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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Soteria, yes very nice to be able to go where you want 24 hrs a day. Well by now you've been able to have your coffee. I've had another 11 hour sleep. and want to go back to bed. I need a motivator., but none are popping up. Won't do rest of Christmas. shopping until weekend .

    Maddy good luck at appointment.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    imageI'm so confused

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    I have a history of bleeding ulcers and straight Tylenol does nothing for my pain so am very limited in what I can take. Luckily I have a high tolerance for pain and a high sensitivity to narcotics. Usually 1/2 a Vicodin will make it bearable.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chabba ---hows DH, Did I miss a post. We've been praying

    Cami---more or less confused?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Ok I'm trying to catch up, therefore confusion reigns-----

    My chemo brain is still full force and everyone knows it-(shut up Chevy) so HOLEINONE I' right with u on this one.

    OK I never took Ativan,( now Chevy totally confused me) that's the good one right? I've been taking Xanax for years--way before BC---but since I take Paxil don't take as often and not during the day--I take my pain meds about 2 hrs. before my Xanax before I sleep and so far it helps mor than not helps--but I still wake up early, way to early than my day is icky (that's not a medical term, YET) altho I use it quite often with the drs. My Drs. don't quite understand that term but tell it to a 10 yr. old and they get it.

    It's cookie baking time and all that stuff, and I want to eat all the cookies, but don't want to make any--but I promised my GS-- I usually don't promise anything  but he got so excited I felt a need to. now I have to honor that, just for 1 time tho. Those simply mix 3 ingr. and viola it's ready to drop by spoonfuls, the worst part I keep on making the spoonfuls bigger and bigger--no patience for cookies. One of the stocking stuffers I bought for my DD is a recipe book for dump cakes--I figure we cn use it lot-when we go somewhere. I'm so lazy.

    Sas u'r a wonder So much info I love it about the meds, I'm much more confused about actual cancer things but meds I understand more. Thank you for all of it. No wonder u need sleep u'r up so much, then u need to crash. So I'm glad u got to rest. If u drink coffee do u ever buy the Christmas blend, it's so yummy and after the Holidays it's not sold anymore. continue

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    I have to start again cuz my page gets all jumpy on the bottom????

    I've been busy this morning with work, so I'm slowly working my way thru the threads, a lot of peeps have Furnace problems and electric stuff now--these guys are lucky I'm not their boss, I just take messages and file stuff in the computer. I hate when someone calls back with what time are they coming, cuz I know how annoying it is to wait---Oh youth they don't get it all yet. And then add that it's all men--Need I say more.?

    To many things going on now for me, lunches and my little job and stuff--I feel very overloaded now and it's nothing really--I put all my Dr. stuff on hold til January--they did not like that but com on it's only 1 month and I just had some tests so what's the difference. I can't believe it's all here already, I love Christmas eve and Christmas day and it goes by so fast. That's what I don't like.And we already have snow so I hope there is not much more--

    Oh I like the smell of fresh cut grass, it smells like watermelon to me. And whoever said the smell of coming rain that's another good one. I might have said this before, but when I was young I lived in the town where Ovaltine was made and especially on certain days and in the winter a lot the whole town smelled of chocolate--Oh that was great-- to just walk outside and smell chocolate. LOL  So good memories with that.

    OK back to work--I'm sorry not addressing everyone, but there was so much to read and I read everyone and it's a wonderful read.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Cami don't worry about a thing .. The jumpy thing. Mine does it too. Since the last BCO upgrade. Could they have done it? It only happens at a certain length of post. LOLis that it . they want us to finish the post?

    Maddy I changed the topic box tell me what you think?

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Sassy - thanks for the info about NSAIDS and Tylenol re: hypertension - especially so as I've been battling hypertension ever since my DIEP. I've been blaming it on letrozole, as I read that 7% get hypertension as an SE of the drug. I've been taking white willow bark regularly. I rarely if ever take tylenol - did for awhile, but got scared of it, as the letrozole is also hard on the liver...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Sorry Sass! It was Ambien! I'm just glad you know the differences in our meds! Because obviously, I sure don't! Ha!

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Hi, sas-schatzi: sorry, but I couldn't tell you a thing about Prolia....

    I believe it was brokendreams that was getting her shot today. I'm the one who posted about her nighttime Norco/Valium cocktail to get through those really painful nights.

    gardengumby - my BP shot up from 108/65 to 177/95 on Anastrozole. Needless to say, I'm no longer taking it. (Took a two month break.) Been on Letrozole for two months, BP is still in the normal range - 121/65, and that was after running up three flights of stairs. Well, o.k., maybe not "running" exactly.... more like limping and wheezing, but I made it!!!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Yes, Sassy, saw new header info when I got to the new page. That's a pretty clear mission statement. If someone doesn't read, it's their loss!

    Back from my appt. Paula, here I'm thinking I'm hot stuff saying f/u appt (meaning follow-up appt) didn't think about it having another meaning! Now I'm no prude, but would never the other meaning on BCO, and definitely not in regards to my medical team, they're awesome! Female PCP (who went thru BC and recon herself), BS, PS, and nurse navigator. MO is male (as well as RO, genetic counselor but that was a once-only deal), my MO posts often on the Internet but can't remember which BC site he's connected with (he's great too, just getting up there in years, do many if you may figure out how he is). Today's appt with 6-month check up. The last time I saw her in office was prior to my revision surgery 7/5/13. (Did see her at a dinner, but that doesn't count.) Says I'm healing nicely, come back in 6 months. Home and back (25 miles away) in a little over 2 hours. Love these appts!

    Oops, better post before I lose it all (and what I've typed too)

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    ok Sassy, I'm corn-fused. We're supposed to take an aspirin (low dose) daily but aspirin is an NSAID and NSAIDs cause hypertension? And specially, what is hypertension? So don't use pain relievers unless absolutely necessary? Hmmmm.

    I know I'm not getting sympathy over this: about 80* outside so I need to take advantage of the nice weather and get my sorry-self outside and mow the front lawn (I know, it's DH's job, but who knows when that would happen. Lol!) Weather rept talking about rain in a couple days.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Blessings - I really don't want to change meds if I don't HAVE to (again). I took tamoxifen for 6 mos and got blood clots (a lot of them!!!). I'm finally either adjusting to the SE's from Letrozole (I'm a little past the two year mark) or I've forgotten how I used to feel (according my hubby, it's the latter... Happy) Anyway, as I'm motating more, I find it easier to motate... and that's a good thing!!! Also, we are just getting ready to take a road trip of a couple months, and if I change my meds, I can't - we've been looking forward to this for a LONG time. Soooo, I think I'll probably continue to attempt to fight the hypertension with diet changes. And maybe I'll get off the white willow bark as well. (Though the hypertension seems to be getting worse not better, so we'll see when I next see my MO)

    Sas - in answer to your question about why I can take the willow bark and cannot take regular aspirin - I really haven't a clue. I was scared to try the willow bark, as I cannot swallow if I take aspirin - but I needed to have SOMETHING I could take for pain, and every NSAID gave me the same reaction as the aspirin. A naturopath told me that I might not react to the willow bark, so I tried it and he was right.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    gardengumby - if I get any worse on Letrozole, my MO's next choice for me will be Tamoxifen, which scares me more than Anastrozole OR Letrozole. So I - like you - am trying to hang in there and tough it out.... for me, it's pain issues.

    One thing I did do on my drug break was to call my PCP (who REALLY wanted to put me on blood pressure meds and I refused) and asked her for a short course of diuretics. That seemed to jump-start the reduction in blood pressure, and I no longer take it.

    SO - Letrozole is hard on the liver? Oh, goody. I have a wonky liver to start with. Poo!

    p.s. I used to spend my summers at my Nana's just outside Puyallup, out on Orting Hiway. Loved it, loved the whole western area of the state! We'd travel everywhere in her fire-engine red 57 Chevy.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Blessings, why does Tamoxifen scare you? I couldn't take Anastrozole (generic Arimidex) so am on Tami. Should I be concerned?

    Anyone heard from or about Chabba and her DH?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh??? A 57' fire-engine red Chevy??? We spent so many years in our Black 57' Chevy! DH took out the automatic, and installed a standard shift transmission.... That's so he could race the day-lights out of it, and he did! We loved that car.... Finally sold it to his Nephew when he wasn't interested in working on it anymore, and didn't want to drive it.... Didn't want to "show" it, so his Nephew wanted it more than he did!

    Blessings and LittleGardens.... They now have a genetic test.... (which I didn't know about) and it would tell if you have a certain gene that will cause blood clots, while on Tamoxifen, (an Ototoxic drug), and depending on where they are, they CAN cause strokes.

    My PC just told me that other than causing my hearing loss, that those lumps/pain and swelling I had in my left leg, were also possibly blood clots, but to keep wearing the compression stockings. I only took Tamoxifen for 14 months........ My leg gives me no problems now, but I still wear the compression stockings, and walk around a lot.

    Most women don't have to worry.... but a few of us do..... And I guess we ALL want to try anything to never have cancer again.... but I'm just trying to live as healthy as I can, and be aware of any changes I have.....

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Blessings, I have both joint and muscle pain as well. I have arthritis in my shoulder that sendse through the roof now - it's pained me for a long time but since letrozole it's much worse.  Also my thighs at times just ACHE!  I've found that both massage and acupuncture help.  Have you tried them?

    I'm glad you have fond memories of western Washington. II've lived here for pretty much my entire life.  I don't like the wintets much usually - too gray and wet - but this winter has thus far been pretty good.

    Chevy, I would bet they were clots.  I (well, really my hubby) had to argue with my pcp to do an ultrasound. They found I had a dvt the entire length of my leg and multiple pe's in my lungs.  my pcp was embarassed as she was positive i had no clots...   I only wear compression when flying now, though.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Thanks GG.... I was frantic, for awhile, wondering what the problem was.... I mean my ankle would swell up like a balloon, and my left lower letg hurt, and was swollen, and kind of bruised! That's when I looked it all up, and bought the compression stockings.... I ASKED the Doc, and she thought, at the time, it was just Edema.... but it kept getting worse..... THIS year, she said it must have been clots.... but to keep wearing the stockings, and walk a lot, and elevate my legs when I am sitting, which is hardly ever...Ha! I like to curl up on the sofa, with my leg underneath me.... which, I know, isn't good, but it is just comfortable.

    I wear the stockings all night sometimes! Yes, SOMEtimes, we know our bodies better than our Primary Care Docs!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983

    Man you guys can chat! My PM doc was great and did not mess with my pain meds and I don't even care if they affect my liver (just kidding, I do but not while taking exemestane cause I need pain relief or I cannot work!) cause my bone on bone knee needs the pain meds and now that I take the AI, I could not work without them.

    I have never taken ambien in my life but the ativan (the smallest dose) knocks me out pretty well. The problem is I wake up after just a few hours and can't get back to sleep...and that is worse if you ask me. I just lay there looking at the clock and knowing that I have to get up and go to work in a few hours and that always makes it worse so now I try not to look at the dang clock.

    Ok, I am still at work (working until 7 as we all work one "evening" shift a month) and I have to tell you that since starting the exemestane, this shift is killer! I need to be home on the couch by this hour cause I am whipped! I HATE this f'ing drug but I know with >95% ER+, I don't really have much of a choice, especially since I am not behaving with diet at all these days. Been having a big old pity party with chocolate and all kinds of carbs which are a huge no-no for cancer but hey, I am going to change that with the New Year. I made a pact with myself.

    Take care, someone needs help with their resume!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    April u'r amazing I can barely move, no way could I work and still have a job, oh unless I still worked for the government, LOL

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Hey Girls! Where are all the Night Owls? It's only 3:43 am est.

    DH just went to bed. I guess I'll go read myself to sleep. I already have the heated mattress pad turned on.

    Catch you all later in the day.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Soteria! They are all just teasing you.... they sleep allnight.... like logs! None of them are up all night.... Cammi comes close though.

    I have an electric blanket, and it is soooooo nice to crawl into warm flannel sheets! I shut it off after I get in, but it's really easy to fall asleep fast!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    chevy, we sleep sometime. So happens I slept the last three days mostly all of the. Thyriod I think.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971

    Morning my friends....hope everyone has a good Tuesdsay!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Chick, it's only Tuesday. OH if u say so.

    Paula I was actually sleeping, but I ended up staying up til 2AM got up at 6, not my eyes are like slits in the pies that are baked.It just started to snow again, but I think it's just a little that we are going to get. so not bad, but we still have all of the snow from a couple of days ago. Oh it's winter what the hell.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    It's cold here too. sun, crisp maybe 68. MH appointment today(mental heath--counselor). otherwise tooo cold to go out. Awake YAY. So, sleepy all the time. Thyroidcould be the culprit. But per usual when in doubt find something to blame.

    \2nd--and all or who asked what hypertension is --means high blood pressure. Correct abbreviation HTN, sometimes abbreviated as HBP(wrong but works). The use of low dose aspirin has been debated for at least 20+ years. The dose changes frequently with the American Heart Association leading the way. It started out at 325mg, then went to 81, then 325mg , then 84 mg, then 160 mg then back to 81 mg. Physicians are known to perscribe anywhere in this range .The bottom line is it's not really known. That's why it keeps changing. With each new research project published a change is made. That's why some doc's just stay with one dose instead of flipping their patients each time a new study comes out. Hope that's clear.

    What does not change, is aspirin interferes with platelet aggregation. That means it interferes with clot formation. Which is a very good thing. The research on this is from a cardiac perspective, not a liver perspective. So, if liver health is a concern discuss it with your doc. It's a though one. It comes down to a choice of which system you want to protect more. The wide spread cardiovascular---heart and vessel( b/c of clot interference) protection is major-----is very major. Protect the liver by limiting alcohol intake.

    Hypertension prevention is major too. Long term consequences of HTN  are major. If I had a choice retrospectively knowing what the August 2005 Journal of Hypertension pointed out which of course I didn't b/c the connection hadn't been made between them before. I would not have used Tylenol (acetaminophen). and Nsaids---aleve, naproxyn, ibuprofen,advil, all others on a routine basis.

    What allot of people, and regretfully, allot of nurses don't realize is many of the pain relievers combine a narcotic with Tylenol or a NSAID. The reason for the combination is the two drugs work to hit different receptor sites. This works very well. Since for me knowing how the Tylenol and Nsaids affect my BP, I take only a narcotic. I don't get as good of pain relief, but it's my choice. I have a family hx that these drugs for us are dangerous. OOPs have to go fix something LOL for DBF

  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    Thank you Sas for your wealth of knowledge on medications. Very interesting to know about NSAIDS. We often think if something is sold on the shelfs without prescription than it must be safe. But to know OTC (over the counter) medications can cause hypertension (high blood pressure) is important to know. I took Tylenol PM for years since my doctor said I could take it nightly forever without a problem. Then in 2010 I was diagnosed with hypertension ....makes me wonder now.

    Did not get Prolia shot yet. Since I had to cancel last appointment because of the kidney stone surgery, the medication was shipped out to another doctor office for another patient. They re-ordered my Prolia and will call me when it comes in. are so funny to say we are all sleeping like logs..haha. I do the electric blanket trick too, and turn it off when I go to bed. I fall asleep for awhile, but wake up a lot thru out the night.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Someone asked what Cheesed meant. it was a reference To another thread I'm active on. Here's the link. From here Spookie and I are on it. The other day I got confused when sending out invitations. There's Spookie, Rohanna, Lovewins, and Rocky on this thread and I didn't want to miss any of them. I tought I'd be safe by sending one to all. You know, pain ,drugs, and exhaustion don't blend well with organization and thinking LOL. Just think of any of us saying this preBC

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    BD since I have such a negative response to meds. I'm afraid to take anything anymore. But will have to do something about osteopenia. AI's accelerated it.  On the HTN I will see if I stored the article. It was one of those OH CHIT articles all the way through. I was pissed. Remember everything we put in our mouths has a consequence. UGH...........

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893


    I was looking for the journal article on google re: Tylenol, NSAIDS, an Hypertension.. This is a different article. It was a synopsis of the original article Written for the lay public. It's written very well. It states what I stated about NSAIDS and tylenol.  EXCEPT that aspirin was found to NOT be a problem in older ladies, but can be a problem in younger ladies. Please, save this article for future reference. You may be able to help someone else.

    Another article written so lay people can read it. Information taken from the original journal article.

    Original abstract that above articles were taken from. An abstract just hits the highlights of a research paper. The full article is the source for the above articles.

    I like to read the original articles only to see if they are done according to good science. BUT they can be difficult to read b/c they get real crazy with techno speak. After reading the techno speck original article then I look for the best "human" translation. The above two sited articles are the best translations from the original journal article YAY>