after the steri strips fall off? I am sticking to everything I wear.  They gave me adhesive removal wipes, but they smell so strong, and I am afraid they might irritate already sensitive skin. 

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    2nd_time_around:Tamoxifen only scares me because in my family, we
    are heart attack and stroke people, not cancer people. But my MO always gives
    me the hairy eyeball when I mention this, so I've just shut up every time she
    brings it up. I'm trying to hang in there with this letrozole for as long as I

    Chevyboy- my Nana had a lead foot. She drove that 57 Chevy
    like a maniac - and would never let ME drive! Thanks for the info about the
    genetic test and Tamoxifen - I see my MO Thursday and will ask her about it.

    gardengumby- I get regular myofascial release massage, and
    today I got a referral to PT, and Thursday I will ask the MO for a referral to
    acupuncture. I’ve been suckin’ down Norco and Valium for a few days, and we’ve
    just added methocarbamol (muscle relaxer) to the mix. Yee haw!

    Uneventful day today except for back pain. Saw my PCP - love her! 

    I have a cartoon to post, and some more info, but it can wait. Off to my pre-heated bed and a snootful of drugs. xoxoxo

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Oh, shoot. If I wait, I'll forget to post this. And it's important.

    Chevyboy mentioned that Tamoxifen is an ototoxic drug.

    This means it can cause damage to the inner ear, and result in tinnitus (annoying ringing or other sounds inside your head), vestibular/balance issues, hearing loss, or complete deafness.

    Generally, ototoxicity has been associated with different forms of chemotherapy.

    Anyone who is facing chemo should ask for a baseline audiogram - a hearing test that determines if you have any hearing loss at all. Why, you ask?

    A friend of mine is a cervical/ovarian/colon cancer survivor. She got the big guns when it came to chemo. The last round destroyed her hearing, requiring her to use bilateral hearing aids in order to perform her job. (She is now well enough to be working full time!!!!! As a teacher!!! YAY!!!!) 

    But here's the catch: because she had never had a hearing test before her cancer diagnosis, Kaiser said there was no evidence that the hearing loss was due to chemo, and therefore would not pay for her hearing aids. Had she provided evidence that her hearing was normal before chemo, her hearing aids would have been provided to her at no cost. And believe me, they ain't cheap!

    So just a thought...

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    thanks, Blessings, now I see. 

    GG, my DH said I was snoring thru my nose too. I guess that makes sense. I usually doubt him because I've been awake when he makes some awful bodily noises while he sleeps, they wake him up and he blames me! So I thought this was the case too.