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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    I'll check when I get back. Doing a quick check here before I go down to the hospital to watch my niece have her 4th boy.  Haven't seen a baby born in 8 years!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Oh pages and pages, hands broke out. At least know culprit this time. Hair mousse.

    Smarty, drop and fluff, I'm not the best to ask b/c they were lot bigger than suppose to be, between 300-350 cc MORE THAN EXPECTED. , lots of unknown stuff. Wish they had stayed put.


    MANY PAIN MEDS HAVE THE ABOVE IN THEM.     PERCOCET, TYLOX, VICODEN, LORCET, lots more , but those are the most common.

    Gotta grease up BB L&H&P's s

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Mostlymom, that bird is so darn cute! In the winter I always put the bird seed under the fir trees to protect it from the snow. They are so cute to watch flying in and out! It really entertains my indoor furbaby too!

    Chevy, boy were those photos a walk down memory lane!

    Enerva, hope you are feeling better.

    Cami, I think I know the movie you are talking about, can't remember the name either. Wasn't David Tennant in it? I'm not having any luck with IMDb or google to find it though.

    I'm so boring, my ring tone is a phone ringing.....

    Blessings, totally agree, earthquakes are frightening!  And the death and destruction left behind just awful!  Glad your Dad was safe.

    Smaarty, we as women give birth all the time and each is a miracle to be sure.  I had 2 children.  But there was something absolutely awesome and magical about watching my first grand child being born!  I walked out of the hospital awestruck!  Hope all goes well with your niece.


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Smaarty. Wow that is a statement, have not seen a baby born in 8 years...I have never seen a baby born...I did push 2 out, but never watched someone else, videos, but that doesn't count. That would be amazing, I think...emotional & exhausting...I hate to see anybody in pain...have fun ! 

    Cami, the movie with Maggie Smith is Saving Grace.

    Going back to watch the above videos.....Golf Girl

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Holeinone, Yes!! That is the one I was thinking of too!  It was Craig Ferguson not David Tennant (both actors I adore).  Thanks, it was beginning to drive me crazy not being able to find it.  Very funny movie!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Holy crapamole!  I am 18 pages behind!  (thud) M<>X - that is the sound of me smacking my head on the keyboard.

    Anyway, hello all of you Lady-olas.  Just so you  know, I have NFI what is going on here.  However, that is not unusual for me.  Chevy and Cami usually help me out, and Sassyfras also.  And really, Teka, PLEASE stop deleting your posts before I can read them.  Loopy Things are bad enough already in my brain.

    I found out today that my prescription benefit is hosed up for another few days.  I stayed amazingly calm.  I didn't even need to get out my paintball gun.  That Lexapro is good stuff!   I hope they don't cut me off.   I felt so good that I made some Beer Bread.


     It will probably be dinner tonight...with butter, lots of butter.


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Phyllis - I be right over. I can smell it from here. I think bread is my middle name.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Phyllis,   That looks good enough to eat, I am on a food frenzy, 5 weeks post chemo, & all the sudden food sounds good, looks good, taste even better....I cannot stop eating, I lost 20 lbs during chemo so I am not sweating it or really care....

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Girls the movie "Saving Grace" starred Brenda Blethyn, not Maggie Smith. Great movie.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi Everyone

    Oh I see Phyllobeer made her specialty--looks great...I love bread and butter anytime, anywhere all the time, I forgot about beer bread I used to make it a lot around the Holidays the only ingredient I remember is beer, I know there is much more. Just wondering ahem......

    Oh my phone, I missed about 5 phone calls, I'm screwed I can't even keep a job from home where no one sees me looking like a slob. I forgot there is some numbness in my upper legs cuz of my back, so I never felt the vibration--yes good vibrations--I loose track here anyway my SIL retrieved the messages and I called back reaching a couple of people but not all and a couple said they got someone else--all furnace related, they weren't going to wait. I told them I didn't blame them and wished them a Happy New Year----I was going to give them the evil eye but I figured it really was my fault--no it was cuz of cancer--see how this thing just never lets me forget LOL OOh well it was OK while it lasted

    I find myself very ware of my app't tomorrow, I see Drs. all the time, but I did take most of Dec. off, now I don't want to bother and I put off all my appt's--chit--I hate going, just so tired of them. Oh well something we have to do cuz of cancer--see what I mean. LOL I know moan, moan, moan--I'm good at complaining and I'm proud of it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    I just read---Yes Saving Grace, oo I thought it was Maggie Smith oh well it was so funny, her and her MAN doing all they did to make money, It made me want to do that too. Looked easy enough. And another one of my favs was always Auntie Mame with Roslyn Russell, which was hysterical especially that is was based on a true story. Oh everyone should have an Auntie Mame in their life. it was fun to watch. I kind of did and she was amazing, did so much, lived different parts of the world married 3 times (which those days was u know) when she was young she sang in a niteclub and just loved life and I was like 10 and was enamored with her and she was so kind to me and she took me downtown Chgo for lunch--big deal then--no one did that. hhaha Oh well

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    I have my 6 mo appt with the onc equivalent on Jan 23. I'm just planning to complain about aches and pains. I have a mammo in Feb on Valentines Day. That one is a little more anxiety producing. I think I have a DEXA scan in the spring sometime. Anxious to see what A is doing to my bones.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Cammie you are so funny!!!  Do you still have the job?

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Wren - you sound on my timeline. MO arranged for mammo gosh knows why he jumped on it. BS always does it, but who cares so long as they all get the report. End of January, then BS 1st of Feb. I too need an Dexa this spring sometime, MO says b4 I see him again in June. I may just get my gyn. to order it; I'll see him sometime in the spring. My MO says I see too many docs. Let's see - him, BS, gyn, PCP, glaucoma doc. Doesn't seem like so many to me. Insurance hasn't complained, pays what I expect it to.

    I'll have to see if DH can get that movie online. He watches lots of stuff - watching old Dragnet episodes yesterday. I don't have Netflix or Hulu (?maybe). At least not anything else we have to pay for. Just good old DirecTV which is going up so they can provide more HD that I don't have. DH threatening to cancel it. I bundle with phone bill so may not be that bad.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Luvmygoats....might be a silly ?, but why do you ladies continue to see the breast surgeon? Mine said, he did his job, goodbye...


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Blondie I really don't know but I would fire me, I told him my phone isn't working and it would be cheaper (much) if he got me one of the phones on his stuff. IDK he doesn't listen to me at all. So he might not even notice.???

    U know Golfwoman LOL  u'r right, everyone still sees BS, I haven't seen him since my last operation, well unless they're talking recon or something else??? I told him he left me breastless and what else does he want, well he did take my GB after but I never saw him unless he wanted to give me certain tests. Well he did do my procto he said he wanted to cuz he already knew I was goofy  he thought he'd do it even tho he usually doesn't, Well I told him he just wanted to see my ass. And I immediately farted in his face and I said I always wanted to do that to someone and now I did. Cuz he knew I wanted to be awake too and most Drs. don't like that, that's why he really did it. Cuz no one wants to be awake and Drs. prefer u not to be actually, since he knew me it didn't seem like it would bother me. That was his story, but he let me be awake.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Phyllis, that bread looks so good! I'd make some too if I could eat wheat...low carb/high fat diet to control my diabetes.  I miss bread and butter so much!  But I do get to eat a lot of butter on other things.

    Cami, didn't you say you are working for DS or SIL?  Maybe I got that wrong....surely he wouldn't fire you.

    Wren to this point, my MO has said nothing about doing any scans or ultra sounds or anything.   Don't have a clue if he handles it or my PCP orders it.... I'm going to put that question on my list for when I see him in Feb.

    luvmygoats, I've been searching both Netflix and Amazon Prime Instant Video and neither have Saving Grace.  They both have the TV series Saving Grace which is actually on my list waiting to be watched.  I totally thought I had watched it on Netflix, will have to search online, after this discussion, I want to watch it again!

    GolfGirl, mine said the same after my 1 month check.  She did say if I needed her for anything to call.  I don't have dog ears so no, really don't need the surgeon.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    hi guys. I'm home and this is Kylem. Came in at 8'9, 19-1/2" at 3:11. His name may  still change. All the kids have a y as the second letter in their name.


    His mom is definitely sore. He came pretty fast once things kicked in. I like being there but it's hard to watch when they are in pain.  I've seen 7 other births, but not my own. Had my eyes closed. This will be the last baby in the family for awhile until my granddaughter has one in about 4 years. 

    I have never seen the BS since the bmx just the PS.  I don't know what the process is after I'm done with the PS. I know there's no more mammograms but that's it.  

    The beer bread looks good, is the recipe going to be posted?

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Such a miracle each time.  I miss those days.  Lost 4 then had 4.  Never tried to prevent more, just wasn't in the cards.  I better be around to see my grand kids!

    My BS is done with me too.  Since I had recon the PS did the follow up. Nothing left there for him to do!  Maybe a follow up at a year but other than that I can check himmoffnthe list of docs. Same with the RO.  Couple of check ups then they are done with you too. That's fine!  He was great but told him I never want his services again!

    Been reading just not writing.  Hard to catch up!  Keeping busy with the kids home. Laundry, dishes and need to grocery shop!  Cupboard is bare since they have been home for 2 weeks now!  Nobody has killed anyone yet, so I guess another successful break from school!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Smaarty, he's beautiful! Congrats!

    Trying to catch up. About BS: mine had me on 3-mo appts, then Jun and just saw in Dec,m.we'll be making another 6-mo appt for June, then decide about next one. She knows I'm still seeing PS and MO every couple months, they're a great team, they all worked together previously, so we'll just see. Haven't been released from anyone yet

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    grammaB – whereabouts did you live in the forest in the Sierra

    Pawprint – I have no emergency pack, either. I keep
    saying I’m going to make one.

    Mostlymom – love the Bluebird of “happiness”… reminds me
    of Grumpy Cat!

    Chevyboy – Your mom must have had some VERY vivid
    memories of Loma Prieta!

    Sassy – the Tylenol content is why Kaiser changed us all
    from Vicodin to Norco.

    Smaarty – I am a grandma of six, but never went through
    childbirth. I married a man with three sons. I was in the Delivery Room with
    two of my granddaughters. Awesome! Ten-plus pounds, both of them. Kylem is a

    Phgraham – Hey, I like Holy Crapamole even better than I
    like Holy Samoley. Thanks! Also – I’d never seen “NFI” before… gonna borrow
    that, too!

    Camillegal – if I’m at home I always forget to turn my
    cell phone on. Those are the days I get a gazillion texts and voicemails.
    Sheesh! Ya think folks would learn that about me already! Call me on my home phone!

    Holeinone – I haven’t seen my BS since my one-week post
    op visit and she yelled at me for still taking pain meds. At that point, I was
    finished with her! I also haven't seen my PS for over a year.

    Wren44 – hope all your appts turn out o.k.! 

    Teka – I love that icon with the hearts coming out of its
    head, but the eyes are a little crazy, and why on earth does it have a Miley
    Cyrus tongue?

    ~ ~ ~ 

    House is now undecorated and clean, but attic and Tuff
    Shed are crammed with tubs and boxes. Went to PT appt this afternoon and she
    let me go. The “stretching and strengthening” exercises are making me worse. So
    now it’s on to the next level… MRI of my spine? I do have acupuncture and
    myofascial release massage next week. Arghhh.

    SOOOO sorry for all you Owlettes getting nasty weather
    right now! 

    It was 70 again today… I had to wear a sweater to the clinic. (OW!
    Who threw that snowball at me?)

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Well, I think my ? About the breast surgeon was a little lame, lots of mx in the group, but mine was a quickie lumpie, no fuss, no muss...

    Cami, does your surgeon still keep you as a patient? That is one good man. He takes his ( what's it called, the oath thing?) seriously, doesn't he?   

    Smaarty, what a day you have had! The baby is beautiful, how exciting....4 boys ? 

    4sewwhat....are you feeling ok? Good to see ya here, busy one.

    Nicky...we miss hearing from you, hope all is well in the south of France...

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Not sure why I'm still seeing BS - every 6 months. Says we might go to a year. But by golly the best breast exam I've ever had. Are they all so thorough? Wish she was my MO and not the a** I have. I know I should change but I tolerate him every 6 months. Another female MO has moved to that office a friend sees. Stupid me thought she was too far away not realizing how few times I would see MO. When I started this journey I was still working hospice and had to limit docs not in immed. area. I had patients I could walk to from MO's office he's that close in. She would be who I would switch to if I needed more intensive tx  - which of course hope I continue to need only the a**.  It is a very large statewide practice so I wouldn't need to go far to find another one. The one I never saw again was my RO. I went one week after last rads and that was it. She was pretty nice/good too.

    Blessings - I don't understand that icon either. SillyHeart Maybe he's panting for your love??? It was 71 here yesterday but struggled to get to 41 today and that was a chilly 41.

    Smaarty - congrats on the sweet new great nephew.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    I see the BS once a year. I have my mammo, then go straight in to see him. I don't have to wait for results. He tells me immediately.

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245

    Holeinone, I had a lumpy also. My BS sees me twice a year for a couple of years, then yearly after that. I have a mammo right before I see her. In Aug they just mammo'd the lumpy side. Feb will do both. I have roughly the same schedule with the RO and MO for 5 years. The BS is in a practice that does only breast surgery and the hospital is a certified breast center. The follow-up schedule may be part of that certification.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Had 1 fu with RO, discharged me. BS is every 6 months. MO is every 3 months for now. Must find new one due to Humana dumping this oncology practice. It's all over FL and NC. Just dumped them!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    I see the MO unit every 6 mos until I'm off Arimidex. She doesn't really do anything except ask about side effects and do a brief breast exam. I've never had a scan and they're not planning any.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    thx to all for the info....I live in a small community, but we do have a new hospital, the center where they do the mammos, the radiologist just comes in 1 day a week to read them, or do follow surgeon was my favorite Dr., I guess I will have an appt. to get the port out sometime, maybe after rads....

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Smaarty, he is a beautiful boy!! 

    I was done with my BS after 1 month post, visits at 1 week, 2 weeks and then 4 weeks.  I only saw the RO once pre sx and that is all.  The MO I will see every 3 months for 3 years, then every 6 months for 2 more years.  I didn't need chemo, rads or hormone treatment.  As with everything bc related, each hospital seems to have its own protocol.

    Blessings, I lived in Arnold on Highway 4. 4400' elevation.  It is further up the hill than Angels Camp and Murphys.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    ladies, going to bed now. Long day and I was up early. I hope those of you on the east coast are doing ok with that storm. Wish we were getting some of that. If it doesn't start raining soon, we're going to be in big trouble.
