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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983

    Catch up around here? Fuggedaboudit! It is worse than STFU is! Ok, Happy New Year owlettes! We are going out for a steak dinner this afternoon cause we stayed home last night. I eat so little beef these days that I am looking forward to it!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    April it was "only" 25 pages.  I was expecting 100!  Loopy

    DH and I are both off work today.  Maybe we'll catch a movie matinee. "Frozen" is appropriate to the day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576

    Well I am four pages behind....sound familiar.  That is what I get for blinking my eyes.  I hope you all had a wonderful, wonderful New Years' Eve and are looking forward to all the promise of beginning anew.  Every year, we get a chance to do over, make amends, or whatever else may not have been all we wanted it to be.  Cheers and warmth to all.  Happy 2014 one and all.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Again I rest a little and I'm way behind, I was reading to fast and Chevy I thought I read u had a lobotomy so then I thought well, she's not that bad, so I reread u'r post--I guess u didn't have one. Or u didn't admit it anyway. Well it's ok I STILL LOVE YOU. I HOPE U CAN READ THIS ALL RIGHT.

    It's still snowing here, we actually didn't get to much but it's on and off and feels damp cold.

    Oh my kids just came home, after a night of debauchery and drinking. That made me laugh.

    Well I hope everyone has a wonderful day. AND U TOO CHEVY.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Chevy - I think the quote was posted by Smaarty but I can't find it but just getting used to this thread.

    Went to bed between 11:30 and 12 am. Fireworks are legal out here one of the benies of living rural. It's been nicely wet so no trouble with fires, though fire engine drove out this way about 1:30 am. We have paid firemen weekdays and volunteer nights/weekends/holidays. When the economy went bust too many vol. had to get jobs out of town or could not get off from local jobs so they hired day staff. It was just too cold for me to stand and watch anything outside so it was just pop/pop around. Some guy behind us had last week what sounded like a cannon. Scared the c**p out of DD and me since we're still having small earthquakes and sure sounded like the one I felt sev. weeks ago. I didn't hear it yesterday. Shooting is legal too but supposed to be on 10 or more acres. They hunt down our creek; deer season ends this weekend.

    I think we have a feral hog starting to dig up outside the goat yard. Deep hole, too deep for armadillo or raccoon. Neighbor across creek has pack of dogs housed that hunt hogs. Surprised he came in that close esp. since forage not bad. We have come out of drought just a bit around metroplex.

    DH has me helping with yard chores later OH JOY. But it is going to be warmer day but windy - blowing in change for tomorrow. Sassy DH is NOT a football fan. I will turn it on more than he does. Will watch I'm sure Baylor later (DB/SIL may have gone to AZ to the game) and some of Univ. of North Texas - both DD and I alum. of there.

    I had my one glass of wine and didn't even finish it. Maybe try to make some (HA some that would be 2) margaritas later. I bought some fancy/schmacy orange liquer (Gran-Gran) that a friend put in hers - OOO so good.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    badger, I'm a Bible believing Christian conservative. There, I said it! Did everybody leave the room?

    I absolutely believe marijuana should be legalized, even though I don't smoke it anymore. In 1988 I was in my second trimester of pregnancy for my youngest son. I had given up all meds, aspirin, etc. I didn't drink or do anything that might jeopardize that precious child. Then I dislocated my knee. Doctors couldn't X-ray me or give me any meds because of the pregnancy. I'm heavy, so it was nearly impossible to walk with cructches. I was 37, but hobbled around like I was 90. One evening DH, who wasn't yet DH at the time, suggested I smoke a bit of his weed. He insisted one time wouldn't hurt the baby. I took a few tokes. (Maybe 3) ten minutes later I was amazed that for the first time in a week I was completely pain free! 

    The next day I went back to the ER. They decided to put a brace on my knee. While I was sitting in a wheelchair, a PCA sat on one of those rolling stools to put the brace on. When she lifted my knee up it popped really loud and I yelled. She was very apologetic. What we soon realized was, she had put my knee back in place. Ironic that she accidentally did what the doctors should have known to do.

    I have a nephew who has horrible anxiety. He uses marijuana. It makes him much more mellow. I can easily tell when he doesn't have it. I would definitely vote to have it legalized.

    Imagine what it could do for our economy if it was legalized.


  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    Omg ....I am so far behind. I am trying to catch up. Reading posts about Cami's phone, Chevy's state  getting marijuana legalized. I'm so sorry Sas and Aly have so much pain. Maddy, I hope you finally got some sleep. I spent New Years Eve in urgent care. Have upper respitory infection. Got 3 medications and spending the morning watching the new years parade on tv. I hope all of you Owlettes have a wonderful, happy, healthy New Year. 

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Paw feel better....

    just sitting here watching hallmark alone with the cat so guess I am not

    all the talking about pot, when I get nausous again guess i will try it again, it really works...

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    chevyboy-can you get a pic of you with chicken-sitting, chicken-sitting, chicken-sitting, before the owners get back? I'm sure we all would love to see them! (That's hard to type too!)

    Golly, 3 new pages overnight. Feeling less tight this morning. SAS-do foobs sag with time like real boobs or will they always stay upright and perky?

    (Haven't finished reading all the pages yet)

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    morning (at least here it still is) Chevy! Am confused, maybe it's from only 4 hours of sleep. Don't know of a quote from Littlegoats, but Smaarty had a great quote on p. 208, around the middle of the page. Not sure what device you have (don't read anything into that!), quickly scan for a box with a black background. Not aware of anything else.

    GrammaB, changed my avatar to show my fraidy cat hiding. Funny thing, she has never gone near that cat post so it was odd seeing her there, like she owned the place. Needed a photo because the family wouldn't have believed me if I just told them as that's not her personality. 

    Pawprints, how are you doing? Haven't heard from you in a while, hope you're ok and not waiting for your mail carrier to give them a piece of your mind!

    *edited: Pawprint, you snuck in while I wasn't paying close attention. Sorry you spent NYE in urgent care, that's the pits! Had to spend New Year's Day (as well as Thanksgiving Eve) in ER with DD a couple years ago, that sucks.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Legal here as of today! There was an hilarious discussion on the news about where the pot plants would come from. Surely they knew. Medical use has been legal here for some time.

    Aly, great sympathy coming your way. I had sciatica at the end of my pregnancy and it was SO painful.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    Luvmygoats-you have earthquakes in Texas?  Really? Even though I have lived in CA my whole life, even 2 years in the SF area, have never felt an earthquake.

  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    Smaarty...great idea about Chevy posting a pic. Blondiex46, sounds very relaxing watching Hallmark channel with your cat. Wren44, so it's legal there too? You are right, they have always known where the plants would come from. Apparently it's going to be a big growing business :) I am here Maddy, just taking my medications, sitting on the sofa under my heated throw watching the rose parade. We had people in my area shooting guns up into the air. Maybe they don't understand what goes up must come down , geez!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    My first earthquake here was pretty mild. I was using my old and cranky computer when I started moving. My first thought was that it was possessed. I retreated to the doorway to watch it, thereby doing the correct thing. The second one I watched the living room wall with the huge window go up and down like waves. I thought, a wall can't do that; then, but it is. Third one I was at work and crawled under my desk hoping the building was sturdier than it looked.

    Luv, are they fracking near you?

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    love the new owl...he is keeping watch over us...:)

    Paw print , sorry you got sick, just getting over my stinkin throat infection

    Soteria, happy that you have such an open mind...

    Luvmygoats, enjoy those gritas, I might have one myself later on....

    Happy New Years Day....lots to chit chat about but I'm heading to the bowling alley...


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    yay, P-print out of hiding! Rose Parade? Second showing? Maybe if we're up to it next year, work on decorating the floats?

    Smaarty, you been in Cali your whole life and never felt an earthquake? Oh my, you must be 20! Let's see, the big Northridge earthquake around '72, was in the bathroom. There was one in the '80's, epicenter near Downey, right near where I worked, no a single window in the modular bldg I was in, earthquake caused immediate blackout, zero light as as in pitch black darkness, I ran into a partition until the emergency lights came on a couple minutes later. Seems like we get a lot in summer, at night, sleeping. But the best was the '94 Northridge earthquake, I was very pregnant with DD, she was actually due that day, was sleeping at the time. When the house started shaking (creaking and windows rattling) was up, out of bed and across the room before my feet hit the ground, with a belly like I was carrying an elephant. Was scared when I went to the hospital we would have an aftershock but we didn't thankfully.

    Edited: actually it was the Whittier quake, epicenter still only a couple miles from where I was

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    2nd time, I lived in Covina, CA when the 72 quake hit, it was a big one...or was it 1971?


  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    I hate those scary earthquakes :(

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    GG, you're right! Just googled, it was 1971, Sylmar. This girl from OC got confused! 

    Yeah, earthquakes, scary! My feet have me running before the rational me kicks in. Kind of like being hypnotized, you do what your first instinct is even though the rational mind says otherwise 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Pawprint I'm glad u'r home now, u must feel awful tho. U know to rest and drink and take u'r meds on time.

    I can't keep up----I even had work calls today, people needing someone to go to their house today and nothing was urgent. Are they nuts? Isn't it like double or triple $$$ on a Holiday?

    It's snowing and still cold, I thought for sure by the afternoon it would be 50 or 60. Yea right

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Yeah cami, but I was little and lived in a very volatile environment.  I spent most of my time ducking and hiding in my bedroom, so I just didn't notice.  I suspect it went on long after I went to bed.

    Now Chevy, I just switched from wine to champagne at midnight!!  Not shy on having a drink here at all.

    Sorry you are not feeling well Pawprint.  Hope you kick it quickly.

    2nd_Time, love the avatar!

    Smaarty, I can't believe you lived in CA that long and never felt an earthquake either! I lived in CA for over 52 years. Lived through many, many earthquakes. I was in Costco when the Loma Prieta one hit, think it was '89.  I lived in the SF Bay Area.  I thought I was nauseous at first then I realized the ground was rolling under my feet and those signs that hang from chains were violently swinging back and forth.  I looked up at all the items stacked high to the ceiling and abandoned my and got the he11 out of there!  My DH was in a liquor store and all the bottles came crashing down around him, he was fine.

    10 yrs ago I moved to MT and after about 3 years we had a fairly good sized earthquake.  I was in shock!  I looked it up and turns out MT is the 4th highest state for earthquake activity.  And here I thought I was getting away from them.

    As far as I know, only medicinal mj is legal here in MT.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    These are the girls...  But this was taken last Spring... 


    And this is their Coop... Their nesting area is on their "2nd floor"... and they have a warming lamp... Part of it is now covered with Tarp, to protect from the snow and wind....


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    LittleGoats, is this what you mean...

    "You can talk yourself into forgiving... sometimes...  If you can focus on the "better" things they did...  watch them when they are not looking,  and say to yourself, "how would I be without him?"   Then you will feel like letting them come back into your heart..."

    Did I read that somewhere?  I was just thinking about me, and DH....  Sometimes I can look at him across the table, and the way his hair sticks up, or the way he holds his fork, and my heart just melts...  I can get so mad, at him when he just drinks too much, but in the morning, it is like it is "gone"....  And I can just start all over with a new day.  That's what I meant about them coming back into your heart...    I watched my Mom do this all her life...  but it's true...

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737


    good morning , well it will be when i get coffee.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618


    neat, now where are you with the girls. My niece has chickens.

    I'm 63, the closest I felt anything was I was in the car and thought I had got a small rear-Enders during the '89? Quake in SF.

    Would you guys like to see a quilting project I finished in 2 weeks before my TE surgery? I'm going to a sewing retreat in mid January and plan on making at least 2 more with roses and daisies for my SIL and DS who have helped me a lot this year with the surgeries. Hope you like. Sorry some of you are not feeling well. Hope it gets better fast.

    That was suppose to be at the bottom.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Alyson, cool picture!

    Gramma, I remember Loma Prieta, my DB living in San Jose then. That one was very scary, glad you didn't encounter major problems. 

    Chevy, those the chicken-sitting chickens? Nice home! High raise, penthouse. They looked well cared for. About your last post, to Littlegoats, wish I felt that way. DH out cold early evening, it was me and the cats (DD was supposed to go out with BF, I have the horrible impression they may have broken up last night), I tried to start the new year off right, by making favorite bean/cheese dip, fresh pico de gallo (but how could I forget the cilantro?), even chocolate PB muffins (from a mix) and cleaning the kitchen, then too awake to sleep. So with 4 hours sleep, plop myself on the sofa, then the recliner to watch Rose Parade....  Don't know what I did to deserve being screamed at several times, already... Going to shower and find someplace to go... BBL..... Hoping I don't have a novel when I return

    Smaarty, ah so pretty! You are talented!

  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    Chevy, love the pictures. They look very content. Aly, cute owl pc., I look kinda like that before my coffee too. Smaarty, really nice craftwork, nice choice of colors too. Maddy, you don't deserve being yelled at...geez, you do everything for your family, and they never show gratitude. 

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    Maddy, yell back if that makes you feel better. Go to the movies-lots of good ones out right now.

    I really need to put this away and get something done today. Almost one and haven't done a thing! Good thing I got to go pee or I'd never get off the couch.

    Thanks guys, this was outside my box, an art quilt.

    And I need to go take a pic of the boobs to send to whippetmom.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Wren - fracking throughout the whole eastern state. None "near" here but prob. within 2-3 miles. They think maybe its the wastewater injection wells and not so much the actual fracking process that's causing them. We've had oh I don't know maybe 25 in Nov-Dec. but (fingers crossed) they seem to have stopped. But I do see Oklahoma is getting more now. DH grew up in CA so he laughs at them. Biggest I think was 3.3 sharp not rolling. The one we felt DH said sonic boom, I said earthquake. We are a bit to the west of where most of them have occurred. Very shallow. Having a town meeting "discussion" with the RR commission next week (I know RR sounds weird but in TX they control drilling).

    Weather is hinting at big changes next week. It is almost spring like out there, teasing us. Too dry to make rain, but windy OOO. It it weren't so dry I would be worried about severe storms. Setting up for big cold front tonight.

    DH and I did some yard work, pulling out wild grapevines and briar. We have a split rail at the back that is crumbling. Bought repair material at Lowe's yest. but tuckered ourselves out.

    Pawprint - hope your meds are kicking in. A heated throw sounds yummy. I have a collection of mens flannel shirts that I cuddle up in. I look oh so attractive but hey I'm warm.

    Maddy - I agree with Pawprint. Hope time away helps some. Hugs.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Smaarty, Lots of quilters on 'Stitching the pieces together' thread. Fun to share photos and learn from each other.