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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    mostlymom, I love that owl!  I had one visit me a couple years ago. He/she hung out in my yard for several weeks.  Aren't those eyes mesmorizing???


  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    sas, it is always good to get that carp out.  In the middle of the night is when it always seems to come to the surface.  I'm glad you were able to vocalize some of it.  I hope you feel better for it!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Gramma----somehow that owl is almost cat like. Beautiful. But the stare is so like a cat. BTW --HNY

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Back at you sas, hope the new year brings you all that you desire.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Gramma, oh yes, lifted a weight. much better. thank you.

    Yoo- hoooooooooo Chrissy, Aussie Sheila--- you haven't been here-------where are you? Aly's been here. Are you gals still celebrating.

    It's 4:47 am. So much for anything tomorrow. But a great thing -----------DBF Hates football. OMG I used to be subjected to hours and hours of football and being ignored by his family. From 1972 till we moved in 1992, I spent the day among people who worked there best to ignore my being. Yet, I made sure DH was there for the day, and every day of consequence.  Who knows what the story or reasoning was? It did get better when youngest brothers wife did take him away from all family gatherings as fast as she could. Odd.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Krips Gramma I wrote the abbreviation  HNY-----SPLAT big time, I looked at it and said WTH is that? Sheesh............maybe I should try sleep----------------Have a very Happy New Year ___HYN

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    image Our native Owl -Ruru I love owls.

    Should be sleeping -its now almost 2nd Jan here but I am trying to relax because I have had so much pain. I am sure it's sciatica but really getting at me and I can barely walk. I hate complaining but i have so many medical problems that they all get muddled together but pain from RA and fibro just about do me in some days. 

    DH is snoring and old cat is cross because I have the notebook  LOL

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    LOL, sas, it took me a few minutes to figure out what that meant, but I did finally get it!! :))

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OMG it's Happy New Year time, Joey and I kissed t midnite and cuddled and slept--I woke up and thought I slept all nite, but only a couple of hrs. I've been reading this fast paced thread, Sas I remember when it was 2 things a night on it. And like U I'd be talking to myself.

    Paula I'm glad u taped the midnite special for u'r DH. Now u can relive it whenever u want to.

    I see a big subject was weed, pot willie's whatever--Chev was it u who said u don't know anyone who has done it? Someone did.--Well I know more who do it than don't and I've tried it but for some reason I don't do it right--how could u do it wrong???I've never tried the roll up one, but just a bong thing, I think the roll up one would be better, or pipe maybe. Well the ones I know who do it a couple have had cancer, one lymphoma now, some bad bone thing--they said it helps them???? Personally I think it should be legal all over--it would take some crime off the street, the broke government would make the money, it's no worse than drinking, in fact there is no hangover or alcohol poisoning, and only over 21 should be able to buy it.

    Oh My job, I thought u all knew===I just answer phones for a small Co. and send them emails, and file in the computer all the info. some days I'm actually busy others not so much, But the hrs are crazy anytime anyone calls it's at their convenience. so I'm home most of the time. Yes someone has trusted me with their entire business, how foolish people can be. This came to me, I didn't go looking. They were thinking of the years that I had a full functioning brain, they really don't know how much I've changed, but they are learning---so I don't know how long this will last. So far it's aout 2 months, but time is clicking down. LOL

    Let's all hope this year is going to be wonderful for all of us.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Wow I was bumping into everyone. I'm such a clod.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Oh Alyson, I can so understand your sciatica pain. Last year (2013) I had such severe pain in Jan I could barely walk.  Have lots of problems with my back.  Had the steroid shots in my back, first round didn't work, but the second did and is still helping the pain a lot!!  I have osteo arthritis in both thumbs and in my back, so I know that pain too.  I hope 2014 brings you some relief from pain!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    cami, I tried pot once way back in the 60's when I was in college. I had such an allergic reaction to it, I won't go anywhere near it again.  The funniest thing is when I tried it, I realized I recognized the smell.  Apparently my older brother and possibly parents had been smoking it for quite some time when I was small!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Aly, don't know if this will help, but the last few total body flares(3) have been brought to bay by a combo  of oxy 5mg, valium 10 mg, melatonin 5 mg.  It was just a try, I was surprised the first time . Then tried it again x'2 . But now up all night b/c of tooooooooo much chocolate and coffee yesterday late...............hmm where is that chocolate.................HNY

    Aly, A flare in the past took much more medication, but I never tried this combo. Even as high as fentanyl patches which was the go to drug for me for a flare. This three together was a fluke try. You know how it is with RA, Fibro, Ai, and I think Post polio(?). Trying something different just b/c we can and we hope a new "something" change works.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Never actually tried it but know the smell well. I was at university in the late 60s early 70s and many people did imbibe. I am sure I inhaled enough of it to have some benefit hehehe. People think I did smoke it because I have identified it several times; while teaching once walked into the main corridor and commented about the whacky backy and some of the senior staff where delighted I identified it. One day here we had friends for dinner and as they were leaving my friend - a church minister asked what plant was giving off the lovely smell - she took awhile to understand when i said it was a herbal sustance coming from the house behind us - a student party. I am sure it would save funds if it was made legal- you can have a small amount for personal use here.

    Some days when the pain from RA and fibro etc gets really bad I do wonder if it would work.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Thanks Sas - have to talk to GP.just so tired of the pain.

    Sure a lot of the pain and dragging of my leg is post polio as well as the sciatica. I feel like saying some really rude words about things at present.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    GG, store this in your memory: let us know if you make it down PCH to SoCal, we'll have a get-together to meet you

    Fireworks are definitely illegal here, everything is so dry it won't take much for the area to go up in flames. We've had bad fires in this area (was on a cruise thru Panama Canal in 1999 and one of the big stories was a huge fire in the hills close to my house, parents were babysitting my kids and didn't want us to know the fire engines were racing up our street) but we also have lots of stupid people who just don't get it. At least they're really cracking down on people who shoot guns straight up into the air at midnight.

    Sassy, do you ever sleep?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Gramma I think that's funny realizing it's been going on in u'r own house.

    Aly and Sas I'm sorry this awful pain is attacking u, unfortunately it's all u can do is what u are doing. It would be wonderful to feel better. (((HUGS))) 

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Happy New year!!!! wishing you all health, love, and prosperity ;)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Aly, give it a try, what are they going to do , send us all 50-70 somethings to jail.  Have to admit here in this locale the local small town newspaper publishes county arrests, many are related to pot use. So, it is a bit scary. Just by us writing about it we are all being monitored. I'm guessing we are put into a category or classification that only the government understands.

    Don't know about the south lands, but here since 9/11, the monitoring systems on all forms of communication. ALL. If you use certain words, the system will pick it up and monitor activity looking for subversive activity.  We were free at one time. Now George Orwell's predictions in 1936 as written in his book "1984" have all come true. The citizens accept them as normal and even support them. So much for freedom. Oh well. Edmund Burke, Voltaire, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams......... it would be a wonder to see what they would write today.

    But back to pain relief, if you tried it and it helped, lordy , Aly, your combo of origins of pain are as you know only to well are very difficult to control. Try taking a pinch about the size of your small nail and eat it versus smoking. That's my approach.

    The problem in a state that it's not legal is you can't talk about it with your doc b/c you don't want it in your medical record that you use an illegal drug. AND there is no documentation of how it interacts with other drugs. So, it's not good from any prospective. But uncontrolled pain, what are you to do.  We are in a very bad state with the law right now. The irony is the public will soon force the issue and it will become legal. In the meantime people will suffer.

    DeTocqueville from France in 1851 wrote in is book "On America", that one of the unique things about Americans was,  that if they didn't agree with a law they simply didn't follow it. Not much has changed. He used to work for Napoleon. Fairly ironic observation on his part considering who his old boss was.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Natalie Wood Sass!  I'm 2 pages back, but I'll catch up.... just watch! 

    Okay miss Smartypants!  Try Chicken-sitten' in my coop-crocs!  I have my old special crocs for going in their coop...  I don't even have to explain why....Winking

    It's funny, because when the "girls" see us coming, they start their chirping & clicking noises...  Then when they are eating, they are quit, and just hang around my legs.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Maddy, , sleep hmmm not normal, but I have finally some time ago, come to terms with it, I sleep when I sleep, and when I don't by what is considered normal , I just accept that it will eventually come.  Then I'll have a whole period that I just sleep and sleep and sleep. It's entirely unhealthy, but .............In the period that you are in now, I was so desperate for sleep, as you are now. The best advice I got in that time came from ChrissyB about melatonin. Melatonin and Ativan then was my panacea. My dose was high, but I had to be knocked out to let go of wakefulness. Haven't used that phrase before. Likely should explore it with counselor. But even as I write, the absolute insanity of 2009 till now, what can I say, I kept trying to work towards normal. Just as I could see normal insight, something would happen. Oh well. I'll pull a Scarlett O'Hara on that one for the forseeable future.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Aly, you might be a candidate for fentanyl. It was a great pain controller in the worst of time when I used the AI's.  I'll send you a link by Pm . I did a lot of explanation on it's use that is not orthodox. I won't bump it b/c of several reasons. The combination of several origins of pain is unique to our situation. We are way outside of the usual awful pain.

    okay Loveys, going to try sleep..........have a wonderful day :) L&H&P's sheila

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Aly my personal use of Fentynol was it did alleviate the pain, but I was even more  useless than I am now,  so it might be exactly what u need to help u. Sas knows all about pain meds and she's probably right  when she says  u'd be a candidate for it. It's a very protected drug here with all kinds of rules how u get it. They guard it fiercely.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Chevy u'r up, I can't even keep my eyes open now been up a couple of hrs.washed a load of clothes and they are almost dry now.  I've been on a goofy tired kick lately, so when I woke up I thought it was morning---the snow makes it so much lighter out, now I'm really tired again..

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Sas- that would be Natalie Wood!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Yes Littlegoats!  Blackeyed peas are supposed to bring good luck for the New Year.. Oh dang, you already got Natalie Wood... Ha!   I wanted to pretend I remembered something important.... shut up Cammie....

    Maddy, what quote that Littlegoats gave you?  I love quotes...  That's funny, you smokin' with me and Willie and Paula....  I would probably try it, but I'm afraid it would do something to my brain!  And I'm leery of my brain anyway....image  Cammi!  go back to sleep.

    Happy New Year CindyCrog... 

    And HAPPY NEW YEAR 44444444HE'Sajollygoodfellow!    How are your new ones?  Do you have nips yet?   Oh, I see you answered that.  Do you NEED them?  Go buy some somewhere...  if you want them...  Or just stick jelly-beans in your bra whilst out shopping.

    You guys, Teka, and Holeinone, are still talking about New Years almost here....  Ha! 

    GrammaB has to wait until midnight to drink champagne?   I would not let the hour interfere!  Drink heartily gals!

    Morning Paula!  I woke up just before midnight, and heard fireworks!  I actually HEARD them, and then looked out my window, and what did I see?  The most beautiful fireworks up in yon sky!  I was happy!  They really WERE beautiful.... all 4 of them! 

    And good morning Blessings!  Hope you slept well!    You too MostlyMom! 

    Sass, what are you doing?  You have walls all over the place!  And you are falling all over them.  And jelly sandwiches.... WTH?  It's okay though, because I understand everything you said...  image

    It's scary, because you could analyze me...  you can probably read my mind...Ha!  and Cammi, if you say a WORD, I will know it! 

    You can talk yourself into forgiving... sometimes...  If you can focus on the "better" things they did...  watch them when they are not looking,  and say to yourself, "how would I be without him?"   Then you will feel like letting them come back into your heart... 

    If you never get that feeling, then they weren't supposed to be near you. 

    Happy New Year Littlegardens!  Yes, fireworks are illegal HERE too, along with a few other things.... oh wait...  Nope, weed is now legal here...  Ha!   Not that it made any difference beFORE! 

    Sass, I was going to ask.... about the HYN.... but figured you were speaking in code or something..

    Alyson... hope you can feel better today...  Do you have herniated discs?   Is that the problem?  I went through that and Sciatica about 20 years ago, and that pain is un-believable.   I put up with it for almost 2 years...  then a double Laminectomy, and I was okay after that...

    You know, maybe you SHOULD try it... I mean weed...  I've been told it really DOES help the pain somehow...   I mean it couldn't hurt....   The surgeon,  a (Neuro-surgeon) is the one that knew right away, by seeing me walk, and dragging my leg, what the problem was...   The surgery was a relief!  That pain was GONE!  And it was constant... 

    Oh?  So now the CAMMI is giving us lessons on proper weed-smoking etiquette?????     And yes, it SHOULD be legal.... oh wait... it IS!    So we all need to go out and buy a bong?   Or eat brownies, or what now? 

    I think my Brother "did it"....  Ha!  But I KNOW DH did.... He told me so, before we got married.  And yes, I said I KNOW my 2 DD's did it...  and  they are still "normal.."  Ha!   Just not in front of me...  I've just never been around anyone "doing it... "...... 

    Oh wait...  I DID it, but not smoke weed... is that what you mean? 

    Man, I don't NEED to smoke weed, if this conversation is any indication, right?  

    ClodhopperCAMMI!  yes... you did.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Cammi!  don't go!  Can you stay a minute?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Sassy, I just tried to find out if they caught the people that stole my identity or credit-card number...  There is no way to do that...

    I also found this... they can steal your information from your cards, with a ...... Smart Phone.....

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    good morning everyone and Happy New Year or HNY per SAS LOL. 

    Love the WTF owl.  What a hoot! (pun intended)

    Back late Mon from FL.  Sheila great to meet you & here's another ((hug)).  Spent a few hrs yesterday catching up on this prolific thread.  Yes I read it all, had to, SAS isn't the only OCD'er here LOL.  In fact, today I will read through all the newspapers that DH stacked up for me, and I will read them in date and section order.

    RE: marijuana, it's a beneficial medicinal plant that should be legal.  I offer no personal proof as it's still illegal here but would if I could.  For the religious, including the many conservatives in positions of political authority, I offer the word of G-d.  In Genesis (ch 1 v 9), S/HE created seed-bearing plants and it was good.  In Genesis (ch 1 v 29), S/HE created people and gave us "every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth."  If that's not a description of pot IDK what is. 

    L&H&P's to all.  ♥